
Dc: Special Service

Updates will come sporadically... Synopsis: Being a hero or villain is tough enough, but relationships? A nightmare. You can’t date regular people without blowing your cover, and dating coworkers is a disaster waiting to happen. That’s where Arlo’s Special Services comes in. After waking up from a ten-year coma, Arlo decided to open a unique business catering to the stress relief needs of female heroes and villains. Need a lawyer? Arlo’s got you. A friend for a night out? He’s your guy. Someone to watch sad movies and share a box of tissues with? Look no further. Whether it’s a soothing massage, a night of cuddles, or just someone to talk to, Arlo’s Special Services is the one-stop shop for every super-powered lady’s needs. But as the bookings pile up, so do the hilarious misunderstandings and awkward encounters. Can Arlo keep his business smooth, or will it be more chaotic than a crisis event?

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: karaoke and Netflix[ Part 3]

As the movie began, the two settled in, with Dinah occasionally commenting on scenes and explaining parts that Arlo didn't understand.

"This part always gets me," she said during the iconic 'I'm flying' scene, her voice tinged with emotion.

Arlo listened intently, his attention divided between the movie and the woman in his arms.

He found himself captivated by her puffy pink lips and captivating scent, she smelt like Jasmine. Her long blonde hair that was tickling his face also felt really nice.

"You really love this movie, don't you?" he asked softly.

Dinah nodded. "It's a classic. There's something about the story, the romance, the tragedy—it all just clicks for me."

They continued watching, sharing small talk and laughter. Halfway through the movie, Dinah found herself distracted by Arlo's lips.

He started with gentle kisses on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Her focus on the movie wavered slightly as his kisses became more insistent.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, her voice breathy with anticipation.

"Just enjoying the moment," Arlo replied, his lips moving to her jawline.

She tried to keep her eyes on the screen, but it was a losing battle. His kisses were intoxicating, and soon enough, she found herself turning towards him, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss.

For a moment, she tried to resist, to keep her attention on the movie, but Arlo wouldn't let go. His hands cradled her face gently, his lips coaxing hers to respond. She melted into the kiss, the movie forgotten as she focused on the love she was receiving after so long of feeling alone.

Arlo's kisses were soft yet demanding, each one pulling her deeper into the moment. She felt a warmth spreading through her, a sense of connection that she had been missing.

Her hands found their way to his hair, tangling in the soft strands as she kissed him back with equal fervor.

"I haven't felt like this in a long time," she murmured between kisses, her eyes half-closed with desire.

"Then let's make the most of it," Arlo whispered, his voice a soothing balm to her troubled mind.

She felt his hands slowly slide inside her bottom top, crossing her back, his hand explored her and she couldn't help but think of the scene where Jack held rose by her waist.

And as if reading her mind, Arlo's hands squzed her hips, causing a small moan to escape her busy mouth, that was quickly hushed by Arlo's constant attack on her lips.

He explored her, tested her, and teased her constantly, her hips grinding again his groin." That's it~your distracting me, from the movie." She said in a playful tone, going from the submissive kisser to the dominant one.

Dinah forcefully separated her lips from Arlo's and stood up, only to change her position so she was now facing him, her pronounced nipples greeting him as they poked through the fabric of her night wear.

She sat back down, spreading her legs and finding a comfortable position. She grabbed his face, licked her lips and shoved her tongue in his mouth.


She was so engrossed she was shaking in his arms as she clung to him. Desperately exploring his mouth with her tongue, like she was on some kind of weird treasure hunt. 

Every inch of her was trembling, when she finally pulled back a bridge of saliva conected their tounges before breaking.

"haa—Haa," taking a breath Dinah was suprised at how horny she was feeling right now.

After her break up with Oliver she had been on a few dates, but none of them ended well, and all of them that tried getting lucky never saw her again.

"You lips are are so soft Dinah, I can't get enough of them." Arlo said, placing his thumb on her lower lip, and tilting her chin so she looked straight into his eyes.

"I—I want it~" Dinah suddenly blurted out, as her hands caressed his chest." I can't take it any longer, I've been dry for so long, and I don't think I can go another night without doing it."

"That...you only paid for there services provided." Dinah seemed disappointed to hear that but then her face lit up with his next sentence.

"However..this service is also under the same service that you paid for, you would just need to pay a bit more...if that's okay."

"That's fine with me, I'll send you the money after the service." She said," Now then should we begin."

Slowly she began to smile as she unbuttoned her top, and let it slide down her body onto the floor, baring her beautiful naked body to Arlo's hungry gaze.

"How do you want me to treat you?" Asked tightening his hold on her hips.

"I want you to treat me like I'm the only woman you've ever met, like I'm a glass of cold water in the Sahara desert, I want you to fuck me like a beast, fuck me so hard that I won't be able to think of anything or anyone besides you and this monster that's saying hello beneath me."

"As you wish." Arlo said grabbing her by her thighs before standing up, she yelped before falling on her back, he breasts bouncing back and fourth creating a stunning sight.

"Hehe, Look who's all exited." Dinah mewed as she watched Alo take of his pants, finally letting the beast free. Dinah was suprised at how big he was, and thought she would just about be able to wrap her hand around the circumference.

Arlo watched as she sat up on her knees, brushing her hard nipples against his muscled thighs as she circled him in her fist and slowly dragged her hot, wet, tongue from his throbbing balls all the way up to his raging red cockhead, that was throbbing against her full, lush lips as she slyly smiled up into my eyes.

Though similar, he could immediately tell the differences between the texture and feeling when Dinah licked his cock and when Vicki did it. Vicki's tounge felt wider and wilder while Dinah's felt hotter, with more saliva.

"You cock is amazing Arlo, and how does it smell so nice." Arlo chucked saying it was the body wash he created. Dinah hummed before attack the tip of dick, she especially liked attacking the underside, where all the pre cum was leaking from.

'Delicious~ His cum tastes like, strawberry? I've heard that cum taste different to different women, but I never new it could taste sweet.' Dinah thought in suprise while continuing to pleasure Arlo.

Arlo's hands shot into her hair as she slowly sank him into her mouth and started sucking. "Oh, fuck me, that feels incredible, Dinah."

"Guck~chhhip....nhhhgg" Dinah bored her head while taking more and more of his cock into her mouth.

Unlike Vicki that struggled to take his entire length at the beginning, Dinah having superpowers that mainly concerned her throat had amazing control.

Dinah smiled hearing him compliment her blowjob, it just made her want to do an even better Job." I just love the feel of you on my tongue, and the little gushes of precum I can taste as you make love to my mouth, feels like heaven."

She continued to work his shaft focusing on his twitching head, and he knew he was close to letting out his first load.

But remembering her request he wanted to cum inside her, so her grabbed her head and pulled out of her mouth.

Dinah mewed in disappointment as she looked up at him wondering why he stopped her.