
The Diary..

A man in his mid twenties was sitting on a bench near the church.He was holding a diary , then he tightened the grip on the diary and later pressed it against his broad chest... Tears were dripping off his eyes.. There was no end to it. He cried and cried and cried and then shouted a name...

" Olivia......... "

He started crying loudly gaining the attention of people near by. The men in suit who were standing next to him bowed and apologized to everyone who were offended by his loud cries and shouting.... Among the men in suit a bald man came forth and said...

" Sir, we have to go. "

The man looked up to see the bald man who was standing with a heavy heart ... He looked at his men . He could feel , they were in the verge of tears.. By seeing this, he wanted to remain calm and strong but, he couldn't. He looked at the diary , which he hid in his embrace. He smiled through pain.

Suddenly, something fell down from the diary. It was a photo. A picture of himself and his beloved. His gaze diverted to the diary again and read the words written on it's cover...

" Fly high, Be free , Live your dreams.. "

He chuckled slightly with tears brimming in his eyes..

" Yeah.. Surely.. "

He said sarcastically and continues with a heavy heart.

" You.. You were my dreams, m.. my life and everything.. You.... Ah... You left me with your last wish and your diary... Your precious diary.. "

He shut his eyes for a few seconds and rested.. After a while , he opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked at his companions , stood up and walked towards his car without uttering a word followed by his men. He tightly held the diary and the picture in his embrace.

He adjusted himself in the passenger seat . He positioned himself comfortably to read his beloveds diary.......... He let out a deep sigh and opened it..........

To Be Continued...