
DC: The Absolute

In the DC Universe, Ken finds himself grappling with the reality of his new surroundings. As he navigates this unfamiliar world, he encounters Batman. Through their meeting, Ken begins to grasp the magnitude of his situation and the potential impact he could have in this alternate reality. Together with Batman, Ken embarks on a journey of self-discovery and heroism, determined to make a difference in a world unlike any he's ever known.

Black_Jesus_Christ · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Wait! I can explain!

"When am I leaving?" To his question, I nodded.

"Well, that's a tough question. I still need to complete my research. That's the whole reason I'm out here, right?" He smiled, but then that expression disappeared.

"And… on top of that, I need to look for two very important people."

"Do… Do you know where they are?" I asked, almost certain that I already knew the answer. It was a question I shouldn't have asked, yet I did anyway.

Maybe this was my guilt talking, wanting to put the man's mind at ease, or maybe it was me just wanting to confirm whether or not I was in another universe.

"Yeah… I do. It's my wife and kid. This might sound strange, but they're gonna be a little hard to find."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked, taking a large gulp of saliva. He then put his head down, staring at the coffee table in front of us.

"I mean, I don't have the slightest idea of how to get to them. Something happened to me recently and it's made my memory foggy. I can't seem to remember their names, nor do I remember what they look like, but I know they're out there."


"I know… it sounds crazy when I say it out loud, but the picture you see on the wall, it had them in it. I can remember taking them with my family… but just like my memories of them, they up and vanished."

"H-how do you know this isn't stress related? Too much work can drive a person crazy—" Cutting me off and snapping his head upwards, he looked me dead in the eyes and shouted.

"I'm not crazy!" Mark shook and trembled with anger.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that, but I've just been so… so lost today. One moment, I was cooking them breakfast, and the next, they up and vanished out of reality."

"I couldn't say anything about the situation to the man. I just took his family away from him forever. They weren't coming back. There was no amount of gaslighting or manipulation I could do to take his mind off of this topic… nor did I want to hurt him more than I accidentally already did.

"You know, I called everyone I know to make sure I wasn't losing my marbles. They all told me the same things."

"What did they say?" I muttered.

"Each and every single one of them told me that they remembered my wife and son… but every time I asked them the details about how they looked, how old they were, or even how they sounded, they were all stumped."

"I even called all of the women in my contacts on the phone just to see if my wife's friends were in there, and apparently, her best friend for over 20 years couldn't remember how she sounded. 20 years!"

"Earlier today, I heard what sounded like an elephant from hell coming towards us, but because I was so screwed up mentally, I laid on the floor for about an hour, waiting for it to trample me… my whole life was stolen from me." A tear began to dribble down the man's left cheek.


"I'm sorry kid." I uttered, wiping his face.

"I just lost my cool in front of a 10-year-old. I'm a mess."

Although I knew it wasn't my fault completely for what I did, I was definitely unknowingly a factor. All I could do was take all of his indirect verbal blows.

"Anyways, that's what my focus is at the current moment. I can't go home, not yet. Not until I get them back." Judging by how tightly the man gripped his fist, he meant every word of what he said, which meant that I was out of luck.

"Alright… I understand." I replied.

"Yeah…" He spoke softly.

"In that case, do you have a computer I can use? I need to check something." I voiced.

"Uh, yeah. Sure. I have one in my lab in the basement. I'll take you to it." He said, getting up and walking towards a door next to his bookshelf.

As I followed along, we walked down a stairway leading to a highly state-of-the-art laboratory. It was strange, with devices and machinery everywhere that I had never seen before, and looked quite expensive.

There were also notes scattered all over the floor, as if he had been desperately searching for something… most likely notes regarding information about his family.

"Sorry about the mess. It's usually not like this in here." He voiced, guiding me to a chair which sat in front of the computer.

Strangely enough, with all the high-tech equipment spread across the lab, the computer seemed the most outdated, looking like it was pulled out of the early 2000s; But beggars couldn't be choosers.

"Alright. This is the computer… I sure you know how to use everything on it, right?"

"Yeah." I replied, hopping up on the comfortable ergonomic chair.

"Good. Go ahead and use it. I'm gonna go upstairs to handle a few things. Try not to touch anything down here, otherwise, the alarm will go off… and to be honest, that'd be kinda annoying, so don't."

"Got it."

"Good. I'll be back in 30." He replied, tapping my shoulder twice before making his way out of the lab.


Dropping my head on the keyboard, I took a heavy deep breath.


'A new life, and I already killed 2 people… granted, it was by accident, but still.' I thought, picking myself up, opening the internet browser.

'Alright, time to confirm a few things.'

As I began typing, today's date in the corner of the monitor caught my eye.

'July 1st, 2008?' I guessed that time flowed differently here than it did in my world. I originally came from an earth where the year was 2030.

'Weird… but alright.'

My first search was of some fictional cities that I remembered from the DC universe. I wasn't a super geek about comics in my past life, but I did know a decent amount about this universe's lore.

With one click of a button, I discovered that Metropolis, the home of the hero Superman, existed… the thing was, as I searched through various news articles regarding any hero activity, all I got was a bunch of results of police officers dying in action.

That was when I realized, a Metropolis without Superman had one of the highest crime rates not just on the east coast, but throughout the entirety of the world.

'Jesus… who would have thought Metropolis had been a former murder capital.'

This year, they were most known for break-ins. A bit of information that I discovered was that Metropolis was located in the state of Delaware: Roughly a 2-hour drive away from a little place called Smallville. Apparently, about 20 years ago, a meteor shower had struck this little town; a few chunks and pieces landed on the farm owned by a husband and wife with the last name, Kent.


While staying in the rough geographical location, I discovered that Metropolis was also home to one of the world's largest and diverse multinational corporations. They were an aerospace engineering firm known as LexCorp, which was run by a man named Lionel Luther, father to Alexander Joseph Luthor.

In a few articles I read, it was stated that Lexcorp was one of the only mega-corporations making a valiant effort towards fixing the crime-ridden streets of Metropolis.

They donated millions of dollars to aid in repaving roads everywhere while also helping to get the homeless off the streets and into shelters.

Judging by how the crime rate halved within the last three years, this seemed to be the case, but something was off.

No matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find any dirt on the organization via the media. But I knew better. All of it was intentional. They most likely were just like every other multi-billion-dollar corporation from my past life. Corrupt. With my knowledge of the past, I knew this was most likely the case.

My next search was Gotham. I had to make sure it existed, at least. It would have sucked if I was in a strange offshoot of the DC universe instead of the New 52 universe… but honestly, me ending up in a random parallel world was more probable than not.

I found out that the city was located in New Jersey; And unlike Superman, Batman had been active for the past three years, patrolling the streets of Gotham alone. Needless to say, Wayne Enterprises was indeed a thing and quite literally the most profitable conglomerate worldwide.

They had their hands in all forms of technology, quite literally. If a person didn't have a product from Wayne Enterprises, they were a social outcast.

They used to sell weapons, were a monumental part of the film industry on a historical level, and played a key role in the medical industry. They did everything in every sense of the word.


When I looked up Bruce Wayne's net worth, I was dumbfounded. I had never seen so many zeros in my life. It was crazy to imagine that a person was valued so highly… the thing was, like all billionaires, I was certain that the media all saw the amount of wealth he allowed them to see. What I was looking at was probably 10% of what the man had actually made. He probably walked around with a billion in his damn pocket.

On my deep dive into Bruce Wayne's history, I found out that he was missing for seven years and only just returned four years ago. Upon his return, he fired the majority of the staff in his company, completely building it from the ground up. With Bruce in control, the man actually managed to boost Wayne Enterprise's Value by 300% while the company was on the verge of bankruptcy before his arrival. This led to him becoming the richest man in the world, surpassing the Luther family. What was most impressive was that as Batman, he reduced the crime rate to about 32% compared to what it was five years prior to today.

While continuing to dig, I found out that there were actual legitimate news sources that theorized that Batman was a deity of some sort that came down to protect the fallen cities. Some blogs assumed that he was some kind of meta-human with superhuman strength and speed.

Obviously, this was just an overstatement, but this just went to show how much work the Gotham Knight actually put in.

I then started searching for more heroes I knew, like Robin/Nightwing, Cyborg, Static Shock, and even Green Lantern, but every time, results came up empty. That was until I searched up Wonder Woman who had actually been fighting crime since the 1940s. She even participated in World War II and killed a ton of people. But hey, it was a different time.

"This really is a fictional world." I thought, almost drooling at the pictures of the hero. The woman was beautiful in every picture I saw of her. She somehow managed to even look good while getting shot by machine guns.

Currently, she was operating in Washington D.C and hadn't aged a day since the 40s. She was the first official super-powered hero and inspired a whole bunch of no-name vigilantes throughout the world, but in all of her public statements, she expressed in interviews that she didn't want humanity to be like her, but to be better.

After a while, I turned my brain back on and started searching up villains; and to my surprise, I didn't find much. The only thing I actually found was articles about Gotham and its crazy people.

There was a guy who went by Condiment King who tried to rob a bank with… well, condiments. There was another guy that I was actually familiar with called Calendar Man who was a serial killer who murdered on holidays. And there was one last guy K-9. He actually was just a random dude who wore a dog costume.

All of them except for Calendar Man got a slap on the wrist and tossed out of jail within the span of a few weeks; meanwhile, Calendar Man was beaten the hell up by Batman then tossed into Arkham Asylum… and understandably so.

'I guess that's all I need to know about the world situation… Now it's just time to figure out my powers a little.'


What I needed was a way to America. It would most likely take me years to get American citizenship so I had no intentions of doing things the legal route. Also, I had no job, the body of a four-year-old, I technically wasn't even meant to be here… but I was. I considered sneaking on a plane as an animal, but my transformation sizes were way too big and unpredictable. And so, I had to make the best of my situation.

{What animal has the best memory?}

Clicking the first link, it led me to a website giving me a list of animals with the greatest capacity for memory.

{{In fact, elephant brains contain as many cortical neurons as human brains and have larger pyramidal neurons (specialized neurons thought to play a key role in cognitive functions) than do humans, suggesting that elephants might have learning and memory skills superior to ours.}}

{What's the fastest animal on Earth?}

{{The Peregrine Falcon is the fastest bird, and in fact the fastest animal on the planet, when in its hunting dive, the stoop, in which it soars to a great height, then dives steeply at speeds of over 322kph (200mph). It reaches horizontal cruising speeds of up to 90 kph (56mph).}}

'I knew I was onto something with the falcon thing.' I thought, pumping my chest out.

'I just picked the wrong falcon.' I smirked.

{Ocean creatures without predators.}

I didn't question anything and just looked at killer whales. They had no natural predators. I planned on turning into one after I got tired of flying.


Mark was coming down the stairs, which made me jump. Mark was a smart man, if I didn't clean my trail, I felt that somehow, someway, he would find out what I did.


He was getting closer. Quickly closing all my windows, I spun around to see him staring a hole in my forehead.

"Why'd you click out those windows so—"



"I-uh… mean not porn. I wasn't watching porn. I was looking at superheroes."

"You… you were watching porn with superheroes. Like… people dressed up as Batman and Wonder Woman?" Mark asked with a look of horror on his face.

'Fuck. Why the hell did I just say that!'

I thought as panic began to consume me.

say that.'

"Uh… no. It was a Freudian slip."

"You know that's not how a Freudian slip works right?" Embarrassed more than I had ever been, I quickly changed the subject.

"See, I look up to both of them. I kinda wanna be like them when I get older." I said, stressed out about lying. But I had to.

If Mark found out that I was looking into animals, and then later on found out that I could transform into them, he would probably connect the dots between me and his son which I couldn't let happen. Although he couldn't remember his son, he probably already knew that Garfield could shift into animals.

If Mark was affected the same way I was when the monster killed my family, then he'd definitely be suspicious. I just didn't know how he'd react. Worst case scenario, I would create a supervillain, and heroes in this universe had a habit of doing just that.

'I wish could tell him that it was an accident, but what the hell is that gonna change… Also, even though he's a good guy, he's smart, and that's dangerous.' I thought.

'He might already be destined to be a villain and I just don't know it. I mean, who the fuck reads Beast Boy comics.'

"Ha…haha!" Mark chuckled.

"Ken, I don't think you know how weird it is seeing you act like a kid after listening to you talk before… How about I do you a favor and never question you on this computer situation again."


"That would be great," I replied.

We then walked back upstairs into the living room. I then hopped on the couch once more allowing my feet to dangle in the air once more.

"So? What are your plans? I know it might sound crude considering your age when I ask you this, but are you just gonna keep exploring until you find a place you can call home?" He asked, looking rather apologetic that he couldn't help me.

"Yeah… I guess that's the plan," I uttered.


"I genuinely feel bad for not being able to help you. I mean, you're a lost kid. I feel like a monster right now, for crying out loud…"

"Don't worry about it. Seriously." I replied.

Here's the corrected version:

"Is there anything I can do for you? Like I said, I have food and water for you if you need it. You can also stay here for a couple of days if you really need shelter."

It was strange… I hadn't been hungry or thirsty since I had woken up. I had a really fast metabolism in my past life, but I loved going to the gym, which meant that my stomach was usually a black hole, yet it hadn't grumbled even once. It probably had something to do with my unfortunate meal earlier, but I wanted to avoid thinking about that.

"No… I don't need any of that. But what I do need is two maps and a compass."

"Maps and a compass? Why? And maps of what?"

"Well, I need one of America. Just America though. Throw that useless top piece off."

"Ha. You mean Canada?"

"Yep. Get rid of it. Next, I need a map of the world. You think you can get me that?" I asked.

"I don't know what's with your grudge with Canada, but I actually have a couple of the exact ones you're looking for… unfortunately, the world one has Canada, so you're gonna have to compromise. But I still don't know why you need a compass." He chuckled.

"Well, we're not all privileged enough to have cell phones with GPS, now are we, Mark? I need to go somewhere." I smiled.

"I guess not… but what do you need a map of the US for?"

"Because I wanna go home, now can I get the stuff please?" I asked, slightly irritated.

"Alright-Alright… geez. When I turn my back, you better not sneak off to watch porn again." He smirked.

"I told you it wasn't—!"

"My apologies. I meant superhero porn." He snorted, causing me to sigh in defeat.

Getting up, the man grabbed two folded-up maps and handed them to me.

"Thanks, Man. I appreciate what you did for me. You're actually really helping out right now." I said, grabbing the pieces of paper from him.

"Believe it or not, you actually really helped me out too. In more ways than one." He smiled, patting my shoulder.

Walking out of the cabin, I took a heavy deep breath. 'Not how I thought my day was gonna turn out, but here I am.'

Gathering myself, I began to move forward, walking a comfortable distance away from the cabin. I still didn't want to reveal my powers to anyone yet, especially Mark.

Laying down the maps on the floor, I prepared myself to study them. I had an idea in mind that I wanted to test out.

'Transforming changes my entire genetic makeup… that includes my brain. In theory, this should make me remember things a little more clearly. After all, I still remember stomping out that snake vividly; more than I would have if I was using a human brain.'

I then began to shapeshift once more. My skin darkened until it was pitch-black. My hands and feet began to warp into that of the strongest land creature on earth, while blue electricity began to shimmer underneath my skin. Unfortunately—


My clothes were ripped into pieces as if they were made out of paper.

'God fucking damn it! That was the only pair of clothes that I had.' I roared internally.


Stomping the ground with my right foot, I shook my head for lack of foresight.

'Whatever… I'll steal some more when I get there.'

Usually, I was against stealing, but I had no other choice right now. Apparently, they didn't make elephant-proof clothing in this universe. Transforming into such a large creature did make me wonder though.

'I used to think that transforming would be a lot more painful… I mean, it looked that way in all the media I consumed, including Teen Titans comics, but now that I'm actually doing it, from first-hand experience, it kinda itches.' I thought, scratching my now humongous legs with my tusk, which sounded like sandpaper being rubbed on concrete.

All of my senses were enhanced, just like before. The world became much-much smaller, which made me wonder, how big was I actually? Normal elephants grew up to about 12 feet. Although I had nothing to compare my size to, I must've easily been three times the size of that.

'Hypothetically speaking, if I end up fighting somebody in a city, it's gonna be kinda tough for me to not step on shit by accident. Later on, I'm either gonna have to figure out how to make myself smaller, or I'm gonna need to use other animals.'

Moving away from that thought, I focused my eyes on the map below. It was at that moment that I realized that I probably should've searched up a few more before leaving Mark's house.

'Damn. How long is it actually gonna take me to get there?' I wasn't too good at math, so I couldn't calculate how long it would take me to get to the states.

'Screw it, I'll get there when I get there. If I get hungry, I'll just have sushi on the way.'

As I studied the map, I began to memorize to the best of my ability. After about 15 minutes, I felt like I could name every state and even every country by alphabetical order.

'This elephant brain thing was a good idea.' Even though the words were tiny on the map, with my enhanced senses, I felt like my eyeballs worked as magnifying glasses.

After researching elephants, I found out that not only were they colorblind, but their vision sucked. What they had to make up for this was the fact that they were an arrhythmic species, which meant they had night vision. This worked out in my favor because the sun was already down and there were no lights in sight except for the moon. Luckily for me, I wasn't a regular elephant.

While transformed, my eyesight only gained benefits. Although Falcon vision was a whole lot better, elephant vision was slightly better than my natural eyesight, which was enhanced after the incident that I experienced.

'Time to head Northwest.' My body shrunk down in size as I traded my arms, legs, and trunk for wings, talons, and a beak.

My claws felt like they had gotten sharper while my body felt like it had gotten a bit more sleek and aerodynamic. My feathers looked smoother, and I felt more agile… but I was a different species now. I had lost my night vision.

The peregrine falcon was a diurnal bird, which meant that they had evolved to primarily hunt during the day. But it wasn't like I had to worry about that. All I had to do was fly up high enough so that I couldn't be seen.

Grabbing the compass with my foot, I hopped into the air with less power than I did when I was a gyrfalcon, but to be fair, I jumped off one foot this time around.



In a matter of seconds, I had moved past the clouds and felt free once more. A freedom that no other human being would ever get to experience. This was especially cemented in my mind when I saw the sun setting in the west.

Here's the corrected version:

As a bird, I could see different colors that I couldn't even fathom as a human being. In truth, to compare the eyesight of the two wasn't even fair. As a falcon, I could even see in ultraviolet light, making other animals visible from 30 football fields away.

Monkeys, elephants, rodents, and predators alike all illuminated a slight neon color that made them highly visible. Even though I lacked night vision, I was certain that me being able to see in UV would help me avoid danger.


I had blasted forward full throttle.

As I moved through the sky, I felt like I was actually cutting the wind like a knife through butter.

In a matter of seconds, I was on one side of the forest to the other. The speed at which I was traveling was absolutely absurd. I didn't know how fast I was going, but it was faster than any car I had ever been in, or seen.

As I continued on for about an hour, I realized that I still wasn't getting tired. I had a crazy amount of stamina… But I was starting to get hungry. Extremely hungry. So hungry that I was barely able to think straight.

What was bizarre was that I could feel the hunger in my stomach, but I also felt it all over my body. It made my skin crawl, quite literally. I could see my insides moving and muscles warping underneath my feathers and skin.

'I wanted to wait until I got there, but I can't hold it in anymore. I need to eat. I don't even care what it is at this point."

Diving down as fast as I could, an air bubble formed around my body, and along with it came a sonic boom as if I was a feathered missile that the human eye couldn't follow.

As I began approaching the water, with all of my strength, I pulled myself upward by flapping my wings with immense strength, stopping right before touching the Atlantic, hovering over a school of thousands of fish.

They were deeper than what I was capable of reaching. Even though my mind and body were going haywire, I knew not to get my wings while being the species of bird I was.

Turning back into my naked human form, I grabbed the compass out of the air, stuffing it in my mouth for safekeeping; and before I could even think of my next transformation, my body was already shifting.


Because of my sudden growth, giant waves were sent off in every direction. Fortunately, my all-you-can-eat buffet remained, not paying attention to my presence.

I had transformed into a giant black orca. My arms warped into large fins, and I grew more teeth while my jaw elongated; a process which irritated the hell out of my gums. I wanted to chew on something. I needed to chew on something.

My mental fortitude began to falter, causing my thinking to become more primitive as the fragrant smell of my prey had invaded my nasal cavity. In my Orca form, I could hear better than I ever had. I could smell better than I ever had. My animalistic urges told me that it was time to stop thinking.

Even though I was slightly losing it, I made sure to hold the compass securely under my tongue.

'Need to eat and keep compass safe.' That was all I could think.

Taking a deep breath with my newly acquired blowhole, I quickly submerged myself, swimming down as fast as I could which was far too fast for the fish to process.

Opening up my mouth as wide as I could, I was about to chomp down on hundreds of fish at a time, but before I could, thousands of black tendrils ejected out of my mouth for every creature there was, piercing their bodies like harpoons before they could swim away.

After the tendrils impaled their bodies, I could feel them shifting into hooks, rapidly pulling my prey into my mouth. The fish were squirming, trying their hardest to escape.

The school consisted of different species and didn't discriminate, which meant they varied in size; some being big and some of them were small, but nothing compared to my size.

When my body deemed that my jaw wasn't wide enough to capture all of the food, like malleable plastic, it stretched open wider and wider, pulling in everything in my vicinity.

Without even chewing, all of the aquatic life in my vicinity was sucked into my black hole-like stomach directly, losing any chance the creatures had for survival.

After they were all captured, my body finally stopped convulsing, my mind became clear, and the tendrils went back inside me.

I was at peace and felt like I had reached a state of nirvana. I was in a state of pure ecstasy… But my eyes slowly began to close, and my body began to lose strength. I was mentally exhausted.

(10 Hours later)

Opening my eyes, I noticed that I was underwater, floating weightlessly, in a deep and dark part of the ocean where I couldn't see in front of me. The only thing slightly lighting my surroundings was the light that constantly irradiated from my skin.

I was kind of lost, having no idea where I was… but I had a perfect recall of what had happened, but had no idea why it happened.

Moving around, making sure I still had all my fins, I noticed that I was completely fine, which was surprising. My body seemed to not have any problems with the water pressure, nor did it have any problems with the temperature when I was certain that I was supposed to be at least slightly cold.

When I thought about it a little more deeply, temperature hadn't affected me ever since my change. When I jumped in the water earlier in my human form, I felt nothing, nor did I feel any heat from the African sun. Now, I was comfortable. Any other Killer Whale would have died.

What I also realized is that with how deep I had sunk, there must've been a lot of time that passed. I couldn't see a star in the sky, including the sun, so I didn't even know if it was night or day.

'Jesus…' Whatever happened to me before I fell asleep, I had to figure out how to get it under control. I shuddered at the idea of having another hunger tantrum in the future. I didn't even want to imagine the outcome of me going berserk in a large city.

Certain that my body was fine, I noticed that I now felt a strange sensation in my head. It was like something was ever so slightly pulling me from left to right, almost like two magnets were pulling me to different sides of the world.

It was odd. The rest of my body was perfectly fine. I no longer felt hunger, nor did I feel my insides churning, but for some reason, my head was throbbing. It wasn't as if it was painful; it was just odd.

'Was it something I ate?' I thought, pondering on my arrival to this universe. Assuming that I unconsciously consumed Beast Boy and his mother upon arrival, the incident caused me to gain abilities. Perhaps, consuming all of the species of fish I ate gave me new abilities.

Even though I knew little information about animals, I learned in my previous world that some fish used the earth's magnetic poles to find their home… Maybe the sensation that I was feeling was akin to that. This thought process made a light hover over my head.

Moving my tongue around in my mouth, I held the compass in my teeth as gently as possible. If I added too much pressure in my mutant animal form, I would have lost my only means of navigation.

Considering I was so deep in the water, I knew I couldn't transform into my human form because of the risk of my body imploding. On top of that, it was so dark that my human (alien) eyes wouldn't allow me to see. I needed to be an animal that was small yet adapted to my current environment. And with my limited knowledge, I could only think of one animal which was the Angler Fish. It had a built-in lighting system.

Getting the mental image of the animal in my head, my body began to convulse, shrinking down in size while a bright blue glowing antenna began to sprout from the top of my head.


"Shit." Because my teeth had become a lot sharper, the glass on the compass began to shatter.

Letting go quickly, I was surprised to find out that my theory about the earth's poles was correct. I could sense North on my left, and south to my right.

'I guess I don't need this anymore. Hopefully Aquaman doesn't mind the litter.' I thought, allowing the tool to fall to the ocean floor.

Transforming back to an Orca, I began to swim upward at top speed.

The higher I ascended, the bluer and more populated the ocean got. After a few minutes, I began to see more rays of light beaming down from the sun, signifying that I was nearing where I saw a shoal of fish which included a few Hammerhead sharks.

'It's a good thing that I'm not vegan… because I can't let that primal part of me take over again.'

I initially planned on going about my business, but I wanted to prevent problems before they happened. I intended to stockpile. I still had space in my belly for more.

Opening up my jaw, I charged at the sea creatures faster than they could react, displaying why Orcas were truly apex predators of the ocean.

First, I went for one of the hammerheads, biting it completely in half head first as if it was a cookie. Unlike a cookie, it tasted disgusting, but I had to do what I had to do, disregarding the cloud of blood I was now engulfed in.

I was certain that these sharks were huge, but in comparison to me, they were tiny. I probably looked like their worst nightmare. I was bullying these innocent animals which was disturbing to me because I had enhanced hearing; turns out, sharks barked and whimpered like dogs when they were scared. Unfortunately for them, I had no intention of stopping, no matter how bad I felt.

'Survival of the fittest, little guys.' I thought with slight guilt.

With one more gulp, I ate the animal completely, causing the other animals to scatter away in fear, but I wasn't done.

I was in a frenzy. The other sharks realized they couldn't escape rather quickly. Feeling concerned, they attempted to fight back, but I wasn't having it.

One attempted to bite my tail and was met with a powerful slap of my flipper, dying from sheer blunt force. Another tried to bite my underbelly, but I quickly did a barrel roll, causing it to fly right past me in slow motion. Before it could redirect itself, I bit its tail and began to slurp it down like a noodle until it was completely gone.

While I was in battle, I made sure to swallow every fish that swam past my face like a blue whale eating krill. I didn't even bother to chew.

The final shark attempted to flee once more, but I rushed toward it like a torpedo, capturing it in my mouth and chewing it like a piece of bloody bubble gum. Now all that was left was the remaining fish.

(15 hours later)

'It took me a full day in my fastest form, but I finally made it… Now the question is, what the hell am I supposed to do?' I thought while in the smallest avian form I could think of which was a hummingbird after traveling thousands of miles as a falcon.

The reason why I was currently a hummingbird was that my transformations were all ridiculously huge. When I turned into an elephant, my clothes had ripped off of me. I had to be as inconspicuous as I could be… the problem was, I was still the size of a damn pigeon. A glowing, pitch black, lightning pigeon. I still had to change as soon as possible or I risked drawing too much attention. That was a later problem though.

'Cape Carmine… It's exactly what I expected in a weird way.' I thought as I stood on top of a freight boat, absolutely exhausted after my travels. I had an unbelievably large amount of stamina, but it wasn't infinite. I had flown to the pier at full speed all the way from Africa with almost no breaks. My wings were in agony… strangely enough, mentally, I wasn't tired. I didn't feel the slightest sense of drowsiness.

"Now, all I gotta do is find some clothes that fit my human form so I can at least try to fit in." By finding, I, of course, meant stealing.

'Hopefully Batman doesn't beat me the hell up.' I thought as I observed the skyscrapers of Gotham. The city was alive and well. The architecture was beautiful.

I felt like I was in a better and cleaner version of New York City, which completely contradicted all the outdated news articles that I read.