

Make sure to check my Patre.on out if you want to support me and want to read advanced chapters: Patre.on.com/voidness75

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Chapter 13: Whatever


"Ahhh? Ok?" Ian was baffled. He had never faced a situation like this in the literal sense.

Even in his previous world, nothing this extreme ever happened which might be due to a situation like this never happening.

He did take gun lessons but never actually used them against a human being. He did use them when hunting, and some strange situations did occur, but this...

However, like every other time, he had the same reaction, "Well, whatever." He then picked up the necklace and the two black cases though he left the diamond's box in its place fallen next to Frank.

He picked up his briefcase and left, and only then did he send a message to Ralf, a simple one 'Start.'

He then called the cat, and before he could talk, she spoke first, "Oh, Zeus? Tell me the good news."

Ian's face couldn't help but twitch, he told her his name was Zeus as an obvious joke, but when she called him like that, it sounded a bit, "Don't call me that."

"Why not? You said it's your name, don't tell me it isn't?" He could detect from her tone just how much fun she was having messing with him.

He shook his head, knowing it's not time for messing around, "Ian, my name is Ian Rose, and as I said, start. I will be there soon."

"Hmm, what a lovely name, and don't worry, I have already started, but we can talk while I perform my dance. I'd like to know more about you, you don't mind, do you?" Her tone was full of interest and curiosity.

"Oh? You didn't investigate me?" Ian wondered.

"Of course I did, but I only had your pictures, and I found nothing about you. I guess now that I have your name, I will surely know more, right?"

She saw no point in hiding that as she was sure it's something anyone can expect. However, she wasn't sure if Ian was actually his real name.

"Ian is my real name. Also, you weren't able to get info with my pictures because I just forged a new identity just recently. I was a beggar, so I never actually had an ID." He casually explained without trying too hard to think of a better lie.

"I almost want to believe you, well, I actually don't." She then hung up.

Ian shook his head again, 'I can see a great future working with her. I know she can do some insane gymnastics shit to reach places I can't.

I can plan things and act as a meat shield that never dies. Just imagining the crazy things we can steal excites me so much, but I don't think her vision is the same as mine.'

He took a deep breath and thought about the real problem, 'I thought I'd have to kill today, but this doesn't count as killing, does it? I have no control over my power after all. Yup, it's definitely not my doing but my powers.'

He threw all the responsibilities to his non-sentient power and moved on with his life. He needed to send a message to someone with hast though, so he did that right away after changing his sim card. He then destroyed it and threw it in the garbage.


The police sirens were ear-blowing, sounding throughout the street and its surroundings. Many police cars were parked everywhere as the city has witnessed a not so rare massacre.

"Why? That's unnecessary as I'm already here... Well, why take the trouble? I already took the case... Listen, we'll talk about this later."

Gordon then hung up, frustration was apparent on his face. He was in the middle of a horrifying case, yet his colleague wants him to leave and let him take the rest, that made no sense to him.

He didn't have time to really think about that, he was ready to go back and examine the scene, but he noticed an anonymous message has been sent to him.

That's already strange enough to attract his attention, "Your competitor is corrupt. He works for the falcones. There is proof inside."

He found himself frozen in his place, comprehension slowly started to surface on his face. He still didn't trust the message, but there is an easy way to verify it.

He started a thorough search of the nightclub, specifically the main office, and all the rooms to the side of the hall.

He found several documents of Frank's illegal deals, but he still found nothing of significance though he still needs to take a close look at the evidence. That only leaves one thing, Frank's phone.

Gordon went to the hall and searched for Frank's body. He already had gloves on, so he just moved the chandelier from on top of his body and searched him.

He kept hesitating for a minute, but in the end, he still took the phone with as much discretion as possible and put it in his pocket.

He knows it must have a password, and he can't leave it to the PD to decrypt it because if what the message said was true, the valuable info in it will be gone.

He will let the only person he knows that's smart enough to be able to get the job done and also the person he can fully trust, his daughter Barbara Gordon.

He then made his way to one of his fellow officers, "What did you learn?"

"It... It's messy and confusing. Their leader seemed to have died due to the chandelier, and another one died due to falling down.

The rest died due to bullets, but there are bullets everywhere, so we're not really sure what happened or who the killers are of the bodies here." The officer responded.

Gordon frowned, "I want to say it involves some kind of gang shoutout or fighting between crime families, but I guess we won't be sure until further inspection.

Ian was of course innocent, he had done nothing wrong, and he kept convincing himself by the fact he hadn't pulled the trigger of his gun yet.

Perhaps he is insane because he had yet to feel even a sliver of guilt towards his actions.

The reason was his ability, he had experienced so many things that made his emotions numb, and his thought process bizarre.

"How did you do it? Or what did you do to get the bat off me?" Selina was curious, she did trigger the alarms the moment she took the painting, and she knew that'd happen.

She also had no way around that as that wasn't her specialty, and she would've never felt the need to avoid that if not for batman.

Ian looked fresh with different clothes and no briefcase in his hands. He had to change his clothes as they had a bit of scattered blood on them.

Their meeting place was actually the roof of his apartment complex under the darkness of the night.

Ian brought two chairs with him, he took a seat on one and signaled for her to do the same.

"It doesn't really matter, does it. May I see it?" He was talking about the painting in her hands, it had a black piece of cloth on it stopping him from seeing the value of it.

"Sure," Selina handed it to him. She was even more curious about what he had done. She reached out for her pocket, pulling out her phone after feeling it vibrate, a smile surfaced on her face afterward.

Ian took a close look at the painting. He seemed to be contemplating something for a while before he confessed, "Yeah, I absolutely have no idea what this is, but I will take a picture to search later."

And he indeed did so, he never really had much desire to collect paintings, he's more into shiny cool stuff.

"What?" Ian questioned noticing her giving him a strange look.

"Is your name really Ian, Ian Rose? I've investigated the name, but there's no one by that come that fits your description."

"It's my real name, but my identity name is different. You know how forged identities work, I can't order any name. The names come with the package. I am also not willing to go to some kind of government office to change it."

Ian stood up after that, he handed her the painting. He then brought a few stuff from his pockets, namely a necklace and a few other jewelry pieces.

"Since we've just finished our first job, I'll trust you with these. I'll send you in a message the expected value of each of them, and well, talk to your connection."

To say Selina was surprised would be an understatement, "So soon?" She took them and before he knew it, her arms were already around Ian's neck as she said that, her lips were almost touching his, "Could it be that you fell for me so soon?"

Ian didn't answer but simply closed the distance further, their lips coming in contact with each other. He stole a quick kiss, feeling her red tender lips before she jumped backward, "W-what was that?"

Ian was kind of surprised, "Oh, why the stutters? I thought seduction is your fort?"

Selina frowned. She ignored him and started jumping from building to building, like a cat escaping a dog's clutches.

Ian took a deep breath then left with a last thought, "I almost lost, she's too fucking good, but what was that? Why did she escape? Could it be because of that? Well, whatever..."

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