

Make sure to check my Patre.on out if you want to support me and want to read advanced chapters: Patre.on.com/voidness75

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Chapter 24: Kryptonites


"I-I was just joking," Selina somewhat believed him as she should... Then she got to work and acquired the seemingly useless pieces of paper in the case.

The movement of the rope allowed her to reach the pillar to which the case is attached, she clutched to it with two of her fingers and started her work.

Her claws were that of a cat, small but sharp. Somehow they were able to cut through the three-inch anti-bullet glass, the luxury of having connections is acquiring things such as these.

She carefully picked up the pieces of paper and gently put them in another pouch beside the one that has the stones.

Ian then carefully pulled the rope up, slowly but surely. His eyes were fixed on something, the pouch on her belt.

"Really?? No well done?" Selina complained in annoyance.

"Oh? I didn't know you have a praise fetish... I can certainly accommodate that." Ian casually spoke as he took the pouch right off her belt.

Selina tried to suppress her anger to the best of her ability... She couldn't, "Childish, you're almost in your thirties yet you still behave like this."

Ian eyed her strangely, "Was that supposed to be a roast? I like acting childish sometimes, it's fine but when I need to act mature, I do. Besides, at least I'm mature enough to know how not to lose all my money."

"..." Selina was speechless, and she had nothing to say to that. It all seemed like a curse to her, wealth never stays long with her. It just fade away in the blink of an eye.

Ian attached the duffel bag to his back after putting everything in it, he then pulled Selina into his embrace, "Let's move, I'd feel like shit if I lost it."

Selina just shook her head, "That's what you're worried about?" She then closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest.

"Well, there is nothing right to worry about." The rope connected with the museum, and the other building was still there. He brought the end closest to him and tied it to his belt.

"I'm not much of a mathematician, but I calculated this, and I'm 100% sure that this will lead to our death, so you have nothing to worry about."

He gave her no chance to respond as he clutched tightly to the rope and jumped off the building.

It was way past midnight, and it was fairly dark even amidst the street lights. Very few people were outside, vehicles could be seen from time to time, and with their dark outfits, they blended perfectly with darkness.

Ian cared not for what was beneath. He just jumped and let his ability deal with the rest.

He clutched to the rope as it led him to the building with a gravitational force so high it would certainly lead to his death.

He would've certainly died, yet again, strange things happened.

Ian was sure he tied the other end of the rope tightly to the pillar at the building's top, yet he clearly felt it's loosened, he wasn't falling in a semi-orbital motion anymore.

However, that was only for a second as the rope got stuck on the building maintenance unit leading him to start swinging again, the rope almost slipped from his hands due to that change.

It also continued to slip little by little until the end of the rope started falling from the top and Ian found himself facing the building wall.

At some point, his legs touched the ground almost gently. However, the accumulated force still forced him to run for a bit until he was centimeters away from the wall.

Ian was confused, "I don't get it? Is that how physics work? I wasn't aware, but that was kind of anti-climatic... Can you get any more boring babe?"

Selina opened her eyes after hearing his words and looked around in confusion, "Who are you talking to?"

"Death or I guess my ability? We have a love and hate relationship, sometimes she's so boring I hate her to death, but other times she gives me welcomed surprise and I love her to death."

He spoke in an almost poetic tone, amusement was apparent on his face, seemingly in remembrance of beautiful memories.

Selina's mouth opened and closed several times, she tried to speak but nothing came out until she got her bearing back, "I was just wondering if you're actually insane, but you really are."

Ian raised his brows at her then just shook his head, "Sure, whatever you say." He then put the rope that fell right beside him in his duffel bag, "Anyway, let's head back."

They avoided the security cameras on the way and arrived at the hotel. They've already booked a room, so they just headed to it directly after changing, or rather only Ian has done that.

Selina's words were exactly, "Just keep the window open." And left, not leaving Ian a chance of asking why the trouble. She has yet to show him her face, perhaps to her, that is the last fortress of her defense.

Ian just sat on the couch and started looking through the things on the couch.

"Ian... I know you like to mess around a lot but please don't screw this up. I will definitely kill myself if that happened, so babe, activate your bullshit power and let luck be on my side."

Perhaps he really is mental, speaking to himself as if speaking to someone else and yet again speaking to his ability... He meant every word he said.

However, it worked, he felt calmer and his hand stopped shaking. He first placed the stones on the table, his gloves were still on.

"Gorgeous little things..." Ian muttered as he took a closer look at them. He knew he couldn't speak their name in fear of the all-hearing superman taking them away from him.

'Kryptonites... Rocks from far away planet, miraculous little object. Too bad the museum only has two types, I remember there are plenty of varieties of kryptonite.'

There were 7 stones before him, five bright green stones and two bright red stones, 'Red and Green Kryptonites, the latter is the one that makes all Krypto people lose their strength... That's what they're called right? Don't remember so whatever.

The red one on the other hand has varying effects, I faintly remember it gives people abilities or adverse effects due to exposure, but it mostly gives them negative effects.'

Ian's eyes shone with a bright light as a brilliant idea surfaced within his mind, or at least in his mind it was brilliant, 'What will happen if I touch it? I won't turn to a dragon, will I? That sounds cool thought...'

And so he did, he touched the thing without a second thought... His power must truly hate him. When he needs to think he does, and he thinks a lot. However, most often than not, he doesn't bother to, thus leading to stupid actions such as these.

He took off his gloves and picked one of the red Kryptonites, engulfing it with both of his hands perhaps to accelerate the process.

'Hmm, nothing is happening... Perhaps it takes time. I will leave it to later th...' He halted his thought process for before him, the red kryptonite disintegrated into dust then into nothingness, "But Why??????"

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