
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

The Weak Should Fear The Strong

When Sora returned to the room, Alice and Lex seemed to be wrapping up. The whimsical genius smiled with delight. The mature beauty also burst with joy. She immediately grabbed his hand while looking up at him.

"How did it go?" Sora asked.

"It was good. Fufufu! Lex is really funny!" She exclaimed with a giggle.

It was good that Alice was satisfied. She hadn't been carrying the Lockhart Estate on her back for no reason. When it came to contracts, she knew her stuff.

"...That's good. Mr. Luthor, I hope we have a great partnership going forward."

The scion nodded his head. After shaking Sora's hand once more, he passed him an envelope. The sleepy man frowned while looking at it. Right before he opened it, Lex grabbed his hand.

"Aht! Aht! Don't open it until you get home!"

"...Huh. Alright then. Seeya."

"Oh yeah. Make sure you take the back door. You don't want to be swarmed by reporters, right?" Lex joked.

"Of course. I'll keep that in mind."

With all of the goodbyes being said, the two Lockharts made their way out. Mercy gave Sora a humble nod after leading them out. The press didn't notice the duo until they got to the car.

"Alice! Sora!"

"What do you have to say about the malpractices of Lexcorp?"

"Alice, what is your relationship with Sora?"

"Sora, a fanclub has been established for you. Do you have anything to say to the fans?"

"Is the Lockhart Estate working with Lexcorp? What deals have you made?"


Multiple camera lights flashed as the engine started up. He rolled up the tinted windows, so as not to bother Alice any longer. Sora had no choice but to rev the engine multiple times. This forced the swarm of paparazzi to move out the way.

It didn't take long for them to reach the freeway. Luckily there wasn't much traffic. The beautiful doll soon broke the comfortable silence.



"Why don't you ever stay in the room during contract agreements?"

"...Do you want the truth?"

"Mnn." She nodded.

"Because it's too boring for me. I'd rather just look at the final draft once the deal is made."

"Where do you go whenever you step out?"

"It depends…are you worried?"

"Mnn." She nodded again.

" You shouldn't be. I won't stray too far. If you call for me, I'll be there instantly. Do you know why?"


Sora grabbed her delicate hand and brought it to his lips. Alice could feel the warmth in his actions. A smile soon adorned her precious face.

"Because nothing will stop me from getting to you." He answered.

The doll fell into a daze while staring at his handsome face. She would stay like this for the entire ride. Moments like this really cemented the fact that Sora was different. She truly loved him.

When they finally returned to the suite, the two couldn't help but play around. From the kitchen to the bathroom and finally the bed, they had a lot of fun. Three hours went by before Alice tapped out. Her stamina was getting better.

Only when she was asleep did Sora finally check the envelope. There were golden accents on the edges of it. When he opened it up, elegant black ink revealed itself. It was handwritten.

'To Sora- I already knew you were another devil. Come find out why.' It read. Coordinates could be found below.

A sigh of annoyance escaped his lips. Couldn't this dude just focus on Superman like he was supposed to? Leave him out of it!

"I'm sure he wants to give me another speech. Is this supposed to be the final showdown?" He grumbled.

Sora switched his dress clothes for something more comfortable. He'd once again donned his black shirt and jacket with a furry hood. Nice and warm. Without further ado, he flashed into the night sky.

The young butler accelerated toward the ocean. It only took a few seconds for him to reach what seemed like a private island. He could sense a presence further inside. With such a peaceful environment, Sora decided to walk.

'Flash stepping everywhere would get boring.' He thought.

The scenery was a pleasant surprise. Metropolis' night lights could be seen in the far distance. There were plenty of trees and flowers everywhere. This island could definitely be thought of as a vacation home. After about 10 minutes of walking, he finally reached his destination.

A heavy bunker door revealed itself. It looked as if it could survive nuclear explosions. As soon as Sora walked in front of it, a red light turned green. The bunker slid open with heavy grating.

Upon walking in, the surroundings turned silver. Everything about the massive space was silver. The walls. The ground and ceiling. It resembled a type of training facility. On the far side of the room was an observation deck. Lex Luthor stood behind the viewing glass, looking down from above. His hands were behind his back.

"Plain old Sora late at night. Plain old Sora dressed in regular old clothes. Hm. Sora Lockhart." Lex exclaimed with a happy smile. His voice sounded through the intercom.

Sora casually made his way further into the room. The bunker closed behind him before turning red again. A look of boredom could be seen on his face.

"How do you like the view?" Lex continued.

"It's just a room, Lex. You've pulled me away from my bed. What now?"

"You know, I was thinking about metals. The secret to this facility is in the building material. It's light metals which sway in the wind. Hmm…And I'm sure you know something about strange metals, right?"

"...What? Are you psychotic or something?" Sora was getting lost in the man's words. Strange metals? Maybe he was talking about Alice's ankle bracelet.

"Psychotic is a three syllable word for any thought too big for little minds. Next category: circles!" Lex quipped.

"...I'll listen to one more monologue. Try again after that, and I'm breaking your spine." Sora declared in a lazy manner. The young genius smiled.

"Okay Okay. Boy, do you have some problems. The problem of…evil in the world. Uh, the problem of absolute virtue. You're the problem. I already have a problem with Superman trying to play as God, but you? You're a variable!"

Sora couldn't help but sit down. It didn't seem like Lex was done with his monologue. Were all geniuses like this?

"A dangerous variable. But anyways…I saw this." Lex clicked a button, which caused a holographic screen to appear in front of the glass.

It showed the sleepy man himself, floating in the night sky of Gotham. The camera angle was from a satellite view. Sora was revealed in all his glory, annihilating the Falcones with a single finger.

"You're also playing God. But I've come to learn that if one is all powerful, he isn't kind. If one is all kind, he isn't truly powerful. It seems like you pick sides. Totally different from Superman."

"...Get on with it, Lex." Sora muttered.

"Right. But if you pick sides, you become vulnerable. That lady in your life. Alice, right? She's a real piece of work I tell you. I thought she'd stab me if I misspoke!"

"Enough! I'm not like that boyscout. What you say next determines if you die right now." Sora finally growled. The golden radiance could finally be seen in his eyes.

"Come on, Sora! I wasn't going to touch her…We're business partners! No, it won't be me. It'll be someone else way down the line. You've already set it in motion! But forget about that."

Sora finally stood back up. It seemed like the speech was almost over. Actions would come next. Finally!

"On this glorious night, we're here to get rid of this variable. This…alien! To get rid of you! Lasers…Are you serious? Humanity has long since advanced beyond lasers!"

A gate opened up below the observation deck. The steps of something heavy resounded as it came out of the darkness. A green massive body armor was revealed. It seemed to be automated.

'That's it?' He thought.

Sora's interest died almost immediately. All of that build up just for a killer robot? What a joke.

"Come on...a robot? Seriously?"

~ Sora

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