
The Tower...(1) or BIT** I TOLD YOU SO!

It was seven in the morning, and Roy had returned from his raid on Intergang.

He and Cheshire had secured a single vile of pure unaltered bliss along with its all-white pill form and a few unknown pale lime green pills.

Cheshire was inside his apartment seated on his old stenchy couch, studying the piss pour living conditions he'd placed himself in.

In front of her was a coffee table that had the vile of bliss, bagged pills and multiple open alcohol-free beers on top of it. Beside her, Roy was sprawled out on the floor butt ass naked.

While he lay on the floor, she grabbed the vile of liquid bliss along with the bagged pale lime green pills before stepping out his window. With a conflicted look, "Ah...damn Roy, drugging you shouldn't have been this easy."

???: "Roy Harper...known as arsenal of the titans. Former sidekick to green arrow...also known as Oliver queen, Dick Grayson, Wally West...WARNING HOST DATA IRELAVENT! Using available brain space to learn absorb store relevant information."

In an unknown high-tech lab deep inside the slums Brooklyn was a muscular gorilla dawning a red beret standing by multiple monitors with various percentages on it.

Behind him was a silver mechanized skull faced cylinder container that was attached to various cables throughout the lab. This skull faced cylinder housed a human brain that went by the name The Brain, and painted along the walls of his lab were unknown runic letters!

"Mallah, Mallah, Mallah! Cheshire and her assassins are here. Receive them with haste! she has retrieved our product from Bruno's men." Demanded the Brain.

Mallah(gorilla): "Don't talk to me like that Brain, you're hurting my feelings."

Brain: "Shut up and do it! Lokee's plan has gone beautifully and thanks to it I am smarter than ever. Soon I will ascend!

And when that happens, we will no longer be seen as the same ants, those so-called heroes and super villains saw us as.

So, work with Cheshire and the league to make sure nothing goes wrong. Arsenal has been snooping around the area and according to Lokee a gods ascension is when they are at their weakest!"

Mallah: "...Yes Brain."

Brain: "Good now leave me be while I work on an algorithm to mask my power while hacking the justice league watchtower and figure out climate control ...Ahhh Mallah this growing power will unlock so many doors."

--8 hours later

As Roy awakened, his pupils began to dilated while his body quivered. "What was all of that? Better yet. Who was that...they radiated so much power...maybe Batman was right? Maybe I am out of my dept... Maybe I'm like those single A baseball pitchers, pitching in the majors...I need help."

Back in the Reinhardt house hold. Donna and Katherine were practicing their submission techniques when Donna phone interrupted their session. "message, from Roy harper. Would you like to accept?" Asked the phone's A.I.

"Yes! *ahem. * H-hey Roy... about last time--" Stated Donna as Katherine began leaving over her shoulder.

Roy: "Donna. I know I said some stuff—I, uh...What I'm trying to say is...I've screwed up badly. You guys were right about everything."

"Screwed up how, Roy?" stated Donna, as her face took on a serious look. She glanced at Katherine who was canceling her photoshoot as she changed into her standard gear.

"His dumbass really should learn to listen...And here I thought you'd be calling for a date or some shit." Complained Katherine.

Roy's body shook as Donna repeated "Roy?" once more.

He let out a sigh before saying "You were right, I shouldn't have investigated this alone.... I've done a dumb thing. And now I need help."

Donna: "Help?"

Roy: "Serious help. I've blundered into a major threat. It's beyond me, beyond the titans...Someone something is playing with people's minds, Troy. Using them on a vast scale. I was recently out of it, and during that time I saw this...intelligence eclipsing every."

Donna: "SO I'm trapped in paradise prison worried sick about you!? And YOUR RELASPING! Are you kidding--"

"Donna." Said Katherine, interrupting her in a calming tone. Her eyes were sharp and a worried look began to cover her face as she told them. "he may be telling the truth. Batman found traces of bliss in that new pale green drug that's quickly infesting the criminal underground."


Donna & Katharine: "What!?"

Roy: "The other day Cheshire tricked me into helping her take out an intergang base loaded with that, and recover a vile of pure unaltered bliss!"

Katherine: "Intergang has some! Do you know if their going international?"

Roy: "Now that I think of it. That base I raided had a sealed create of the of...THEIR ALREADY SHIPPING IT!"

Katherine: "Donna get dressed. We're going to inform the league and hopefully form a plan. Roy call-up Wally and Dick, you need to speed up your investigation. Because If what you said is true, then Cheshire robbed intergang for intergang. And that means we're missing a lot."

Roy: "Are you sure, What if--."

Donna: "Roy, just call Dick and Wally! And if they have their doubts tell him to call Batman! BY THE GODS YOU MEN!"

-Watchtower, sometime later.

Bruce, Cyborg, Jessica, Simon, Katherine, Donna, Diana, Barry and Clark gathered around the leagues super computer, as Bruce checked the validity of Roy's information, while Wally and Dick stood alongside Roy back in Brooklyn


The titans although irritated we're not surprised with the level of distrust Bruce and most of the league showed when they heard the information was from Roy.

Cyborg: "Nothing."

Donna: "What?"

Bruce: "He's saying. There is no evidence of what Arsenal described anywhere in New York area. No threat indicators, no power surges, no psionic amplifications. There is nothing now if you--"

Katherine: "We understand your worried about Gotham's declining situation, however cut the shit. Because there's a good chance that the person who did this, could hack or hide from the league systems."

Bruce: "Superman could've easily confirmed--"

Katherine: "The target works with a magical being, and magic is one of the few things capable of obscuring his sight. Flash, how long will it take--"

Wally: "A minute on my worst day."

Clark: "dial the tension back a notch, we all want the same thing."

Barry: "Now, to be fair. Nothing about his story checks out."

Cyborg: "Hold up every--"

*Ring, ring. Ring, ring, ring. *

Katherine: "Hold on, Geralt's calling."

Geralt: "Hey Kat, I felt a brief spike in energy down in the Brooklyn area. Can you check it out for me?"

Katherine: "Can you repeat that...and in detail pllllease."

Placing her phone on speaker, Katherine set it on the table while mouthing the words 'I told you so.'

Geralt: "I felt a brief spike of intensive psionic, and raw energy down around the Brooklyn area. Can you check it out?"

Katherine, giving Bruce a smug look: "But I saw nothing on the watchtower computers?"

Geralt: "Please, we both know there are numerous ways to hide from the league's computers. Oh, and you might want to bring help. The source of the energy is a warehouse that's heavily cloaked in magic."

???: "Checkmate, 30-1."

Diana: "Really...You're playing chess? Now."

Donna: "My god..."

Katherine: "...you suck."

???: "Checkmate, 31-1."

Geralt: "It's blitz chess, and this is my last game. I going to checkout those abnormal weather anomalies around the world."

Barry: "What?"

Cyborg: "As I was about to say moments before. There are multiple disasters taking place all over the world and these reading say show that they have to be artificially made."

Katherine: "Say it old bat. I want to hear the oh so famous words. I... Am... Sor-ry."

Bruce: "...No... However, given what we know it is likely that Roy's information is right. And that we should all prepare for a serious battle. Geralt will deal with the..."

Cyborg: "Cosmic vortex."

Bruce: "...Cosmic vortex down in Shi Lanka, Superman will head to the mid-west, Flash will deal with the storm in the northern alps. The green lanterns will contain growing hurricanes and tsunamis down in the pacific."

Diana: "I'll deal with it."

"You know, I feel like we're being split apart." Stated Simon, his comment caused the Titans and league members to pause as a sense of foreboding washed over their hearts.

They watched as the justice league's monitor shut off, before Lokee face appeared alongside Brains. "You are." Stated Lokee as a wide vicious grin covered his face.

The league glanced to Mallah who was charging into the room yelling. "BRAIN, BRAIN! YOUR 10% AWAY FROM ASCENDING TO GOD HOOD! HAHAHA, WER---."

The Justice leagues main monitor zoomed in on Lokee staring Mallah down with his intense rage.

As the machines all over the watchtower started transforming into mechanized robots, down in Brooklyn Wally had begun his search for Brains laboratory.

Lokee: "PrEpArE FOr BaTtlE. WhILe I Ge-T-t HelP."

#An: Remember. The rest of the world still doesn't know about Dr. Manhattan, oh and I know it's been a while. So, remember, Katherine carries the lasso of regret.

And no. Geralt did not play regular blitz chess. #

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