
DC: Dark Monarch

A Man is defined as Good and Evil by the choices he made but those choices are not always given. He pulled the switch that ended Humanity. The Last Survivor of a nuclear war. A single button created out of fear made an entire race go extinct. Was he Evil? Maybe. But what would happen when he finds himself as the Bruce Wayne. Doubt about his existence or live the life. Follow his journey as he become the Dark Monarch. ----- Disclaimer: I don't own any characters of Dc. Support me on patreon, if you wish. Link: patreon.com/Darkwolfest 1. You will get 20+ additional chapters in total. 2. Exclusive voting power and special shout outs. 3. Sponsorship for my latest chapters. 4. Exclusive content, exclusive access to upcoming stories and much more

Dark_Asmodeus · Movies
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19 Chs

3: The League Of Assassins [1]

There was a brief silence in the room as I studied them before one of them stepped forward, the other following behind.

I sighed, flexing my wrist, and decided to meet them head-on.

I rushed forward, staying vigilant of the blades aimed at my face.

Tilting my head to the right, I dodged a slash from the extremely sharp edge of the katana.

Bruce had trained his reaction speed to the highest humanly possible level, so this could be considered child's play by his standards. Still, that didn't mean I wasn't going to take this seriously.

I caught the first guy's fist and twisted it inward, making him grunt in pain.


He tried to free himself from my grip by throwing a punch with his free hand, but I stepped back, narrowly avoiding it.

I disarmed him, pulling the blade from his hands, and swiftly threw him against the wall while raising the sword over my back.

A sharp metallic sound reverberated through the room as I blocked the blow from the second guy, whom I named MobB.

MobB pulled the sword back and came at me again, while MobA struggled to get back on his feet. Keeping MobA in mind as a potential threat, I swung the blade aiming at MobB's arm to subdue him. Sensing my intention, he crossed his katana over his chest, attempting to block.

I smirked as he fell for my feint and changed the direction of the blade, stabbing the katana deep into his thigh.

If it were Bruce, he would have done his best to miss any important nerves or vital areas, but I didn't care about such precision; I just wanted to end this quickly.


As he roared in agony, I pulled out the sword and slashed his body. A deep cut opened from his right shoulder to his chest, releasing a lot of blood and rendering him useless for the battle.

He fell back in shock as I turned around to face MobA. He took a step back in terror as I grinned, wiping the blood off my face.

"Are we gonna fight or what?" I provoked him with a smirk, and it seemed to work as he rushed forward, gritting his teeth and clutching the hilt of the blade tighter.

"Arghhh!" He roared, announcing his attack.

Seriously, for all their edgy black outfits and the whole shadow theme, what kind of ninjas yell before attacking their opponents? I thought being stealthy was Ninja 101.

He pulled his blade back and pushed his blow with extra pressure, using his body weight, but I easily deflected it by twisting my stance. I gave him a shoulder blow to his face, followed by a knee kick to his stomach, and as a final touch, I twirled back, stabbing his blade into his mid-back.

I missed his liver by a few inches, but I was pretty sure I grazed his spine, and I'm convinced he won't walk again.

Taking a step back, I took a long breath as MobA dropped to the ground. If it were me from before, I would have been panting for air after dealing with opponents like them. But now, I disarmed two trained ninjas and didn't break a sweat. It just proves how many hours of training Bruce put into this body.

I sighed once again and moved towards the door. I reached out for the knob, and as I was about to leave the room, I turned back and let my eyes wander through the chamber.

"Are you not gonna step out?" I asked, noticing a dark figure lurking in the corner, observing the battle from the start.

After a moment, I shook my head as the silence answered my question, and I stepped out of the room.

Just as Bruce walked out of the chamber, a shadowy figure emerged from the darkness into the candlelight surrounding the room. A veil of red cloth was draped over her body, accentuating her curves. Her bright pink lips slowly curved down into a frown as she saw the young man leave.

"Impressive indeed." She said with a scowl.


Ra's al Ghul stood atop an ancient temple, watching the brewing sandstorm on a far dune of land. The moon shone above, casting a touch of silver over the vast sand hills and gleaming sandstones until the horizon.

The cold wind blew past the temple as his eyes slowly opened, sensing one of his generals approaching him.

"By your presence, I take it you are pleased with his performance." Ra's said, rolling his eyes at the figure standing under the shadow of the tower.

"I am. It went just as you expected." The woman replied.

"Still doubting my choice?" He asked, his voice balanced between amusement and threat.

"I never doubted your choice, master." She answered truthfully. "If you think he has the potential to lead the league into its absolute glory, I don't have anything against it. I was merely not convinced that his potential would match with Lady Talia's."

"Oh ho." Ra turned around with his brows raised, breaking out a chuckle.

It shocked her to see him laugh. She had seen her master in rage and surprise, but he never smiled.

"Only Talia and not Dusan?" He asked in an amused manner. "I see where your allegiance lies within my heirs."

"Master, as much as I respect Dusan, I find him to be impulsive. Compared to the Heiress, he is just way too desperate to get your attention and recognition." She noted while also adding points about the newcomer. "Meanwhile, I see something relatively the same with Wayne."

The old assassin raised his eyebrows at that and gestured for her to go on with his gaze.

"He is… merciful. He could have ended the lives of the men that fought against him, but he chose not to. His mercy might make him ineffective, and ineffectiveness brings doubt, and doubts birth disruption, and disruptions lead to chaos."

"Sandra." Ra called her name as he collected himself. "His shell of innocence will break one day, and you will see in time the amount of talent he possesses. It would surpass anyone."

Ra paused for a second and stared into her eyes. "A man training to be better than someone else will always meet his end, but a man trying to be the best version of himself will never fail. Bruce is the latter."

Sandra squinted her brows in surprise and muttered the question looming in her mind.

"You said he would suppress anyone, would he, master? Even you?"

Ra blinked slowly and turned around, gave her a final glance and walked away into the darkness.

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The Sheeps flock with a smile as the Dog guides them into slaughter houses, they live in trust but the Dog only yearns for its treat, the hand that feeds the Dog it's biggest treat, gets to choose which Sheep to reap. This isn't about Cattle, this is about a city. -Joker.

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