
Chapter 50: The Final Game Begins; The Birth of Doomsday

Guys, I just want to say something before you read the episode. There are times when you may feel that the episodes are difficult to read, or that it seems 'translated'. 

It's not that. What happens is that when I pass the episode to the editor (I have it in Word), my computer translates it completely into Spanish, and I have to revert it. But when I revert it, the words are changed. 

I try to review each episode before uploading it, but sometimes I miss words.

I appreciate it when you tell me about the errors so I can correct them.

With that cleared up, enjoy :) 




<telepath >


"Samuel Jones words"

'Ghost Rider voice'


Edgar POV 

Lian Yu (10 days after the mission)

The meeting continued, but at this point my attention was completely diverted when they started talking about the specifications of all the weapons The Light had. Every word Batman said only affirmed that this group had almost unlimited resources and that a full scale war would simply be a total loss for us.

At this point, discussions were coming from all sides whether to attack the coasts or maybe Europe or take the United States, or how to split up to make a fully coordinated attack, now that we already had the Atlantean troops and the Amazons helping us to even out the numbers.

But to me, it was very obvious what needed to be done. Destroy the core and you win the war. That is, no matter how many troops or weapons The Light has, if you destroy their key members, namely Vandal and the other executives, The Light will be defeated.

Even if the information they report is true, many of the soldiers actually have a slight mind control that subordinates them to The Light, and by ending that, we could practically make them stop following them.

Anyway, the problem is the main members. But, taking them out was difficult as every territory was heavily secured. And now, even more so with the rescue missions we had done.

My mission was easier. I was practically a wild card, and my goal as such was to support fighting Black Adam or Mordru, the only ones who could be considered a real threat in the group for all of us.

Mordru was more powerful than Doctor Fate with his chaos magic, and Adam had Shazam's powers, but enhanced by his experience, making his power completely his own. Two enemies to be feared.

Honestly the reunion was already starting to wear on me. If this is what Justice League missions are like, they were certainly boring as hell. Diverting my attention, I opened my mental barrier derived from my power and began communicating with Raven.

<Anything interesting you've found?> I asked her.

She was far from startled as she was used to us talking like this from time to time.

<Mmm, a few things. Some have bit of hostility towards you, but nothing to be concerned about, mostly it's just anger or apprehension>

What I asked her was to just use her powers to sense emotions to see how they behaved with me and the new group in the room. I had no illusions with what Kent told me that they would change their mentality so easily. They still considered themselves heroes, and they still had their ideals deeply rooted. In their eyes, I was surely still considered a 'villain' who killed the Joker and defeated the League.

Raven went on to explain.

<However, the most interesting are some feelings I felt from three people, but they not directed at you, themselves>

This certainly caught my attention. So I said to her

<Interesting, have you explain it to me>

<the one who greeted you and said he was glad to see you, has moral feelings of guilt. Although they are diluted, still there>

She was referring to Superman, so I wondered what would cause him to feel guilt. Perhaps something had happened on the rescue mission that perhaps put him in a difficult situation. It was very likely, but until I asked, I wouldn't know.

<The second is that blond man standing on the shore anxiously playing with his fingers. He feels guilt, but it's different from Superman. It's more like regret guilt for not having done something>

I couldn't see the features Raven was telling me, but there were only two men in that corner she told me. One of the souls I didn't recognize, but the other one I did, and he was of the superhero speedster Flash, and if my memories didn't fail me from what Diana told me, then that man was blond, being the one Raven told me.

<And the last one is that young man who in group of people, most distant all. Of all them, he feels guilt. A guilt slowly consuming him. Actually, should seek help, as I feel slight darkness him>

That person I did recognize, or well, his soul. Shazam, the boy hero I had fought with. If what Raven was telling me was right then that kid was in trouble. I would tell Diana later so she could talk to her friends.

Raven kept telling me other interesting things. Zatara was still a jerk and showed a lot of hostility towards Raven, Jason Blood (Etrigan) and me, as he surely sensed our demonic power. But at least he wasn't doing anything that was an attack or anything else. So we were fine.

After chatting for a while, I cut off the communication and refocused on the talk, which had made almost no progress.

So I started to wonder about some things, especially something that really kept me curious about the Cadmus project. They had already talked about it, but I had many doubts and had slight suspicions about this project. So I got up and walked to the center where the files of that project were.

I felt a lot of stares on me as I did so, but Bruce never stopped talking so I guess it didn't matter much what I did. Then I sat back in my chair and started running my hands over the files to analyze the information.

"Are you okay?" asked Diana next to me.

"Yes, I just want to confirm something" I whispered back.

The information was basic, and talked a lot of Superman stuff, but after skimming through it well, I finally found what I was looking for.

'As I suspected' I thought, 'They're relying on the Revenger Group's technology'

This whole project was based on the theory stolen in the explosion at my research center. More specifically the most recent project we were working on between all of us, 'Project Life'.

"Sigh, so this is why they killed Samuel" I muttered. It was clear now why they had broken into my research center and killed Samuel Jones. However, I think I drew a lot of attention with my actions because the room was silent and everyone was looking at me.

"Yes?" I asked curiously. Bruce just looked at me and said impassively.

"That if you have something to add, because I see you very thoughtful with those files"

And you know what, it was time to wrap this up, which frankly was getting unnecessarily long, so I stood up and said.

"Actually I do. About the weapons and so on, let's not get silly. What we have to do is defeat the core members and it will all be over. The problem is, do you have what it takes to make it happen?"

"What do you mean?" asked a voice I recognized as Green Arrow. I think his name was Oliver Queen if I remember correctly.

"Guys, if you think this will be solved in a fight where you come in and lock everyone up with the full weight of the law, then we better stop planning everything and give up. This will end when we actually kill the main members of The Light. Locking them up is not even an option anymore"

I felt that many didn't like what I was saying, but I didn't care, they had to listen to me for everyone's sake. They had to change their mindset.

The Light was the law. The world had already changed and would no longer be the same. If they wanted to win, they had to decide to make sacrifices and change their definition of justice.

"The Justice League doesn't kill" Bruce said with a tone that incited no discussion. But I didn't care.

"I thought the Justice League was disbanded. Besides, that thought would only bring about this whole group ending up in a body bag or in a cell in experiments like Rex's or Patrick's"

Although they still didn't want to believe my opinion, I could sense that already many were wondering if I was right.

"But well, I'm just giving my opinion. It's yours to follow it or not, It's your decision... however, I am concerned about this" I pointed to the files in my hand. "I think I know why they haven't achieved their goal with this project"

"Speak" Bruce said in his same tone as always. But I know his mind was working to think or guess what I was about to say.

"This project is based on our technology, Ray. Check this out" I passed the file to Ray Palmer (Atom) who I quickly recognized when I arrived. If I could describe our relationship it would be that of colleagues, but not friends.

Don't get me wrong, Ray was a great guy, but he was someone who immersed himself in his research and hardly spoke to anyone except in meetings, which is why we hadn't been as close as I had been with Samuel or Kimiyo.

He quickly grabbed the files and started reading them.

"I see. The theory is based on Samuel's research with genetics. The 'Project Life', but we hadn't finished that project" Ray chipped in.

"That's right - for those of you who don't know, Project Life was a gigantic project that sought to eliminate inherited diseases before they even presented themselves. Either by early diagnosis at birth or even in pregnancy. A machine that would allow to edit the genome directly from the main focus of the problem. Now I see that The Light succeeded in creating such a machine and with that they are doing this project"

"Do you think there is any solution to that problem?" hesitantly asked someone I didn't recognize. It was a man standing next to a woman. But his features I frankly could not guess.

"No, the project was theoretical. We created a machine, but it never worked. Unless..."

"Unless the machine did work" Bruce finished.

"Yeah..., I think maybe it did. I think my friend Samuel was killed for just this. If anyone could have finished this project it was him. He was a freaking genetic genius. They wouldn't have killed him if they still considered him useful. But, I'm sure he did something to sabotage the whole thing. I'm pretty sure"

It was all coming together in my mind. Samuel was a tough and even rude guy, but he loved his family very much. But when it came to investigations he was super cautious. He had contingency plans for everything. If he managed to create this machine I was sure he had sabotaged it.

A memory came to my mind of the last words my friend, Samuel, said to me before he died in my arms.

"woods... cough cough cough, woods, Edgar, woods" (AN: chapter 17)

'Wood…?' finally the realization hit me. 'Cabin in the woods'

Samuel owned land in a forest in Talkeetna, Alaska. What if he was trying to tell me that he had actually hidden information in that cabin?, It was almost impossible, but there were possibilities.

"How fast can you go to Alaska, right now?" I asked.

"Very quickly" Barry stood up.

"Well, this may be nothing. But Samuel had a cabin on a piece of land outside of Talkeetna. Maybe, just maybe, he could have hidden important information there"

"What kind of information?" Victor Stone spoke up.

"Flash drives, or hard drives. Something compact. Samuel hated paper"

"Then I'm coming too. My sensors will be able to scan if there's anything there"

After saying that, I told them where the cabin was, or where I remembered it was, and they left through a portal. Flash could run, but better not to risk attracting attention. Finally several minutes passed and they returned to the place with a toy doll.

"It's the only thing that was in the cabin, besides dust and some old things breaking. That thing needs maintenance, I tell you-"

"Barry, stop!" cut him off Victor who just happened to be crossing the portal "Now, if my sensors don't lie to me..." Victor grabbed the toy and smashed its head. Out of it came a USB memory stick.

I had been right. Samuel, the very astute one, put the stored information in the only place anyone wouldn't suspect. His daughter's toy. Very clever of him.

Bruce put the flash drive in and scanned it for viruses. When he saw that everything was clean, he played the one file that was there. A video.

"For the record. I'm Samuel Jones and I hope this is seen by a friend and not one of those assholes who have been making my life miserable. I've been being watched by these fuckers for over a year now, and I fear for my life. I am recording this video from the bathroom, with my cell phone, in the only moment of my miserable time that I am not being watched. My only concern is my family, especially my daughter. She is still small and it scares me that she will grow up without a father. There are many things I would have liked to teach her, but most of all there are many 'I love yous' I would have liked to tell her"

I thought they would be files and not my friend's last words. But it didn't make it any less sad. His words touched the heart of every person in the room. His death was sad, and his body was later charred by an explosion. He did not deserve the death he experienced.

"But what is pressing to me is the project I was made to do. A machine that would create a serum that would evenly combine human DNA and mutate it with external DNA. The machine was created by me, and it has been a success. And that's what I'm afraid of... however, all is not lost. The theory I gave them was incomplete, and wrong. And the machine, while functional, I programmed it to self-destruct with a secret code that they don't know. The serums that are made will be wrong derived from the theory and the machine will be able to destroy itself with a code and it is inevitable no matter what they do. I just hope this is not seen by them because otherwise it would be very idiotic to have made this video" 

Samuel gave a heavy sigh and haltingly said his last words.

"My daughter, My love, I love you and I am so sorry. I hope you can forgive me" with that the video cut off. 

A great silence hung in the room as the video ended. No one deigned to speak after that.




"It wasn't what I expected" Barry said cutting through the silence at last, though I could sense a bit of sentiment in his voice seeping through.

And it wasn't too much. I felt sadness too. I felt like a bad friend since I didn't even know if Ruby and Samantha, Samuel's daughter and wife, were okay. When all this was over, I would give them a visit and help with everything to help them live a wonderful life. It's the least I can do for my friend.

"I think there is hope then. What we should do is plan to defeat the core members, and we will win. Besides, if we get to Project Cadmus, we can destroy this machine and they won't be able to do any more experiments. We already have an advantage over them. We have to take advantage of it" I finished saying.

"He's right. Above all" the one who said was Superman. "We have to plan what is the best strategy to follow to defeat them in a large incursion. And if the information Martian has retrieved from Cyborg Superman, then Chernobyl is the hiding place of the Project Cadmus and its main headquarters"

With that said, the meeting continued, but now it didn't last long. The only thing left to do was to discuss how to attack that city.


Have spent five days at this place, and I must say that this island was quite impressive. I was surprised that this was all built by Green Arrow and not Batman. And I was also surprised how Oliver quickly stopped feeling apprehensive feelings towards me and was now being all friendly.

Actually, many did. Either because they were Diana's friends and tried to be friendly or because they were actually nice guys.

The ones I struck up a sort of new friendship with were Oliver, Victor, Barry, Carter who was Hawkman, and Clark. Hal, the Lantern I had never met, also joined the group.

Also, I was also surprised that Helen Parvati, the one-time researcher and one of my center's committee was here as well. With me, plus Kimiyo, and Ray, we had practically assembled the main board of the Revenger Group.

It was certainly nice to meet with them again like in the old days. Too bad Samuel is no longer around. We talked about him a lot at that meeting and we all agreed to support his family after this.

The truth is, I didn't know if I would ever open the research center again, but if I did, I would certainly invite these people back to be a part of it. They were geniuses among geniuses and they all wanted to help humanity. With them we could become a research powerhouse again. But only time will tell.

Diana was happy to be reunited with her friends. She was happy and smiling all the time. Raven had also made friends, specifically two. Oliver's sister, Thea Queen, and surprisingly the daughter of the idiot Zatara, who was nothing like her father and quickly accepted Raven without prejudice. I believe her name was Zatanna.

But it wasn't all meetings and joy. In these 5 days the strategies to attack The Light had been prepared. We were already defining the last details and we had a solid plan to do it. The final game was staged.

At this moment, I was alone, enjoying the fresh air. The reason I was doing this is because again that feeling of urgency that I had a long, long time ago, had returned.

I felt like something was going to happen today. Something very bad for me or my relatives, and I didn't like that. The last time I felt it was when the explosion happened and I didn't like that feeling at all.

Unfortunately, Kent was in his tower and I couldn't ask him if he knew anything or could use his powers to see anything. My pressing thoughts were pulled out when I felt two arms hug me from behind. It was Diana.

"What's on your mind, sweetheart?"

"Sigh, since morning I woke up with this feeling that something bad would happen, Diana. It was mild, but now I feel it stronger. I don't like this"

She made a worried face at my words, and turned to hug me.

"Do you think..."

"I don't know. I think I'd better go see Fate and dismiss my worries with him"

I didn't have to go anywhere, however, as a golden portal materialized right next to us. Out of it came Kent, but he was in a hurry, and his face looked uneasy.

"Edgar, we have a problem. The magic alarms I set on that orphanage you told me about, have gone off"

I hadn't gone to visit the orphanage so it wouldn't cause them trouble with The Light. But that didn't mean I didn't worry about them, since I had asked Kent to protect it with his magic. Even so, he knew that putting up strong protections would only draw Mordru's attention, so he decided to put up preventive barriers that would warn if suggested anything. And those barriers had just been activated.

He didn't need to tell me more. I quickly created a portal with my power to the orphanage, but before I crossed, Diana's hand stopped me.

"Don't stop me, Diana"

"I'm not. I'm coming with you" she told me with a tone that would not accept refusals, so I let her follow me. Not before she quickly grabbed her sword, shield and lasso.

However, by the time we crossed it was too late....


General POV

As they crossed, Kent was also going to follow them, but a powerful magical signature stopped him from doing so. There was only someone capable of emitting such a power. It was Mordru.

Kent put on his helmet and quickly teleported to the sky over the China Sea where he felt the signature. When he arrived, there he stood in all his glory Mordru, with his arms behind his back and a mischievous grin on his face.

"Brother, I was worried you wouldn't feel me, and I'd have to wait for you for hours"

However, Doctor Fate did not speak, but summoned his power and cast powerful golden beams at Mordru's body. But he, who had already consolidated all his power, dismissed the attack with a simple hand movement. That was how powerful he had become 

"Brother, how rude. I just came to talk and you attack me. Is this how you treat all your guests?"

"Only the ones I don't like" replied Nabu in his ethereal voice. "What do you want, Mordru?"

"I come as a messenger. Even though I don't like being treated as one, they knew I would be the only one capable of doing so"


"That's right, brother. The final game has begun. You have 3 days to surrender to The Light or else we will bomb the entire China Sea Range. We don't know what island you are hiding on, but I'm sure a missile or two will surely fall on you"

"And if we leave?"

"Yes, Vandal thought of that. And he told me to tell you that, if you don't show up and run away, then we will start killing people for every day you don't show up. Actually, the 3 days were mere mercy from us for you to enjoy your last moments free. Oh, and another thing. Don't think that your move you made last time will work again. We have already reinforced every troop and every territory. As soon as they see you, they will attack to kill. 3 days, little brother. In 3 days you have to go to Chernobyl... well, little brother, arrivederci"

With that said, Mordru opened a portal and left. The only thought on Kent and Nabu's mind was.


Kent went back to the island to tell everyone. 3 days they had to plan everything. In 3 days, the end game was to begin.


Edgar and Diana arrived at the outskirts of the orphanage, but when they arrived a silence of fear was felt. Not a soul could be heard. No voice of a child or an adult and that worried the couple who had come running.

Arriving at the place, they were finally able to find something that made them freeze. In this orphanage there were 6 caretakers, but those 6 women, at this moment, were lying mutilated, cut and even crushed.

Some of them had bite marks, and others had their heads crushed like watermelons, where the brain gray matter was leaking through the holes they had. The scene was complete carnage.

But the worst of all was the body nailed to the kitchen, none other than Sister Maria. She was crucified with knives stuck in her arms and legs. Her neck had been cut, because of the blood all over her clothes, and with that blood they had placed a message that read

//All those you love will die//

Edgar approached and inspected with his great touch the mutilated body of Sister Maria. Then he ran his hands over the message in the blood, reading it.

Quickly the temperature began to rise in the room as the voices, THOSE voices in Edgar's head that had diminished with his training, rang again like alarms at full power in Edgar's own head.



However, Diana's hand stopped Edgar from transforming and losing control with his tainted power. Which made him have to take a breath to calm himself.

"I'll kill them all, Diana. They made this personal" Edgar said with a lot of venom in his voice.

"And I won't stop you when you do, on the contrary, I'll run my sword into them too" Diana contributed also with a threatening tone. She was also angry about the whole thing. And that was an understatement. They were both furious.

"PIP, PIP, PIP" However, a beeping sound interrupted the couple's conversation. It was coming right from the kitchen and was emitted by a late-model tablet lying in the kitchen.

Edgar picked up the tablet and a live call came on. The person on the tablet was none other than Vandal.

"Hello, Doctor Bones, or would you prefer I call you Edgar. I don't believe we've been formally introduced, but my name is-"

"Vandal Savage...you've got a lot of balls talking to me after what you just did"

"Oh, but my friend, I didn't do anything. In fact, I haven't even moved from where I am. However, it is unfortunate how this whole event happened. If you want, and so you can see my sincerity, I can bring you the culprits as a gesture of goodwill between us. What do you say?"

Vandal didn't mind selling Harley and Killer Croc if it would keep this man from going against him. At the end of the day, to him, they were simply fighting dogs.

"The only thing that would calm me down right now is to have your head on a silver platter. First you destroy my center and kill MY friend, then you try to capture my girlfriend and her city and now you kill the people I hold dear...you just made it personal, Vandal"

"Yeah, I guess it wouldn't work out my proposal. Actually, I tried to think of the best way to approach a conversation with you, Doctor Bones. What could someone who is rich, has no family, and a has lot of power, want. Actually, I think all it's stirred up has been a miscommunication between us. You see, if I had known that you were the owner of the famous Revenger Group, I wouldn't even have destroyed the Center. In fact, I would have left Samuel and the board, alone. And even if I had known you had so much power, I would have invited you to join our crusade to save the world from the coming future"

"Save it, or destroy it?" said Edgar in a mocking tone. But Vandal didn't take the joke badly, on the contrary, he just smiled.

"Ha, if I wanted to destroy it, I would have done it already. And you know I can do it. The world is in the palm of MY hand. But I don't want to do it. On the contrary. The League and its resistance is the last thing I lack to fulfill my purpose. That great purpose for which I was born"

"And what is that purpose, Vandal?, Because to me it all sounds like bullshit"

"You don't understand, Edgar. No one really understands. The gods and demons have set their eyes on us. On OUR WORLD. But, if they think we're a easy prey, they're wrong. I am preparing for what is coming. The Justice League does not matter to me. In my eyes, they are useless resistance. The real enemy is waiting to strike, preparing in the shadows, and I will be ready when that comes. I WILL SAVE THE WORLD"

"Ha, your follies impress me, Vandal. Let me tell you something. And believe me what I'm going to tell you because I'm VERY serious...

I will find you. I'll search every nook and cranny where you're hiding, but I'll find you. Then I will burn you slowly until I melt EVERY BONE THAT'S LEFT OF YOU. And when that happens and you beg me for mercy, I will take you to the eternal punishment where people like YOU deserve to be. I was told you have powers that make you immortal, well I tell you, you will eternally spend your life in hell itself for what you have done to me"

Vandal had been threatened many times in his life. Perhaps he could fill the entire Roman Coliseum with the people who had threatened him in all his long life, and there would still be a lack of space. But he could feel it. This threat was special. His instincts told him that this threat was not unfounded and that Edgar would actually follow through. This made him get serious and tell him.

"You won't do anything, Edgar. I did all this so you won't act on the final game I just proposed. I'm telling you, the 22 children that were here, ALL of them are captured and alive. And don't worry, on my honor I promise you, as long as you don't act against me, nothing will happen to them. And just so you know, they are in a very safe place. Totally guarded and secret. Searching for them will take a LONG time. Maybe you can find them, but by the time you do, it will be too late"

"Too late for what?" the one who asked was Diana.

 "Oh, Miss Prince, or would you prefer me to call you, 'your majesty'. At this moment, Mordru is passing my final message to Doctor Fate. In three days I want them all surrendered to me in Ukraine. No resistance. Even if they do, it won't matter. I assure you. That's why I'm telling Mr. Bones not to act when this happens. If he does, and Mordru already knows his magic signature, those children WILL DIE and it won't be in the pretty way. It's up to you"

"And after those three days, Vandal, why do you think I won't act after that?" Edgar asked menacingly. Three days for them, but Edgar could kill him after. Why he was sure he wouldn't. That's what Edgar wondered.

"Believe me, Mr. Bones. Even YOU won't be able to do anything to stop what's coming. In three days I WILL HAVE WON"

And he sounded very confident. Something said that Vandal really believed that he would win. Only Edgar could think that maybe, just maybe, Project Cadmus had been a success, and if that happened... then they were screwed.

"Well, I won't take that time away from you. Three days, Edgar. Do nothing and we'll be fine. Even when it's over I'll release the kids and, if you want, you can join us. I'm always open to talented and powerful people like yourselves. Oh, by the way, I forgot something important… maybe Harley put some explosives in the place that I think would detonate in 4, 3, 2, 1..."


A loud explosion completely destroyed the entire mansion and part of the grounds of the place. A strong smoke started to come out and the neighbors, frightened, started to call the firemen to put out the big fire produced by this explosion.

However, Edgar and Diana had quickly left the site. A few kilometers away, Edgar and Diana were listening to the sirens of the arriving firefighters and smelled the smoke from the powerful fire coming from the area.

"He cornered me, Diana. We need to find those children if you want me to act. It pains me to admit it, but I needed the League's help. Specifically from Batman"

Vandal's fucker had been smart. Using the kids as hostages to keep Edgar from showing up. It was certainly a clever plan. Totally evil, but clever.

"Take it easy. We'll make it. We have to"

With that, they returned to Lian Yu. Three days they had to plan everything, and it wasn't looking good for their.


Chernobyl, Ukraine

In the subway facilities at Chernobyl. Vandal had hung up the call and at this moment he saw the large group of scientists preparing all the necessary machinery to carry out the Cadmus project.

"Vandal, are you sure you want to do this?, when you do there will be no turning back" asked Lex, as he approached him.

However, Vandal was feeling a sense of urgency. Edgar's threat was ringing in his mind at the moment.

There was no way to stop him. Mordru was going to fight Doctor Fate, that was for sure, and Black Adam would have Superman or maybe Shazam to fight him. Simply put, stopping this monster was impossible.

The best way was to 'handcuff' him with a threat so he wouldn't do anything. But, still, something told Vandal that he was wrong. Something told him that this threat was the worst thing he could have done.

"Yes, Lex. Get everything ready. I'm ready"

"Good, we just need a day to prepare the security protocols and everything will be ready"

"NO. That's plenty of time. The League can attack tomorrow. I want the entire elite troop and everyone ready to defend as of today. And no emergency protocols. Do it now, because time is short"




"If that's what you want..." Lex replied hesitantly. He made a few signs and the scientists began to program everything.

The machine was built by Samuel Jones, and with Kryptonian DNA research they were able to generate a serum that would mate Kryptonian DNA with human DNA. The problem was that it hadn't worked.

Lex felt that maybe the theory was missing or that the machine was wrong, there was something, but no matter how hard they investigated, they couldn't find the key clue. Simply coupling the Kryptonian DNA was impossible.

The only advantage was that Vandal would not die like the other test subjects derived from his power, but he could still live with a permanent mutation in his body because of it.

Finally, everything was ready. Vandal was put into a large machine, which would inject the serums into Vandal's body, and then stimulate by heat energy the body to forcibly assimilate this serum.

(AN: imagine the scene from the Captain America first movie)

"Well, we are now ready to defend the resistance that the heroes can make. This process will take time, Vandal. I just hope you understand that the serum is not perfect and that you will suffer pain like none other in all this time"

"I understand, Lex. Do it"

Lex no longer tried to convince Vandal. He just moved to the secure area and began the protocol.

"Project Cadmus, subject #674, name Vandal Savage. In operation in 3, 2, 1..." Lex pressed a red button and it all began.

A strong light began to emerge from the machine, while the other lights in the place fluctuated due to the great energy emitted from this machine. When the power was sufficient, the serum began to be injected into Vandal's body.

"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" a powerful scream of pain was heard by all coming from Vandal himself.

If he could describe the pain it would be like the worst torture he had ever been through in his entire life, and he had been through a lot. He could not stop screaming, as his mind lost its sanity from this inhuman pain.

At this moment, derived from the incomplete serum, his cells were proliferating like cancer and then destroying themselves infinitesimally. Muscles, skin and bones were fracturing from the tumors arising all over Vandal's body. Blood, sweat and fat were pouring out of the pores of Vandal's body as his body underwent a bodily metamorphosis. 

"What do we do, sir?" one of the scientists asked Lex.

Although they had grown accustomed to the screams of pain from this project, no one had ever lasted this long without succumbing to the arms of death. They couldn't understand how anyone could endure this torture.

"Nothing. We can't do anything"

Finally, the screams began to cease. The transformation so grotesque was still happening, but slowly Vandal's rationality was returning to him. Even though his body was a grotesque mass in changes, his eyes and mind remained steady.

And if anyone could see him, they would see that his skin was turning a grayish color and his once hazel eyes were now red.

Doomsday was born...



My P@treon 

TioIroh99 (12 chapters ahead) I'm on chapter 61 in P@treon. Two chapters away from the end of this arc. Spoiler Alert *There are a lot of deaths*

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