
DC: Spirit of Vengeance

Guys, the first 10 chapters are hard to read, if you get through them I promise you a story you will love. ------------ Heroes and villains, Good and Evil. In the world of DC, there is a very sharp line between right and wrong, however, that line will be disturbed by a new player who will bring punishment to all the sinners. The Spirit of Vengeance is here, and no one will be able of hide from his stare. ............... The story focuses on DC, with a MC who is not a reincarnator, not a system, not a golden finger, just someone who had the bad luck? of being Ghost Rider. No Harem, Wonder Woman as the love interest My first language is not English, sorry for the bad spelling. I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING, only my OC .... Discord: https://discord.gg/WrzwXKsz IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME, AND READ 6 CHAPS AHEAD OF WEBNOVEL, AND OTHER TWO NEW FICS , THIS IS MY PATREON patreon.com/TioIroh99

Tio_Iroh99 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 48: Afttermath 2




Atlantis (3 days after the mission)

"Guys, we have a problem. A BIG problem. The future... the future has completely changed"

Kent's words brought a very tense atmosphere in the gathered group. 

It must be said that Arthur was already aware of most of the things, and he knew that all this had been part of a bigger plan to defeat The Light.

But now, with Kent's words, it only brought thoughts to the group of whether the mission had failed or if they had done something wrong.

"Did we do something wrong, Kent?, We accomplished what we set out to do. We rescued Arthur and my sisters" asked Diana uncertainly. 

"No, guys. The problem was me. I was an idiot, and Mordru tricked me. Now, he has regained all his power. That's why I've been missing since I've been looking for him. But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find any trace of him. And I'm afraid it's already too late, as just recently, I received visions that the future has changed and that we.... We have lost"

Everyone grew solemn at Kent's words. If the stories he told were true, then Mordru was an opponent to be feared. Being, at his peak, more powerful than Doctor Fate.

That he had regained his power meant that The Light was making up for lost ground from the rescue missions that had taken place.

Kent looked at everyone's faces, and intervened.

"However, all is not lost, guys. Just as the future has changed, it has also opened up possibilities. In reality, they haven't won. If we play our cards right, we can beat them. But we have to change our strategy..."

Kent gave a heavy sigh, and looked at everyone.

"And that's why I have to tell you something, something you won't like at all, especially you, Edgar. The truth, is that I have lied to you, or rather, I haven't told you the whole truth" Kent sat down in a chair, poured himself a glass of liquor and took a strong drink.

His face, as well as his actions, denoted that what he was about to say was very difficult for him. And that, if he did not choose his words properly, it could have serious consequences for the future.

"Guys, just as I've been helping you, I've also been helping Batman and the Justice League. Simply put, I've been guiding the two of you in order to defeat The Light on two fronts. That was my plan from the beginning.

The Light had a lot of resources. The only sure way to defeat them is to wear them down and attack them on two fronts with two powerful groups, making way for them to be unable to counterattack. While I invited you to take back Themyscira and Atlantis, I also encouraged The League to take back Superman and Black Lightning. I also expected you to attack on the same day, as it would bring more chances for the group to win. I've been playing on both fronts, and for that I apologize"

Kent was always in communication with Batman. Maybe not as often as having Edgar and his group as guests in his tower, but sometimes they would meet and discuss strategies.

Just as Kent couldn't tell Edgar everything, he couldn't tell Batman everything. He simply advised him. Thanks to Kent's advice, Batman broke his mold of thinking and used riskier strategies like using the Teen Titans for missions. He also encouraged him to strike sooner, catching The Light off guard.

Also, Kent had told him not to worry about Atlantis or Themyscira. He gave no details about Edgar, but Batman was no fool. He could easily have hinted that Kent was surely in cahoots with Ghost Rider. So long missing without a trace of his whereabouts simply indicated that Kent had something to do with it.

"So, did you always know where The League was?" the one who interjected was not Edgar, but Diana, who asked uncertainly. There was a slight look of betrayal on her face when she asked.

"...Yes" Kent replied apologetically.

It has to be said that, while Diana was with Kent, he told her that he didn't know where The League was hidden, and that even with his magic he couldn't find them. Diana obviously wanted to see her friends. She missed them very much. 

Being lied to like that, only made her feel betrayed, as she hated dishonesty most of all. 

However, Edgar, who was just sipping his drink, said something that surprised everyone, but more so Kent.

"I already knew that"

Kent was surprised by this. He couldn't understand how Edgar knew of his involvement with The Justice League. In the end, all he could ask was.


"Kent, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you knew things about Justice League. You always told us not to worry about Superman, that he was already covered. But, even when I mentioned the Atlantis or Themyscira problems, you never told me that I was already covered or that someone else might step in on that mission as well. Simply put, you knew or implied that the mission was for us because of you, and that Batman and The League would not intervene because of that. Put two and two together, and the math was clear. You were clearly playing both sides"




"I see. And you're not angry?"

"Sigh. I think the angry one here is Diana, since she missed her friends and you lied to her. But me?, No. I couldn't be angry at someone when I know from the beginning that he was using me" Edgar put down his glass, and smiled mischievously. "Come on, from the beginning I always inferred that you set me up to get me involved in this whole thing, Kent. Something I could have simply ignored, and involve me in things more pressing to me, like the Obscurus and Sabbac"

"So you won't help us anymore?"

"Easy, Kent. Like I said, I could have ignored it, but I didn't, and I won't. One, my girlfriend is heavily involved in this, not only did they want to capture her, they imprisoned her people. Two, the fuckers killed my friend Samuel, and destroyed MY research center. That I will never forget. And three, no matter how much I choose to ignore it, they will never leave me alone, since they also see me as a threat...at the end of the day, it's better if I help"

"That's good-" Kent wanted to say, but Edgar interrupted him.

"BUT, No more lies, Kent. Just as Diana hates dishonesty, I hate it too. I want you to be transparent from now on. And, when this is all over. You will help me find those Obscurus cockroaches and eradicate them"

"Deal" Kent rose solemnly and held out his hand. Edgar held out his hand, too.


With that said, the whole tense atmosphere relaxed a bit. Edgar sat back down and turned to Kent, but now calmer and friendlier. He didn't blame Kent, or Nabu, far from it.

He had made it very clear to him from the first time they met, that Kent was only looking out for the future of the world. That is something Edgar could understand and respect. Besides, despite everything, he has taken good care of Diana and saved Raven's life. Edgar, in general, was grateful to him. 

"Now, what are we going to do. Are you going to keep saying it's up to me to decide or what?"

Kent just smiled at Edgar's mocking words. 

"No, I guess it doesn't matter now. Actually, I think our best chance is if we join forces"

"Forces?" Arthur interrupted by asking.

"That's right, I'm talking about getting together with the Justice League and attacking together. As a big team"

"And are they okay with that, or will they still be hostile towards me" Edgar asked again. He wouldn't have a problem with that, but he didn't want to be in a place that was hostile towards him.

"Well, I think so. I just got a call from Batman and he asked me to meet and to bring my 'friend'. And, knowing Batman, and his detective skills, he most likely knows that my 'friend', is you, Edgar"

"I don't have a problem with that. As long as, Diana and the others are willing"

"I'm fine"

"Me too"

They all agreed. With that, Kent stood up and opened a portal to his tower.

"Well, the meeting is in a week and we're going to-"

"To the China Sea, right?" Arthur interrupted with a smile, which made Kent's eyes widen again in surprise.

"How did you know?"

"Never mind" he dismissed it as unimportant. He didn't want to say it was all about his fishes friends.

"Well, Yes, they are in the China Sea, specifically, on an island called Lian Yu. Normal communications don't work, and magic guards it heavily. Even my brother couldn't find it. In a week I'm coming for you, Arthur, Mera"

"Why in a week?" Mera questioned doubtfully.

"They have wounded, and business to settle. And, I believe Arthur also has a kingdom to stabilize, doesn't he?"

"That's right. And in a week it's perfect"

"Perfect, Edgar, Diana, are you coming?"

"Emmm, no, rather, I'd like to see if you can open a portal to Themyscira for me. I want to see my mother" Diana turned to look at Edgar, "You don't mind, do you?"

"Not at all, go see her. I'll be here if you need me"

"Here?" Kent asked doubtfully, "You're not coming?"

"No. Arthur invited me to be his guest, and I'll spend some time with Raven"

"Mmmm" the serious girl, who never spoke in the entire conversation but was attentive just the same, nodded.

"Well, I'll see you then" with that Kent departed on his way to his tower, but not before opening a portal to Themyscira for Diana to cross.

Diana who saw the portal, hugged Edgar tightly and gave him a passionate kiss.

"I'll see you, soon"

"Yes, take care of yourself. And say hello to your mother for me"

"Raven, I'll leave him in your care. Make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble" before leaving, she turned to Raven. She too had grown fond of the girl in the time they had lived together. Raven just smiled slightly and said.

"Leave it to me"

"Hey, I'm not that much trouble" Edgar wanted to protest, but everyone had a look on their faces that they didn't believe what he was saying.

"Well, I'll see you around. Bye Arthur, Mera, Raven. Bye, my love. I love you" with that said, she finally departed.

Edgar had a look of longing on his face. Not even a minute had passed and he already missed her, but Arthur cut those thoughts short, giving him a strong pat on the shoulder.

"Come on buddy, I'll take you to the best places in Atlantis..."

With that, Edgar and Raven began their time as tourists in the most advanced kingdom in the world. There were still problems to solve, but for this moment they would allow themselves to enjoy.


Location unknown (7 days after the mission)

In an unknown part of the world, the group of The Light, or what was left of it, was gathered. There was a suffocating atmosphere in the place. And all because of one person, Vandal. Who, at this moment, was looking at everyone with seriousness and menace.

There were empty seats, derived from losing Polaris, Sivana, Giganta, Cheetah, Cyborg Superman, Orm (Ocean Master), Black Manta and Circe. The once large group now felt a bit hollow.

Worst of all, at this point, there was distrust among the members. And all stemming from an extra event that happened while all the important events were going on....The Catwoman's betrayal.

Everything had gone from bad, to worse. Batman and The Justice League had tricked them and freed Superman and Black Lightning with their protégés. Now, they had no way to continue the Project Cadmus safely.

Then, they realized that a new group, other than the Justice League, had attacked and recaptured Themyscira and Atlantis. Although Killer Frost's memories gave some answers about the members of this new group, they still did not know in depth who they were and how strong they were. Vandal, being cautious, would take them as an equal threat like The Justice League.

Then to learn that someone deigned to steal his beloved Project Cadmus files. And that a hidden camera, which was the only one that wasn't disabled in the theft, had shown that the perpetrator of all this was Catwoman. Ivy was devastated when she learned that her friend had betrayed them. Now everyone was looking at her with suspicion.

But most of all, Vandal was furious that the members had failed to defeat the League. What was the use of having a powerful group if they couldn't get the job done right.

Looking menacingly at everyone, he told them.

"I am VERY disappointed in you" His tone showed no sentiment. On the contrary, it was devoid of emotion. But, to everyone, it showed that this was the calm before the storm. He continued with his speech.

"Not only could you not capture The Justice League, but some were even defeated by them. Please tell me. What is your excuse?"

"The League is stronger than we assumed. Clearly, they have improved quite a bit in this time in hiding. Also, the attack was a surprise, we expected them to attack in 2 or 3 more months" Ultra-Humanity contributed. He was quite surprised that he was on equal footing in both strength and speed with Cyborg, when the records showed that the ape was superior in this.

But, above all, the most compelling thing was that it was all unexpected. Troop mobility was not optimal, and also some were not available at the time.

And this was true. The estimated time Vandal had was 1 year and 5 months before the League moved. But, it was earlier. Two months earlier in fact when they attacked. The Light was powerful, but they still had projects to finish before they could claim victory.

And now, they had fallen back and lost pieces in this great chess game. However, Vandal didn't eat the great ape's excuse.

"That's you excuse?, that they're stronger, that they attacked earlier. It all sounds like bullshit to me" Vandal stood up and projected all the videos of the events that happened. Every failure of them was on the big screen for all to watch. "NO. The real problem was not that they were stronger or that they attacked earlier. The problem is that YOU guys were complacent. YOU became lazy, and complacent with what I GIVE YOU. And because of that, you were defeated. In my eyes you ALL are a disappointment"

Killer Frost couldn't take it anymore. When she heard the last words, she exploded.

"And why are you pointing fingers at us?, While all this was going on, you did NOTHING, Vandal. You just sat in your office watching all this angrily, and left the dirty work to us. I'm beginning to wonder if we are really your partners or just your simply fighting dogs. And believe me, if it's the latter, then I'm leaving to never return"

Everyone became solemn at Frost's response. Some were staunch Vandal supporters and looked indignantly at this woman, but others, agreed with her. The group's split was fracturing further at this point. However, what Vandal said surprised everyone, especially Frost who spoke up earlier.

"You're right. I was also complacent. And that's why it's time for ALL of us to move on. Including me. It's time to make the last move in this game. It's time to come out winners"

At that, a dark red portal materialized right in the center. From it, out stepped Mordru wearing royal robes that enhanced his bearing and good looks. But everyone felt it. A tremendous pressure hovered over the place when this person arrived, suffocating everyone.

The only ones who remained well were Black Adam who only raised an eyebrow as he sensed that this sorcerer had become more powerful and Vandal, who, though he feeling a pressure like no other, was able to disguise his behavior derived from his past experiences with beings of power.

After a few suffocating seconds, the pressure finally disappeared. Mordru, simply smiled smugly and said to them.

"Sorry guys, I'm still not used to my power and it got a little loose when I arrived" that was his excuse, but everyone knew that this was actually deliberate to demonstrate his power. They all had only one thought on their mind.


"Mordru, I see you have already acclimated to your new power. Even me, who am not a wizard, know that you have become quite powerful"

Many would think that Mordru, regaining his soul, and thus his power, would immediately become powerful, but this was not true.

In reality, it had to take time for him to fully assimilate his power, and in that time this made him quite vulnerable. That's why he decided to hide from his brother, because he could attack him and steal his power or even destroy him completely. But now, his power was finally back, and there was no one to stop him.

"Thank you, my friend. And I feel powerful. But most of all, with my power back, it's time to seek the long-awaited revenge I've been waiting for. And defeat all those children he likes to play with. And, that is why I come to bring you good news. The future is in our favor, Vandal"

"Finally someone brings me good news. So, what should we do, old friend?"

"Well, my first piece of advice is to forget about Themyscira and Atlantis. They are irretrievable. At least for the time being"

"Mmm, are you sure about that?, maybe we can make a raid and try to recover Atlantis at a minimum"

"No, it will be useless. Not only do they have a powerful force, but they are in their element. It's a losing battle. The best thing to do is to take them to our ground and decimate their troops. If there is no sea or water, they lose strength. Themyscira was always a whim of Circe. Now that she's dead... well, I say we forget it"

Each member had life support. They knew that Orm, Circe, Polaris and Sivana were dead. The others, though still alive, they knew from Killer Frost that they had been captured. Black Manta, even if they didn't know it, it was easy to assume he was captured.

(AN: they don't know he joined Edgar)

"You have to reinforce the territories we have and consolidate our forces. My second piece of advice is to reinforce our group"

"I've already got it covered" Vandal interrupted Mordru. So far, all of Mordru's suggestions had been logical. The second suggestion was already covered by him. Snapping his fingers, 6 members entered the room.

One of them was a rather large and muscular humanoid crocodile. He wore only a pair of jeans covering his private parts. He was Killer Croc, a dangerous villain with animal instincts. His name is Waylon Jones and he was born with a mutation that gave him reptilian traits. From a young age, he was always abused because of this, and this led him to become a criminal. Needless to say how dangerous he is.

The second person was a man in an orange and green suit. He carried a small mirror with which he could use his power. He was Mirror Master. His name was Samuel Scudder, a convict and Flash villain, a metahuman with powers that allowed him to enter a dimension called the mirror dimension. His mirror allowed him to channel his power into others and trap them in this dimension indefinitely.

The third was a handsome man in a black suit with yellow stripes. His name was Mark Mardon, another Flash villain, also a metahuman who allowed him to control the weather of a specific area. His power was weak, but The Light granted him an artifact that allowed him to expand the area and his abilities. Said device looked like a 'magic wand', which is why he was called 'Weather Wizard'.

The fourth was a woman who wore all-black attire. She had Israeli features, and wore a serious look. She was Aviva Metula, or better known as Shadow Thief. An avid international thief who had a special suit that allowed her to melt into the shadows.

The fifth was a familiar member, as he was Nathaniel Adam, who had upgraded with dark matter and dropped the name Captain Atom, and now went by the name of Major Force.

And the last was a woman in clown makeup. She wore two pigtails in her blonde hair that had blue and pink highlights at the ends. She wore a tiny outfit of red with black that denoted her milky skin and good attributes. She carried her big mallet. And, in her eyes, were painted with black pencil two small tears, as a sign of mourning for her beloved Mr. J. She was the well-known Harley Quinn.

"They will be the new executive members who will fill the positions of our captured, or dead, members. Say hello, guys"



"Hey, guys"

However, it was Harley who decided to interrupt. In fact, she turned to Vandal.

"Vandal, you promised me a long time ago revenge for my sweetheart. And I don't see you delivering"

"Harley, my dear. That's why I invited you. If you do as I say, then I promise to fulfill your revenge on Batman and the Ghost Rider. And I always keep my promises. Now, If you can take a seat to continue the meeting, I would appreciate it"

With that Harley didn't argue anymore. Everyone took a seat in the unoccupied chairs that were there. There were still three unfilled chairs, but there were no more useful prospects for executive membership. There were powerful villains, but they did not yet meet the requirements like these six.

In fact, of those 6, Harley and Killer Croc were still doubtful, as their loyalty was questionable, but Vandal needed to regain they strength so he decided to invite them. However, Vandal brought them to use them as what he considered them to be. That means, fighting dogs.

When they were seated, Mordru continued.

"Well, I see you have thought ahead. That is good. The last issue, and the most difficult one to tackle, is what to do about the most dangerous threat our opponents have. And I'm not talking about Superman, or my brother. I'm talking about the Ghost Rider. The truth is that, from here, the only ones who can face him are me and Black Adam. The others would be cannon fodder" everyone stood up to protest, but Mordru wasn't interested in their protests, so he continued.

"The problem is that when I felt his power again, I could sense that this one was different. It hadn't changed in terms of power, but it had changed in terms of quality. If I could describe it, it would be as if he had completely made that power his own. Clearly my brother intervened to make that thing more powerful at this time. Now, I feel that even locking it will be difficult"

Mordru knew that a Rider was difficult to defeat. Before he felt that he could lock him up in pocket-sized prisons, but now his instincts told him that even that would be difficult. The truth is that he felt that in a fight he would not be victorious with certainty. That was how dangerous Edgar had become in his eyes.

"Mmm, I see. So you say you would lose?" Vandal questioned. He didn't like what he was hearing, not one bit.

"I don't. Even, if I join forces with Adam we can defeat him, but the problem is Nabu won't leave me alone. Also if Superman moves, it will be problematic. Simply put, fighting him alone, and separating him from my brother is almost impossible"

Vandal thought about this for a bit. After thinking a bit, he turned to Lex and Thinker who were standing next to each other.

"Lex, Thinker, how's the Cadmus project going?"

"Badly. Now without Superman, our samples are limited. We've tried to synthesize and improve the serums, but none have been successful. Simply put, the Kryptonian DNA is too dominant. It has heavily mutated all of the test subjects. The one subject who has survived has what we know as a reverse mutation. He has powers similar to Superman, but reversed, and the worst part is that mentally... well, he's an idiot. We call him, 'Bizarro'" Lex commented. Thinker continued the conversation.

"My odds of us completing that project are less than 8%. I suggest we focus on our weaponry and aerospace projects. I am looking for the future of helping the Sappire group against the Lanterns"

The Sappire Group, Carol's organization, had told Vandal that they would help until The Light conquered all. With Earth secured, they would move in. Otherwise, they wouldn't start a war they were sure to lose. Earth was not yet conquered. They needed to get rid of the resistance from The Justice League, Doctor Fate, and Edgar and his new group.

Vandal was still thinking things through. It was all obvious to him. If they could completed the Project Cadmus, they will win. No matter the numbers of the opponents, no matter the resistance. Finally, after so much thought, he asked.

"And if there was someone capable of assimilating the DNA - would those serums work?"

"If there were someone capable of accepting the dominance of Kryptonian DNA, then that would be correct. But for it to happen, it would have to be someone with a fairly high evolution factor..." Lex finally dropped the realization. "Vandal, don't tell me that..."

"Yes, as you thought. I will be the test subject for the Project Cadmus. Inject me with the serum produced"

"Are you crazy?!"

"The probability of a disaster happening is 92.76%. Too risky"

 "My power allows me to be immortal. Plus, I also have quite a bit of adaptability to different conditions. I have evolved from a Neanderthal. I think I can be the subject to make the Project Cadmus to work. Besides, it's been said before. It's time for me to move, too. A leader must show by example"

Everyone was surprised by Vandal's words. He was agreeing to risk his life to accomplish his mission. It didn't matter if his power would not allow him to die. He could live forever in deplorable conditions if everything went wrong. It was simply a big risk. 

"Fine, but it still doesn't solve our Ghost Rider problem, Vandal" Mordru interjected. They were still not solving Edgar's problem. Even if they thought about the Cadmus project, they still had to think of alternatives for Edgar.

"Actually, I already thought about how to get rid of that threat. And the best thing, is to make it not fight us. Guys, we forgot that this being of great power is actually a human. And that it also has feelings"

"Yes, but he has no family. No important relationships. There are rumors that he likes Wonder Woman, but capturing her will be difficult" Zazzala interjected. She remembered Edgar's files and he was a loner. That and other conditions like owning the Revenger Group made him completely difficult to recruit to the cause.

The best thing to do was to just let him be. But, they had already caused a lot of disgrace to his person, even if they hadn't meant to. They had simply already involved him in all of this.

"Are you sure about that, I think your forget some aspects of his file. He DOES have important relationships"

Vandal turned to see the clown with the big mallet sitting on the bank. "Harley, my dear. I have your first mission. One where you can do a lot of crazy things..."

The more Vandal spoke, the wider Harley's crazy grin grew.



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