
Dead Hell Scroll

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Chapter 25: Dead Hell Scroll


'Hmm, nothing is happening... Perhaps it takes time. I will leave it to later th...' He halted his thought process for before him, the red kryptonite disintegrated into dust then into nothingness, "But Why??????"

Ian stood up and took off his upper clothes, taking a closer at his body, 'I feel the same, nothing changed... Could it be?'

"Babe, did you do this? You fucking bitch." His tone was calm, but he was seething inside, "Wait a minute, I shouldn't come to conclusions too fast, perhaps it just takes time?"

Ian convinced himself it was fine, and ignored the worst-case scenario, "It's fine, something will definitely happen by morning, the stone definitely didn't go to waste."

He opened the other pouch and started placing the pieces of paper on the table, carefully and slowly.

He put his phone by the side and started looking carefully at the picture of those same pieces of paper arranged in a certain way, how they were arranged in the museum, the right way.

He completed the arrangement but the piece has yet to be done. There seem to be some pieces of paper missing, a few more pieces of the puzzle.

'Dead Hell Scroll, quite the exquisite thing, speaks of heaven, not in a good way and speaks of Hell in a worse manner.

It's said that the piece was never completed thus the picture was never whole, in fact, the other pieces were never found.

It was written in ancient greek, but there are several unidentifiable letters, seemingly the combination of two languages, one of which remain unknown.'

Obsession shone within the depths of Ian's eyes, it's was such a fascinating thing to him, 'I know the extent and magicalness of this world, so perhaps... Just perhaps, it's more than it shows.'

The national museum of Metropolis was one of the greatest with plenty of antiques, valuables, and historical items.

The scroll however wasn't too valuable in comparison to other similar things due to a simple reason, scientists research it, and through radiocarbon dating found out its age.

It surprisingly wasn't old despite looking as such, just a few hundred years old while The civilization of Ancient Greece emerged into the light of history in the 8th century BC. Normally it is regarded as coming to an end when Greece fell to the Romans, in 146 BC.

So the timing just doesn't make much sense. It's still considered as a valuable piece of art despite that, just not as valuable as it would've been if it was actually that ancient.

Ian started looking through his phone. This part of the scroll was already fully deciphered, but there are parts of it that make no sense because of the undiscovered pieces.

He read through them again and again as he had done many times before until he was interrupted by the knock on the window.

He frowned only to remember Selina's words, he opened the window for her who was hanging on the wall like a spider, clutching to it with her claws.

"You never remember do you?" Selina complained in annoyance.

"Sorry, I was rather looking forward to this day, so my mind was busy thinking of this than what you said."

That wasn't much of an apology, and Ian wasn't done just yet, "You should honestly just take off your mask instead of going through are the trouble. You know I won't take it seriously."

Selina frowned and just watched him run back to the table and go back to his work, his attention focused solely on those pieces of paper... "But I will take it seriously... That's the problem."

She murmured under her breath, her voice was so low he would've been barely able to hear her if he was next to her let alone now.

She made her way to her room and took off her suit before going to sleep, never in her mind had she doubted he would try to peak on her face, and he didn't.

If she wishes to keep her face hidden so much, then who is he to deny her that... Perhaps he would've if not for the limitations he put on himself in fear of the side effects of his power.

He still has yet to figure out why people become weak when in long contact with him, specifically only intimate contact. For now, his assumption is still life force absorption.

'Heaven and Hell. Moreover, the majority of it is written in greek. It's definitely related to the mythological gods. The puzzle is the unknown letters within, that should paint the whole pictures.'

Ian started doing what he does best, and that's thinking. He knows he isn't smart, but he also knows of his wise nature. What he lacks in cleverness, he makes up for in thoughtfulness.

It's something he loves and appreciates about himself, and he certainly enjoys the process.

Many smart people failed and fell. Many achieved nothing. Yet it's rare for the wise to fall by the hands of others, they most often than not crumble through their own choice.

He also knows he can be wiser, and he can achieve more, but he doesn't bother to. He likes to take things slow and using his mind too much isn't his thing.

However, in situations like this, it's a joy and a rush he can't say no to.

'It's almost as if the writer of the scroll has a grudge against heaven, but hates hell to his core.

The unknown letters seem to be more of a stain to the scroll as if the writer despises both... He looks down not only on the writer but also on what he speaks of.'

Ian started stroking his chin in thoughtfulness, 'A third party was involved. No, the third-party acquired the scroll later and left his touch on it, but why?'

Afterward, Ian started searching for some Sanatic and Sacred rituals to perform on the scroll, anything no matter how outlandish it's, as long as it doesn't destroy the scroll.

There are some he can't do right now due to unavailable resources, but those he can do when he goes back to Gotham.

His obsession didn't allow him to sleep as he remained awake the entire night until he was distracted by something in the morning.

The TV turned on by itself with an intimidating voice reverberating through the room, "You are not alone... My name is General Zod. I come from a world far from yours. I have journeyed across an ocean of stars to reach you..."

The voice stopped as Ian took the TV power off, "What a terrible acting."

His mind simply didn't process what was happening due to his focus on the scroll.

He didn't even think about how the TV turned on by itself nor did give a single thought process to the words.

He simply considered the voice terrible acting because it interrupted him, and thus he continued with his most precious work...

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