
DC: It’s All Just A Show

Jason Rocks young man who lives in Gotham City. He lost his family when he was seven and lost his all family fortune to his relatives. Since then he was living in street as a street rat. But suddenly everything changed one day when something called [Greatest Showman System]. What system does is draw a lottery. Lottery divided in three type. [Item Draw], [Ability Draw], [Character Draw]. Among them [Character] one was most expensive while [Item] one is cheapest. To draw cards you must collect points. And you will gain points from people is emotions. So from then on DC universe added little showman who like to cause troubles. ••• Please Have A Very Low Exceptions If You Wanna Read It.

Just_XD · Movies
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9 Chs

Ch 4: Cats Love Jason

Gotham City. Abandoned Factory.

[Points: 3567]

'Well, it's not hard to earn them but it's pretty hard to keep them.' Jason thought to himself while looking at lottery options. Three options of [Character], [Ability], and [Item] shine in front of him with a strange light. Seeing it he felt whispers of Gacha Devil Itself in his ears.

He gulped and decided to close the system [Lottery] option. Then looked at his current [Stats].

[Name: Jason Rocks

Age: 21

Characters: [Junkrat], [Kim Shin]

Abilities: [No Fingerprints], [Stealth Mastery], [Climbing Mastery], [Singing Mastery]

Items: [10000 Dollars], [Gas Mask], [Pistol Desert Eagle], [ID Card]

Gifts: None.

Free Cards: None.

Points: 3608.]

There is two way to use cards. The first one is called [Absorb] which like the name said absorbs cards and it will become part of your expected [Item] cards of course. Then there is the second option of [Gift]. You can give [Card] to others. They have no right to say no but different from [Card] used by the system host himself gifted people will gain control over [Card] and slowly expect [Item] one. And after the gifted one died [Card] will return to the host which is only [Character] and [Ability] [Item] card will self-destruct.

The price of each lottery is [10:5:1]. If you say [Character Card] is 100 points then [Ability Card] is 50 while [Item Card] is 10. Anyway, that aside currently Jason has two character cards.

[Character: Kim Shin

Level: F

Ability: Strong Physique, Painless, Brawling, Torturing.

Weapon: None.

Info: Kim Shin was one of the first batches of genuine pigs that tested [Fantasy] a drug made by Utopia Group. After the test, he becomes a monster that couldn't feel pain. He was the first person who was punished by the death penalty after the year 1997.

Remark: What's Your Child's Favorite Song?]

[Character: Junkrat

Level: F

Ability: Marksmanship, Explosive Mastery, Poison Resistance, Weak Fire Resistance.

Weapon: Flag Launcher, Grenade, Mine, Steel Trap, Rip-Tire.

Info: Junkrat or Jamison Fawkes is a young pyromaniac who was born and raised in Junktown where they live doing scavenges in radioactive areas. From a young age, he developed a love for fire and ended up becoming a pyromaniac. He is a dangerous madman who knows explosives better than his five fingers.

Remark: It's A Perfect Day For Some Mayhem.]

'If I can hold back myself another day or two then I might able to draw [Character Draw]. It's just, why does the lottery button shine so brightly?' Currently, Jason is addicted to the lottery a little bit.


Suddenly Jason heard footsteps and also the sound of a motorcycle. He didn't know who it was but he climbed up and hide somewhere on a rooftop. From there he saw two groups of people coming into the factory from two sides. One seems like a classic mafia guy with black costumes while the other side looks like janitors. They both come in with a suitcase and the side that suits up like a janitor stopped about ten steps away from the other group. And then another side is also stopped too.

"Did you bring what I wanted?" Leader of man in the black sand. While lowering his sunglasses a little bit. And looking at the other group with his green eyes. The other group opened the suitcase and revealed some strange green potions then closed the suitcase again.

"Did you bring what you promised?" The leader of the janitors asked. The man in black nodded his head and revealed a suitcase full of neatly stacked money and said: "500000 dollars as you requested."

The janitor leader nodded his head and signaled his man to move forward. The man who was holding the suitcase walked towards and stopped five steps away from the other group and then put the suitcase down. The leader of the man in black also signaled and his man walked towards the suitcase with the potion then replace it with money then walked back. Just as one Janitor took suitcase black whip-wrapped suitcase and pulled it towards the shadows.

The two groups both get in alert and took out their weapons. Suddenly they heard the sound of something piercing.


Arrow hit one of the men in black on the shoulder. Soon this guy fell looks like the arrow was poisoned or something. Then whip appears again hitting one of the janitors and knocking him out. Then arrow shoot and made another janitor fall.

*Swish, Swish, Swish.*

One after another arrows and whips hit their side from the side and knocks them down till only leaders are left. Seeing this Jason helped but let out a little chuckle because of how fast these guys fell against cold weapons. And they couldn't even resist it.

Which catches the attention of the two leaders and two of them shoot toward where Jason was. But at that time he has already left that spot and jumped down from the rooftop and landed on the head of the janitor leader which turned into a mash. Then he looked at the man in black. He aimed his gun and wanted to shoot but he was too slow. Jason already appeared in front of him and broke his arm with a gun then Jason put his four fingers into his mouth.


With a simple pull, he ripped open the man in black's mouth and his thumb pointed to his neck then poked a hole. Blood start dripping out from his neck while he was coughing blood like crazy. Seeing a man in black in a miserable state don't know if pity or not attacker with an arrow comes out from her hideout.

The attacker was a woman with black hair, and an orange suit with black stripes like a tiger or you should call a tigress. She aimed her crossbow toward Jason.

Jason just smiled creepily and said: "Are you sure about it? You might end up more miserable state than the previous two."

Lady in the tiger costume didn't say anything. Seeing the tiger lady didn't plan to say anything Jason could only let out a sigh. Then looked at his points in corner of his eyes.

[Points: 5127.]

Seeing the number he suddenly felt the urge to draw the lottery but he holds back. So he closed the System window so he won't see how many points he had.

Suddenly Jason jumped up into the air and send a flying kick toward Tiger lady she dodged his kick landed on a cement floor and creates a crack. Seeing that in close combat her loss is certain she fired an arrow from close range and then runs a few steps back suddenly something pulled her off her hair. It was Jason he catches the arrow that she fired close distance and then catches her by the hair.

"Gotcha." Jason then pulls her to close himself then kneed her on her stomach. Let coughed with her stomach acid a little bit and start having trouble finding her balance.


Suddenly Jason heard something from behind him and dodged it by sidestepping. He turn around and saw it was a woman in a cat costume.

''Man cats love me aren't they?' Jason thought so before dodging another whip. Then he turn around and saw a tiger lady aiming at him with her crossbow even though her hands are shaking a little bit.

Jason smiled at this and said: "Wow, not gonna lie you impressed me pretty much. After all, toys that don't break easily are hard to find these days."

Then he rushed towards her. Cat lady tried to whip him but he catches it and then pulls her towards himself. Tiger lady fired an arrow but he dodged it by tilting his head slightly. It almost hit cat lady but she dodged it skillfully then momentum Jason give her by pulling her she did a dropkick in his face.

Even though it made Jason take a few steps back he stabbed the arrow he was holding into the cat lady's tight. Which earned an "Agh." from Cat lady.


Jason heard a stab sound from behind himself and it was from Tiger lady. She stabbed him with a knife even though it isn't much deep he can feel his muscles stiffen up a little bit but that is it. I guess poison or something didn't work on him because both [Junkrat] and [Kim Shin] has certain experience with the drug. One is a guy who grew up in a place full of radioactive while the other is a drug test subject. So it's not surprising that the drugs won't affect him much.

Cat lady already lost consciousness only Tiger lady is left. So he did a simple kick on her stomach which made her knocked out. Truth is till now he wasn't serious otherwise height just kill his new toys. That will be a real bummer don't you think so?