
Dc Reinhardt

MMA champion Geralt “The All-father” Reinhardt has gained divinity from the last of the First All-Fathers! ODIN! Follow his story and the Dc comic book story!!! A/n: by my own admission chapters 29-37ish can get a bit rough...not my best work

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The Tower (2)

Truthfully I'm surprised people still read and support this book. I always thought It was poorly written. And after reading the early chapter I still feel that way.

But out of respect for those who enjoyed it, I'll finish this arc before seeing where the story is as a whole. I'll be posting the remaining unposted chapters shortly after that, all chapters come when I finish.


"Hahaha-haha...ha. I am now 9.833331 % away from god hood." Laughed brain, while he watched Bruce slamming his fist on the council. When the monitor shut off Brain's robotic laughter began to echo throughout the watchtower.

*WARNING! WARNING! Watchtower power core critical! WARNING! WARNING! Watchtower power core critical! Please evacuate! *

Brain: "The disasters, your tower...my ascension. With a simple thought, I could turn Metropolis into a walking graveyard. In fact. A hail storm is forming above the city, as I speak.

And did you know, I've also hacked into that tin can's systems...Oh, you call him Cyborg...I call him dead when I feel like it."

"Ignore him. He's only taken control over 30% of my systems, but I'm fine. However, he's affected my ability to make stable boom tube." Stated Cyborg while blasting into the horde of robots. To his right, were Jessica and Simon blasting thru the horde of bots.

Bruce clicked his teeth watching Brains robots reform bigger and stronger. As the watchtower's warning repeated with increased frequency. Bruce's focus intensified as his plan came to fruition during the worsening situation.

Black-hued silvery-white energy began to wash over the watchtower. Causing the watchtower, A.I to yell. "Oxygen...failing...Gravity...failing...Watchtower systems shutting off In..."

"Katherine! Teleport us ground level!" Yelled Bruce with a hint of panic in his voice.

"...10" Katherine threw a fist of distorted thru multiple bots.

"...9" The black silvery-white energy grew increasingly dense.

"...8..." Simon yelled her name, however, Katherine shushed him.

"...7...Watchtower Oxygen shutdown." Bruce studied her calm and relaxing demeanor.

"...6...Water filtering system down." Jessica's eyes widened as bits of the silvery-white energy tore thru the bots.

"...5...Gravity down, backup system's down." Bruce looked to Barry; whose feet never left the ground.

"...4..." A wormhole opened in the center of the robot horde.

"...3... Power core off." Geralt's energy caused the bots to collapse the weight of his gravity.

"...2..." Diana punched him in the chest for showing off. Geralt stood at 4 foot 7 and wore a black twin-tailed three-piece suit, that was adorned with a blue lapel. Most of him was already down on earth dealing with the cosmic vortex.

"1." Geralt's energy stabilized the surrounding the Watchtower while keeping the perpetually rebuilding bots suppressed.

Bruce stepped forward to give the teams their newly assigned roles. Katherine, Donna, along with Jessica, Cyborg, and Bruce joined Wally and Dick who had just found Brains base.

Simon and Barry raced off to deal with the growing hurricanes and tsunamis down in the Pacific, while Diana went to delt with the alpine disaster. Clark was fending off a storm that radiated quantum and gamma energy.


Landing outside of a Germanic town right below the northern limestone alps, Diana's eyes were trained upon an ongoing thunderstorm surrounding the peak of the mountains.

Raising her right hand, Diana called upon the Royal star while bolts of lightning crashed into the mountain tops.

Her eyes widened as the sheathed Royal Star came ripping thru the forest-covered mountain tops, but when the shield sheathed sword came within inches of her hand. A thick bolt of lightning came roaring into her chest!

*Kraboom! *

Diana's body was sent crashing deep into the snow-covered ground. Dirt buried her slightly charred skin, while the Royal Star went spinning through the surrounding trees. Diana's hand twitched causing the Royal Star to reverse course.

She stood up to look upon the incoming avalanche as the Royal Star hit her hands, Diana twisted the handle while smashing the royal ax across the grounds. Flame incased ice ripped through the ground and rose along the pit before cleaving thru the eastern half of the forest.

The trees surrounding the ice burned creating a wall of fire, the ice absorbed the access heat killing the flames while freezing the trees and hardening the ice.

A pillar of ice rose from Diana's pit leveling the ground around her as she slashed the ax across her left. Creating an equally imposing wall of ice which tore thru then ignited the trees, before repeating the same process.

A bolt of lightning sent her crashing back across the ice and into the frozen ice, Diana stood with her bracers raised high as bigger bolts continually hit her bracers. Gritting her teeth Diana asked, "Why do I feel like his powers are increasing?"

"BECAUSE THEY ARE!!! MUWAHAHAHAHAH!" Brain's robotic laughter rang across cyborg's commination systems. He tried to kick him out, however, Brain laughed. "What's wrong? Tin can. Is your Pentium three processor beginning to freeze? I modified your comm system and you didn't even realize you're pathic."

Cyborg: "You keep laughing, but we're..."

"30 seconds out, we know...and we can't wait. ROAHAHAHAHAHAH! ROAHAHAHAHAHA!" Lokee's laughter caused Diana to pause as a bolt came within a few feet of her skull.

Shutting her eyes, Diana grit her teeth while bracing for impact.

*BOOM! * The bolt sent her careening deep into the ground. Dirt littered the once beautiful snow-white area as smoke rose from her slightly charred face. The storm clouds above the mountains began to prepare another bolt.

Krakatoom! The next bolt rained from the cloudy heavens. But as it came within inches centimeters of her face...the bolt bent around her! Diana sighed in relief, however, Brain snapped at this perceived humiliation.

"Do you think yourself impressive Geralt Reinhardt? Do you think yourself special, for helping that ant? ...Well, guess what. Your strength is pathetic and when facing the might of a new god! Death is assured!"

Geralt: "..."

Brain: "Why aren't you saying anything, Reinhardt? I've heard a lot about your sharp tong, in fact, I fantasized about studying it along the rest of your corpse. All-father Reinhardt is what they call you...preposterous name really. You're not strong, you're not smart... in fact, you and the amazons are no different than Neanderthals."

Up until that moment Geralt was ignoring Brain as he worked to subdue the cosmic storm high above the chaotic Sri Lankan sky. Red solar, magnetic, and gamma energy had been mixed into the highly lethal storm, however, Geralt stood undisturbed.

His suit rapidly broke down while his skin began to char, but the size and power of the storm continued to shrink. Brain ran his mouth while his teammates prepared to defend his ascension, Geralt had continued to ignore him.

Geralt did his best to disregard the brain, however, when he said. "In 15 seconds, these two pet amazons will be dead, and in 20 seconds I'll be using their bodies to produce super soldiers."

Geralt let out a loud deep sigh before finally telling him, "Even if you become a god. Nobody and I mean! NOBODY! Will take you seriously. You're a grade D joke that's no different than a robotic clowned out third-rate version of Lex Luthor trying to fuck a retarded joker."

Titans thoughts: 'Wow he's a dick.'

Katherine: "C+, your insults are getting worse. Step your shit up."

Brain: "Yo-yo-yy-y-y-youuuuu."

Katherine: "Will you shut up...my god and to think you were just roasting cyborg,"

Geralt: "Kinda ironic really...anyways. Brain, right? Will you please, just hurry up and ascend into the irrelevant god you were destined to become...but with your history, I'm guessing you'd mess it up."

Brain: "Yo-u, y-y-ou you! YOU--! I AM AT 96%! 9-9-9-9-9999% SO H-H-H-HA--------!"

*BOOM! *

A massive explosion echoed across Cyborg's communication system. The heroes lurched from the point-blank feedback; Barry tripped up running across a tsunami, as his body lost moment the tsunami's sped up towards the Japanese coast.

Simon's green lantern ring made a thick giant wall, while Barry caught his footing before breaking away from the tsunami, he asked. "Guys, what happened?!"

Katherine: "Relax man. We're finally breaching their defenses."

"….......You didn't breach. We just let you in. Now come to me little REinHaRt, DiE LiKE ThE ReSt Of yOuR iLK. ROAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!" …. said Lokee.

Katherine: "what'd you say BITCH!"