
DC: Path of Technology

In the bustling metropolis of Gotham City, a mysterious occurrence takes place, setting the stage for an extraordinary journey. A talented and brilliant young technopath named Evan Taylor finds himself ripped from his mundane life and thrust into a world of superheroes, supervillains, and covert operations. Reborn in the universe of Young Justice, Evan must navigate the challenges of his existence while harnessing his remarkable abilities.

TheNeutralEvil · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 6


His eyes slowly opened as he woke up with a groan. A small frown formed on his lips when he realized that he was in motion.

"Oh good, you're awake. I was starting to think I'd have to turn around and pay that doctor a second visit." He heard a familiar voice say from beside him.

As he turned to Lucas who was driving the car, his eyes widened as the events that had transpired came back to him.

The doctor had arrived to perform the surgery and Lucas was armed in case he felt something was off. The fact that he was seated in the car going to Star City said that the surgery was a success.

All that was left was to make sure the implant worked.

The implant had the passive effect of speeding up his thoughts but he was able to toggle its real effects on.

Doing just that, he felt everything slow to a crawl. He couldn't move his head or his eyes as fast but he was able to see and process everything like the world was in slow motion.

'Now for the second test.' He thought, mentally activating the velocity belt that he could still feel under his clothes.

He knew it was a success when he was covered by a purple aura and movement was granted. He turned to Lucas who was still moving in very slow motion before looking outside as the tires of the car beside them were moving extremely slowly.

"This is awesome." He said, turning off the belt and allowing his perception to return to normal.

He found Lucas looking at him strangely. "What did you just do?" Lucas questioned in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Evan asked, playing dumb.

"It was like you became a human sized nightlight for a second. I know you're anything but sane so what did you do?" Lucas asked, even more suspicious.

"I was just testing if the implant worked." Evan said, getting an even more confused look from Lucas.

"Well did it?"

Evan grinned in response. "Watch this."

Activating the implant and the belt at the same time, the purple aura enveloped him as everything slowed to a crawl once more.

Removing his seatbelt and unlocking the door, he exited the car and moved back in to sit in the backseat, all while the car was in motion.


One moment, Evan was sitting beside him and the next, he was nowhere to be found.

"Over here." Evan's voice came from the backseat before he could even begin to wonder.

"What the hell?!" He exclaimed in shock. "You were just here!"

It was only his experience in driving that stopped him from crashing into the side of the road while in shock.

"Then it worked." Evan said like the smug teen he was.

"So what's that now? Teleportation?" He asked in honest confusion.

Evan shook his head and once again, was in the front passenger seat before he could even finish his sentence.

If not for the fact that it happened the first time, he wouldn't have been prepared.

"Nope. Pseudo superspeed." Evan answered, causing him to whistle in disbelief.

"You're one of those speedsters now? You've been busy. Really busy." Lucas said, still in disbelief.

Evan was no longer the little kid in the orphanage that everyone treated like fresh meat. No one would believe that this was the same scrawny kid who used to wear rags.

He guessed that the same could be said for himself. He didn't even want anything in return when he helped Evan when they were little.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Evan was more sentimental than the boy liked to admit.

Barely a few months after Evan disappeared from the orphanage, a package arrived for him. Inside it were documents and keys for a small apartment in his own name along with a few other legal documents.

Though Evan would disagree, he owed the younger boy more than he realized. He got him out of the orphanage, set him up with a funded account until he could get on his own two feet.

The younger boy was basically a god with computers and anything tech related. He didn't think there was anything he couldn't do with time and resources on his side.

A damn genius!

Blood related or not, he considered Evan more than a brother. And if his little brother wanted to make big moves, who was he to say no?


It was a very long trip but they eventually made it to Star City. While he realized that he could now travel from city to city on foot in a few minutes, he wasn't ready to try it just yet.

They currently stood in front of a building that caused Evan to sigh. "Karaoke? Really? You couldn't have decided on a better place to meet?"

Lucas looked amused, yet raised his hands in surrender. "This was one of the only places she wouldn't draw attention to herself."

Evan shook his head in exasperation as they entered the building. The mediocre singing and boring crowd made quite a sight as Lucas led him towards a private booth.

He had done some digging on Lucas' friend and he didn't know whether to be disappointed in himself or shocked.

As they entered the booth, they were met with a bespectacled blonde girl snacking on french fries.

"Oh Lucas, you made it." She greeted him as they took their seats. "And you brought a friend. Who's this?"

Lucas gestured to Evan. "This is Evan, my reckless little brother," he introduced, ignoring the look of protest from the boy. "Evan, this is Felicity Smoak."

He still couldn't believe it. He had taken note of successful businesses long ago when he was starting out. Smoak Technology existed and it was run by Felicity's mother, Donna Smoak.

Seeing as how not much about Star City was mentioned in the original works, it wasn't her existence that was shocking, it was the fact Lucas apparently knew her.

How? The answer was simple and stupid…World of Warcraft.

"It's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you from Lucas." Felicity greeted as she extended her hand for a handshake.

"Really? He only mentioned you this morning." He said, shaking the hand.

She turned to give Lucas a look but he simply looked away.

"He also mentioned that you know a lot about hacking." He added.

"Wow. You know, most guys would be trying to woo me and not asking about that." Felicity said, slightly surprised, causing Evan to realize that Lucas didn't tell her why they were there.

Before either of them could talk, Lucas interjected. "You don't have to worry about that. He's got another blonde on his mind."

Evan turned to him with a tired look. "All I ask is for 90 seconds of seriousness. Just 90 seconds." He almost begged.

He turned back to Felicity. "Now, let's see what you can do, Overwatch." He said, causing her to freeze.

"How do you know about that?" She asked in shock.

"Trade secret."

One of the very interesting things he found out was that Felicity was a huge fan of Zero and was trying to emulate him and get his attention.

She was a hacker under the name Overwatch.

If she was as good as she was in the Arrow series, then he had no reason not to let her join.