
DC: Parademon

What happens when you are thrown into the wrong world? Was Reincarnation really as worth it as most protagonists make it out to be? This is the story of a man thrown into another world and placed in a nigh-impossible situation. His escape is certain, but shall he rise as we all expect him to? .... I only own my OC and also don't hold this Fan fiction as a standard for DC lore as I will make up most of them to make up for my lack of knowledge in some areas. .... You can read ahead on my Kofi https://ko-fi.com/verse_of_inks

Ink_Verse · Anime & Comics
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If it was heavier than expected then they would adapt and lift it… They were also fast enough to fly round the planet in 20 minutes.

Of course this doesn't mean that they were invincible as if you had greater strength then you could just kill them before they had the time to recognize that you were beyond them.

Looking on to the planet below, he could sense that the battle had begun. Though from here, the planet looked as peaceful as possible but the Parademons were sort of shared amongst each other so he could tell this much.

Without any hesitation at all, it immediately flew into the planet. Going into free fall over a large city to help accelerate entry into the planet and also inflict some damage on the people below.


A large explosion was heard as it landed on the ground. Re-entry wasn't a problem to these creatures, they were durable enough to survive such an event with ease.

However unassisted entry was a whole different thing, as soon as it hit the ground and after the dust cleared, I could finally see it all.

The destruction, the kamikaze attack had completely wiped out everything within the area. For about fifty (50) kilometers or so, there was nothing.

Looking up, I could see that the Fatherboxes had forced other Parademons into the same position as I could see multiple streaks of red light falling down to the planet.

"Ruthless but effective" I thought as I looked on at the many alien dead bodies around me.

The creatures looked extremely similar to the Green Martians in their skin color but unlike them, they looked more human.

They seemed to stand at a height similar to that of a the normal human, had no hair but had what looked like fins, three of them growing out of their heads.

The race was weird to look at but now wasn't the time to be admiring their weirdness. One of them survived the kamikaze attacks.

"@#(&@()_#" The alien said as it pointed its only remaining hand towards me.

The creature had a leg and an arm missing, its head was sliced open and its internal organs could be seen hanging on the floor.

"I have no hand in this creatu…" I said before stopping.

I could talk?... I was in control, since when?

Did the Pit categorize him as dead so it let go of him?

Several questions ran through my mind at speeds unmatched by any other. As i thought this, i immediately ran a quick diagnostics on my body.

My entire lower half was gone, the head nearly completely gone which meant that he only had his torso and his arms as of now.

Despite the amount of damage, he had taken, he couldn't feel it due to his hardware. Parademons were created to not feel pain, they may be techno-organics, but they were still robots at the end of the day.

"Your people attack my people out of nowhere and you tell me you are the victim, you killed my daughter" The Alien said as he pushed his hand down.

You can read ahead on my Patreon


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