4 Gotham City

When I arrived in Gotham, it was the dead of night. I had no idea what time it was, but judging by how long I had been flying, I deemed that it was anywhere from 2 am to 4 am.

In all honesty, I felt weird. Not just because I was currently in one of my favorite superheroes' stomping ground, but because of what I ate and how much I ate before arriving. Because of it, I had reached a new level of evolution after going on my final frenzy.

After my second initial killing spree in the Atlantic, I discovered firsthand that hammerheads traveled in groups— Large groups of about 600.

When I was in the ocean, I had left behind a gory armageddon that extended for miles and miles. For about 30 minutes, I just treaded the bloody water as a duck, waiting for my wings to dry while also thinking about my current disposition.

I had observed my surroundings, staring at chunks of shark and fish everywhere. I watched as other forms of marine life began to eat my scraps. Observing their feast, I realized 2 things then.

The first was that I was now just like them... an animal. I had to eat whatever I had to in order to survive whether that was scraps or another living creature. The second was that it was a smart idea to stockpile food. If I hadn't, then there was a possibility that one day, I would go on a rampage destroying an entire city's population because of my hunger. I didn't want to eat another human, but it was no telling what another hunger frenzy would push me to.

Although it may have appeared that I was in somewhat control of myself at the time, I had to acknowledge that thinking in that manner was contradicting. I could have just swam away, but I chose to eat and the rate at which I consumed wasn't normal by any means of the word.

I was satiated presently… but to get there, I had collected thousands of pounds of meat and bone in my stomach... or whatever I had now that allowed me to eat so much. My hunger was interminable, after all, I ate hundreds of hammerheads.

Like me, they were all hungry, but I was the only thing on the menu so I was attacked. It was my fault for eating all their food in truth, but, after a few of them started to bite me, I became irrationally angry… No, I was enraged.

On a primordial level, I was infuriated that lesser creatures would even attempt to eat me… needless to say, I didn't allow that to happen. While in my Hell Orca state, I killed, killed, and killed again until there was nothing left.

In the wild, it was survival of the fittest, and I was the most fit. But that was understandable considering my size in comparison to my food.

Although I still had no legitimate metric to measure the size of my animal forms, I knew that hammerheads were at least twice the size of full grown humans. I came to understand that my Hell Orca form was probably more comparable to that of a megalodon's, which worked out for me.

After my fight, I had transformed back into a human form for a while, only to realize that I wasn't bleeding; which was strange, considering I felt the sharks break my skin with their assault.

I knew that I had felt real pain, but had suffered no damage outwardly. I didn't know much about Beast Boy, but I was certain this had something to do with his… My transformation ability.

On top of this abilities, I also had to recognize that my abilities were odd. Even though the over-sized fish caused me some trouble, consuming all of the hammerheads gave me a few benefits.

The first benefit was that I most likely didn't have to worry about being hungry for weeks, possibly months.

The second benefit was that my base field of vision greatly increased due to absorbing them completely. I could literally see in almost 360 degrees now. The only thing that stopped me from seeing the full 360 was the biomechanics of my other forms. The slight problem that came with this was that it was disorienting and slightly annoying seeing so much in my peripherals.

While regular people could only see their noses in their sideview, I could see the entirety of my body at all times. On top of that, I now felt like I was looking at the world with an ultra-high-definition fisheye lens. It took me hours to get used to the visual, but I eventually adapted.

The third benefit I received from my seafood brunch was that I could feel when fish were nearby. Now that I was in the city, that extended to people, other animals, cars, and boats near me. I could even feel when birds would fly over me, and I wasn't speaking in hyperbole.

When there was movement in my general vicinity, I felt an electrifying sensation on the surface of my skin, pointing me to the direction said movement was approaching. It was a spatial awareness that now acted as my sixth sense.

The last gift that I gained was that my sense of smell had greatly improved by about 100 times. I could smell everything; and because sharks had good hearing as well, I could hear everything… It was a gift and curse.

It was a gift because I could smell and hear oncoming danger with precision.

It was a curse because I could smell literally everything. The ocean smelled awful. Dead fish smelled awful. The air that I breathed smelled awful. My body even smelled awful.

Now that I was in a city, that awful feeling only amplified. For Christ sake, I could smell a dog farting from 30 miles away!

I could even hear people in their apartments screwing. I could hear windows being broken into, and I could hear a fight breaking out 20 miles from where I stood… but what really bothered me was the smell. I had gotten used to the enhanced hearing.

I had the option to not breathe, considering my body was no longer reliant on oxygen, but I decided that I would much rather get used to my abilities than running away from myself.

Beyond that, getting rid of my sense of smell was like getting rid of an aspect of my humanity.

It bothered me that biologically speaking, I wasn't human anymore.

I had already lost everyone I loved and it made me shake in anger thinking about how I wasn't able to remember my mother's face. It made me burn on the inside knowing that I would never remember what my friends looked or sounded like when I had grown up with them since the age of 5. I lost my entire planet for crying out loud.

Now, I had already killed 2 people, hundreds of animals, and would probably kill even more in the future. With this realization, I felt like I was slowly losing grasp of my mind… I didn't want to slide down a dark path. I was never a good man, but I always had a good heart… It was what I treasured about myself.

Now, I was vulnerable. Although I was stronger than ever before, I had never felt as weak as I was currently.

This is why I wanted to keep my sense of smell. My senses made up my reality. It would be my anchor. The bad smells reminded me that I was alive and that there was more that I could do with my life.

Now, I didn't want to lose like I'd already lost. And even though

I suffered loss, I was still alive and breathing. I understood that I still had things and people to look forward to.

For me to be able to cherish those people and things, I had to keep all of my senses on high alert… including my sense of self and smell. I had to embrace what was to come, including my abilities… but I understood that time wasn't built in a day.

Because of the new features my body had that I still wasn't all the way used to, I was in a constant state of nausea… problem was, I literally couldn't throw up; In fact, I lacked the ability to excrete any waste.

Since arriving on this planet, I hadn't had the need to use the bathroom. I was a once a day kind of guy, yet there was just nothing going on. It was kinda disturbing, so on my way here, I had to make sure my body even had holes.

Strangely enough, It did; One for pooping, and the other one for… reasons that didn't need to be explained. This put my mind at ease, arriving in Gotham. Now, all I had to worry about was fitting in.

After being in my head for a while while resting my hummingbird wings and legs, I finally decided to get on the move.

'Alright… My wings are feeling better. Now I just need to find a mall or something.'

Hopping off of the freight boat that I was on and ascending into the air, it was time to say goodbye to the Cape Carmine shipyard.


While in my Hell hummingbird form, my vision was enhanced by 10 times, but not in the sense of distance. In my present form, I could see more colors than I had been able to see as a falcon. With my base vision being enhanced so greatly from the sheer amount of shark consumption, I could now see further than probably any animal in the animal kingdom, even with the fact that sharks could only see 50 feet in front of them.

'If I had eaten birds instead, I probably would have been able to see another planet from here.' I thought as I continued to ascend into the sky.

With my super-vision along with the addition of being capable of viewing UV light as a bird, there probably wasn't a camera that could contend with my sight outside of something built by a super genius.

I continued to fly up, ascending past all the buildings around me. The reason being, I needed to escape the eye of people and cameras. I didn't want to be in a spotlight anytime soon… not until I got a grasp of this world.

Even as I reached 2,000 feet in the air, with my sixth sense, I could still feel people and cars moving under me, although the feeling had grown much more faint. Because I was so high up, it also was easier on my ears.

With my enhanced sight though, I could see people down below clearly. They had thin and beautiful neon auras that trailed them as they walked past. In my current form, although the world still smelled bad, it looked beautiful from my height.

I honestly felt like my brain was going to explode due to overstimulation, but I kept calm and patiently adapted.

Back in Africa, I didn't know whether or not I intended on visiting Metropolis or Gotham. I didn't get the opportunity to memorize a map, so for a while, I just roamed aimlessly through the skies, listening for where the most people and cars were while also looking for stores.

I mean, it only made sense. This was a new city to me, but logically speaking, where there was more traffic, there were more people. And where there were more people there was business, and so I just followed where I could sense the most people and see the most people.

After about 5 minutes of zipping around and scanning the city, I learned that I had arrived in the Gotham Fashion District.

'Looks like I'm on the right track… from what I heard, this is the area where people get high-end clothes from.' I thought.

About a mile ago, I had flown past the Diamond District of Gotham. It was where I saw Wayne Tower up close for the first time, the headquarters of Wayne Enterprises which was built in the late 1800s. You could see it in the sky no matter what part you were in the city and honestly, I wanted to explore it a little, but I had all the time in the world to do that later. My priority was getting dressed.

As I descended to the ground, a few retail stores caught my eye. Going to the least populated one, I landed behind a thrift shop called G-Swap by the garbage cans.

A few blocks away was some kind of luxury brand retail store with nice high-quality suits and fabrics mounted on mannequins, but breaking into it would have caused me too much trouble, so I settled for what would have drawn the least attention.

Another reason I chose G-Swap was that there was no one inside. Although stealing was stealing, stealing from G-Swap wasn't gonna come back and bite me in the ass.

Looking around to see if there were any cameras, I decided that I was in the clear and shifted back into a human.


"Feels good to be me again." I uttered, butt naked in a dark alley. I could finally stretch my arms and legs for a bit and was relieved to do so.

'God… it smells like so much piss here.' I thought with my bare feet on the wet ground.

I then began pacing back and forth, observing the building, trying to think of a possible way to get in.

'I could transform into something big and break the windows… but the problem is that I'd make too much noise. And even though it's the early 2000s here, this place might have a silent alarm or something and the last thing I want is Batman kicking my ass.' I thought while crossing my arms.

'I could transform into something like a bug, but then how the hell would I get out with the loot?' I thought, resting my hand under my chin in contemplation.

'Think, Ken, Think… I can't go through… I can't go around, or above obviously so…' A mischievous smile then made its way over my face as an idea struck me like a bolt of lightning.

'I'll dig my way under.' I then began to think about different types of animals, with digging capabilities.

'A gopher's claws would probably be too small to dig a hole big enough… even though it'd be a large mutated gopher, stronger than any of its kind.' I rummaged through my mind in search of the perfect animal for the job.

'Wait, I'm pretty sure anteaters have strong claws. I remember watching a video on them and how their claws are so strong that they can break a termite nest which should be as strong as concrete… If I'm right, digging as one of them shouldn't be a problem then.'

I then began to visualize a Giant Anteater which began causing my body to contort while my bones began to shift and grow in both length and width.

My hands began to shift into paws which had three sharp large claws on my first 3 toes.

My nose and mouth began to elongate.

My eyes then shifted to the side of my head while fur began to grow all over my body.

Unlike with my bird transformations, my eyesight didn't see a change in terms of their capabilities. Instead, what did enhance was my sense of smell slightly, yet painfully noticeably… which sucked.

'Goddamn it. I can taste the shit and piss in the air now. This city is disgusting. I should've went to Metropolis' I thought, holding back tears metaphorically.

I then noticed that my tail was now touching something hard. Moving it around to inspect it, I raised an eyebrow. 'What the… what's this hard thing?'

This alley was pretty big, so I knew that there was no way that my tail was touching the other building behind me, right?

'How the hell am I this big?!' I screamed internally in surprise.

When I was in my human form, there was about 30 feet between me and the building. Just how long were regular Giant Anteaters?

'Well… I'm glad that there's no cameras at least.' I thought, as I began to get used to the movements of my new form.

Looking downwards, I poked the ground with one of my claws, and to my surprise, my claw went through the concrete like a knife through a stick of butter.

'Wow… that went in easier than I thought.'

I then began to pull back with the remainder of my claws, moving the earth underneath me like sand as quietly as I could.

As I began to dig deeper, more of my body was able to squeeze into my burrow until I was completely inside the hole that I made, which was deep considering the size I was.

Avoiding underground metal pipes, I then began to dig in the shape of the letter U, breaking my way into the store as if the tile within were composed of dry leaves; making sure not to breach the surface completely.

Although I had gotten rid of the possibility of being detected by alarms, I didn't know how many cameras were inside or where they were for that matter.

Before officially breaking an entering, I transformed into a rabbit, another animal that was great at digging.

My body greatly shrank in size. From my estimate, I was currently about a few inches shorter than I was in my base. Being a rabbit also enhanced my hearing ever so, but not enough to become a hindrance.

The reason for this was that I needed to give more structure to my escape route if I was to escape in my human form.

In my new form, I hopped over to the way that I came and began to carve into the walls, making ladder-like indentations so that it would be easier for me to leave.

I then did the same thing on the wall that I planned on entering the store from.

About 5 minutes later, I completed a step to my goal.

Now, it was time to turn into something even smaller, and the smallest thing I could think of was one of my former pets from my childhood; A jumping spider.

In only a few seconds, I shrank down into the size of a black Jumping spider. It was my first time transforming into an insect. I didn't know what to expect.

Moving around for a little to get used to now having 8 legs, I analyzed my spider form.

My vision was slightly tinted green while I had gained night vision. I no longer had a nose, instead, they were replaced with the hairs I now had all over my body.

I no longer had ears, so I couldn't hear. Now, I just felt vibration in the air from the same hairs that allowed me to smell.

'I'm probably bigger than a regular jumping spider, but I'm still probably only about the size of a quarter right now.' I thought, looking at my tiny hairy legs while still in the tunnel I created.

Having so many eyes along with my 360-degree vision was odd, but it was relatively easy to get used to. Considering I'd been dealing with a lessened version of it all day. What I wasn't used to was having eyelids, but that was something I would eventually get used to.

'Here's my Spider-Man moment.' I thought with a little smile on my face which probably looked terrifying under a magnifying glass.

Bending my knees, I jumped through a crack in the tile with a surprising amount of force.

Landing on the ground, I was surprised with how large everything was around me.

'Woah…' I thought as all eight of my eyes wondered. It was incredibly dark on the floor, but luckily for me, I had night vision as a spider.

I then began to scurry around the store at full speed, deciding that I no longer wanted to waste any time here.

The next step was disabling all the cameras. The fastest way to do that was by finding the security room.

After a bit of searching the building, I found a room that had a sign on it saying staff only. Crawling under the door I discovered the one and only security room. The problem was, there was another camera within the security room itself which told me that its feed probably led to somewhere else. I had to get rid of it.

Swiftly climbing up a wall, I jumped to the camera landing on its lens.

'Now, how do I do this… it comes from their abdomens, right?' I thought.

I then began to flex my abdomen, ejecting thick, sticky black webbing out of my body, which began to rapidly cover its lens.

I kept going until I knew for certain it was completely blind. When it was, I sighed in relief.

'That was… a lot,' I thought, rapidly expanding to the size of a human.

I then began to unplug everything by reaching behind the security monitors until everything was off.

"In hindsight, I'm going through a lot of effort for this. I could have probably just checked the trash outside for some clothes that fit instead of messing with someone's entire business… You know what?? Screw it. I already came this far," I mumbled, shaking my head.

Finally walking out of the security room, I began to roam the store.

After about a minute of searching, I found a black jean jacket with a blue and black Batman logo on the back. I then grabbed a white T-shirt, blue jeans, brown boots, and socks that were a little too big on me.

I then found a washcloth, shampoo, conditioner, a toothbrush, hand sanitizer, an unopened bar of soap, an unopened deodorant, and made my way to the bathroom. On my way, I picked up a step stool. Something told me that I was going to need it now.

As soon as I opened the door, the lights turned on automatically, and I finally saw my reflection for the first time in the mirror.

'What the…'

I could barely see over the sink, but what I saw shocked me. Putting the clothes on the table outside, I began to take a closer look at myself in astonishment.

I was small… really small. Of course, I already knew this from what I had been told in Africa, but my age had actually reverted.

There were also some odd changes that made me look almost completely different than I did in my childhood.

'My hair—'

I knew I had blue streaks coming out of it, but the blue went all the way down to the root.

'My eyes—'

They were blue, but not a regular blue color. They were a deep, dark, and radiating blue.

'My irises are actually glowing.' I thought in surprise while forcing my right eye open with my fingers.

'Yeah… that confirms it. Definitely not human anymore.' There were actual aliens in this universe that looked more human than me.

Although I still had the same brown skin color, my skin was unnaturally blemishless. This, with the combination of my mystical-looking eyes, I knew instantly that I would draw a lot of attention from the public, which I didn't need right now. Because they were glowing so brightly, even if I had tried to hide them behind the veil of sunglasses, I knew a person would see a dim glow behind the shades, making it appear like I had LEDs behind them.

'Great. How the heck am I supposed to fit in now?' I thought to myself in frustration, moving my attention to the entrance.


Using the hand sanitizer, I cleaned off the toothbrush, then rinsed it off with water, making sure that no germs were in my mouth.


'At least I kinda look cool…'


I then began to wash my body and hair using the sink as a water source and putting my irritants to the side.

I began to clean and scrub all the dirt, dried blood, and filth off of my body, making a disgusting rancid mess all over the floor.

After scraping every speck of dirt off my body, I looked down to see the mess I made.

'The least I can do for these people is clean up after myself.'

Dressing up, I then cleaned my mess with a mop I found in a broom closet.

After getting rid of all the gunk on the floor, I made my way to the makeshift 6-foot-deep tunnel that I dug, and for a moment, I just stood there.

'What do I do now?' I said, paralyzed by that question. My exit was right in front… I had done all of the things I needed to… But what next?

'I have crazy-looking eyes and my hair stands out like a sore thumb. I'm a toddler that doesn't need sleep to function and I have no place to live. What the heck do I do next, Ken?' I thought to myself.

Staring at the indentation on the ground that covered my exit.

I had finished what I came here for but had absolutely no idea what to do next. Where would I go? What was I supposed to do?

It wasn't like a quest window would just manifest in front of my face. This was my real life, unlike those stories I used to read. Then again, maybe it was best that I stopped thinking and just lived my life for a bit. I had been through a lot. Maybe, I would figure out what I actually wanted if I had alone time.

Stomping on the loose tiles beneath my foot, leading into my tunnel I climbed through to the other side.

I then took a breath of fresh air, looking up at the Gotham night sky. Although Gotham had a lot of light pollution, the sky was still beautiful.

I then began to walk without any set destination in mind, and within 30 minutes later, I had left the Fashion District and ended up in Little Italy.

The place was exactly what it sounded like.

There were a lot of tall red brick buildings everywhere and Italian restaurants on every corner. It smelled remarkably better than the majority of the city.

Walking through it, I could smell fresh bread being baked in ovens. As I continued on my travels, I walked past a place called Luigi's Pizza shop. A place that existed in my previous world that made my mouth water ever so slightly. It wasn't because I was hungry, but because I hadn't tasted anything aside from fish for the last 2 days. Unfortunately, I didn't have money, which made me regret not robbing the thrift shop.

I was grateful that I decided to explore the city. Me getting to understand Gotham also gave me a deeper insight into my powers.

After another hour, I was able to focus only on the good smells and managed to tune out the bad ones subconsciously. At the same time, I also learned how to tune out all the excess noise by focusing on specific conversations while ignoring everything else.

Although I wasn't as strong as him, I kind of felt like Superman while refining my abilities. It was exciting. My abilities were the only thing that was giving me a rush of serotonin.

After another 2 hours of walking North, the sun started to come up, making me realize that I had walked all night and ended up in the East End District.

'It's good being able to walk like this freely when just a few days ago, I had metal bolts in my knees and was basically partially crippled.' I thought as I began to sonder while hundreds of people crossed the streets, moving in every direction.

The time was currently 6 am and the streets were already lively. Shops began to open their doors while cars were jammed in traffic. I felt like I was in New York City.

I began to listen to other people's conversations, seeing if there was any information that I could collect, but then, I noticed a strange wet crunching noise coming from the sewer.

'The heck is that?' Trying to pinpoint where the noise was coming from, I began to focus my sixth sense… but as I was doing so, I felt someone approaching me for the 30th time today.

"Aye, little girl. The heck are you doing by yourself out here? This is Gotham City for god's sake. They snatch kids up like you. Like it's nothing. You need to find an adult." Said a grizzled masculine voice.

Raising my eyebrow, I turned around to see a fat old man in a brown trench coat scolding me. He looked to be in his late 40s judging by the gray hairs in his scruffy beard. As he looked in my eyes, he jumped in surprise.

"Holy hell? You got Christmas lights in your face. What happened to you? Also, now that I see your face, I can't tell if you're a boy or a girl." He said in surprise.

The irritating thing was people had been telling me the same thing all day. They kept assuming that I was a little ethnic girl that lost her parents. It was starting to piss me off.

"I have a condition. That's why my eyes look like this. Also, I'm a boy, you dick head." I spat, turning back around.

"Well, excuse me, sirrrr." He said sarcastically.

"You got a mouth on you, kid. Must be those parents that raised you. See, I was just trying to help, but screw it. I hope you get kidnapped, you little turd." He grumbled, walking away.

Yep. This was exactly like New York. No, it was probably bigger when it came to sheer landmass. But although the place may have been bigger, the attitude of the people was similar.

Shrugging, I went back to listening to the sewers.


"S-stop please. Leave me alone! I don't want to die!" Yelled a man who seemed absolutely horrified by something. Shortly after, I heard a wet crunching noise that was louder than the previous.

A few blocks away, I saw that there was a dimly lit alley with a manhole that was missing its cover. It was probably how the person I heard screaming got down there.

I didn't know what was going on, but I knew it was something that I didn't want to be a part of… and yet, I still wanted to check it out.

There was something down there… something big. But it wasn't bigger than my transformations. Curiosity was getting the better of me as I made my way across traffic.

Before going on my underground adventure, I went to a nearby bodega, getting a bag to put my clothes in. Something told me that they would get dirty, and I didn't want to go through stealing more.

Stripping down, I double-bagged my clothes and shoes, shoving them underneath a garbage. All I could do was hope that no one stole them.

I began to shapeshift into a large rat, climbing down into the sewers.

The aroma of blood and human waste flooded my sinuses. The stench, along with the use of my sixth sense, I ran to whatever was causing the guy from earlier to scream.

In a few moments, I saw it… A pile of corpses with a creature sitting atop it like a throne made out of mangled and dismembered bodies.

'Wow… This is… Incredibly messed up.' I thought with wide rat eyes.

On the seat of human meat, a giant green-scaled humanoid with razor-sharp fangs and claws began to consume chunks out of a human leg as if it were a piece of chicken.

He was doing it so casually that I was becoming uncertain of myself, especially when looking at its piercing yellow eyes. Its muscles looked powerful… He was someone I remember from my past life. A fictional character named Waylon Jones who also went by the name Killer Croc.

'Yeah… Yeah, forget this.' Turning around, I was about to run back up to the surface, but I stopped myself. The reason was, wasn't Croc the best punching bag to test my strength?

I had no idea how strong I was, but now, I finally found something that could withstand a full-power punch from me… in one of my transformed states, of course.

Although I had superhuman stamina in my human form, I wasn't sure how strong I was in it, or how fast I was for that matter. But now, it was time to test out my Hell Ape transform.

I started walking up to Killer Croc, suppressing the anxiety that I felt from deep within.

"Huh? What the heck kinda rat are you?" The man grumbled in a deep raspy voice that shook the walls around me.

He was confused, which wasn't surprising. I was probably the biggest rat he had ever seen in his life. To him, I was probably golden retriever-sized.

As I got closer, the man's instinct told him to be cautious. Tossing his drumstick to the side, he jumped off his pile of dead bodies and stood before me.

"You the biggest and ugliest son of a gun I ever seen in my entire life. And that's coming from me." He said with a southern accent which wasn't really a surprise considering he was from Florida.

While he stared at me, I was sizing the man up. He was huge, standing about 9 feet tall. On top of being tall, he was also wide. I was sure that the only door the man could actually fit through was a bank vault.

'Yeah… I'm gonna need something big to fight him.'

The man tilted his head with a mixture of confusion, curiosity, and amusement.

Without him getting the opportunity to say another word, I began to shapeshift, warping into a Silverback Gorilla, but in my case, Blackback.

In almost an instant, I had gone from being dog-sized to triple the size of Croc, which caused the man to frown. The shocking thing was, he didn't even bother taking a step back and instead stood his ground.

Tilting his head almost 90 degrees to look me in the eyes, the man began to speak.

"I don't know what you are, or who you are, but you got me messed up if you think I'm just gonna let you come up in my house and do whatever you want. THERE ARE RULES AND REGULATIONS!" He roared, which didn't feel too good while having enhanced hearing… but I maintained my composure.

Pulling my arm back, I quickly punched the man with full strength, flinging his body across the sewer, making him crash into a wall.


I had used all my strength in my attack… but with my enhanced vision, I could see that even though I had used a great amount of power for my Punch, the man was still relatively okay.

"Ha. Hahaha. You damn dirty ape. That's all you got?" He said, pulling himself out of the wall.

Walking toward me, he began dusting himself off.

With every step he took, he began to pick up speed. He got faster and faster, until he eventually reached me with a punch aimed at my stomach.

Sensing his attack coming, I moved backward, to avoid the incoming damage… but the punch never came. Killer Croc only smiled, Launching himself at my neck with an extraordinary amount of speed. I could sense him coming. I could even see him coming in slow motion. The problem was, my form was too bulky to actually move or defend myself.

Next chapter