
DC: Celestial Light Human

(That's right...this is a remake.) A tired soul is chosen by God to become his warrior. R18 - If you see * in the chapter title, that means lemon. Disclaimer: - If you are mentally weak, don't read this story. It's very dark, and the mc is NOT a good person. - There's no release schedule. I drop chaps when I feel like it, which can vary from 1-3 times a week.

SwayStar · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Putting Down Rabid Animals

A collective symphony of screams resounded through the area. The white apes beat their chests in response. Their fangs were bared at the two fighters.

"OHOHOOHOOH!" Immediately after their warcry, the horde charged at them.

This was going to be such an easy job. Sora only had to speed up his perception, causing the apes to move as slow as snails. Flash looked at Darkstar and the rage was evident. Two golden blades of lighting extended from his hands. They resembled wild thunderbolts.

The red hero crouched down, ready to launch. His leg muscles bulged as he dug into the dirt. Lightning danced and he was gone. Sora was able to hear Flash's takeoff in a frequency only they could understand.


The ground behind Barry had disintegrated. He was beside the apes in an instant, golden lightning jumping from one enemy to another. Sora didn't want to get left behind. His darklight greatsword appeared in his hand. Black flames danced on the edge.

There was nothing left to do. Still floating above the ground, Sora used the air as a foothold. He immediately appeared beside the apes. The young Lockhart waved his blade, cleaving a group of at least one hundred apes by the waist. One swing after the other. It was a numbers game.

After each kill, their bodies would burst into black flame. The rabid animals were dying quickly but there was plenty more to go. A few of the smart apes had jumped off the tree in an attempt to sneak attack. It was futile, since they were now frozen in midair.

Sora eventually looked up and noticed them. He cleaved upward with minimal effort, sending a godly force into space. Not even ashes remained. Only then did he check on the speedster.

The Flash was moving so fast that his form wasn't visible. Golden lighting fried the monsters in the vicinity. It was a chain reaction that jumped from one enemy to the next. When he could finally be seen, the enemy's head would already be detached from their shoulders. He wasn't holding back at all.

When Sora and Barry fought together, it was like the god of death had descended. Lives were being reaped like wheat on a field. To the normal human eye, nothing had happened yet. The apes were still charging toward the duo who were seemingly standing in place. This was the true strength of speedsters.

The only thing that held Flash back was his morals. Now that he was set on killing, nothing would be able to stop him. These enemies dropped like flies. A distorted grin rose on Sora's lips.

'This is the life!' He thought with glee.

It was time to get back into it. The current horde of white apes had already been slain. Flash had already gone ahead, jumping toward the next horde. The blood of the dead animals had yet to even fall to the ground. Intestines and limbs were still floating in the air.

Once again, Darkstar flashed above the new horde. His eyes looked in all directions before deciding on his right. Sora's forceful descent left a crater and lifted the countless apes into the sky. He twisted his body to gather momentum, and at the end of his spin, he cleaved.


Almost 90% of the massive horde was obliterated. The ground in front of Sora had disintegrated. Water rose up to replace the ground. If it happened again, the island would sink. The young Lockhart scratched the back of his head.

"Oops, I think I swung too hard." He muttered.

"Ya think?" Flash yelled in the distance.

The red hero was finishing up whatever stragglers were left. After seeing such a huge display of power, fear drowned out every other emotion. The white apes wanted to flee. Unfortunately, they couldn't move faster than a speedster's perception. They were like snails. Nobody could escape. Flash put them down one by one.

Once it was finally over, Sora allowed his perception to go back to normal. Intestines fell to the ground and blood splattered the surroundings. Only now could the death cries be heard. It took a few seconds for the light to leave their eyes. Their brains hadn't caught up yet to even realize they were dead.

"Why didn't you do that earlier?" Flash questioned with a frown.

"Well…I wouldn't want to sink the island. I didn't even mean to swing that hard in the first place."

"It's a good thing I was behind you. That could've killed me!" Barry commented.

"I wouldn't kill you, Flash. You're one of the most respectable people I know."

'In this universe actually. A good person.' Sora thought.

"Um…thanks? At first I thought you were pretty scary, but I guess you're cool."

"...You guess? That's rude."

"Heh. Try harder at being less intimidating."

"What? How am I intimidating?"

"Have you ever seen yourself in the mirror?" Flash asked with a raised eyebrow.


"And you feel nothing?"

"I thought I looked cool."

"You definitely look cool. Hahahah! Just a bit scary."


"Don't worry about it too much. Let's go, Darkstar. We have to finish this."

"...Oh." Sora spoke slowly.

'Am I intimidating? Alice never said I was scary.' He thought sleepily.

Flash quickly blasted off toward the main city. It was already destroyed and seemed like a ghost town. The young Lockhart decided to wait until Barry found the culprits.

Sora sat down on the stump of a broken tree. His phone started buzzing, and a slight smile adorned his face. He could already guess who it would be. There was only one person with the guts to call him so often. He brought the phone to his ear.


"Sora, come see me NOW!"

"Ah, Harley. How've you been?"

"I said NOW!" Harley Quinn screamed through the phone.

"Alright alright. I'll be back in Gotham in a few days, okay?"

"Your voice sounds weird again. Are you doing super shit?"

"Yes Harls, I'm doing super shit."

"Well hurry up. I miss you, puddin."

"I miss you too. Don't worry, I'll come visit you soon. I'll even bring a friend to keep Ivy busy."

"You promise?"

"I promise-"

"Ahhhhh! Help me!" Another voice sounded through the phone.

"Shut up! Can't you see I'm busy?!" Harley screamed in the background.


A bunch of bangs and cracks could be heard before the guy went silent. Someone had definitely just died over there. Sora scratched the back of his head.

"Sora, you there?"

"...Still here."

"Come visit me soon, okay?"


"I'm serious!"

"I know, Harley. I will."

"Hmph. Good. See you soon, puddin! Muah." She made a kissing sound before hanging up.

Sora put his phone back in his pocket. He couldn't help but gaze at the sky. The sleepy man was truly having a great time in this universe. What else would he be able to experience here? He couldn't wait to find out.

Chappy chappy chap

SwayStarcreators' thoughts