
DC:Reborn as SHAZAM

Dane finds himself reincarnated as an orphaned kid in America. Initially assuming it's just another ordinary rebirth story, he contemplates making a fortune in the stock market. However, everything takes an unexpected turn one night when, after boarding the subway home, he is transported to a dimly lit cave. In an unforeseen twist, Dane is handed a scepter and instructed to utter the words, "Shazam!" To his surprise, it seems his name isn't Billy Batson after all. The Wizard appears even more agitated than Dane, urging him to stop questioning and quickly inherit his power. Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese novel, and reading it may come at the expense of your brain cells.

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93 Chs

Chapter 76

It's been about a week since Hal put on the lantern ring again, and his mastery of the power of the lantern ring has become more and more handy.

And in battle, he also knows more and more how to use his imagination to create creatures to assist in battle.I don't know what the other Green Lanterns do, but Hal's imaginary creations are usually very common tools.

Such as sports equipment, furniture and appliances, cars, airplanes and so on.

He rarely has weapons that are truly threatening, such as guns, explosives, nuclear bombs, and hydrogen bombs.

By now, it was difficult for Diana to beat him as easily as before.

On this evening, Hal was flying in the sky.

While enjoying the night view of the seaside city, he was on the phone with Carol.

Since that evening, his relationship with Carol seems to be showing signs of warming.

Carol doesn't reveal that she already knows his secret identity, and she hopes that one day Hal will tell it herself.

"You said you were going to take time off?" There was a bit of surprise in Carol's voice.

She's not only Hal's ex-girlfriend, but also his top boss, it's a little exciting to think about?

– Female boss .avi.

"Yes, yes, but a week?"

"Where are you going?"

Hal flew towards the sky, his heart happy.

"I don't know, maybe go explore and see."

In fact, he received an invitation from Dane, and after consideration, officially decided to join the Justice League.

Taking advantage of this time, he wanted to go to the headquarters of the alliance and help by the way.

Dane wants to try how to fit a world into a small object and needs the help of the Green Lantern Ring.

"It just so happens that I can also stay away from old Ferris, he probably looks at me unfavorably now."

Carol understood what he meant, it was nothing that the two had already broken up.

But recently, the phenomenon of reviving old feelings has made the president of Ferris feel a little unhappy, and now he is annoyed when he sees Hal.

Carol couldn't help but worry when she thought about Hal's current identity and that he might be involved in something dangerous in the future.

She couldn't help but say, "Hal, if you find it difficult, you can talk to me."

Carol was saying intimate words, but Hal's expression had become serious.

Because he's far enough from the ground and close enough into space, he has seen three green meteors flying into Earth from outer space.

He immediately realized that this was most likely the Green Lantern Corps guy Dane had spoken about.

"Sorry, Caro, I have to go, I'll call you again when I have time."

With that, he hung up and dialed Dane instead.

"This is Dane."

"It's me, Hal, I saw three green guys coming into Earth from low Earth orbit."

"Send me the location coordinates."

"Okay, I'll just…"

Before Hal's words were finished, the three green meteors suddenly flew straight towards him as if accelerating.

There was a green light faster than a meteor, almost in the blink of an eye and close at hand.

After a week of training, Hal already had some sense of battle, and his body shook and dodged the green light.

At this time, a green arm like a pincer whistled past him.

If he hadn't dodged just now, he would have been caught right now.

"It seems that the person who came is not good." Hal thought so.

However, the man did not use a killing weapon, it seems that he just wanted to give him a dismount.

On the other side, Kirovog was surprised that the rookie had actually dodged the blow.

"It seems that his quality is not bad." Tomare, who was on the side, saw this situation and said with a smile.

"The lantern ring never chooses the wrong person, does it?"

The third person in the team is Budica, who can be called the Iron Lady in Green Lantern.

She has pink skin and gray hair, and her facial features are almost indistinguishable from those of humans.

She seemed to admire Hal, after all, in terms of appearance, the earth handsome men were in line with the aesthetics of their race.

"Maybe, but to become Abin's successor, he needs to show more."

Abin, like Senisto, is known as the greatest Green Lantern and is revered by the members of the Legion.

As a training officer, Kirovog and Abinsur have a close relationship, and he cannot accept an earthling as his successor.

"Let's see if this earthling is qualified to inherit Abin's great legacy!"

After speaking, Kirovog shot a green light again, this time not embodied, but a straight light.

Hal naturally couldn't be faster than the speed of light, and he could only erect a shield in front of his body.

The green laser hits the shield, pushing him into the distance.

On a small reef in the sea, he stopped.

"At this time, shouldn't you introduce yourself first?" Hal looked at the three who landed.

Kirovog spoke: "No, because I know very well that you don't deserve this ring!" "

Hal was a little annoyed when he heard this, but he had been in contact with Dane for a long time and had also learned rings functions.

"Is that so? I thought it was all a ring choice. "

Then he raised his eyebrows and looked at Kirovog defiantly: "It turns out that you are the one who decides all this?" "

"Then why don't you bark and let it follow you back?"

When did Kirovog suffer from this bird gas?

As soon as he pointed at the ring, shackles fixed to the earth appeared at Hal's feet, restricting his movement.

Then Kirovog's huge size rushed straight over, and if this blow was real, Hal would have to suffer a little flesh.

But Hal reacted quickly, and he instantly revealed a chainsaw sword, exactly the same as the one used by the large cans in Warhammer 40K.

He slashed with one hand, and Kirovog hurriedly dodged to the side.

Hal took the opportunity to cut the chainsaw sword on the leg shackles, splitting it open.

"Hmm~ there are two strokes." Budica commented with a smile.

But Tomare was not in this mood, he saw that Kirovog couldn't take the other party for a while, and couldn't help but step forward to help.

He stretched out his hand, and the lamp ring connected to a huge two-pronged halberd flew towards Hal.

"It's not fair."

Tomare was sure that he heard the voice and quickly used the ring to detect the enemy.

But at the next moment when the voice appeared, a red figure appeared out of thin air and reached out to grab the tip of the bident.

Dane gently squeezed with one hand, and the weapon composed of green energy was instantly pinched.

"One-on-one is respect for this fight, isn't it?" He said with a smile to the fishman head opposite.

Tomare and Bourdica were put on alert at the same time.

"What are you?" Budica looked solemn.

The way the other party appeared was simply unexpected, and the lamp ring did not sound the alarm at all.

"You broke into this planet without permission, and in turn questioned who I am?"

"It doesn't sound reasonable."

Dane's body floated, and his eyes flashed with lightning.

"Green Lantern Legion, you must know basic etiquette when entering other people's homes, you seem to lack a similar upbringing."

When did they hear such arrogant words when they walked the universe?

Tomare and Bourdica attack Dane without thinking in order to protect the Legion's honor.

However, it can be seen that he did not give his all, but just wanted to teach him a lesson.

But Dane wanted to try these Green Lanterns in color.

Legend has it that the Green Lantern Corps is invincible alone, too three is weak, and after five it will definitely be destroyed, he wants to verify it.

So when he saw that these two people were actually trying to use those creatures that had no offensive power against him, he directly used the power of Hercules to tear their creations to pieces.

"Your will is weak."

He deliberately let out mocking laughter in an attempt to provoke them, and he succeeded.

Kirovog dropped Hal directly, constructing a green miniature sun directly behind Dane.

It does not simulate the temperature of the sun, but it simulates the gravitational pull of the sun.

Dane suddenly felt a huge force pulling at him, pulling every cell in his body.

"Oh? Is it gravity? "

Dane stood at his feet and used magic to connect himself to the earth.

The fish-faced Tomare constructs a gun and shoots lasers from the barrel.

Budica constructed a meteorite, larger than Dane's entire person, and smashed straight at him.

Seeing this, Hal wanted to step forward to help, but was stopped by Dane.

"Let me play."

He was a little speechless when he heard this.

Dane didn't care about the laser shot from the fish's face, and the lightning sign that hit his chest was ejected without causing him any damage.

The meteorite struck, and Dane stopped it with one hand, as easily as catching a baseball, and he threw it to the side.

The meteorite hit Kirovog at super-fast speed, and the miniature sun he constructed was crumbling as if it were about to disintegrate.

Dane carried the thunder with both hands and hit Tomare and Budica one by one, electrifying them to the sky.

But this time the thunder and lightning no longer disappeared like a one-time attack, it maintained, like a pair of big hands pulling the two over.

Dane carried two aliens in one hand, and threw them into the miniature sun, smashing it to pieces.

He shook his head.

"You guys are too weak."

If the Green Lanterns in Oua Star are all of this degree, then he can also destroy them.