
Days in Camp Half-Blood

Joshua, Grace, Jasmine, Martin, Liam, and Roman and others, spend their days at camp or doing quests with secrets between them.

Zeus742 · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

The Games

Josh's POV:

I finally woke after a few days and I guessed I woke in Camp Half-Blood. The old ancient buildings that look like before my time kinda did it.

As I woke, I wasn't the only one in here. Some girl with short hair and a silver bow pin, a boy with electric green eyes and blonde hair holding a hammer and a boy that looked like he was gonna steal my clothes if he could, joking but he looked like a thief. A few minutes after I woke, another 3 boys and a girl came in one with fiery hair and an attitude of war. The other calm but at the same time looked like he had never done anything bad.

"Hello, I guess? Is this that Camp Half-Blood someone told me about? " I say to break the silent atmosphere.

"Yeah, I think? We're all demigod? " the Thief-looking child asks.

"Hi, for everyone here so I have to it once, I'm Roman, Son of Ares. " Roman said.

"I'm Aaliyah and I'm also a child of Ares," the girl with bushy brown hair and brown eyes told us, holding an axe up.

"Hi, I guess, I'm Jasmine, I'm the adopted child of Artemis, emphasize on adopted" the girl newly named Jasmine said.

"Hi I'm Martin, I may hate it but my doosh bag dad, it's Hermes, " well that explains why it looks like I am gonna be robbed at any time. "I'm Flynn, child of Apollo," a brown-eyed boy with light brown hair said.

"I'm Zeb, child of Hephaestus," the electric green-eyed boy spoke up.

"Hi I'm Liam, My dad is Zeus but I renounce my father cause of turtles. " That very calm person exclaimed.

"I guess I'm last, my name is Joshua, and I'm the son of hades, " and with that comment, the room darkened and it became silent.

Grace's POV:

Chiron rode over to me, slinging his satchel over his shoulder.

"Grace there are five new campers in the infirmary, " he told me. "Could you please show them around camp and take them to their new cabins.,".

"Sure Chiron," I replied, already starting to walk to the infirmary.

"Oh and Grace?" Chiron called after me. I turned back to him. "Be nice to them,".

"But that's no fun!" I complained. "And what makes you think I wouldn't be nice?!".

Instead of replying, Chiron just gave me a pointed look.

I walked to the infirmary and walked into the room where the new demigods were. They all immediately looked up at me, and I surveyed the group.

There was a girl with short brown hair and green eyes. She also had a silver bow pin and from reading about them so much, I recognised it as a hidden magical item.

A short cute girl stood next to her, with long bushy brown hair up in a high ponytail. She had sparkling brown eyes, and a battle axe leaned on her leg.

A boy with blonde hair stood in front of me, right in the middle. He had electric green eyes, and blonde hair, and was fiddling with some nuts and bolts in his hands.

A boy stood by the door, humming. He had light brown hair, like a mop on his head, and chocolate brown eyes. He held a golden crossbow.

There was also a boy with darker skin, brown hair and dark brown eyes. He looked surprisingly calm, he had two gold gauntlets on his wrists.

A boy sat on the bed closest to me, with red hair and light brown eyes. A blood-red ring sat on his right pinkie finger. When I looked at it, he covered it with his hand. Something about that ring gave me an uneasy feeling, but I pushed it aside and focused on the other demigods.

There was an Asian boy with black hair and dark brown eyes. He didn't have a weapon or hidden item, but I could already tell who he was a child of, just from his mischievous grin. Conner and Travis will be pleased.

The last boy had light brown hair and greeny-blue eyes. He had a necklace around his neck with a scythe charm on it. Just looking at him, I knew he was a child of Hades, from the haunted look in his eyes to the way the others looked at him uneasily.

"Hi guys, I'm Grace, daughter of Athena and the head of the Athena cabin. I'm going to take you around the camp and take you to your cabins. So um, lets go…." I told them all.

Josh's POV:

"Hi guys, I'm Grace, daughter of Athena and the head of the Athena cabin. I'm going to take you around the camp and take you to your cabins. So um, lets go…."

These were the word spoken from a blonde-haired girl with gray-eyes.

So as she walked us around we saw kids training and some playing games.

There's are pegasi pens, sword fighting arenas, a big campfire, and an amphitheater.

We got to the cabins and there were lots, I mean lots. Grace took us to our cabins and we got settled down. The cabins are based on our godly parent, I went to Hades cabin, most of it was dark as if no-one has ever been here.

Dark glossy walls and a cold black marble floor with red gold frames and dark sheets everywhere, in the center of the building, is a large dark golden chalice with hellfire in it. On a desk in the rightmost side, was a dark purple sword, a note, an armor set, and a sword guard.

The armor is a light armor with stylian iron plating with a dark purple tint. The helmet is a stylian iron, dark purple tint and a skull monument on the front.

The sword guard was also dark purple, does Hades have a thing for dark purple anyways. It was one of those guards that you slip behind you.

It seemed these were from someone and I guessed that the note would say something about it.

I grasped the note in my hand and began to read:

"Hi Joshua, it's Nico here, to you i would probably be your big brother, i am also a child of Hades and am in the underworld with dad right now. Don't take it to heart that he doesn't talk to you much, it's normal for any demigod. Here are some details that i am gonna teach you,

First is a skill that all children of Hades have, shadow jump. Just concentrate on where you want to do and think of sending into one shadow and out another.

Second, is a skill you and me have in common, summoning the undead. Think of it as an army out of the ground, just don't be scared.

And lastly, i will give you some tips on scythe play, try spinning it around so it looks like a shield,

I have two presents for you as a brother, first is my sword. And secondly is a beast, undead pegasi. Just think of summoning it like any undead.

Signed sincerely Nico…"

I put on the armor and put the sword in its guard, pulled the necklace off and grasped it and then a large scythe appeared and i thru it and like a boomerang it spun around and back again.

"Out you get, Capture the flag," a voice from outside says.

Grace's POV:

After taking the new kids to their cabins, I headed back to mine, getting ready for the game of Capture the Flag later that day. Luckily, all the new kids except Roman, Aaliyha, Flynn, And Zeb were on my team, as Athena was leading the blue team today. I went round to their cabins, picking them all up so we could fit them out with armor before the game. I went to Josh's first, and as we were walking to Liam's cabin, he asked me something

"So how exactly does this game work?" he asked me, as we walked along.

"Simple, it's like a normal game of Capture the Flag but with weapons and fighting and strategy," I explained.

"Who's in charge of strategy?" Josh asked.

"I am," I told him proudly, smiling to myself.

"Are we in good hands?" he asked me.

"I don't know, you tell me," I said, smiling at him. I quietly told him the plan, before we finally reached Liam's cabin.

"Oh yeah, we'll be fine," he chuckled.

We went into the cabin and found Liam adjusting his gauntlets.

"C'mon, we're playing Capture the Flag," I told him. He stood up and they followed me to collect Martin and Jasmine.

A little while later, all five new kids were geared up with armor and the whole camp was together in the mess pavilion. I hoisted up our flag.

"BLUE TEAM, TO ME!" I yelled, and they all cheered in reply, banding behind me. I gestured for Josh, Liam, Martin, and Jasmine to come over to me.

"Good luck, you're gonna need it!" Roman said, smiling, but not really in a nice way. I raised my eyebrows, unsettled, but again pushed my weird feelings aside and called again; "BLUE TEAM, TO BASE!".

They cheered and we headed to where we were planting our flag, preparing for the start of the game.

Josh's POV:

"GO!" As the game started, I and Liam both go together as the plan said.

I and Liam encountered not many enemies, probably because Jasmine and Grace were dragging them over to the other side.

Grace had already given me the plan and told us an estimation of where their flag.

As we were getting close, two sons of Ares jumped out and I told Liam;

"Go ahead, I'll catch up after defeating them," so He left and i started a fight between the two

There were clashes, clangs and a lot of bones breaking, and after a few minutes, I had finished with them.

As I rushed towards Liam's direction, I heard clashes of swords and knew he was in a fight.

I started running over, and as I reached there, Roman jumped up and was going to do a lethal blow, I don't know how but I know what it looked like.

"STOP, NOW!!!" I yelled at Roman and as I did, Fear, Anger, and Rage came over me.

As I yelled, the lake froze and death spoke my words.

Grace's POV:

As a chill ran over me, I knew something had gone wrong with Liam and Josh. I headed towards the river, where they were supposed to be.

"Where are you going?!" Jasmine yelled at me over the battle. Martin also turned mid-battle to hear my reply.

"Somethings happened with Josh and Liam!" I yelled back, before sprinting to the river. I looked behind me and both Jasmine and Martin had followed me. We rounded a corner to see Liam, Josh, and Roman, standing in the river. Aaliyha, Flynn, And Zeb appeared on the other side of the clearing, behind Josh. Josh looked mad, and the ground around him was shaking. Liam looked freaked out, and was starting to shake a little. Roman also looked mad, and his katana was drawn and held aloft over the river, ready to strike.

"Josh, calm down!" I yelled, watching the ground around him split. Skeletal hands reached through them and tried to pull the rest of them out. Josh advances towards Roman with a murderous look on his face. Roman didn't look scared, in fact, he smiled, watching Josh stalk nearer. I could almost see what he was thinking. Like his father, he could enhance negative emotions, making them almost take over, much like what was happening with Josh.

Jasmine nocked an arrow in her bow and let it loose. It flew through the air and hit Josh with such force he got pushed back into one of the trees. I almost shouted at her, but then saw the arrow only caught the fabric of his top, preventing him from moving any closer. As he stopped advancing towards Roman, the angry look on his face faded, and he let out a loud sigh. Automatically, the temperature went back to normal, and the cracks in the ground closed over, taking the skeletal hands with them. He sunk to the ground, his shirt tearing as he released himself from the arrow. I turned my attention to Liam and Roman.

"What, the hell, happened?" I asked, deadly calm.

"I was just trying to stop Liam from crossing the river with my team's flag!" Roman said innocently. I glared at him disbelievingly and to his credit, he only flinched a tiny bit.

"You were about to kill Liam!" Josh yelled, getting up.

"Josh, calm down!" Martin told him, holding out his hands in front of him.

"Liam, what really happened?" Jasmine asked.

"I was running back with the flag, and Roman popped out of nowhere. I think he was just trying to stop me from getting across, but he accidentally stabbed me, and then, and then..." he struggled to continue, shaking a little more.

"Liam?" Jasmine asked. We all watched him warily. Then I noticed something that chilled me to the bone. Little sparks were gathering and forming all over him. I looked up to the sky to see a cloud forming above us, getting increasingly violent the more anxious Liam seemed to get. A lightning strike appeared but instead of it just hitting the weather dome, it slowed down, trying to get through.

"Holy gods," I whispered, glancing at Liam. "Everyone take cover!" I then yelled, diving at Jasmine and tackling her to the ground. Martin dived at Aaliyha and the two disappeared into the undergrowth. Flynn and Zeb ran to a nearby tree and crouched under it, hiding their faces. Josh took shelter under the tree, grasping his scythe. Roman just rolled his eyes and ignored me while Liam stayed in the river, his fists clenched. Then the lightning bolt got through the dome, and arched down, hitting him. We were all blinded and I watched Roman's body go flying back through the trees. Then everything was silent while we waited for something or someone to do something.

Josh's POV:

It was silent, and then a voice broke it. Grace's voice.

"Is everyone alright?" Grace asked.

I'm Fine I think," Jasmine and Martin say together.

"I'm fine, thanks though that was some cool lightning," I say.

"Grace, Go check if Liam's ok, I'm going to go get that flag," I explain,

"Cool? at a time like this and you just want to go get the flag," Grace said almost pissed off.

"It's a son of Zeus, what do you expect?" I say stating the obvious.

"Martin, go check on Roman," I ask him.

"Why, didn't he just try killing you and Liam?" Martin exclaimed.

"Even so, he just hit with roughly a billion joules of electricity, so cut him some slack for today," I say, seeing martins point.

And with that, I walked up to the flag and held it up signalling the end of the game, but this was not what people were thinking.

Grace's POV:

I walked over to Liam, who had huddled into a ball.

"Wait!" Jasmine told me, grabbing my hand, before pulling back quickly. "What if he electrocutes you?".

"I think he's okay now, and someone has to check on him," I said. "Come with me though,".

She nodded and we walked down to him.

"Liam?" I asked, leaning down and tentatively touching his shoulder. He scrambled away from my touch.

"Don't touch me, please. I don't wanna hurt anyone," he almost shouted, breathing hard.

"Liam, it was an accident," Jasmine reasoned.

"But what if I accidentally killed Roman!".

"You didn't, the voltage wasn't strong enough to kill, only injure," I cut in.

"And how would you know that," Liam shot back.

"I'm a daughter of Athena, knowing things is kinda my whole gist," I replied. "Now get up, we're going back to camp,".

Jasmine and I both offered him a hand and he took them apprehensively, pulling himself up. We walked in a group of three back to camp. When we arrived, I looked around at the other campers and noticed them shooting suspicious looks at the five new campers. Liam and Jasmine also noticed this and ducked their heads, but I kept my head up and glared at anyone I caught looking at them.

Chiron rode over an unreadable expression on his face.

"What happened? I just had to resuscitate one of the new campers, Roman?!" he asked concerned.

Liam automatically his face in his hands. Jasmine looked at me over his head.

"Take Liam to his cabin and then you go and wait for me in the Athena cabin," I told her before turning to Chiron. "I'll explain everything,".

We walked and talked and when I finished, Chiron stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"That's rather disturbing," he said to himself, forgetting I was there for a second. Then he noticed me again. "For now I think it's just best that everyone goes to bed, and forgets the whole Capture the Flag ordeal,". He averted my gaze and that's when I knew he was hiding something.

"Chiron, what's going on?" I demanded, making him look at me.

"I'll tell you in the morning, child," he said, distracted. "Just get a good nights sleep, I have a feeling you are going to need it,".

I headed to my cabin, where everyone else including Jasmine were already asleep in their bunks. I settled down in mine and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.