
DC:Reborn as SHAZAM

Dane finds himself reincarnated as an orphaned kid in America. Initially assuming it's just another ordinary rebirth story, he contemplates making a fortune in the stock market. However, everything takes an unexpected turn one night when, after boarding the subway home, he is transported to a dimly lit cave. In an unforeseen twist, Dane is handed a scepter and instructed to utter the words, "Shazam!" To his surprise, it seems his name isn't Billy Batson after all. The Wizard appears even more agitated than Dane, urging him to stop questioning and quickly inherit his power. Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese novel, and reading it may come at the expense of your brain cells.

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Chapter 11

"What are you going to do now? Keep learning? "

Walking on the bridge, Clark asked Dane.

"Of course the learning will continue, but we have something else to do."

"What's going on? Invite Batman? "

"Let it go over there, he doesn't know that Jason is not dead, and now he is estimated to be in a very bad mood, I am afraid that he will beat you when you go."

"You know he's not my opponent."

Clark smiled confidently.

"So you're going to do it with him? Then don't even think about teaming up with him in this life. "

Dane shook his head, Batman's brain is what the Justice League needs, despite his problems.

"So what's going on? Are you going to invite others? "

"No, the priority is not to form a justice league, but to get money first!"

Dane also remembered this stubble and forgave him, since he became Shazam, he no longer needed wealth.

As a magical god, the Rock of Eternity is his greatest asset.

But the Justice League needs financial support, and the largest investment in the original Zhenglian came from Wayne Group and a part of the official grant.

But now they don't have such conditions, so they can only get money themselves, and they must also be legal.

It is better to also run a large enterprise and engage in sustainable development.

Money can not only help the Justice League solve material problems, but in the capital country of the beautiful country, it can also help them solve some of the problems from the official side.

If you look at the Walt company in "Black Robe Picket", the mix is called a wind, and the network of relationships is called an intricate one.

So it's imperative to make money.

But this kind of thing touches Clark's knowledge blind spot, and his super brain obviously does not have this talent.

Throughout all of DC's comics, Superman is not rich most of the time, even though he is theoretically capable of doing it.

Anyway, Dane doesn't understand his idea, according to his idea, letting the intelligent AI on the spaceship operate casually in the stock market is enough to earn a start-up capital.

"Isn't this a bit of a violation?"

"Clark, I made this money legally!"

"But do we really need that much money?"

Dane rolled his eyes and said unceremoniously, "Then you pay me back the money for the two sets of clothes I gave you?" "

That's a famous brand, but it's expensive.

Clark choked, he was now in a battle suit, where did the money come from.

"You are really rich and do not know it."

Dane shook his head, although he had only learned some fur knowledge, it was enough for him to find a way to make money from it.

He decided to set up a technology company and developed the first product to be fast shake short video.

This product has proven its business value and profitability in the real world, and there is a very complete development process that Dane only needs to copy.

So he quickly came up with a business plan that Clark couldn't read, but he was blown away.

As a nominal Kryptonian, in essence old beauty.

Clark maintains a well-deserved awe of legitimate businessmen who can make money, and in his eyes, Dane has the ability to become such a figure.

So he didn't dare to say anything more.

Of course, the most important reason for this is that Dane's plan has decided to give him a part of the original shares.

In the future, even if something happens to Superman, his wife and mother will not be lonely because of this.

You, as a superman who saved the world, turned out that your mother actually went bankrupt because of the poor efficiency of the farm and ran to the city to work as a waiter.

Is this like words?

If everyone is so miserable, who will be a hero in the future? Dogs are inappropriate!

Doing what he says is one of Dane's good qualities, and he is quick to put his ideas into action.

Soon after, a company called Pioneer Technologies was founded in New York.

Then quickly recruit people, buy equipment, develop products, and finally quickly launch their first product – Kuaiji.

Similar to the development of the real world, once "Kuaiji" was launched, it immediately stimulated the creative passion of the majority of creators.

Soon the novel video works such as "short videos" began to appear on the market.

Anyone who does not violate laws and regulations can create what they want and then share it with everyone.

This novel social software quickly conquered young people and spread rapidly.

Although ten years ahead of the real time to market, DCEU's technological development is slightly faster than the real world, and there are countless hidden black technologies, so the public accepts this novel virtual product quickly.

When the number of users officially exceeded 10 million, countless venture capital organizations waved banknotes to ask for entry, but Dane was unmoved.

Internet technology is such a thing, you have to burn money in the early stage, and the time to make profits is later.

But when this product is about to make a profit, who wants others to come in and share the meat, flash the edge!

Dane began to show inhuman profitability, and no one could have imagined that when the funds on the books of Pioneer Technology began to lack, Dane, as the president of the company, actually took out a bank loan and invested all the money in the stock market.

Everyone was waiting to see this young man fall for him, and yes, although Dane used Shazam's mature appearance, he looked at most thirty years old and was still just a young man in the eyes of many capital predators.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Dane used the money lent from the share pledge to roll around the stock market a few times, and made a huge profit!

Pioneer Technology's financial dilemma was solved at once and it was able to continue to develop.

Even the "pioneer fund" established by Dane for investment convenience has been sought after by countless people.

Venture capital organizations are a bit anxious to see this situation, this is not okay!

If the other party has not been short of money, then how can they go in and get a piece of the pie?

In doing business in the capital market, the most afraid is the person who eats alone, and even more afraid that he has the ability to eat alone and dare to do so.

So Dane soon found that someone was doing some small tricks that were not on the table, he smiled happily, dared to play with God, you are afraid that you don't know what to call heaven retribution.

So soon, some capital bosses found that the killers and mercenaries they hired were gone, and they began to realize that the development of things was somewhat beyond their control.

But more troublesome things happened soon, and Pioneer Technology also has its own official number on Kuaijing.

They posted a series of videos online of video evidence of a company hiring people to kill people to crack down on competitors.

No one knows how Avant-garde Technology got these videos, but this has undoubtedly caused an uproar among the people!

The shares of the named companies all plunged overnight, and the shareholders lost their money.

Dane, on the other hand, took the opportunity to make a big profit in the stock market and made a fortune fiercely.

Then he used this money to buy the company whose stock fell sharply before, and although the money did not make much money, it greatly expanded the business territory of Pioneer.

In the following time, "fast shaking" seemed to become the front line of news.

Countless video creators who hide their real identities have filmed one shady scene after another of large enterprises and exposed them in front of the public, and even many traditional media have begun to get used to finding news material from fast-shaking videos.

After this battle, he became famous in the battle of "fast shaking" and was officially promoted to the leader of new media, which has become the most important means for people to understand important news matters.

And it was at this time that Dane officially advanced to billionaire, from nowhere to 12th on Forbes, he took only one year!

And he still has a lot of hidden wealth that is not known to the public, and the assets on the surface alone have promoted him to the new wealth myth, and along the way, he stepped on the bones of countless capital.

Not only him, but even Clark, has been promoted to multimillionaire without doing anything, fully explaining what it means to lie and win.

When Dane told him, he was still confused.

"So, I'm rich?"

"Yes, Mr. Big Rich!"

Dane patted him on the shoulder, and it had taken him a year to finally build a passable shelf.

Of course, this is far from Gotham's Wayne Group, Metropolis's Lex Group, and some top oil families and consortiums, and it still needs to be worked hard!

This year, Dane is not just busy making money, he will take some time out every day to learn the knowledge in the Krypton archives.

Anyway, there is a magic teleportation, and it is not troublesome to go back and forth, and now I have basically eaten the knowledge in it.

In the real world, the reason why Kuaijitter burns so much money, the cost of user growth is still secondary, mainly the cost of technology development and the cost of promotion.

But for Dane, who has been indoctrinated with Kryptonian knowledge, this low-level programming technique is not difficult!

So pioneers spend almost zero on technology development, and most of the spending is spent on purchasing servers and mainframe computers and hiring staff.

The rest of his money went to another company he founded, Umbrella.

This low-key company is Dane's focus, because it is a major place for research and experimentation with black technology.

In the future, Dane hopes it can become a true "umbrella" for Earth.

Provide technical and logistical support to the Justice League, and of course, make due compensation for the war damage caused by the heroes.

Umbrella also has a foundation that will be responsible for the restoration of damaged buildings and people caused by heroic activities.

To be reasonable, it is not unreasonable for Batman and Luthor to hate Superman, according to the kind of play in "Man of Steel", how many people have to die and how much property must be lost!

Politicians are not completely vexatious, they will come up with it because the people do have such grievances.

Dane hopes that with his participation, the situation can be improved somewhat, so that future superheroes can be better off.