
DC:Reborn as SHAZAM

Dane finds himself reincarnated as an orphaned kid in America. Initially assuming it's just another ordinary rebirth story, he contemplates making a fortune in the stock market. However, everything takes an unexpected turn one night when, after boarding the subway home, he is transported to a dimly lit cave. In an unforeseen twist, Dane is handed a scepter and instructed to utter the words, "Shazam!" To his surprise, it seems his name isn't Billy Batson after all. The Wizard appears even more agitated than Dane, urging him to stop questioning and quickly inherit his power. Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese novel, and reading it may come at the expense of your brain cells.

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93 Chs

Chapter 13

Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Museum.

Diana is carefully repairing a marble statue that is thousands of years old and has a strong Greek art style.

It's the type she likes.

Just as she was concentrating on her work, a tone came from her computer with an email message.

Diana continued to work for an hour before putting down her tools and walking over to the computer to read.

But she quickly furrowed her good-looking brows.

I saw a photo attached to the mailbox, which was the one she took with her comrades.

Diana didn't know how it got out.

Next is a sentence below the photo:

"Dear Her Highness Diana Prince, we have no ill intentions and only hope to meet with you."

"At this time tomorrow, we will come to meet you, and we hope to see you later."

"Your future best friends, Shazam and Clark Kent."

Diana stretched her brows and suddenly smiled softly.

"A good friend in the future…"

She turned her gaze back to the photo, a flash of nostalgia in her eyes.

The next day, Diana came to her studio early and instructed her assistant not to disturb.

She then sat quietly in her studio, watching the latest archaeology journals to pass the time.

Without making her wait long, soon there was a breeze in the studio, and Diana sensed the breath of magic.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the studio.

"Please come in."

Diana knew that it was absolutely impossible to be a colleague outside the door.

Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, the opposite side was completely unseen before.

There was the Eternal Rock, and outside the door stood two tall and handsome men.

It was Dane and Clark, who dressed appropriately and neither seemed too formal nor too casual.

Diana recognized Dane at a glance, and her expression was somewhat subtle.

As the president of Pioneer Technology, although Dane has always been very low-key, he cannot completely hide himself in today's hot day.

Some media propaganda, coupled with his name hanging high on the wealth list, it is easy for those with intentions to remember him.

Diana also has her own account on Kuaijiao, don't see that she is almost a thousand years old, but Her Royal Highness prides herself on being a young man and knows trends very well.

"Excuse me, Amazonian princess Diana Prince, or should I say, Wonder Woman?"

As usual, Dane started first, and Clark stood aside and just smiled.

Diana stood up and shook Dane's hand.

"I didn't expect that the famous Avant-garde Technology President Dane Davis was actually a wizard… Well? That's impossible! "

The moment the two held hands, Diana actually felt a vast divine power from him.

Among them was even the breath of her deceased father, Zeus!

Diana's relaxed expression was no longer there, and it instantly became solemn.

Dane felt that it was obvious that the Amazon female warrior had officially entered the state of imminent combat, and if he didn't say anything in the next sentence, he was afraid that he would not start fighting immediately.

He first praised the other party's combat literacy, and then explained unhurriedly:

"Please accept your hostility for the time being, how about listening to my explanation?"

I have to say that a person's good looks are still good, Diana saw Dane's handsome face, it felt difficult to think of an evil person, she hesitated for a moment or relaxed.

"Thank you."

Dane then explained to her the origin of Shazam's power, which was the first time Clark knew about him.

He looked at Dane with wide eyes: "Why didn't you tell me about this before?" "

"You didn't ask me either." Dane was unimpressed.

At first, because they were not yet familiar, Dane's caution habitually kept a hand.

Later, because he was too familiar and wanted to find an opportunity to say that he didn't find it, he couldn't be idle and talk to Clark specifically and tell his secret, right?

This is not a confession, how disgusting!

So he forgot about it.

Clark didn't say a word, sitting on the side sulking, he was not the first to know about such a big thing!

Dane ignored him and continued to say to Diana

"'The Power of Shazam' is a magical contract with six gods, I only need to recite the spell to obtain the power of six gods at the same time."

"As a price or responsibility for gaining this power, I must become a defender of magic and a guardian of the human world."

He did not hide this information, because Diana had a mantra, and instead of accidentally being caught in the future action and causing a gap between the other party, it was better to make the words clear at the beginning.

Diana did not believe Dane's words, and after nearly a hundred years of wandering in the human world, Diana was no longer the simple girl who had just left the island.

As Dane expected, she saw her hands in one hand, and I don't know when she took out a bundle of mantras that exuded golden light.

"Presumably this is the 'mantra'."

Dane looked at the rope and smiled.

Diana's eyes flashed: "You know a lot. "

Dane said modestly, "I only know what I should know." "

"Then you must also know that the power of the truth cannot even be resisted by God."

Of course, he knows that in the animated film "The Flashpoint Paradox", Wonder Woman even used the truth to make Shazam shout "SHAZAM" to dissolve the transformation, and finally slaughtered the Shazam family.

That's why he wanted to insure the word "Shazam" in the first place, were Black Adam and Billy Batson stupid?

Don't want to make up for such a big weakness?

Dane took the initiative to put the mantra around his hand a few times, this is to show sincerity.

Diana received his sincerity, and her guard was mostly lowered, but she still asked a few questions cautiously.

The focus is on the Earth's future catastrophe and the Justice League thing, and Dane has already foreshadowed some of the future to her, but she has to confirm it again.

"What you just said that there will be a series of disasters in the future, is it true?"

"It's true, and probably far more serious than you think."

"What exactly might happen?"

"The first is Seaside City, where the first earthling ever to join the Green Lantern Corps will be born, and the first strong enemy he will face is the Parallax Monster."

"This is an enemy that even the Green Lantern Corps fears, and if it does come, destroying the earth will be easy."

"Next is General Zod, a Krypton leader with a group of Kryptonian soldiers with the same abilities as Superman."

"Coupled with their Kryptonian technology far beyond Earth, it is also easy to destroy human civilization."

Diana doesn't know what Superman's level is, but it must not be easy to make a demigod like Shazam praise "infinite power".

"Then there's Steppenwolf, he's Darkseid's men…"

Diana's body shook, she didn't know the enemy in front, but Darkseid she knew well!

Since childhood, she has listened to her mother Hippolyta tell the story of the heroic age of antiquity, when the races came together to defeat the dark lord Darkseid.

"But it wasn't Darkseid himself who came, it was a great fortune in misfortune…"

As soon as she thought so, she was shattered by Dane's illusions.

"Steppenwolf will discover that there is information about the anti-life equation hidden on Earth, and he will report it to Darkseid, drawing his eyes to Earth…"

Needless to say, Darkseid will definitely make a trip to Earth himself.

With the scattered sand of the earth now, can it still repel this dark lord as it did at the beginning?

Diana didn't continue to ask, the future was too bad, asking was just blocking herself, she had completely believed Dane's words.

She put away the mantra with a serious expression and said solemnly:

"You just said, you put together a team? I join! "

Unexpectedly, Wonder Woman is indeed a person who cares about the overall situation.

But then she made a request.

"You two look strong, would you like to talk to me?"

When Diana said this, Dane was sure that he could see it clearly, it was excitement.

That's right, she shouldn't have had a good fight for a long time, and she finally met two guys who looked very powerful, how could she let it go easily.

"This… Is it necessary? "

Clark scratched his head, what is this sense of immediacy?

"Okay, then you come first!"

Who knew that Diana was completely disobedient, she pointed to Clark, who spoke first, and directly finalized the first candidate.

Clark was dumbfounded.