
We've Finally Made It

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Chapter 14: We've Finally Made It


"What have we got here. Boys, we've made it." Ian said with a smile, excitement was apparent on his pale face.

He reciprocated the high five he got from Barney as the latter shouted, "Hell yaa we did!!"

Everyone in the apartment was happy, excited even. Barney was jumping everywhere like a kid which seemed to light the fire of youth in Mike as he followed suit.

Ralf on other hand was just smiling and smoking the most expensive cigarettes he found in the store.

In the middle of the apartment was a small duffle bag that seemed to be filled with something. Ian walked to it and opened it, finding it almost completely filled with hard raw cash, "How much is it?"

Ralf took another smoke and answered, "137K and some jewelry. There are also some other things that seemed valuable."

"Not as much as I thought, but I guess he isn't that high in the Falcone family, and most of his funds should be in the mob banks." Ian thought for a bit before adding, "Give each of the recruits 1k, but let them know of what to do and what not to do."

The message sent to Ralf after Ian left the scene was to let him know of the start of the true goal of his actions, he needed a lot of funds to start going into the legal stuff.

Ralf led the five recruits into the messy hall, they scattered and scavenged everything they can before hastily leaving.

Mike and Barney kept an eye on the cops, on the Gotham police station to be specific, and warned Ralf of when to leave.

The recruit was of course from the warehouse of homeless people, Ralf picked people he already knew long and he did so carefully.

"I already told them the rules, and I think they will comply with them perfectly after witnessing what was inside... What happened in there? Did you do that?"

Ralf was a bit nervous while asking that, he wasn't sure whether that's a question he should ask, but the mess inside was beyond his imagination, so curiosity got the best of him.

"What happened? Something I should know about?" Barney jumped to them out of nowhere and questioned with curiosity.

"I'm actually not sure myself. It's kind of complicated but it's the doing of something else, I had a different plan in mind, but things worked out in the end."

Ian lit up a cigarette of his own and started smoking with them, it's after all an event worth celebrating.

"We'll lay low for a while. I made a deal with the cat and we'll be working with her for a while, she's still not trustworthy though, so be warned if she approached alone."

"Wait what? She stopped from living with my dear, it's her fault, why should we work with her?" Barney instantly got worked up at the sound of the cat.

"Your dear?" Ian wondered confused, "Wait? You wouldn't be talking about the diamond, would you?"

"The diamond? No way, he isn't that insane, righ..." Mike tried to come to a logical conclusion but seeing Barney nodding made him speechless.

"The fuck are you smoking? She's mine, you took the emerald necklace, and that's enough for you.

On a serious note, I handed the cat the amethyst necklace and the other jewelry to sell, she has trusted connections, and she's good at what she does."

Ian changed the subject, and he wasn't done just yet, "It's time for us to start legal businesses, every mob has the, and that's for a good reason, they're a good front."

"A nightclub? It seems like a lot of mobs own those." Ralf made a logical assumption.

Ian shook his head as he crossed his legs together, sitting more comfortably, "Nah, I've thought it through long ago and did some research... I want to start a coffee shop business."

Barney scratched his head in confusion, "Does that sound like a small goal only to me? I mean, we can do better, right?"

"If we wait for the cat to bring us our profit, we'll have more money to do better things. However, that may not necessarily be the correct decision.

A nightclub sounds like unnecessary trouble, the mobs will probably target us as it will be under no one's protection, this is just one of the many troubles we might face."

Ian started stroking his chin and added, "A coffee shop, a safe and simple place to manage. In Gotham, the city of crime, a peaceful place like that can have extremely high attraction if we can provide that safety."

Ian lifted his index finger with a mysterious smile, "I'm not done just yet... I already have a place in mind, a store that just shut down recently.

It's near Frank's nightclub, and with the things that happened there, its price is bound to go down. Moreover, the area there is already known for its high crime rate, so its price was already low."

"I'm sold... Wait, you're not done?"

"I am not... The place for sale is not just the store but the entire two floors buildings. If we revamp it, we can make ourselves A franchised sit-down coffee shop, and we can live on the second floor... There is plenty of room for even more peop..."

"Say less!!! I'm sold, I don't exactly understand everything you said but I'm 100% sold!! When are we moving in???"

Ian strangely eyed Barney, he seemed to be losing it? Ian however can't say his menta stat is in a better shape, so he ignored that.

Ralf failed to hide the excitement on his beardless face as he asked, "I'm sold but how much money are we spending? Like, we can't already have the money for that, could we?"

"We don't, the last time I searched for the price, it was worth about 250K, but we can negotiate, especially with the recent incident, I'm sure the owner is also wanting to get rid of the place."

Ian stood up afterward, "Alright boys, we have a lot of honest work to do. Ralf, the property will be in your name as you have a legal Id, and you're the least sus person of us... For now however, let me get some sleep..."

The world continued to orbit around itself as usual, and the gears of time continued to move as the night was where bats move the most.

"He's back... Ra's Al Ghul. Just what is his goal this time?" A man attired in a black bat suit spoke with a raspy voice. Only his face was apparent, he seemed healthy which is strange considering what he does.

He seemed to be in some kind of cave with all kinds of complicated technological stuff, and he was standing next to a metallic desk with numerous pieces of paper on it and a large computer screen.

"And this, it's definitely something supernatural... Is it also his doing? It's a massacre that doesn't make much sense.

It also took account for my interference, the place was clean of people when I arrived, not just of the killers but also of anything of value.

The massacre must've happened in a matter of minutes for them to have time to clean the place... It's either Ra's al Ghul or someone just as dangerous."

He was looking at the info of the incident that Ian definitely wasn't responsible for.

He then looked at the info of another incident, feeling his headache, "And is this your doing Selina? Is it just timing or is it planned?"

He took a deep breath before saying, "Whatever it is, I need to hasten my plans against the crime families... For that, I might need help," He then laid his eyes upon the picture of someone attired in a cop suit, James Gordon.

It was not just the bat that stayed up all night, the cat also did. Her real name was Selina Kyle and she lives on the east side of Gotham.

When she doesn't have her suit on, she's just a beautiful woman who had grown up in the unkindness of Gotham, a hard life that led her to her current path.

She found herself unable to sleep, just lying on her bed with barely any clothes on, showing her sensual body.

Her hand was on her lips as she thought to herself, 'It felt so nice... Too nice and I've just met him. Did he do something to me? Some kind of drug? There is definitely something strange about him.'

Selina looked at her phone for a moment, nervousness was apparent on her face, 'The incident... Was it his doing? Was I on the brink of death this whole time while I was with him?'

Even he had yet to understand how his power work, he knows that It can do more than meets the eye but the extent is unknown even to him... Sometimes, his power even reacts to things around him in ways he simply can't comprehend just like how it reacted when he came in contact with her, but well, he has all the time in the world to find out how it works.

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