
DC: The Absolute

In the DC Universe, Ken finds himself grappling with the reality of his new surroundings. As he navigates this unfamiliar world, he encounters Batman. Through their meeting, Ken begins to grasp the magnitude of his situation and the potential impact he could have in this alternate reality. Together with Batman, Ken embarks on a journey of self-discovery and heroism, determined to make a difference in a world unlike any he's ever known.

Black_Jesus_Christ · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


In that moment, as I stood amidst the darkness and chaos of the warehouse on all fours, the revelation sent a shiver down my spine. The legendary vampire, known throughout history for his enigmatic presence and inscrutable motives, stood before me in the guise of Doctor Alucard.

'Oh fuck.'

As Dracula's figure dissolved into a billowing cloud of ethereal mist, the transformation was a sight to behold. His form seemed to unravel before my eyes, tendrils of darkness intertwining and coalescing into a swirling vortex of shadow. It was as if the very essence of the vampire lord was unraveling, dispersing into the air like tendrils of smoke.

In the wake of Dracula's departure, the atmosphere grew tense, charged with an otherworldly energy that sent shivers down my spine. But the strangeness was far from over. As I scanned the room, my gaze fell upon the party guests, their human forms contorting and twisting in grotesque fashion.

With a sickening squelch, flesh gave way to fur, bones elongated into wings, and within moments, the guests had transformed into swarms of bats. It was a macabre sight, the air thick with the beating of leathery wings and the piercing cries of the nocturnal creatures.

The swarm descended upon the lower levels of the warehouse, their movements swift and coordinated, as if guided by some unseen force. The very air seemed to thrum with their presence, a cacophony of fluttering wings and shrill cries echoing through the darkness.

Caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, I could only watch in stunned disbelief as the creatures vanished from sight, leaving behind an eerie silence in their wake. The metallic tang of their presence lingered in the air, a chilling reminder of the supernatural forces now at play in this world.

'You have to be fuckin shitting me! I have to deal with fuckin vampires on my mission while Dick is somewhere jumping around roof to roof around wearing booty shorts?! Great. Just fuckin great.'

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I transformed back into my human form, the weight of the situation settling upon my shoulders like a suffocating blanket. The scent of metallic tang lingered in the air, mingling with the unmistakable aroma of blood and decay that wafted up from the lower levels of the building.

Closing my eyes, I focused my senses, reaching out with my heightened awareness to probe the darkness below. The bioelectricity of Roman and his men pulsed like beacons in the night, their presence a stark contrast against the backdrop of technology dead silence that surrounded them.

But as I extended my perception further, a chilling realization washed over me like a wave crashing against the shore. The vampires… I couldn't sense their bioelectricity, nor could I their hearts. It was as if they existed outside the realm of the living, their presence an enigma.

'Okay… I they shouldn't be able to use the cars down stairs-' Right as that thought crossed my mind, I heard loud booms coming from downstairs.

"What the fuck?! Get these trucks moving!" Yelled Roman.

"We can't boss! The wheels won't move! It's like they all fell in a hole or something!" Yelled his men from downstairs.

"Get out of the fuckin way. Let me try."

I then heard the sound of flat tires creating friction in dirt. I couldn't help but smirk, but I didn't forget that I was still in a dire situation.

'That gives me a little time to think… Now, what do I know about vampires in this universe?' I thought, crossing my arms.

As I stood there, contemplating the presence of vampires in the midst of the chaos, my mind raced through the vast repository of knowledge I had accumulated over the years. Images and information flickered through my consciousness, like scenes from a well-worn comic book.

In both the Marvel and DC Universes, vampires were depicted as formidable adversaries, possessing a myriad of strengths and abilities that made them a force to be reckoned with. From superhuman strength and speed to heightened senses and regenerative capabilities, they were formidable opponents capable of striking fear into the hearts of even the bravest heroes.

But it wasn't just their physical prowess that made them so dangerous. Vampires were also skilled manipulators, adept at preying on the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of their victims. With their hypnotic gaze and persuasive charm, they could bend others to their will, leading them down a path of darkness and despair.

However, despite their formidable powers, vampires also had their weaknesses. Sunlight, wooden stakes, and holy water were all effective tools against them… But where was I gonna find any of that?

It was then I realized, I had one of those things around me.

With a sense of urgency coursing through me , I wasted no time in transforming into my Hell-Ape form. The minutes were ticking away, and I knew I had to act swiftly to neutralize the threat of the vampires lurking below while they were distracted.

As I shifted into my towering and muscular guise, I could feel the adrenaline surging through my body, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus.

The dim surroundings seemed to blur as I moved with as fast as I could, my massive form smashing through the wooden furniture with extreme force. Tables shattered into splinters, chairs crumbled beneath my fist, and couches were reduced to rubble in mere moments.

Every strike was fueled by a sense of urgency, a desperate need to arm myself with the only weapons capable of defeating the vampires that lurked in the darkness.

The air crackled with energy as I worked with feverish intensity, my movements a blur of motion as I transformed the wooden objects into makeshift stakes. There was no time to waste, no room for hesitation—I had to be ready to confront the undead threat that awaited me below.

With the last of the wooden furnishings reduced to splinters at my feet, I stood amidst the wreckage, turning into a cheetah.

Channeling my frustration, I shot 120 tentacles out of my back, handcuffing each person that had shot at me. I then began picking up the steaks and rushed downstairs at full speed.

As I descended the stairs, the chaotic scene unfolded before my eyes like a nightmare brought to life. On one side stood a group of 14 vampires, their eyes glowing red with an otherworldly intensity. Behind them loomed the imposing figure of Dracula himself, a dark and formidable presence that sent a shiver down my spine.

Opposite them, Roman's men emerged from their cars, their faces a mix of fear, confusion, and apprehension at the sight of.

With a surge of adrenaline, I transformed into my hell-chimpanzee form.

Dracula's reaction was unexpected; instead of apprehension, he seemed amused by my transformation, a fact that shook my resolve even more.

"Hello there, Mortal," Dracula smiled, tilting his head like a curious puppy.

In the blink of an eye, Dracula transformed into mist, effortlessly closing the distance between us. I could feel the weight of his centuries of power bearing down on me as he spoke, his voice carrying the weight of ages.

As Dracula circled around me like a predatory shark, his movements were fluid and graceful, exuding an air of elegance and refinement. His now glowing red gaze, like dark pools of liquid night, seemed to pierce through the shadows with an uncanny intensity.

"Intriguing," he murmured, his voice smooth as velvet and tinged with a hint of amusement. "In my nearly 2000 years of existence, never have I once encountered a human being capable of such remarkable transformations."

With a flourish, Dracula reached out to touch one of my tentacles, his fingers trailing along its length with a delicate grace. A small, knowing smile played at the corners of his lips, betraying the depth of his ancient knowledge and experience.

"This world," he sighed, his voice carrying the weight of centuries past, "never ceases to amaze me."

Though I longed to respond, to defend myself against his probing gaze and mocking words, I found myself silenced by his mesmerizing presence. Bound by the constraints of my hell-chimpanzee form, I could only watch as Dracula effortlessly evaded my attempted attack, his movements as fluid as a wisp of smoke.

With a soft chuckle, Dracula returned to his original position among his vampire minions, his demeanor unruffled and composed.

"Tsk, tsk," he chided, his tone laced with a hint of disappointment. "To think the mighty Chimera would resort to such aggression without provocation. And here I was, beginning to think I had found a kindred spirit."

As he spoke, his words carried a magnetic charm that seemed to captivate all those around him, myself included. Despite our current confrontation, I couldn't help but feel a begrudging admiration for the enigmatic figure before me, the legendary King of the Undead.

"Now, kill the child. Save his blood for me." Dracula smiled.

As the vampires surged forward with supernatural speed, my heart pounded in my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins. With a primal roar, I braced myself for the onslaught, drawing upon my years of martial arts training to face the looming threat.

The first vampire lunged at me with blinding speed, claws extended like daggers aiming for my throat. Instinctively, I shifted into a defensive stance, drawing upon the principles of Krav Maga to deflect the attack. With a swift parry, I redirected the vampire's momentum, using his own force against him.

But the vampires were relentless, their movements a blur of motion as they closed in on me from all sides. Drawing upon the fluidity of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I focused on evasion and leverage, using their momentum against them to throw them off balance.

As one vampire closed in, I executed a perfectly timed judo throw, sending him hurtling through the air with bone-crushing force. With lightning speed, I transitioned into Muay Thai, delivering a devastating knee strike to another vampire's midsection, driving the air from his lungs.

But the vampires were quick to recover, their supernatural strength and agility proving to be formidable adversaries. With a series of lightning-fast strikes, I utilized Wing Chun techniques to maintain a tight defense, deflecting their blows and striking back with precision and power.

As the battle raged on, I drew upon the diverse array of martial arts styles I had mastered, seamlessly blending techniques from karate, taekwondo, and capoeira. With each strike, I channeled the energy of my training, my movements fluid and precise as I danced on the edge of danger, kicking one vampire in the face, launching them back one after another… but even as I broke their bones, they healed almost instantly.

Even when I jumped back to gain distance, they continued to charge at me.

As the vampires closed in on me, their red eyes glinting with predatory hunger, I braced myself for the onslaught. But no amount of preparation could have prepared me for the ferocity of their attack.

With a flurry of movement, they descended upon me like a pack of wolves, their blows raining down with bone-crushing force. I fought back with all my strength, but it was like trying to hold back a tidal wave with my bare hands. Each strike felt like a sledgehammer to the chest, driving the air from my lungs and leaving me gasping for breath.

No matter how hard I fought, it was futile. The vampires were simply too strong, their supernatural abilities rendering my martial arts training useless. They slashed and tore at my flesh, leaving deep gashes that oozed black gunk that I never saw before, even when battling with Croc.

The pain… it was sending shockwaves of agony coursing through my body.

I tried to block their attacks, to find some semblance of defense amidst the chaos, but it was like trying to hold back a hurricane with a cardboard shield. Their blows came from all directions, overwhelming me with their sheer ferocity and power.

And then, as if to add insult to injury, they began to toy with me, their laughter echoing in the darkness as they brutalized me with savage delight. They smashed my head against the concrete, sending stars dancing before my eyes, and I could do nothing but endure their relentless assault.

In that moment, as I lay battered and broken beneath their onslaught, I realized the true extent of my peril. I was hopelessly outmatched, facing an enemy that knew no mercy and showed no remorse.

As the vampires continued their relentless assault, a simmering rage began to build within me, fueling my defiance in the face of overwhelming odds. With each blow they landed, with each drop of black sludge spilled, the flames of anger grew hotter and fiercer until they threatened to consume me entirely.

But amidst the chaos and pain, a voice echoed in the depths of my mind, a voice that spoke with clarity and purpose. "Enough!" I roared in English, the words bursting forth from my lips with a primal fury that shook the very foundations of the warehouse.

In that moment, something inside me snapped, and with a deafening roar, a explosion of tentacles erupted from my chest, lashing out with lethal force. They impaled and severed the limbs of the vampires, sending them reeling back in shock and pain.

With a surge of adrenaline, I picked myself up from the ground, my eyes burning with determination as I surveyed the battlefield before me. The vampires, though wounded, began to heal from their injuries with unnerving speed, their supernatural regeneration sealing their wounds almost as quickly as they were inflicted.

But I was not about to back down. Not now, not ever.

With a steely resolve, I snatched up the stakes that I had dropped during the fray, the grip of the tentacles on my back tightening around them with grim determination.

Dracula's laughter echoed through the warehouse docking, a chilling symphony of amusement as he observed the chaos unfolding before him. His crimson eyes glittered with amusement as he watched me, a mere mortal, defy his minions with an almost reckless abandon.

"Ah, the sparks of defiance," Dracula mused, his voice dripping with elegance and malice. "How delightful it is to see such spirit in the face of certain defeat. But alas, mortal, your struggles are in vain. You cannot hope to stand against me."

With a wave of his hand, Dracula gestured to his minions, urging them forward with a silent command. "Finish him," he commanded, his tone cold and merciless.

But even as his minions closed in for the kill, I refused to yield. With a defiant glare, I met Dracula's gaze head-on, my resolve unshaken by his taunts.

My body began to shift and warp as the image of a Hell-Ape appeared in my mind.

As I shifted into my Hell-Ape form, a strange sensation coursed through my body, accompanied by an eerie phenomenon. From every pore, every crevice of my being, a thick black sludge began to ooze, pooling at my feet and spreading across the floor like a living shadow.

At first, I was taken aback, unsure of what to make of this strange occurrence. But as I watched in astonishment, I realized that this sludge was no ordinary substance—it was a part of me, a manifestation of my power and essence.

As the sludge continued to seep from my body, I felt myself becoming more malleable, more fluid, as if I were melting into the darkness itself. Yet, instead of succumbing to this transformation, I embraced it, welcoming the surge of power that surged through my veins.

In the place where my form appeared to dissolve into the inky abyss, new appendages emerged, twisting and writhing like serpents in the darkness. Tentacles sprouted from my mass, each one pulsating with a raw, primal energy making me appear like a lovecraftian horror.

With a newfound sense of strength and determination, I surged forward, my tentacles lashing out at the vampires with ferocious speed and precision. The sludge that had once threatened to consume me now served as a weapon, a testament to the depths of my power.

As I ensnared the vampires in my mass, trapping them in a web of darkness, their struggles grew frantic and desperate. With each stake I drove into their hearts, their screams echoed through the cavernous space, a symphony of agony that reverberated in the air.

Yet, amidst the chaos and carnage, Dracula remained unmoved, his gaze fixed upon me with a mixture of disdain and contempt. For him, the vampires were nothing but disposable pawns, their demise a mere inconvenience.

As the last of the vampires turned to dust, their cries for aid falling on deaf ears, Dracula's gaze shifted to me, his lip curling in disgust at the sight of my grotesque form. But beneath his haughty demeanor, I sensed a flicker of something else—a grudging respect, perhaps, for the power I wielded.

Meanwhile, Roman and his men, sensing the tide of battle turning against them, turned to flee in terror. But before they could make their escape, Dracula's voice rang out with a single command: "Stop."

Instantly, Roman and his men fell to the ground, their bodies immobilized by Dracula's supernatural influence. It was just me and him now, locked in a tense standoff.

As Dracula gracefully levitated off the ground, his movements were smooth and fluid, almost mesmerizing to watch. With each step, he exuded an aura of elegance and charm that seemed to captivate all who beheld him.

"Child... I admit, you've done better than I expected," he remarked, his voice a melodic blend of confidence and sophistication. "Consider me impressed... but you must understand something about the world that all children must grow to know."

With a sly smile playing upon his lips, Dracula continued to approach, his gaze locked with mine in an unspoken challenge. It was clear that he relished the opportunity to engage with me, to test the limits of my abilities against his own.

But even as he spoke, I sensed an opportunity—a fleeting moment of vulnerability that I could exploit. With a surge of determination, I lunged forward, ensnaring Dracula in my slimy tentacles before he could react.

For a brief moment, victory seemed within my grasp, but it was short-lived. Dracula remained composed, his demeanor unruffled even as my tentacles tightened around him. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed a wave of telekinetic force that sent me sprawling, my movements halted as if by invisible chains.

As I struggled against his telekinetic grip, Dracula's voice cut through the haze of pain and confusion. "It's important not to bite off more than you can chew," he remarked, his tone laced with a cold amusement.

With a sudden surge of power, he slammed my entire mass to the floor with bone-crushing force, the impact sending shockwaves of agony coursing through my body. Again and again, he lifted me with his telekinesis and slammed me back down, each blow driving me further into the depths of darkness until the world faded away and I slipped into unconsciousness, reverting to my human form.

In the end, as I lay battered and broken, it was clear that Dracula's elegance and charm were more than just superficial qualities—they were a testament to the depth of his power and the extent of his mastery over the forces that governed our world.

(5 minutes later)

As my consciousness slowly returned, the cacophony of sirens and distant voices seeped into my awareness, jolting me awake. I blinked away the haze of unconsciousness, piecing together the fragments of memory from the intense battle that had just taken place.

My body ached with every movement… in fact, I felt like it was on fire. Each step sent waves of agony rippling through me, as if my very essence was being consumed by flames. I struggled to maintain my composure, gritting my teeth against the relentless assault of pain.

I felt my insides boiling, a searing heat radiating from within. Glancing down, I saw thick rivulets of black sludge oozing from my fingertips, dripping onto the floor below. Panic threatened to engulf me as I realized that my body was beginning to liquefy, my form disintegrating before my eyes.

With a desperate effort, I flexed my muscles, summoning every ounce of strength to keep my deteriorating body from collapsing entirely. The sheer force of will was the only thing holding me together, a precarious balance between existence and oblivion.

Scanning the room for any signs of danger, I spotted a ventilation shaft tucked away in the corner. Without hesitation, I made my way towards it, my movements slow and labored. Every inch felt like a mile as I dragged myself forward, my limbs heavy with exhaustion.

Reaching the shaft, I began to climb, my hands and feet finding purchase on the metal grating. The narrow confines pressed in on me, squeezing the breath from my lungs, but I pushed onward, driven by the desperate need to escape.

As I navigated the twisting passages of the ventilation system, the sounds of the outside world faded into the background, replaced by the dull hum of machinery. The darkness seemed to swallow me whole, engulfing me in its suffocating embrace.

But I refused to surrender. With each passing moment, I drew closer to freedom, my determination unyielding despite the torment that threatened to consume me. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I emerged from the ventilation system and found myself in a deserted alleyway.

Gasping for breath, I collapsed against the cold brick wall, my body trembling with exhaustion. But even as fatigue threatened to drag me into unconsciousness, I knew that I could not rest. My battle was far from over, not the one with Dracula because I had lost that one. I was talking about the one with myself.

Summoning every last ounce of strength, I pushed myself to my feet and disappeared into the shadows, finding a manhole cover that I opened, making my way down.

"Fuck-Fuck-Fuck!" I screamed in pain.

The pain was excruciating, a relentless torment that seemed to seep into every fiber of my being. It started as a dull ache, a distant whisper of discomfort that soon grew into a roaring inferno of agony.

With each movement, it felt like my body was being torn apart from the inside out. Every muscle screamed in protest, every joint throbbed with a searing intensity that threatened to drive me to the brink of madness.

But it wasn't just physical pain that I had to contend with. No, there was something deeper, something more insidious lurking beneath the surface. It was as if my very essence was being torn asunder, shredded into tatters by some unseen force.

The black sludge that oozed from my pores only served to intensify the sensation, its corrosive touch eating away at my flesh like acid. It was a constant reminder of my own mortality, a grim testament to the fragility of my existence.

And yet, despite the overwhelming agony, I refused to give in. I gritted my teeth and pushed forward, each step a testament to my sheer willpower. I could feel the darkness closing in around me, threatening to consume me whole, but still I fought against it, clinging to the faint glimmer of hope that flickered within me.

The journey through the sewer system was a blur of pain and exhaustion, each passing moment a struggle to keep moving forward. But I refused to let go, driven by the desperate need to reach my destination, no matter the cost.

And then, finally, mercifully, I stumbled upon the entrance to the Batcave. It was a sanctuary in the darkness, a haven from the storm raging within me. With a final burst of effort, I dragged myself inside, collapsing onto the cold stone floor in a heap.

The pain seemed to recede slightly in the safety of the cave, but it was still there, a constant companion that refused to be ignored. And as unconsciousness claimed me at last, I welcomed its embrace, grateful for the brief respite from the torment that had consumed me for so long.