
Finally Making Love Part-II

Sector- X, Block- A.

Inside Adrian's Chaos Space...

Picking up his Ady on his hug, Elijah pulled his cutie pie's shirt off of his body, while Adrian kicked his pants and underwear away which were hung on his knee.

While their lips still did not stop and continued to kiss each other, as soon Elijah's clothes were gone from his body too.

Naked they sat hugging each other as their lips smooched each other, as slowly Adrian rubbed his ass onto the warm pole beneath him.

And feeling his Ady rubbing his ass onto his giant dick, Elijah couldn't help but want to pick his Ady and shove him right where he belongs, but controlling himself, he laid his Ady down as kissing he slowly went down.

From lips to neck, neck to chest, chest to stomach, stomach to cute little dick, and then from there to his cutie pie's ass, Elijah went kissing and licking everywhere.