
Dc: Special Service

Updates will come sporadically... Synopsis: Being a hero or villain is tough enough, but relationships? A nightmare. You can’t date regular people without blowing your cover, and dating coworkers is a disaster waiting to happen. That’s where Arlo’s Special Services comes in. After waking up from a ten-year coma, Arlo decided to open a unique business catering to the stress relief needs of female heroes and villains. Need a lawyer? Arlo’s got you. A friend for a night out? He’s your guy. Someone to watch sad movies and share a box of tissues with? Look no further. Whether it’s a soothing massage, a night of cuddles, or just someone to talk to, Arlo’s Special Services is the one-stop shop for every super-powered lady’s needs. But as the bookings pile up, so do the hilarious misunderstandings and awkward encounters. Can Arlo keep his business smooth, or will it be more chaotic than a crisis event?

TotherWindow1 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: karaoke and Netflix[ Part 2]

"Almost anything that isn't illegal," Arlo replied with a chuckle.

"From companionship to personal training, massage therapy, cooking lessons, you name it. I try to cater to everyone, of corse if there are things clients suggest of I don't know how to do it I'll make sure in the next few months I'm a pro at it."

"Wow, that's quite the range. I think I heard something about this concept becoming popular in Japan," Dinah said, thinking back to her travels.

"Yeah, it's been gaining traction. People need support in different ways, and sometimes traditional methods don't cut it," Arlo said.

"I can see why this would be appealing. Sometimes you just need a break from everything," Dinah said, appreciating the thought behind his business.

They returned to the music room and decided to do a few more karaoke songs. Arlo picked an upbeat tune, and they both sang along, laughing and enjoying the moment.

"You know, you're pretty good at this," Dinah said, giving him a playful nudge.

"You're not so bad yourself. Maybe we should start a band," Arlo joked.

Dinah laughed. "Tempting, but I think I'll stick to my day job."

As the night went on, they continued to sing and chat, sharing stories and experiences. Arlo's genuine interest and easy-going nature made Dinah feel comfortable and relaxed.

They spent the next few hours singing and chatting, getting to know each other. Arlo was a great listener, and Dinah found herself opening up more than she expected.

She didn't give away her secret identity for obvious reasons, but she shared enough for him to understand that she had been through a lot recently.

"I can't believe how good this feels. I haven't had this much fun in ages," Dinah admitted as they took a break.

"That's what I'm here for," Arlo said, smiling warmly at her. He found himself admiring her beauty. Dinah was stunning, not just physically but in the way she carried herself, even through her pain.

"Thank you, Arlo. You really don't know how much I needed this," she said, her eyes shining with gratitude.

"Anytime, Dinah. That's what my service is all about," he replied, his voice gentle.

As the evening wore on, Arlo brought out some food he had prepared beforeher arrival. "Hope you're hungry. I made something special," he said, setting the table with an impressive spread.

"This looks amazing!" Dinah exclaimed, her eyes widening and mouth salivating at the sight of the food.

They ate and talked, sharing stories and laughing. It felt more like a date than a client service, and Dinah found herself genuinely enjoying Arlo's company.

"You're really good at this, you know," she said between bites. "Making people feel better."

It's something I'm passionate about. A lot of people go through life stressing and having nowhere to realese it." Arlo replied, his eyes meeting hers with a sincerity that made her heart skip a beat.

Arlo checked the time. "Speaking of which, our session time is up. I hope you enjoyed the service."

It was over...just like that. Dinah was suprised how fast the time went, she hadn't even noticed it was alredy dark outside.


Dinah looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking. "Is it possible to rent you out again right now for another service?"

Arlo smiled, intrigued. "I don't have any other clients booked, so sure. What did you have in mind?"

"There's this movie I really like called Titanic. You said I could rent you out for the night. Well, I'd like that—the spooning, cuddling, and potentially kissing service. And to rent you until 9 tomorrow morning. I'm having too much fun and I don't want the day to end just yet," she said with a grin.

Arlo nodded, bowing his head slightly. "Let me get the documents ready then." He quickly prepared the necessary paperwork, and Dinah signed them, transferring the money as agreed for the service provided.

Once that was complete, Arlo asked her to wait patiently while he set things up. She did so thinking to herself' what was I thinking, maybe I should have just left when the time came up...or maybe this is what I need.'


Thirty minutes later, he returned, leading her to a cozy bedroom. A big, fluffy sofa was draped with blankets, and an assortment of snacks was neatly arranged. The movie Titanic was ready to play on a large screen.

"Wow, you set this up so quickly. I'm impressed," Dinah said, amazed.

Arlo smiled, handing her a selection of clothes. "I aim to please. Here are some options for you to change into."

Feeling daring, Dinah picked a silky, periwinkle blue button-down long-sleeve and matching shorts. After changing, she called out, "Okay, I'm ready!"

Arlo entered the room, giving her a once-over with a smile. "You look great. Just a reminder, if you feel uncomfortable at any moment, just say 'pineapple' and I'll stop whatever I'm doing."

Dinah nodded, appreciating the reassurance. "Got it."

With a playful grin, Arlo scooped her up in his arms. She laughed, surprised by the gesture. "This is all part of the service," he said, carrying her to the sofa and gently placing her between his crossed legs.

She looked at the assortment of snacks, tasting a few before going for the M&M's. "You really went all out," she remarked, popping a few candies into her mouth.

"I like to make sure my clients have everything they need," Arlo replied, grabbing the remote and starting the movie.