He can not die, in his last world at least. Can this new nonsensical world prove to be a challenge to that? Or will death still be his bitch? .......................... https://www.patreon.com/VQuintessence - Feel free to support me on Patreon. ........................... The cover art is not mine, If you want me to take it down, please notify me. (By Stanley Artgerm)
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[33 Chapters in Advance on Patre.on]
Chapter 133: Best Of Dreams VII
Reflected in the mirror were all the dreams about Ian, all dreamt by other beings, "I'm the Worst Of Nightmares. I'm Also the Best Of Dreams... Huh?"
Morpheus, dream of the endless' words were reflected perfectly in the mirrors to the point Ian could only laugh spectating the worst of nightmares.
Some however were a bit too extreme and odd, even by his standards. It made him wonder why he drove such horrific nightmares out of them when he didn't do anything too bad.
He extracted as much information as he could from the reflections because the nightmares basically told him of all of his enemies, even the ones he doesn't know about.
"Huh? I didn't even do anything to her? Like, what the fuck mate?" Ian was thoroughly confused by some of the reflections, "Is it because I took away everything? Then why isn't Luthor mad and she is? Just overreacting perhaps?"
A simple example of the confusing nightmares was Mercy Graves, someone he met for only a few minutes, and they didn't even talk much.
Ian just handed them the Kryptonites and sealed the deal, so he was a bit confused on why she had nightmares about him.
It definitely didn't have something to do with the fact that the Kryptonites he handed to them were contaminated by his Death force. So he can sense them wherever they are.
That allowed him to find where they have been put, his target which was Luthor's secret labs, something even the Roses weren't able to find. He then went ahead to borrow a few stuff.
"And what about you? Like, who are you?" There were quite a lot of beings having nightmares about him, some he doesn't know of, explaining his perplexity.
"The best of dreams... Yeah, I'm definitely cucking Hephaestus, only in dreams though." Ian brought himself a cup of tea and enjoyed the very exquisite movie, a piece of art of Aphrodite's fetishes.
He absolutely has no idea how she came to desire him so much. He didn't even do much in Olympus. He barely caused any harm. Hell, he even sent Hermes back when he was done with him.
Granted, he was missing a leg or two, but he was sure the gods can deal with that with ease.
Another best of dreams he watched was that of Athena, and it confused him a lot because she seemed to be suffering a lot in it.
It was quite simple, a chess match between Ian and her. She just never wins, like at all. She even ended up crying a few times, yet this was categorized as a happy dream.
The most wondrous of dreams however was Harley's because for her, there are two reflections, one of Nightmares and the other of simple happy dreams.
The catch is that nothing was simple in her case. Even the best of dreams for her was a bit twisted let alone her Nightmares, "Yup, she's odd."
"Dreams huh. What a fascinating thing... I really want to watch more, but unfortunately, I have a meeting to attend." And he really wanted to continue to watch, for research purposes of course.
Ian left the dimension, performing a few more tests on Layla just to make sure she was okay. He studied her state thoroughly, especially her blood.
The good news was that she seemed to be healing, albeit at a very slow rate, "Not very vampire-like huh? Is it because?"
Ian tested his theory directly, making a deep cut on his arm before letting it drip into Layla's mouth much to her surprise.
She could only lay on the testing bed in shock until her new vampiric urges took control of her as she lunged at the wound, devouring every drop of blood on its way out.
The odd thing however was that she acted in moderation, almost like she was afraid of hurting him. She only drank the blood dripping out without biting him at all.
'It shouldn't be some kind of vampiric sense because Cain wouldn't be dead if so... Is it just her will and loyalty guiding her? God, Layla is lovely.'
As he expected, drinking his blood accelerated the process to such an extent she healed in less than a minute.
"Go to the underground training room and test yourself. Test everything, especially your shadows, and if you feel even a speck of doubt about the effect, don't hesitate to call me. Otherwise, tell me the results when I come back."
The Watchtower was a space station orbiting the Earth that served as the headquarters of the Justice League.
It was created by the combined effort of all the Justice League members after seeing Earth's nonexisting defense against outer space.
According to Ian's estimates, it's one of the most advanced pieces of technology on earth as it combined the knowledge of Martians, Krypton, and even green lantern contributed by some alien technology, considering he's the most likely to acquire it.
The one who contributed the most however was J'onn J'onzz, or as he likes to call himself, the Martian Manhunter.
He's a law enforcement officer from Mars who became a police detective and superhero after becoming marooned on Earth.
He is a founding member of the Justice League, and the meeting involved most of the League.
"Aghh, Batman and his methods, so annoying." One thing Ian noticed is that Batman tries to dig for information and test him every time they talk, just like now.
He gave away the bait that Ian simply can't refuse, nor can he steal it himself just yet without attracting the Ire of Superheroes, something totally unnecessary.
If they hate him, they will become far less charitable than he desires, and the opportunities to 'help' them will become limited.
The reason why he wouldn't be able to steal it was right before him as Ian floated in the vacuum of space, right before the Watchtower, 'So many Anti-magic methods, and god knows where he hid the thing.'
Batman told him to meet up in the Watchtower but didn't tell him how to reach it, something not easy considering it's in constant orbit around the earth.
As far as he knows, the Justice League members seem to teleport through some kind of device in the Hall of Justice directly to the Watchtower.
'I guess it really doesn't matter considering I will show some of my powers against the target...' Ian mused, slowly hovering towards the gate leading to the airlock chamber.
The Watchtower had an artificial intelligence that guided him to the meeting hall as Ian observed the surroundings carefully, 'Yup, it's definitely doable. More Nightmares for you, and a lovely gift for me.'
To a certain extent, Ian was like Constantine, he can be very vengeful. So his mind was already working on the maths behind the future, imagining forthcoming nightmares.
Ian entered the meeting room, finding himself faced with six people, six out of the seven founding members, namely, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, the Flash, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern.
Right away, Ian noticed a lot of things. Superman was missing. Wonder Woman seemed mad. Green Lantern seemed powerless without his green suit... Wonder why.
3rd place in the rankings= 1 extra chapter!
2nd place in the rankings= 2 extra chapters!!
1st place in the rankings= 3 extra chapters!!!
I don't think it's possible but here it is...