
DC:Reborn as SHAZAM

Dane finds himself reincarnated as an orphaned kid in America. Initially assuming it's just another ordinary rebirth story, he contemplates making a fortune in the stock market. However, everything takes an unexpected turn one night when, after boarding the subway home, he is transported to a dimly lit cave. In an unforeseen twist, Dane is handed a scepter and instructed to utter the words, "Shazam!" To his surprise, it seems his name isn't Billy Batson after all. The Wizard appears even more agitated than Dane, urging him to stop questioning and quickly inherit his power. Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese novel, and reading it may come at the expense of your brain cells.

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93 Chs

chapter 065

 As Dane approached the wreckage of the helicopter, a cloud of poisonous gas suddenly erupted from the corner.

He immediately clasped his hands together, and the poisonous gas was gathered in his palm. He held the mass of gas in one hand, like an NBA star clutching a basketball with one hand.

"To be honest, I really surprise that you are not dead yet, you should be the kind of person who does not have superpowers."

"The years I've lived through are a treasure you can't imagine."

In the wreckage of the helicopter, Ra's al Ghul slowly stood up.

Although he had injuries on his body, they were not fatal.

"I don't think whose families were ruined by you would ever think that."

"That's all the condolences of the ignorant, thinking that a character like you will also care about the thoughts of these mortals?"

Dane looked at him seriously: "I will." "

"For example, I know that there are many people who want you to die, and some of them are good people and some are bad people."

"And you don't discriminate, and you kill all your brains."

Ra's al Ghul looked at him with a determined expression:

"For the necessary justice, for the purity of the world, some sacrifices are worth it."

Dane sneered: "You can continue to stick to your ideas, but I will take your life now." "

"Your time is up, in the name of God."

"Nope! I will never die today! "Ra's al Ghul knows that he is by no means an opponent, but he will not sit still!

He pulled out a remote control from his waist with only a bumper on it.

"You think I came with only one Lazarus spring this time?"

He smiled grimly, as if he had some secret weapon.

Dane was helpless, he was already very tired of acting, and simply broke his plan.

"I know, you also brought in a tactical nuclear bomb."

"Your relationship in Gotham is really hard, I didn't expect it to really bring you in."

The expression on Ra's al Ghul's face suddenly stiffened, and he watched Dane's eyes change from smug to suspicious.

"You bought a former Soviet-made nuclear warhead, right?"

Ra's al Ghul could only nod indifferently, his brain was running wildly, how did the other party know. It was concealed even from batman, when he brought this thing in.

In fact, it was because Dane asked Cortana to turn off the alarm device in the bat cave, otherwise Barbara would still be the first to find out even if Bruce was careless.


"You want to ask me why I know?"

Ra's al Ghul nodded, but Dane took the opportunity to use the divine speed, and he walked to Ra's al Ghul like a leisurely stroll.

He said imperceptibly: "What you bought, I sold to you." "

And that's still a dud.

This "Demon head" has been baptized several times by the Pool of Lazarus, so his speed and reflex nerves are much faster than ordinary people.

Under Dane's divine speed perspective, he clearly saw Ra's al Ghul's fingers wrench down the bumper at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But he still wasn't fast enough, and Dane grabbed his hand.

With a gentle squeeze, the bones of his hand shattered in the palm of his hand.

Then he raised his other hand …

Exiting the speeding field, Ra's al Ghul lowered his head in amazement, and suddenly laughed miserably:

"So it is, so it is, but it's not right… Your opponent shouldn't be me…"

On Ra's al Ghul's chest, a pitch-black slender cone pierced his chest like an enlarged version of a poisonous tail needle.

He should have felt pain, but he felt a divine power on this unassuming stinger.

It was death that called to him.

Ra's al Ghul, who had bathed in the pool of Lazarus many times, understood this feeling very well.

But Dane was not much happy, and he frowned after killing Ra's al Ghul.

Because he did not receive the soul of Lei Xiaogu.

This "Stinger" is his most recently created artifact, which he named "Death's Kiss".

There are two effects, one is that the middle must die, even if it is only a small cut.

The second is that the dead soul will be directly collected by him.

That's right, he not only robbed the work of the god of death(like thantos), but also the work of the god of the underworld!(like hades)

The Aztecs do not have as many gods as other gods, so one death god he grabs everything related to death.

The disadvantage is that everything is sparse, and the advantage is comprehensive enough.

But he can't actually receive the soul now, who dares to rob the soul with him so boldly?

"You killed him?"

Damian suddenly felt a little uneasy, he directly dumped Catwoman, and did not care what Thalia would do to her.

But Thalia chased after him as he did.

"Why did you kill him!"

When Damian saw Ra's al Ghul's body, his brain was about to explode.

He hoped that his grandfather would be stopped, but he had absolutely no intention of dying.

Thalia didn't say anything, and directly rushed forward with a knife.

Dane didn't get used to her, and directly crushed her knife with lightning speed, and stunned her with another palm.

Fortunately, he also collected some strength, this person is Damian's own mother, he did not kill everything.

And Talia this person does not seem to be as heinous as Ra's al Ghul.

Damian hurriedly stepped forward to catch the fallen Thalia.

When he looked up again, he saw that Dane had already carried the corpse of Ra's al Ghul to the front of the pool of Lazarus.

Seeing this scene made him stunned in his heart, and he couldn't help but raise a ridiculous idea. 

Dane, he wouldn't have deliberately killed his grandfather because he wanted to see the effect of the Pool of Lazarus, right?

Can't it?

Then he watched as Dane threw Ra's al Ghul into the pool that emitted green light.

After a few seconds, Damian looked nervously at the pool of Lazarus.

It feels like a century has passed.

A human head suddenly appeared in the pool, it was Ra's al Ghul.

He spat out the pool water in his mouth and gasped like a fish about to suffocate.

Damian was overjoyed, and he wanted to wake up Talha to tell her the good news.

But Dane was heard whispering to the side:

"Why didn't you feel the return of the soul? Want to try again? "

As you know, Dane has always had a strong executive ability, just do what he says.

So Ra's al Ghul, who had just been resurrected for a few seconds, was once again pulled up by Dane and received a stab in the kidney.

Under the effect of the kiss of death, he was cold again.

Damian didn't even have time to say anything to stop it, he was about to explode!

"What are you doing!"

Dane turned a deaf ear, he is not like other superheroes, criminals, especially murderers, have no human rights here.

So Dane threw Ra's al Ghul's body into the pool again, and this time he focused his attention on the pool.

The pool is a potent mixture that contains Dionesium , can heal damage to body . But there seems to be something more mystical about it.

Finally, I felt that the pool seemed to open an entrance to another world, and an unknown force spread to Ra's al Ghul.

Dane felt evil from this power, extremely rich and pure evil, and he had some conjectures in his heart.

"Sure enough, the gift of resurrection has already secretly marked the price, and this pool of Lazarus is a bait."

Dane shook his head regretfully, I was afraid that when Ra's al Ghul first soaked the pool of Lazarus, his soul would no longer belong to him.

If Dane's guess is correct, the real owner of the Pool of Lazarus is the Trigon.

This dark monster was born from the pure evil thoughts of all beings.

He is the overlord of the hell.

Trigon's layout of the earth has already begun.

Maybe Ra's al Ghul is one of his pawns.

Damian saw Ra's al Ghul emerging from the pool again, afraid that Dane would experiment with him again.

He hurriedly ejected the grappling hook, and 543 grabbed Ra's al Ghul to his side.

Ra's al Ghul let him do what he did, and did not make any more fearless resistance.

When he guessed Dane's identity in his heart, he gave up resistance.

It is impossible for man to rebel against God.

Dane didn't try to kill Ra's al Ghul again, it didn't make sense.

If the Trigon wishes, he can continue to resurrect him at any time, and it is not impossible to even grow a new pool of Lazarus directly under his corpse.

So, just let him go.

But he couldn't say that, so he looked at Damian seriously.

"Damian, you want to save his life?"

Damian nodded quickly and protected Ra's al Ghul behind him.

Dane bowed, "In that case, you have to take responsibility and take him where he belongs." "

"It's your fault that he comes out again in the future to do wrong."

"You know what I mean?"

Damian could only nod, as long as he could save his grandfather's life, let him do anything.

Dane pointed at Talia again: "She is the same!" "

Thalia's sin is smaller than that of Ra's al Ghul, but after all, it is not innocent and also needs to be taken care of.

Damian nodded equally and agreed.

After arranging things here, Dane directly flashed and disappeared, he was going to Wayne Manor to watch a play!

After Dane left, Damian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He turned to look at his grandfather, not knowing what to say.

"Go, as the lord said, take me where I should be."

At this time, Ra's al Ghul seemed to see away, and it seemed very calm.

Damian didn't know how to comfort people, so he led the way without saying a word.

The direction they went was the Black Gate Prison(Belle Reve Correctional).

They apparently forgot Catwoman in the chemical plant, or they didn't, they just didn't care.

But after they leave, an unexpected person appears at the ACE chemical plant, Harleen Quizel.

She escaped from that basement.