He can not die, in his last world at least. Can this new nonsensical world prove to be a challenge to that? Or will death still be his bitch? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me. (By Stanley Artgerm)
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[33 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]
Chapter 134: I Think Something Happened? I
Right away, Ian noticed a lot of things. Superman was missing. Wonder Woman seemed mad. Green Lantern seemed powerless without his green suit... Wonder why.
Ian took a seat at the forefront of the table, a seat seeming to be prepared for him because it directly faced Batman, and he didn't seem happy.
"I called you ten hours ago..." Batman stated.
"Hm? I know." Ian nodded, seeming confused about the point question.
"So?" Batman further stated.
"So what?" Ian asked back.
Batman closed his eyes and took a deep breath, holding back whatever complaint he had.
However, Diana next to him was not known for holding back as she yelled, "So you should've been here nine hours ago!"
Ian eyed everyone in the room, getting a very good idea of what was happening and why they seemed tense.
"Well, the bat didn't tell me how to get here, so I had to look for it and fly for hours until I got here. I'm a very generous person, so I didn't voice any complaints, but now... You're the one complaining?"
His tone was still just as calm, but his words certainly made Diana speechless as she gave Batman a questioning look.
"He's definitely lying. I think it took him less than an hour to get here." How the tables have turned, but Batman didn't turn with it.
"It doesn't matter how long it took him to get here. You should've pointed out the way to get here, so we don't have to play a game of mind games now, especially knowing of Superman's situation."
This time, it was J'onn who spoke, the Martian Manhunter. He spoke calmly without much emotion, seeming to be the sound of reason.
"No need for unnecessary banter. Just hurry up." Green Lantern or Hal Jordan spoke with exasperation, not seeming to be in a good mood.
"You're right. Just get it over with. Leave the talk for later." Diana definitely had more complaints to voice, but it wasn't time just yet.
"Look at these two videos first." Batman pointed out, activating a projection showing the videos in question.
One was showing the exact scene of Ian using his staff to deal with Deathstroke, specifically using the speed force.
The other video was showing the scene of Superman fighting Doomsday, and it was a live broadcast. They seemed to be in an isolated area with Superman mostly focused on keeping Doomsday busy.
He was in quite the sorry state, looking all bloody, but he preserved, his determination has never been brighter knowing that behind him, not that far away is his city, Metropolis.
"If you want to ask why we aren't there taking care of the problem, it's because this thing can evolve based on the circumstances. We're only vying for time and this is where you come in."
Batman stood up, opening a briefcase close by and bringing out a green shining stone, "I want you to attach this to your staff and do exactly what you did in this video."
Ian walked closer to Batman, eyeing the stone closely. He was able to see it instantly. Green Kryptonite energy was something he controls after all, so he could sense a lot of differences in this stone.
"Why didn't you get Superman or him to do it." Ian pointed out to the Flash at the corner of the room who seemed to be depressed.
"Because it's dangerous, and it's very likely he will die with it, so be careful with this thing. The same is for Superman." Batman explained, shaking his head at the Flash who was giving him hopeful eyes.
The Flash had so many questions for Ian for so long, but it seemed as if fate stops him from getting them, not yet at least.
"J'onn, activate it. We'll be there right away." After which, Batman brought Ian with him to a certain room, seeming all secretive, and his next words warranted such a level of secrecy.
"You know who I am, and you know a lot about me. I also know a lot about you, and I am certain I know how your staff work, how you work to a certain extent, so..."
There was a change of plans, and the Justice League were understandably in a hurry, so before he even arrived, they set up a teleportation station close to the incident location.
Ian only blinked for one second, and he found himself there along with Diana, the Flash, and J'onn.
The others stayed behind for various reasons. Hal's reason was simple, he was kinda powerless since the green lantern power battery was stolen not long ago.
The other person there was drinking himself to sleep because the fact that he can't just jump into the battle was such an annoyance to him, Aquaman.
Ian's staff appeared in his hand, shining blue. He directly activated his magic to teleport closer to the incident.
He found it unfortunate that he didn't get to interact with them more. They are quite the interesting bunch after all, and they have a lot of nice artifacts, but he understands the emergency.
'Yeah, Batman is too smart, but even the smartest of people have limits. He put those limits on himself, perhaps for a good reason?
In fear of turning to the very thing he wants to stop, and since he understands himself better than anyone else, he must know what kind of disaster that entails...'
Ian mused while observing the disastrous state of Superman, and even doomsday. Their fight seemed to have gone to such an extent that they seemed to be on the verge of death.
In fact, Ian noted that Superman might have been passed out for quite a while, yet even in his unconscious state, he fought.
Or at least, that's what Superman's movement told him, the movement of someone with no energy to move, like that feeling one gets when they exercise too much.
That feeling like you just want to lie down and not move for a while. That's the kind of vibe Superman was giving, his body desperately wanting to give up.
"Well, Batman's charity was very charitable, so let me be as well." He mumbled before acting.
In contrast to the expectations of those watching, his actions were very different from the plan. Well, at least very different from what they thought would happen.
The only one who didn't seem surprised was J'onn. In fact, he seemed to have expected this. He was that kind of monster, one on the side of good though.
Ian launched the plan. What batman gave him instantly appeared surrounding Doomsday, making sure the monster was away from Superman before teleporting the colossal device out of the black Rose.
The thing seemed like a massive tube, quite similar to the teleportation device that brought him here.
"See you later," Ian murmured as he also teleported with the device, going along with Doomsday being the nice person he was.
Despite being confused, the Flash still acted according to plan, getting Superman the hell out of there.
He used the teleportation station to take him back to the Watchtower to get him some help. The symbol of hope didn't resist at all, his body giving out the moment the threat was sent away.
"You know what's happening, right?" Diana asked with a frown.
"I do... Batman is changing, due to that peculiar human most likely." J'onn nodded, eyeing the sky, or specifically the darkness of space.
"Care to explain?" She further questioned, not liking being kept out of the loop.
"Let's just say that batman saw the danger of the monster more than most of us, so he made some sacrifices to not only get information but also to get rid of it for good..."
Indeed, Ian changed Batman indirectly. He made his much more cautious. The fear of the unknown that is Ian drove Batman to go further and beyond, making preparations and hypotheses for everything.
What Batman sacrificed to get Ian to act were a few things, a few collectibles, and information, very valuable information.
It wasn't just Batman, Ian directly or indirectly changed the fate of the world many times. Things that seem inconsequential to him weren't to others.
But the teleportation machine was something he wants. It was way too valuable to miss, and Batman handed it to him on a silver platter without knowing that Ian already wanted Doomsday.
The teleportation device is a two-way transmitter. In this case, the source of the one that sent Doomsday and Ian away.
The destination, on the other hand, was floating aimlessly in space though it was very close to the sun, and this is where they appeared.
Ian seemed to move freely in space, and even breathe. Hell, his voice was even able to reach Doomsday in the vacuum of space. The latter however was having a bit of a hard time as its desire to lunge at Ian was apparent to all.
"You might just be the most dangerous creature in the universe if given the chance to grow, but... You're too delicious to miss," Ian frowned, throwing himself a questioning look, "That kinda came out wrong..."
3rd place in the rankings= 1 extra chapter!
2nd place in the rankings= 2 extra chapters!!
1st place in the rankings= 3 extra chapters!!!
I don't think it's possible but here it is...