
DC: Path of Technology

In the bustling metropolis of Gotham City, a mysterious occurrence takes place, setting the stage for an extraordinary journey. A talented and brilliant young technopath named Evan Taylor finds himself ripped from his mundane life and thrust into a world of superheroes, supervillains, and covert operations. Reborn in the universe of Young Justice, Evan must navigate the challenges of his existence while harnessing his remarkable abilities.

TheNeutralEvil · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 7


There was silence in the booth as Felicity looked at Evan in shock before turning to Lucas. "Did you tell him?!" She asked in shock.

Lucas shook his head in denial but he certainly looked entertained by what was happening. Lucas might have been aware of her identity since she apparently told him but Evan was more than a step above her in computer skills.

"I figured it out. Your laptop isn't as secure as you think." Evan said.

She immediately went into denial. "There's no way you could have just figured it out. I don't leave traces and my computer is completely unhackable unless…" she trailed off at the end as her eyes widened.

"Take a guess." He said.

In their line of business, Zero was the top hacker with no one coming close and Overwatch came in second.

"You're Zero." She whispered in shock. The fearful shock had turned to excited shock. "I can't believe it. I can't believe it!"

"Try to keep your voice down. The music here might be terrible but someone will still hear us if you keep screaming." Lucas said, attempting to calm her down.

It only barely worked as she grabbed him from across the table. "Why didn't you tell me you knew him?" She demanded.

Now it was Evan's turn to look amused as Lucas pried himself from her vicious grip.

"Having fun?" Lucas asked Evan sarcastically as he freed himself.

"Oh yeah." Evan responded.

Felicity finally composed herself. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just…I'm a huge fan. You don't know what I would give just to meet you." She said excitedly.

Lucas coughed, clearly having a not so innocent thought. "When you put it like that-!"

He was silenced by a harsh glare from the blonde, causing Evan to stifle his laugh.

"Entertaining as this is, I think we should get back to more serious matters." Evan said, getting her to turn back to him.

"Serious matters? What are you talking about?" Felicity asked in confusion.

"I'm putting together a group and I would like for someone with your skills to be a part of it." He said.

Felicity wasted no time in her response. "I'm in!"

"I haven't even told you what we'd be doing." Evan pointed out.

"I don't care. I get to work with Zero. I'll do anything." She said, her tone lowered to make sure nobody outside the booth heard her.

'Well that's a loyal fan for you.' He thought.

"Now Artemis wouldn't want to hear that." Lucas muttered, causing Evan to smack him in the back of the head. "So, what do we do now?" He asked, rubbing the area he was hit.

He had the idea of recruiting Artemis but there were a number of reasons that could go wrong. As Sportsmaster's daughter, the eyes of the league of shadows were on her.

Maybe after he was sure they could handle the attention, he'd extend the invitation.

"First off, we'll have to get a hideout or a base because I'm not working from a karaoke booth." Evan said, giving Lucas an accusatory look. "I'll make some calls and see what I can-"

"I might have an idea." Felicity interjected, drawing looks from the other two.


They managed to avoid Felicity getting recognized as she led them to the Smoak Technology building.

Though they were initially stopped by security, Felicity solved that easily, allowing them access.

"So why are we here exactly?" Lucas asked as they stepped into an office on the ground floor.

"Well, when my mom made the plans for the building, I may have added a few touches of my own." She said shamelessly as they noticed the name tag on the office door.

"So this is your office?" Evan asked, looking around.

There was an office desk with chairs around it and shelves of books making up the walls.

"Yep. And then this," she moved to the shelf of books at the other side of the room, pulling on a particular book as the shelf shifted to reveal an elevator behind it.

"That's neat." Lucas muttered as the elevator doors opened for them to step into it.

Working a few buttons on the panel, the elevator took them down. The ride didn't take long as the doors opened once more to a sight that impressed even him.

"This is my safe space." Felicity said as they walked in, Evan and Lucas taking in the view.

It was large, or at least decently sized in his opinion. There was a lounge area with couches, a snack bar and a large TV. There was another area which was filled with computers and other tech related things. The final area was a small science lab.

"A few touches huh?" Evan asked as he looked around.

"This is definitely more than a few." Lucas agreed with a whistle.

"And your mom doesn't know about this?" Evan asked.

Felicity shook her head in denial. "Nope. This is all mine or at least ours now that the three of us are a team."

He could see the excitement she added to the last part of her sentence.

"This is all great but some of us live in Gotham so how are we going to be moving back and forth? We can't exactly ask you to pack up and move to Gotham either." Lucas noted, referring to himself and Evan who stayed in Gotham.

"I can solve that but I'll need a lot of equipment and while that wouldn't normally be a problem, I'm not exactly Bruce Wayne." Evan pointed out.

With his implant, he could now run from Gotham to Star City in mere minutes but he wasn't carrying Lucas if he could avoid it.

The thought of creating something similar to the Zeta Tubes that the league used popped up in his head but he had a better but similar idea.

While he was loaded, a lot of his money went to research and just getting the things needed would put an uncomfortable dent in his wallet. He'd still have a large amount of money left but it didn't make spending it any more painful.

"Leave that to me. You might not be Bruce Wayne but we have me and by me I mean Smoak Technology." Felicity said.

"My mom gives me a large allowance." She explained at Evan's questioning look.

"Large?" Lucas scoffed. "She bought a candy shop because she wanted free snacks for life."

Evan gave an understanding look at the snack bar. "I was wondering about that." He muttered.

"Hey, there's nothing wrong with wanting snacks." Felicity defended.

Evan shook his head as he fished his phone out of his pocket. "Alright, the first order of business is to upgrade your cyber security."

"The computers down here are pretty secure-" she started saying only for Evan to tap his screen as the computer screens lit up, showing a large 'Z'.

"How?" Felicity questioned, her eyes shooting to the phone in his hand. "I don't recognize that brand."

"Finally noticed huh? I made it personally, same with my computers. I don't exactly trust the security and privacy of normal devices." He said, showing the phone to Felicity and Lucas.

"I'll make one for both of you later but first off, security." He added, emphasizing it as the two computer nerds moved to the computers to start working.

"Hey Evan, I never got to ask. What's the name of our little group?" Lucas asked.

Evan paused in thought. He wasn't creative with names in the slightest so why not rip off a name from another franchise.

"Dedsec. That's our name." Evan answered.