
DC:Reborn as SHAZAM

Dane finds himself reincarnated as an orphaned kid in America. Initially assuming it's just another ordinary rebirth story, he contemplates making a fortune in the stock market. However, everything takes an unexpected turn one night when, after boarding the subway home, he is transported to a dimly lit cave. In an unforeseen twist, Dane is handed a scepter and instructed to utter the words, "Shazam!" To his surprise, it seems his name isn't Billy Batson after all. The Wizard appears even more agitated than Dane, urging him to stop questioning and quickly inherit his power. Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese novel, and reading it may come at the expense of your brain cells.

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93 Chs

Chapter 95

After receiving the parallax monster, Hal is also covered in yellow light energy, and the JLA members can see that he is desperately resisting the demagoguery of the parallax monster with his own willpower.

"What now?" The Martian Manhunter doesn't know Green Lantern.

But he could see that Green Lantern should be with them.

"Now he has temporarily suppressed the parallax monster by his own will, but this process cannot last, and the power of the lamp beast will increase over time."

"We'll have to find a way to seal it first."


"It's our magicians' turn to appear, constantine, Zatanna, do you hear that?"

As soon as the words fell, two teleportation arrays with different lusters lit up, and Konstantin and Zatana walked out of them.

"Finally it's my turn to play."

constantine arrogantly took a cigarette, which was like a very little rascal.

The Martian Manhunter hesitated a little: "This is also a member of the alliance?" "

At the time in the Hall of Justice he was only a glimpse of it, and now the Martian Manhunters have realized how much this teammate is… Eclectic.

constantine smiled and bared his teeth, facing the Martian hunter:

"This new alien friend, don't look at me smoking, drinking, and loving to save lost girls, in fact, I am a good person."

"You'll know after you've been with me for a long time."

The Martian Manhunter silently distanced himself from him, not believing a single punctuation mark for what he said.

"Alas, it's really sad, the current newcomer doesn't respect the old man at all~" He said with a little pretentiousness.

Zatanna, on the other hand, greeted everyone in a 100-way manner.

Strictly speaking, this was Zatanna's first appearance in front of all the members, and she was still a little nervous.

But seeing Dane smile at her, she seemed to be filled with courage in an instant, and also raised her head to smile sweetly at him.

Diana noticed this scene and frowned without a trace, she intuited that there might be something between these two!

"So Boss, I came to save the world next time?" He spoke loudly.

That expression made Dane feel a little funny, but he still cooperated:

"In a way, yes, I need you and Zatana to help me complete a spell."

With that, he stretched out his hand, and Hal's green light ring flew to his hand.

"Remember the sealing magic I taught you?"

This was mainly for constantine, because Zatana often traveled to the Rock of Eternity to learn magic.

Her biggest problem is that she always wants to cast all her magic through the family's anti-verbal magic, and only the Eternal Rock can give her enough theoretical knowledge to do this.

She could naturally understand what Dane was talking about sealing magic, which Dane had studied to seal the Trigon.

But at that time, if they wanted to cast this magic, they still lacked an artifact of their own world, do they have it now?

Dane understood her doubts and showed her the green light ring on his hand.

Zatana just took a look and nodded, which was considered to recognize the value of the ring.

constantine also took a closer look and said with some regret: "This thing can indeed be done, but it has a master." "

"We also need the consent of the owner."

Dane gestured for them to look into the distance, and Hal was trying to suppress the parallax infestation.

He saw that Dane was actually still looking at him leisurely, and he couldn't help but be anxious.

"Don't look at it! Hurry up and find a way! I won't last long! "

Dane turned to look at Konstantin and Zatanna: "Then let's start quickly!" "


The Parallax Monster is an unusual monster that is a pure energy lifeform, so it cannot be sealed by ordinary methods.

This requires a lot of preconditions.

First of all, to prepare an artifact associated with its power, this artifact must also have a spatial function and be able to accommodate parallax monsters.

Green light rings are eligible.

Secondly, a white mage, a black mage, is needed to cast spells together.

Considering that the parallax monster is enough to be in the category of divine beasts, the power of gods must also be added here.

Such a trinity can seal it.

"Hal, this may hurt a little, you put up with it a little."

Dane, Zatana, and Constantine stood in three directions while chanting incantations, their low voices carrying a somewhat mysterious atmosphere.

The parallax monster sensed the crisis and struggled even more intensely.

But Hal is worthy of being called the greatest Green Lantern man of all time, and with a strong will to protect Seaside City, he has suppressed the backlash of the parallax monster.

Suddenly, just as the Parallax Demon liked to suck out other fears along with the life force, the Parallax Monster also turned into a huge yellow phantom and broke away from Hal's seven tips.

Hal was so painful that his whole face was contorted, and he wanted to wail, but the position of his mouth was also occupied by the parallax monster, and he couldn't howl.

I could only swallow all the pain into my stomach.

Fortunately, this pain did not last long, and soon (CIBF) Dane and others extracted the energetic parallax monster.


Zatana nodded when she heard this, and recited a counter-spell, and the green light ring lit up and shone on the parallax monster.

One of its forelimbs lifted in an attempt to cover its body.

At the same time, constantine uses black magic to curse it, of course, to curse such a powerful monster as the Parallax Monster on his own.

So Dane gave birth to divine power to support the magic of the two.

Under the joint efforts of the three mages, the parallax monster's struggle gradually weakened, and finally gradually turned into a wriggling mass of energy and was sucked into the green light ring.

"You guys keep the magic, I'll be back soon." 

Dane explained to the two, and then his body turned into a bolt of lightning and drilled into the lamp ring.

The World of the Ring, Emerald Space.

The parallax monster has just been sent here, and it is still a little confused.

Then the lightning bolt of Dane's avatar struck it straight on its head.

This stinged it greatly, and the parallax monster roared angrily and flew in the direction of Dane.

Want to tear him to shreds!

Dane reveals his true body and lures it towards Floating City.

Previously, when he borrowed Hal's ring to study, he discovered that the floating city itself could be used as a prison.

In particular, this place is filled with green will energy like the central energy battery of Oa Star, and there are no living things, which means that the parallax monster has no way to replenish the fear energy in time.

It's like a cage naturally prepared for it.

Dane is a little suspicious that this ring world is actually connected to the central energy battery, or that the ring world itself is a relatively primitive central energy battery.

The little blue man may have used this world as a model to create such a thing as a lantern battery.

All in all, this floating city is just enough to accommodate the huge body of the parallax monster.

After luring it to Floating City, Dane suddenly turned around and rushed towards the Parallax Monster.

This parallax monster who did not possess anyone was not smart, and it watched Dane rush over in amazement, and opened its mouth, thinking that the other party was here to deliver food.

Dane circled around and directly grabbed the opponent's big tail.

Despite his completely asymmetrical size, the Parallax Monster could not resist his immense force.

"You give it to me, you!"

The parallax monster was thrown off without resistance and smashed directly into the floating city.

When it tried to crawl out of the ruins, it found that the floating city suddenly entangled it as if it had come to life.

The Parallax Monster could only struggle desperately, screaming to escape, and several of its efforts were re-beaten back by Dane.

After doing this dozens of times, Dane was a little annoyed.

He pulled out his death kiss and gave the parallax monster a look first.

But unsurprisingly it didn't work, and parallax monsters can't be killed.

As long as there is life in the universe, the emotional spectrum will not disappear, and the parallax monster as a representative of yellow fear will not die.

Dane then put away the kiss of death and took out the wizard scepter instead.

"I hope you can fight for some gas!"

He pointed his scepter at the parallax monster, and suddenly a light shot the parallax monster, and then Dane was surprised to see it.

The yellow energy on the parallax monster is flowing to the scepter.

This scepter can even plunder the energy of the emotional spectrum?

Dane couldn't help but exclaim:

"Wizard Awesome !!".