
Days in Camp Half-Blood

Joshua, Grace, Jasmine, Martin, Liam, and Roman and others, spend their days at camp or doing quests with secrets between them.

Zeus742 · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

The Entry Of The Demigods

Josh's POV:

I'm in a forest, chased by a giant, in a GOD DAMN CITY!

Does Manhattan usually have giants roaming around the city kidnapping children to and thro and if not, WHY THE HELL IS GOD MESSING WITH ME!

I am now being chased by a giant in the city, why the hell.

I just want to sleep but I am now being chased around, why me of all people.

As I was running like a madman, an arrow shot past me skimming my face and hitting the face of the so-called giant, burning it through the eye, then killing it by fire, inside out.

As the monster burnt out, I fell from fatigue and dropped on the cold dead ground, OWW as I get dragged away by something else, why me.

Next thing that I know is that in a dream I hear a voice:

"Wake Joshua, now is not the time to sleep,

As you are now almost 16, I should tell you that I am your father"

This is coming from the creepy guy wearing clothes and a hood that look like some satanic ritual.

"I am Hades, God of the Dead, the Underworld, Wealth, and Darkness. You are my son and control the Dead, later you will know what that entails, but first is some information. You are being taken 'cough dragged cough' to Camp Half-blood. It is a camp for demigods like you or as those new kids would say, Half-bloods."

As he is saying this I am in shock, the father I never knew, the information I always needed, I am now getting it all.

"You will meet other people in a similar situation to you so have fun and don't die too quickly; I have enough souls as it is."

So, that's that I guess.

"P.S. I may have given you a present in the form of a necklace, what a good father I am right. Anyways grip it tightly and it will turn into a Stygian Iron Scythe that burns enemies and opens portal kinda like a shadow jump, oh wait, you don't know what a shadow jump is, oh well bye."

Best dad of the year award? Give me a weapon with no idea how to use it.

Oh well, now I can wait to get dragged to this so-called Camp Half-Blood.

Grace's POV:

The first time I ever saw a monster was a few years ago in Manhattan. My mother and I were driving in New York, to visit the Empire State Building, when all of a sudden, she passed out. The car kept going though, and we were about to collide with another car, so I frantically pulled back a lever on the car that mum always pulled back to stop the car from moving and it slowly pulled to a stop. I got out of the car and walked around, trying to find someone to help my mum. But everywhere I went, people were passed out, lying on the sidewalk or asleep in alleyways. Some were on the roads, and I dragged them to the side, in case everyone woke up again and a car ran them over. Then the strangest thing happened.

A giant pig flew past, angrily snorting and squealing. Hanging behind it was an older boy, maybe a few years older than me, and a bronze statue, who I could swear winked at me. The boy climbed up the pigs tail, and then they flew out of sight. A day later, a day of me walking through New York City, everyone woke up. I went and found my mum, and we went home, and everything was okay. That was four years ago, when I was twelve.

Then, when I was fourteen, a girl called Annabeth, with long curly blonde hair and grey eyes like mine, found me hiding from a big ugly guy with only one eye in a warehouse. She fought the guy and when she stabbed him, instead of him bleeding out, he basically dissolved, into a pile of gold dust that got spread and blown away by the wind. She coaxed me out of my hiding place and helped me, giving me this thing she called ambrosia, which healed the wounds I'd gotten from the weird one-eyed dude. Then she took me to a place called Camp Half-Blood and explained everything to me, even introducing me to her boyfriend, a guy called Percy, who I recognized.

"You're the guy that was riding the giant flying pig!" I said loudly.

He looked at me weirdly at first, but then I explained what I meant and he nodded, laughing.

I was a demigod, a daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and warfare, that Athena sent Annabeth to go retrieve in a dream. When I got to my bed, two dagger earrings were sitting on my bed. I put them on, and tugged at them. They were magnetic and when they detached from the earrings they turned into twin daggers. To put them back into earrings form, I just touched them back to the earrings, and they shrunk back into earrings.

That was two years ago. Now I'm sixteen, and the head counselor of the Athena cabin. Annabeth left to go live in New Rome with Percy, leaving behind her Yankees cap for me, and the legacy of the Athena cabin. I just hope I don't stuff it up.

Liam's POV:

Does the sky usually follow a certain person around and only that person and if not, why me.

I just arrived into Manhattan because an old friend came and said hi. Does Manhattan always have storm clouds left, right, and center?

I went to my friend's Mum's house to stay for the night; her name is Sally. She was nice but strangely made a lot of blue food; blue waffles, blue candies, what the heck, I wouldn't be surprised with blue steak even. Sally said her son wasn't home but she wouldn't mind letting me stay for the night.

"Hello Son, I am Zeus, I am the god of the Skies, Thunder, Lightning, Law, and Order. I am the King of the gods and the best one in my opinion. You are my son and yet hang with that stupid Percy Jackson, are you trying to ruin my reputation."

So supposedly, Zeus is my Father, and for whatever reason, he hates Percy, what the hell, there's been worse, right?

"Gods, you even like turtles, you would have done better as a child of Poseidon. Anyways, cause of that stupid Percy Jackson, we have to acknowledge our children before there 16, ugh. So you are a child of the god, Zeus and with it rule the skies and the lightning that goes with it, but because I hate Percy right now, I'm gonna have fun with your powers, Haha."

I'm annoyed and scared at the same time if that even works. Annoyed cause the supposed All-mighty doesn't like the cute turtles, but scared cause he said that he is gonna mess with me, but mostly annoyed.

"Oh and cause for unknown reasons, gods usually give their children weapons for toys, so here are some bracelet, they turn to gauntlets but because I am still annoyed with you, they are gonna be extra heavy so have fun and go to Camp Half-Blood, without dying of course."

So I have shackles and a dad that hates me, I don't know if it's better to have him or no dad. But the worst thing of all is that he hates turtles, that cruel poopy head.

Lucky, I found out that Sally knew where this so-called camp is, so I'm on the road again.

Jasmine's POV:

So here's the thing. I'm the ADOPTED child of Artemis. Emphasis on adopted. I was born as a mortal, with mortal parents, but then they both got killed, and Artemis came across me as a crying baby. She felt sympathetic for me and admired my parents, so she adopted me as her own, and magically made me a demigod, I'm not really gonna question it. So yeah, I'm a child of a MAIDEN goddess. Totally makes sense, am I right?!

Anyway, I never knew that I was a demigod, cause Artemis left me with a mortal family to look after me. Then one day, I was walking back from my mortal school, when a ginormous dog turned up out of nowhere. And I mean ginormous, as in monster ginormous. It's paw was as big as my head. Its drool was massive and pooled below him as big as a puddle on a rainy day. It growled at me before crouching down to leap.

"Take off your bow pin Jasmine," a young voice said in my head. In the heat of the moment, all I could think to do was obey the random voice in my head and take off my bow pin, which my mortal mother left with me when she died, or at least that's what I was told. When I took out my bow, something strange happened. It expanded in my hands and suddenly, I was holding a silver bow and quiver, filled with silver arrows. Before I had time to question what the hell was happening, the dog pounced. Lightning fast, I slung an arrow into the bow and shot, as if I had done it a hundred times before. It hit the dog and it basically exploded into a pile of gold dust.

"What the actual hell?!" I exclaimed, looking at the weapons in my hand.

"Don't worry child," a voice said from behind me. I turned to see a young girl with auburn hair and a silver shift.

"Hunting is in your DNA," she said calmly.

"Who the hell are you, and what do you mean 'hunting is in my DNA?!'," I asked, dropping the bow and quiver at the last words and watching them fall to the ground. As they reached the ground, they caught the sun and blinded me for a second. When my eyes focused back on them, my bow pin sat in their place.

"Pick it up child," the girl told me, watching me as I stared at the pin in surprise and shock.

"That thing was just a weapon!" I told her. "I'm not picking it up!!!!".

The young girl chuckled before waving her hand. The pin disappeared on the ground and appeared on my shirt.

"Wha- get it off get it off get it off!" I yelled, trying to take of the pin.

"Calm yourself, child. Now, other half-bloods are coming. Go with them, and learn how to survive my dear girl," the girl said, stepping forward and gently cupping my cheek in her left hand, before running away.

Behind me, three teenagers, two boys, and a girl, of different ages burst out, glancing around.

"Where's the hellhound?" the oldest boy asked me frantically.

"The what?".

"Large dog, drools a lot, tries to kill you, bad," the other boy explained breathlessly.

"I think I killed it," I told them.

They all exchanged glances, before studying me carefully.

"Then you need to come with us," the first teen said seriously.

I was about to protest, but then I remembered what the strange girl had told me.

"Okay," I relented.

They took me by the arm and the first boy whistled, looking up to the sky.

Out of the clouds, three pegasi, and I swear I'm not joking, glided down and landed in front of us.

"Hop on," the girl told me, smiling.

The pegasi took off, and I silently prayed for my life, hoping that wherever I was going, it would be less crazy than my day so far. No such luck.

Martin's POV:

I didn't ask for my deadbeat dad to leave when I was a baby. I didn't ask for my mother to be so upset about my dad leaving that she drinks herself to sleep each night. I didn't ask for my half twin brother and sister, Casey and Matty, to grow up basically without parents, and depend on me for everything. I can't take that pressure, I can't be responsible for that. So I called child social services, and I packed up and left. My siblings would be in good hands with Child Services. I, on the other hand, am a teen, so no one wants me. I've been running for about 6 months. I go into stores, shoplift a small amount of resources and then run. It's the only way for me to survive, and I haven't been caught yet!

I kinda spoke too soon. I went into a Walmart today, and I got caught trying to sneak out the cash area.

"Hey you, young man," a lady yelled. She grabbed the collar of my shirt before I could run. "You're coming with me!".

She dragged me to a room out the back and slammed the door shut behind me, locking it from the outside.

"You'll be staying in there until the police come to pick you up," she yelled into me.

I sat dejectedly in the room, looking up only when the door was opened, and a policeman walked in, giving me a disapproving look.

A little while later, I sat in a cell, while policemen walked past, took my name, pulled out my file, and looked at me with pity and sympathy. I hate it when people look at me like that. I'm not some helpless little child that needs the help of adults around me.

I heard voices outside the cell, and stood up, expecting to see someone in a suit and clipboard from the child services, but instead saw a middle-aged man in a wheelchair, talking to the policeman that had brought me in.

"I apologize for my nephew," he was saying. "He isn't in a great situation at home. I'll pay for anything he stole,".

"No charges were made, so no paying for anything necessary," the policeman said, unlocking my cell.

"Martin, what were you thinking," the man in the wheelchair chastised me, before giving me a secret subtle wink.

"Ahh, sorry uncle?" I replied, confused.

"You're free to go, but if we find you doing this again, you will get charged," the policeman told me and the wheelchair man.

"Thank you, officer," wheelchair man told him, before taking my arm and rolling out of the station. Once we were out, I ripped my arm out of his grip.

"Who are you cause I know you're not my uncle?," I asked.

"Your father sent me to retrieve you," he said, rolling towards a large van with a strawberry logo on the side. "Now get in,".

Part of me thought to run, but part of me was curious. My father? I looked into wheelchair man's eyes suspiciously, searching for any glint of menace or danger. He gazed earnestly back. Finally, I decided to get into the van. We started driving and I watched as the city went by, wondering where I was being taken and hoping I wasn't getting screwed with.

Roman's POV:

I'm on a battleground with a short Latina looking girl; Bodies lie there, as dead as the sky with the sky tinted with blood and the trench and bodies going for miles. But spite all these bodies, I feel energetic and excited, as if for a new war. The girl next to me remains expressionless.

"Well done my son, and my daughter, I am Ares, God of war, and what you see in front of you the war me and you will be bringing. We will paint the streets with the blood of the innocent and the wicked, for with war, there are no sides. This is survival of the fittest and I will rule them all. Your brothers, fear, and Terror shall follow you and you shall bring the big three to their knees."

First of all, cool, Second, Who the Hell is Ares, and lastly, who are the Big Three.

I awoke from my dream and found myself in a forest with the girl next to me. She held a large battle-ax. I had a new ring on my finger and as I twisted it, it summoned a katana in Blood-red colour. We walked through the arch and walk towards the big Cabin.

Aaliyha's POV:

Just so you know, I'm just a regular girl. I didn't ask for any of this. I used to live with my mum in Peru, but then we moved to America. I never knew my dad. We live in a tiny apartment in Seattle. Each day before we go to bed, my mother prays for a better life, a life that we deserve. I love my mother more than anything in the world, she didn't deserve to be dumped when she became pregnant. Tonight, I go to bed, laying down, tired. My head hits the pillow, and I'm automatically asleep.

I'm on a battleground with a red-headed boy; Bodies lie there, as dead as the sky with the sky tinted with blood and the trench and bodies going for miles. Seeing them, I'm horrified by the death and destruction, a weight on my chest. I look next to me at the boy, who smiles at the destruction he sees before him.

"Well done my son, and my daughter, I am Ares, God of war, and what you see in front of you the war me and you will be bringing. We will paint the streets with the blood of the innocent and the wicked, for with war, there are no sides. This is survival of the fittest and I will rule them all. Your brothers, fear, and Terror shall follow you and you shall bring the big three to their knees."

A chill ran over me. This guy, Ares, whoever he is, expected me and the boy next to me to start a war, and destroy humanity as we know it. We were supposed to bring down "the Big Three" and I didn't even know who he was. I looked around and knew that I didn't want or trust this, and would not participate in it. War isn't always bad, but this type of war will completely ruin the world and is unnecessary. I shiver and rub my arm casually.

I awoke from my dream and found myself in a forest with the red-headed boy next to me. A large battle-ax sits in my hands. I glanced at the boy next to me and he twisted a ring on his finger that I didn't notice before. It turned into a blood-red katana, and he smiled menacingly. Ahead of us, a large arch stands tall, and behind it, we see a large cabin. Together in salience, we walk through the arch and walk towards the big Cabin.

Zeb's POV:

I was a Senior in High School. I was doing fine. I was in the popular group, playing all the sports, dating the most popular girl, Ashley, smart and gorgeous. I wasn't dumb, I mean, I wasn't extremely smart but I wasn't failing every single subject. A B was my average. I excelled at DT and Construction, and really, they were the only two subjects I really loved, besides sport. Then that all changed.

One day I was making a robot in DT, using spare scraps of metal and wood. He was looking really great, but I was trying to find something that would act as a solid base.

As I scanned the room, a voice talked in my head;

"That weight over there would be good," it said. I found the weight and was surprised to find that it would be perfect. I picked it up and added it to the robot, then put in functions for the robot to fulfil. But instead of it doing what I told it to, it started picking up objects and throwing them everywhere, breaking machinery and hitting kids in the head, etc.

A hour later, I found myself in the principals office, with my mother.

"I'm sorry," my principal was saying. "But I have no choice but to expel your child,". Just like that, I was done. Ashley texted me an hour later, saying she couldn't be with anyone who had been expelled, as it ruined her reputation. She broke up with me on the spot.

That night I had a dream. A man sat in a workshop, with a face so horribly disfigured I couldn't look at it long enough to describe it. He was tinkering on my robot.

"Ahh, I'm sorry kid," he told me, patting my shoulder. "Sometimes building automations just don't work out, and they go crazy, like this little guy here,".

The robot looked up at me and creaked, as if it was talking to me.

"Now kid, that you've been kicked out of your school, it's gonna be happening more and more. I think it's best you head to the camp," he explained.

"What camp, and who are you?" I asked. The corners of my vision began to get fuzzy and the man's voice sounded distorted as he answered;

"Camp Half Blood, and I'm Hephaestus, Greek god of the Forges, and your father. Now, you're tuning out kid, so I'm gonna have to go. Transport is on the way though, I've sent a friend of mine,".

The vision disappeared and I awoke to a tapping on my window. I opened it and outside, a gold metal dragon, I know, sounds nuts right? stood outside my window. It's ruby eyes glinted at me, and I read the engraving on its neck aloud;

"Festus the Dragon. Are you here to take me to Camp Whatever the H-dude called it?".

The dragon blew steam out his nose in response, and bent down.

"Ahh what the hell, I've already lost everything else," I said, before climbing onto his back. He spread out his wings, and took off, flying into the air and taking me to Camp whatever it was called.

Flynn's POV:

I was at school, like any other kid.

Hating Math, Playing on my phone, the usual except that for whatever reason, it seemed rather hot today,

As we were sitting around playing our separate video games, I suddenly felt a gush of heat and fell off my chair and on the ground where I was knocked out.

"Hey son, Apollo here, the god of light, the sun, music and that kinda stuff. Anyways so I'm your dad, any question, ask me now please, and we got to go." Apollo said, in his tanned and toned voice.

"Why tell me this now? Where are we going may I ask and how?" Flynn asks confused at this whole situation.

"A deal we made with a demigod makes us reveal ourselves as your godly parent at the age of 15, so really I'm kinda late. And secondly, now that I have revealed that you're a demigod, monsters will start coming so let's head to the camp," He said.

I woke and there he was waiting so I decided to go with him

Sky's POV:

5 years ago,

So, I've had a hard life, my parents dying, me being alone, at times I wanted to cry.

I got put into the foster caring agency but no matter how hard I tried to help, they still thought I was just some kid trying to live a fantasy.

This was until I meet Hestia;

"Hello child, I know your past, and I am sorry. I am Hestia, The Goddess of Hearth, Home, Family, and Fire. I have come to give you my blessing in the hope that you can help someone in the future."

"Dear Goddess Hestia, I would be honored to receive your blessing, may I ask who you wish me to help?" I ask the Goddess humbly.

"His name is Joshua; He has a similar past to you and will continue to fall on misjudgment as he is a child of Hades. All I wish for is for the two of you to find a family, wherever it may be and protect it with all your heart. In 5 years, Josh shall scare the hearts of many and shall want to walk his path alone, all I want is for you to show him that humans are humans, that no matter the parent, it's what you choose to make from it that counts, walk his path together and become like family, leaning on each other."

Hestia replies saddened but with wisdom in her words.