
DC: The Eighth-Member

A man gets a perk from Rob and is thrown into the DC UNIVERSE for entertainment read as he conquers his enemies protects his loved ones and shows the world what true strength is. Mc is very prideful I don't own any DC OR Dragonball characters or anything I only own my OC THE Cover art is also not mine Updates will be when I want then ( infrequent ) deal with it

Argent1971 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Cat > Dogs you're wrong if you disagree


"Love is vulnerability, but love is also strength." - Artimes

Third Pov

The sky was a delicate rogue; not a single cloud was in the sky. The calm rays of the sun bathed the rocky terrain as a lone figure stood in the barren land as a perpetual silence encompassed the world. This would not last long, however.

The sound of explosions rang out through the land as the ground began to crack and break as the molten heart of the world seeped through its skin as the planet itself began to break apart. The lone figure stood silent, looking into the sky, the destruction of his platform having no effect on him.

The sound of thunder rang through the upper atmosphere of the dying world. A giant figure clad in blue armour with glowing red eyes faced off against a fair-skinned woman with silky long raven-coloured hair and ruby-red eyes and a man with rough inky black spiky hair and brown eyes. Both looked worse for where their clothes were tattered and their bodies ripped open with their life essence quickly draining from their bodies. The two were drawing laboured breaths, barely managing to stay upright.

"Did you miss my company so much that you had to crawl out of hell to see me again, Darkside? I'm touched," spoke the spiky-haired man. His arrogance is still present in his voice, and his defiant demeanour is never changing.

"Still holding onto your arrogance, Sayian, it will not save you. My Neo-Parademons have destroyed your armies, my Furies have killed your royal guard, and soon you will fall to my will. Resistance is futile." Darkside replied with no emotion evident in his voice; he spoke as if he were speaking of something mundane and not of ending an empire that had stood longer than most races had gained sapiens.

"Tough talk from a man who has been killed by us before," replied a woman with haggard breaths, her pale skin glistening with sweat as her blood seeped through transforming, her white uniform into a deep crimson.

"You merely killed one of many avatars adjustments were made Kryptonian, and now you shall perish, and so too shall your empire fall to me; such is my will." Darkside spoke, a bit of sadistic glee seeping into his voice.

Thousands of Neo-parademona began to surround the three warriors, facing off against each other. Each and every one of the monstrosities was drenched in blood, painting a horrific picture.

"I shall offer you mercy; women, join me as my replacement for the fury you killed, and I shall spare your life and allow you to live in my service." Darkside spoke, extending his hand and offering her a chance at salvation.

"Fuck you," the woman said, her eyes glowing, her power on display as she let loose a stream of searing light intent on burning Darkside to a crisp, but the powerful stream was met and matched by Darkside's omega beams and quickly overpowered her, launching her already battered and beaten body into a horde of parademons who swarmed her quickly as a maelstrom of blood ensued, a lone arm was launched from the feasting horde.

"ES" shouted the spiky-haired man as he gathered the little energy he had left in her body a small sapphire ki blast he screamed " tyrant lancer" as the blast hit and decimated the horde of beasts atomising them instantly freeing the woman or what was left of her as she was floating aimlessly missing her right arm and a chunk of her face her chest still and unmoving.

The man had no reprieve he soon lost to his fatigue and fell like a meteorite back onto the dying world crashing in front of the lone figure forming a deep crater and kicking up an ungodly amount of dust as the former king of the Sayian Empier lay lifeless as his body gave out to exhaustion and he joined the rest of his race away on the other plane as his corpse disappeared along with the dying planet as it exploded leaving nothing but some debrie all that was left of the once might empire rocks, rocks and a lesson of what happens when one opposes the will of Darkside

"What was the point of making me rewatch this? Is it to stoke my rage to drown me in guilt? I'm forced to relive the consequences of my stupid actions. Why must I rewatch this travesty every night? Am I punishing myself? I get it. This world is real and not a story. I understand. I have the blood of billions on my hands, not just the planets I conquered but my own race because of my stupid wish. How much longer will I relive this? Will I ever know peaceful sleep again?" a lone broken and defeated voice lamented in the emptiness as he started to wake to face another day.

Daikon Pov

I rubbed my head in frustration as I was once again forced to relive the nightmare of my race ending and my parents being slaughtered, all of which fueled not only my rage but also made me feel a pit in my stomach as I grappled with the consequences of my choice. I got up and ready. Today was the day Hippolyta was holding the tournament to decide who would be the champion to take Trevor back to man's world and serve as an emissary for the Amazons.

I made my way to meet Diana to distract myself from my inner turmoil. I walked through the palace until I came upon Diana's room. Her door was open, so I let myself in and leaned against the door. I made my presence known, and Diana turned to meet my gaze.

"So your mother has decided to send that man Steve back to his homeland and needs a champion to do so, and she's holding a tournament to do so, yet you're here and not preparing for it." I spoke

Diana chuckles. "The tournament is the least of my concerns at the moment. I'm simply enjoying the sunshine on this beautiful day. What brings you here so suddenly?"

That was interesting seeing as the sky was shrouded in a grey blanket. "Please, Diana, don't play coy. I have known you long enough to know you're never going to give up this chance to run off and explore the world."

Diana's smile broadens. "You do know me very well. However, I still haven't told you why I'm not participating in the tournament. I have something much more important to do." She said she was trying to play cool.

"Your mother forbade you from participating, didn't she?"I said with a raised eyebrow and a sly smirk as Diana made her way to me, closing the distance between us.

Diana playfully punches me in the arm. "Of course, that's part of it. But there's more."

"Well, she's asked me to be the one to test the Amazons in the last part of the tournament." I spoke, trying to entice her to join in the fun.

Diana gains a cat-like smile. "You're doing that, huh? I assume you won't be going easy on them."

"Why do you think I'm hoping you'll be nice and come and give me a challenge?" I spoke in a voice laced with arrogance.

Diana blushes and looks away. "Ah, so that's why you're here? To lure me into participating?"

"Obviously, no offence to your people, but even the best of them are just flailing children before you, and I do enjoy being the devil on your shoulder." I said it in a voice laced with mirth.

Diana chuckles. "The Amazons won't be happy to hear you say that, but you're not wrong. And I suppose I will never pass up an opportunity to go head-to-head with you. So, I guess I'll be participating in the tournament after all and won't be holding back."

I smirk. "Don't threaten me with a good time, love."

Diana grins. "Just be prepared for the challenge of a lifetime. You've gotten stronger since the last time we sparred, but so have I."

"0 multiplied by 100 is still 0," I said, trying to egg on her competitive nature.

Diana rolls her eyes. "And you're still cocky as ever."

"Of course, I am what kind of idiot contemplates the prospect of failure before the battle has even begun." I spoke in a proud voice.

Diana chuckles. "Very true. But you might want to start accepting the possibility of defeat because you're definitely going to learn how that feels very soon." She spoke, matching my pride.

"Not in your lifetime, and don't lose to any other Amazon; otherwise, I may need to commit seppuku from second-hand embarrassment," I said egging her on again.

Diana laughs. "Don't worry, I won't lose to any other Amazon. I will defeat each and every one of them until it's just you and me."

"Just you and me, huh? I'm absolutely buzzing with excitement. I can't wait." I said it in a bit of a mischievous voice.

Diana's grin grows even wider. "I can tell. However, when you do lose, be sure to prepare to have me torment you about it until the end of time."

"You and me till the end of time, how forward of you, princess, I'm blushing." I said, God, I loved pulling her leg; it was so fun.

Diana blushed and frantically corrected me, realising the implication of her statement. "Don't misunderstand me, fool. I'm talking about tormenting you for losing the battle, not whatever else you're thinking of." She then playfully hits me on the arm trying to save face.

"Oh, you used me for your own entertainment these past months, and now you're throwing me aside you're just terrible," I say with mock tears.

Diana smirks. "Oh, don't give me that. You know you'd do the same thing if the situation were reversed. Don't act like you're the innocent one here."

"I would never I'm a proper gentleman, my lady." I say it with a snort of derision.

Diana chuckles. "Sure, and you'll treat me with the utmost respect during our battle, right?"

"Of course I'll punch you with all my respect," I said in a playful tone.

Diana's smile widens even more. "And I suppose you'll also kick me with all your respect, right?"

"But of course, whatever the princess desires," I said as I performed a mock bow.

Diana laughs. "Oh, you're insufferable."

"Then knock some sense into it," I said as I stopped leaning on her wall.

Diana laughs again. "I'll be sure to do that. Just don't be offended when I knock a bit too hard." She said it in a playful manner. I smirked at her as I prepared to leave her room.

Diana smiles back. "Just be careful not to smirk too much. I might want to wipe it off your face."

"Whatever see you in the ring, Diana?" I spoke as I left the room and made my way to meet Hippolyta to tell her my plan for the tournament.

The end:

Okay guys to this was a decent sized chapter i tried something new with the dialogue what do you think?