
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
96 Chs


The entire watchtower was silent. Save for the heartbeats of everyone present, an eerie quiet had descended upon the area. Some of the unconscious heroes were waking up. They didn't speak a word due to the hair raising feeling in their chest.

"ID: Unknown. Intruder on the premises."

Everyone could hear the AI droning in the distance. The League members couldn't spare any time to silence it. It was unknown if they would ever have the time again.

When laying eyes on Sora's expression, they found themselves in a cold sweat. It was empty and hollow, like a machine in human skin. The celestial being floated above the ground, his surroundings now extremely bright.

An incredibly injured Green Lantern had supported Wonder Woman all the way back to the room. They were able to witness Sora in all his majesty. This was their first time seeing Darkstar without a disguise. His light wasn't dark. It was brighter than the sun.

The light human scanned the entire structure in less than a second. When he finally turned his head to Alice, his eyes narrowed into pin pricks. The mistress…was strapped to a fucking table.


Overwhelming pressure crashed down onto every being in the watchtower. It didn't matter if they were unconscious or not. Regardless of if some were friend or foe, they were all forced to kneel. Only Alice was safe. Superman received the brunt of it.

"Urgh!" He grunted as his body dug into the steel floor. A massive indent was created.

The kryptonian's eyes had long since reverted to normal. Sora hadn't noticed yet. He landed beside the beautiful doll, scanning her body for any wounds. There was a red mark on the back of her neck.

This entire time, Alice had been watching him. A massive blush crept onto her face when seeing his expression. She'd never seen it before. And it was for her! The young Lockhart's hand caressed her cheek as they gazed at each other.

She unconsciously fought against her restraints in order to get closer. Sora flicked his finger, and they shattered. She was free. Alice immediately wrapped around him like a koala. There was nothing to be said.


Her hands grabbed fistfuls of his glowing hair. She pressed her body against him as if trying to merge. Her warm tongue ran from his jaw to his cheek. The princess' depraved eyes were closed as if getting a dose of her favorite drug. As the celestial being held her in his arms, he glanced at the heroes once more.

Each of them carried their own look of fear and solemnity. Superman was desperately struggling to get off the ground. Manhunter didn't even try. He used all of his energy to watch Sora and Alice's interaction. His eyes were wide and a pit had formed in his stomach.

Flash was sweating as he vibrated in place. Despite the fear that engulfed his senses, he nodded amicably. This resulted in the pressure disappearing for him altogether. The red hero was granted amnesty.

Sora focused on the mistress again. She'd opened her watery eyes and was staring at him with an intense heat. Tears were threatening to fall. Seeing her expression, his golden eyes dilated.


The pressure increased by another five times. The heroes could no longer raise their heads. They were forced to taste the steel floor. It was beginning to strain the headquarters. The Watchtower was creaking, and things were starting to rip apart.

Sora floated into the air once more, this time with Alice wrapped around him. His gaze went down to Manhunter. Knowing the martian's abilities, a bit of divine light was placed in the hero's body. Jon wouldn't be able to sneak around him any longer. For the first time since his appearance, the celestial being spoke.

"...Don't move."

His voice resounded through all corners of the Watchtower. Even Batman, who was pressed to the ground in the computer room, heard it. The dark hero had already spat out blood for the third time. His body was that of a normal human. He wouldn't last long under this pressure. His face was pale.

The divine flower floated beside the young Lockhart. Without further delay, he vanished. An eerie silence was all that was left. Flash was the first person to react. The oceanic pressure hadn't left Superman and Manhunter.

"Guys…I don't think he was referring to me. So umm…I'll be right back." He announced awkwardly.



He immediately accelerated throughout the hero headquarters, bringing all of the remaining heroes to the teleporter. His next stop was the computer room. Batman wasn't in good shape. There was a puddle of blood beneath him. Many of his bones were crushed.

"Batman, you need medical attention!" Flash exclaimed.

"Just…send me…to…the batcave." He gasped in response.

The red hero zipped him over to the teleporter. He was sent straight to Alfred. Wonder Woman and Green Lantern were the last to leave. This wasn't their battlefield.

Sora appeared inside the manor once more. To be specific, it was the bedroom. He sat on the edge of the king sized bed with Alice in his lap. He rubbed her back while speaking.

"I'm sorry for being late."

It was a gentle statement, but it evoked a powerful reaction from Alice. The tears finally fell and her expression turned into a psychotic glare. She began to hit him while violently sobbing.

"Where were you?! Urgk…I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU!" She screamed while venting her emotions.

Saying nothing, Sora rubbed her trembling back as she continued to hit him. It didn't take long for her to just cry into his chest. He only kissed the top of her head and soothed her with his touch.

"Alice, forgive me…but I have to teach them a lesson. Tell me everything that happened."

The forlorn fairy raised her head. She then told him everything from her perspective. How Superman came from the ceiling. How he 'broke through' the barrier. How Martian Manhunter touched her forehead. The way she recounted it was as if she was tattling to her teacher. Sora's golden eyes grew radiant the more she spoke.

'A grey energy eroded the barrier? So I wasn't wrong to be alert that last time. It was hiding inside Superman. The aragami…' He thought.

Not all aragami were powerful. When it came to breaking the barrier, corruption was all that was needed. There was a reason the aragami wanted Sora's weakness. It was too weak to battle face to face. It hid within Superman…subtly influencing the kryptonian's actions and emotions.

It only took full possession when certain things needed to be done. For example: breaking the light barrier. The ability to corrupt was needed. It would then delete those memories from Clark's brain.

"Don't fret anymore. I'll take care of it. Will you be able to wait a bit longer?" He asked. Alice grasped his collar. Her face turned frantic.

"No! Don't go, don't go, don't go! You better not leave! If you don't take me with you, I'll kill you!" She screamed in his face.


In an instant, they appeared in his skyrealm. The beautiful doll looked around in surprise. What just happened?

"This is the only way I can take you with me." Sora spoke.


A white screen appeared in front of her. It was showing an image of her. When Sora looked at her lips, the screen focused on it as well. Alice understood quickly.

"I can see what you see…" She muttered. The sleepy man nodded while patting her head.

"Mnn. This is the world inside of me. Pretty nice huh?"

Alice smashed her lips against his, losing herself in his taste. It was at this moment that the manitou stone appeared in his hand. He sneakily pressed the gem against her back. It silently merged into her body, turning into liquid and spreading to all of her cells. This reinforced her body.

The manitou stone had done its job quickly and silently, so as to not alert her. Sora could now heave a sigh of relief. That was if she wasn't already sucking on his tongue. There was no longer a chance of the beautiful doll turning into dust. Sora wouldn't allow it. She would live because he demanded it be so.

Sora lightly patted her plump bottom, causing her to pull back. A string of saliva connected from their lips. Now there was only one thing left to do. Education.

"Alright…sit back and enjoy." He said. Alice nodded.

And just like that, Sora was gone. She could see as he immediately beamed into space. The mistress didn't want to stand the whole time. As she thought of sitting down, a comfortable chair rose from the water. It seemed that there was some synergy after all.

It's a double chappy guys!

SwayStarcreators' thoughts