
DC: New Krypton (Omniverse)

First and Main World: DC UNIVERSE Second World: Pacific Rim Third World: Tranformers Fourth World: Three Body Problem Fifth World: The Flash Series Sixth World: Bleach === A man, who had been reincarnated on Krypton as H'el, finally managed to leave it before its destruction. Unfortunately, he was exiled into the depths of space by his own foster father, Jor-El. "Amidst the vast, lifeless, cold, and desolate void of deep space, where darkness persisted, even so, I have emerged victorious, Jor-El." I will find you, find your son, my foolish brother who holds the entire Kryptonian Legacy within him. I will rebuild Krypton, unparalleled in history, the mightiest Krypton among all universes. ---- This is slowpace. The mc has the cheat of being able to travel universes, and he will use it to travel to different universes like Pacific Rim, etc. Of course there's a reason why he would do so. And the reason is for you to know. So read it and enjoy. And also, you can expect an op mc, so there's that. === Link: Påtreon.com/BaphometFiction I post 10 advanced chapters of this fanfic there. === I literally don't own anything here, all rights goes to their respective owners.

Baph0met · Anime & Comics
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370 Chs

Chapter 163: Information Warfare

The emerald green glow of the Green Lantern rings shimmered through the passageway, appearing in the solar system.

Cosmic guardians Scar and Yak, along with Hal, and dozens of Green Lanterns summoned by Hal, emanating the green radiance of their rings, arrived in the solar system.

"Mars, how did it become like this!"

The gaze from beneath Green Lantern Hal's green eye mask was shocked, and the expressions of the Green Lanterns around him changed as they observed.

Mars had been split into two massive landmasses, slowly drifting apart from their original position. Countless Martian bodies, affected by space radiation, floated on the surface, frozen in ice.

The two Martian landmasses were slowly dispersing countless fragments, gradually drifting away into the cosmic void.

Though experienced in traversing various sectors of the universe to maintain justice and order, many Green Lanterns had seldom witnessed such brutal actions as the direct destruction of an entire planet.

"The Kryptonians are as ruthless as ever. This is just their display to intimidate Earth into submission," cosmic guardian Scar, with the right half of her face burned, twisted in a manner resembling countless snakes entwining, looked down at the destroyed Mars, her eyes cold yet filled with pity.

This was merely a typical display of Kryptonian intimidation, nothing surprising. More massive acts of destruction, even Kryptonians towing suns and using the sun's gravity to restrain over tens of thousands of life-bearing planets, creating a mobile star system battleship, were commonplace in the ancient cosmic ages.

"Is that the Kryptonian battleship? So crude. I'll go and collect some interest..." Scar turned her head, looking into the sky above Earth, where the blue-flagship-class battleship "Valiant" stood, looming over the planet.

Scarface moved, intending to destroy this battleship, giving the Kryptonians a taste of their own medicine.

"Scarface, hold on. Don't act rashly," another cosmic guardian, Yak, calm and rational in demeanor and gaze, stopped Scar's impulsive actions, saying, "We're not here to destroy one or two warships. To achieve complete success, we must eliminate the Kryptonians thoroughly and swiftly, preventing further devastation."

After halting Scarface's actions, Yak logically analyzed, "That ship seems more like a lure, tempting those with a quick temper to attack."

"I know. I'll be patient and annihilate him at once." Scar suppressed her impatient rage, took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she had regained her composure. She began to plan rationally.

"We'll conceal our presence and start searching within the Earth-centered radius. Find the Kryptonian Emperor's hidden forces. He has starships traversing the cosmos and may be hiding somewhere on Earth or on the surface of a planet or moon in space."

"Green Lantern Hal, have you thoroughly searched every inch of Earth, understanding the whereabouts of the Kryptonian Emperor's army and their high-ranking assembly points?" Scar asked calmly.

"None." Hal shook his head with a bitter smile. Everything had happened too fast - the Justice League was instantly defeated, twenty thousand soldiers died within twenty seconds, and the most powerful country on the surface was destroyed in ten minutes.

They didn't even have time to discuss strategies; they were completely scattered. Hal and Wonder Woman, Diana, could only hurriedly request reinforcements. They feared that any delay might result in the Earth's conquest.

Seeing the consequence of Mars splitting in half, Hal felt a mix of fear and relief in his heart, thankful that he had timely sought support from Oa.

"It's crucial... to locate his 'base.' But more important is our concealment. Ultimately, this war will come down to a battle of strength in space, where we will have to prevail."

"To avoid further casualties and damage to Earth, finding their base would indeed be ideal. We could launch a surprise attack and wipe them out, but failing to find it won't hinder us."

"Green Lanterns, split up. Half of you start searching within the solar system, ensuring you remain hidden. The other half, at the centers of Mars' two landmasses, where some life remains unharmed by space radiation, go help them."

"Yak, let's open a passageway and hide eight million troops on these two Martian landmasses, giving the Kryptonian army a surprise."

Scar's mouth curved into a smirk, a sinister chuckle escaping her burned face, revealing her malevolent nature.

"Understood. Additionally, to prevent Earth's involvement, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, if we fail to locate the Kryptonian Emperor's base or are unable to conduct an assault, we'll need you to lead the Kryptonian leader and their entire army into space."

Yak issued the command.

As the most orthodox cosmic guardian, a Martian, most of Yak's emotions were channeled into the 'Great Heart.' Left with only reason and composure, unlike Scar whose intense hatred led to swift emotional recovery, Yak remained composed and rational, dealing with the Kryptonians and formulating tactical strategies.

The Earth's safety was absolutely non-negotiable.

As the center of this universe, it was even linked to the gateway of the antimatter universe. Once opened, the cosmic guardians would find it challenging to handle the ensuing unknown circumstances.

In their league, engaging in combat would easily result in the destruction of Earth. The optimal battleground must be in space.

Green Lantern Hal's expression tightened slightly. After a moment of silence, he spoke, "Understood. But by myself, it's impossible to fully lure out the Kryptonian Emperor and his entire army. I need your forces behind me, showing that I have at least two million allies."

H'el carefully contemplated it. Drawing out the Kryptonian Emperor for a space battle wasn't a simple task. It wasn't as easy as in comic books, where one would just call out a challenge and the opponent would show up for a space fight. If he went there to provoke and shouted, "Come fight me, idiots," they might only send a squad of Kryptonian soldiers to beat him.

The Kryptonian monarch had once demonstrated destroying a country with five hundred thousand soldiers. As for how many troops were still concealed, Hal didn't know, but if they could reveal five hundred thousand, there surely were more.

H'el needed two million soldiers visible in space to entice the hidden forces behind the Kryptonian Emperor and persuade him to willingly bring his army into space for the final showdown.

Yak and Scar exchanged a glance, contemplated for a moment, and then affirmatively replied, "Understood. Two million troops will be visible in space. The remaining six million will be concealed within the two Martian landmasses, ready to surround the Kryptonians when they appear."

After outlining the initial strategy, the Green Lanterns dispersed. Half started searching various planets and satellites within the solar system, while the other half began aiding the remaining Martians.

Yak and Scar transported six million troops to the Martian landmasses, two million hidden in space, patiently waiting for the opportune moment to reveal themselves.

Having completed all this, Yak and Scar headed towards the Greek Gods' pocket dimension; Olympus.


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