
Torturous Love Making Part-II

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Room…


"You are hurt..." Elijah took a deep breath as he pulled his cutie pie close to him, and just buried his face on his cutie pie's neck.

"I am fine…." Mumbled Adrian as he hugged Elijah tightly in return, just to feel Elijah shaking his head, telling him that he did not believe it.

"Don't be so annoying, and just do me…." Adrian hissed as he grabbed Elijah by his hair.

Elijah glared at his cutie pie and gave him a kiss "Be good, we can do it next time after you are well."

Adrian smiled as he shoved Elijah down; put both of his hands on his Eli's chest, and rubbed his butt slowly onto his Eli's hard dick.

"Are you sure?" Asked Adrian while biting his lips.

Elijah just took a deep breath, as he held onto his cutie pie's butt and nodded his head without saying anything.