

After being reincarnated into the DC movie universe with six powerful wishes granted by the Presence, Alex awakens on the mystical island of Themyscira at the dawn of World War I. Gifted with the Mystical abilities, Alex’s mission quickly becomes intertwined with that of Diana Prince, the future Wonder Woman. As he helps Diana understand the complexities of the world beyond the Amazonian paradise, they form an unbreakable bond that grows into a passionate and obsessive love. Together, they face the horrors of war and the challenges of an evolving world, all while discovering their destinies as heroes. But as their love deepens, so too do the dangers around them, forcing Alex to wield his godlike powers to protect the woman he loves and the world they aim to save.

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Chapter 2: The Queen's Judgment

The great hall of Themyscira was as regal and imposing as Alex had imagined. The polished marble floors gleamed beneath the golden light streaming in from high windows, and towering columns flanked the path to Queen Hippolyta's throne.

Ancient tapestries hung on the walls, depicting the Amazons' long and proud history, their battles, and triumphs.

At the end of the hall, seated upon her throne, was Queen Hippolyta herself. Her presence was commanding, her golden armor gleaming like a beacon of authority and wisdom.

She sat tall, her gaze sharp and thoughtful as she watched Alex approach, flanked by Diana and two Amazon guards. Her expression betrayed nothing, but Alex could feel the weight of her scrutiny.

As they neared the throne, Diana stepped forward and bowed.

"Mother, we have found an outsider. He claims to have been sent here by powers beyond us, with knowledge of the world beyond our island."

Hippolyta's gaze shifted from Diana to Alex. Her piercing blue eyes studied him carefully, as if searching for some hidden truth within him.

"A man on Themyscira," she said, her voice low and thoughtful.

"This is no small matter."

Alex bowed respectfully, feeling the tension in the room. "Queen Hippolyta, I mean no harm. I was brought here by forces I cannot fully explain, but I swear to you, I've come only to help."

"Help?" Hippolyta's tone was skeptical. "Men have not set foot on this island in centuries, and the last time one did, it brought nothing but chaos. Why should we believe that you are different?"

Alex straightened, choosing his words carefully. He could feel Diana's eyes on him, and he knew that every word he said could determine his fate. "Because the world beyond Themyscira is on the brink of destruction. A great war has begun, one that threatens to consume not just men, but all of humanity. I've seen it—nations tearing themselves apart, millions dying in the name of power and conquest. There are dark forces at work, forces that are manipulating this war to spread their influence. That's why I've been sent—to stop the worst of it."

Hippolyta's expression didn't change, but Alex could see the flicker of doubt in her eyes. She turned to Diana, her voice softer now. "What do you make of his words, my daughter?"

Diana hesitated for a moment, her gaze lingering on Alex. "He speaks with conviction, and there is a certain truth in his voice. But I cannot say for certain what his true purpose is. He knows of things beyond our world, and his power is undeniable."

Hippolyta's gaze returned to Alex, her expression unreadable. "You claim there are forces behind this war. What sort of forces?"

Alex took a deep breath. He had to tread carefully. He couldn't reveal the entire truth about his knowledge of the future, but he could speak of the malevolent forces that always lurked in the shadows of great conflicts.

"It's more than just men fighting for territory and resources. There are those who seek to prolong the war, to fuel hatred and destruction for their own gain. Some are mortal, driven by greed and ambition, but others… others are more dangerous. Beings that thrive on chaos and death."

Hippolyta's eyes narrowed slightly, her posture rigid as she listened. "You speak of evil beyond the mortal realm. Dark gods?"

"In a way," Alex replied, nodding.

"I don't know all their names, but I know their influence. They seek to corrupt humanity, to push it to the edge. The war will only be the beginning unless someone stops them."

Silence filled the hall as Hippolyta considered his words.

Her expression remained calm, but Alex could sense the wheels turning in her mind. The Amazons were no strangers to the influence of gods and darker forces.

They had fought such battles before, but trusting an outsider—especially a man—was no simple decision.

"Why would the gods send you?"

Hippolyta finally asked, her tone measured. "Why not send one of their own champions, someone who understands the balance of the world?"

"I don't know," Alex admitted, his voice steady. "Maybe because I'm an outsider, someone who sees things differently. But I've been given powers—powers meant to help. I may not have all the answers, but I know that I'm supposed to stop this war from becoming something far worse."

Hippolyta leaned back slightly on her throne, her eyes narrowing as she studied him. "You speak of stopping this war, yet you do not belong to it. What makes you believe that you, a foreigner to this world, can make a difference?"

Alex's hands clenched slightly at his sides. He knew she had every right to be skeptical. But he also knew the dangers ahead—dangers that even the Amazons couldn't ignore.

"I've been given great power, Queen Hippolyta. Power to help the world, to protect it from what's coming. But I also know that I can't do it alone. That's why I'm here. To ask for your help, and for the help of your people."

The hall grew silent again as Hippolyta contemplated his words.

Diana stood beside her mother, her gaze flickering between Alex and the queen, but she remained silent. The tension in the air was palpable.

After what felt like an eternity, Hippolyta stood from her throne, descending the steps toward Alex. Her presence was commanding, every step filled with grace and power.

She stopped in front of him, her gaze still sharp and unreadable.

"You speak of dark forces and a war beyond our shores," she said quietly. "And yet you have given us little reason to trust you. You claim to have been sent by powers beyond us, but we have no proof of your words. Why should I not send you away, back to the world of men, and leave them to their fate?"

Alex met her gaze, standing firm despite the unease settling in his chest. "Because the world needs the Amazons, now more than ever. The darkness that's spreading won't stop at the shores of Themyscira. If it consumes the world, it will come for you too. You have the power to make a difference, to stop the suffering before it spreads further. If you don't act, everything you've fought to protect could be lost."

Hippolyta remained silent, her face betraying nothing.

But Alex could see the conflict in her eyes. She was a queen who had led her people for centuries, keeping them safe from the dangers of the outside world. But now, the world was knocking at their door, and it was asking for help.

After a long, tense moment, she finally spoke. "I will not make a decision hastily, outsider. Your words may hold truth, but they may also be the deceit of a world too long immersed in war and chaos."

Alex nodded, understanding her caution.

"I don't expect you to trust me right away. But all I ask is that you consider what I've said. The war is already happening. The darkness is already spreading."

Hippolyta turned, pacing slowly as she spoke, more to herself than anyone else. "A man granted power by gods. A war that threatens the world. And dark forces that seek to corrupt humanity. These are not matters to be taken lightly. And yet, I cannot ignore the danger posed by a foreigner on our island, no matter what gifts he claims to have been given."

She stopped, her back to Alex, her voice heavy with contemplation.

"We have always kept the world of men at bay, believing their affairs do not concern us. But now, for the first time in centuries, they may."

The queen turned to face Alex once more, her expression resolute. "I will not banish you from Themyscira, but I also cannot act without careful consideration. You will remain under the watch of my daughter and the Amazons. We will observe you, Alex, and in time, I will decide whether you are an ally… or a threat."

Alex bowed his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Queen Hippolyta."

Hippolyta's gaze flickered to Diana. "My daughter, keep him under watch. Learn what you can of him and his intentions."

Diana nodded. "I will, mother."

As Alex was led away from the throne room, he couldn't shake the feeling that while the first hurdle had been crossed, his journey was only beginning. He had gained the queen's cautious acceptance, but the trust of the Amazons would take far more than words.

And as he walked beside Diana, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of darkness truly awaited them beyond the shores of Themyscira.