
Dawn Of Astoria

[Musical Intro] Ohhh how can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I’ve become soo numb. Without a soul, my spirits sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home. Wake me up, wake me up inside, I can’t wake up. Wake me up insideee, saveee meee. Call my name and save me from the dark! .... Natalia Valdion, a young soon-to-be queen that was casted away from the Kingdom Of Astoria after she realized her true dream is to be best female Knight there ever was. So like every teenager during troubled times, she ran away and never came back - until many years later of course to revisit her past memories and to hopefully save their land from perishing by darkness. Natalia soon became enlisted in the 34th Knight Regiment and trained along side her new fellow friends. Galanore Urte, a massive body builder who happens to be a great knight. He’s enlisted as well in the 34th Knight Regiment and quickly becomes friends with Natalia after finding something mysterious that brings them closer together. A long-fulfilled journey is ahead of them. Blaine Leighton, an impressively skilled Captain of knights already serving in the 34th Knight Regiment. Quick like the wind and fierce like warriors, he’s an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. He promised himself he’d avenge his mother’s death after she got brutally murdered by flesh eating beasts that lurk in the shadows outside of the safety of the kingdom’s walls. Cole, a young brown-haired who’s timid and introverted. He enlisted enlisted in the 34th Knight Regiment to be a role model for all the other people who feel insecure about themselves; to prove once and for anyone can do what they set their minds do. Being new to the intense action of medieval war, he slowly learned to enjoy it and eventually mastered his craft of swordsmanship. .... Their lives were about to change. The presence of evil was after them. They must fight together to survive and prevail. Destroy the source of darkness. The Book Of Demons.

UNBROKEN · Book&Literature
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Aviane Market

Blaine, the infamous leader of the Banished Knights would finish putting on his advanced knight armor and replies "Good. You'll need armor and a sword. We'll stop by the nearest marketplace for that before you can meet the rest of the team."

Natalia was confused, realizing there was more of these mysterious knights wandering around picking battles and handling various tasks. Natalia could tell that him and these other people she'll meet aren't like any other knights. Something felt wrong about them but not knowing much, she ignored this gut feeling.

Who were they? And what did they do?

Constant questions from the woman's mind. Until she knew everything about them, this would worry her.

Soon enough it was time to head out towards the nearest marketplace in the middle of the barren desert. After untying the stallion from fence, Blaine hopped onto the horse, waiting until Natalia hopped onto the back of the horse behind him. They would gallop lightly forward to the Northern direction.

"Where to after the market?" she questioned.

"We're going north to meet with the rest of my team. We've got something to do at Kuliac Kingdom. One of my knight's is locked up there in the underground prison."

She couldn't help but wander what this task was all about.. With the season of being in the middle of Winter, she mentally prepared herself to be cold. The warm sunset hits them while lightly galloping forward for thirty minutes already, almost reaching their destination already.

Natalia asks "You guy's aren't regular knights are you?"

Blaine would slightly turn his head towards her in a suspenseful way, saying in a stern voice "You learn fast.. We're the Four Knights of Banishment. It's been a few years we've been all together. Had to stay low for a while.."

She'd curiously ask "Stay low from who? Who are you hiding from?"

"Where we come from, we were permanently banished from the Kuliac Kingdom for standing against the new ruthless king. Filled with anger, sorrow and gruel thoughts - there's no way we were serving under such a cruel man. Our journey ends when his head on a spike. The people will have no choice but to choose another king. A true rightful king." Blaine remarked.

Last question that was rightfully on her mind, "Shouldn't we be worried about people hunting us down? If this is a kingdom you're against they would have sent knights our way." she says.

"They are, yes. Which is why we shouldn't make too many unnecessary stops. We've gotta keep making good ground further away from them just until I can get all of my guy's together." Blaine said.

Natalia nods her head in agreement. Ten minutes later they would come across a busy marketplace almost in the middle of nowhere. The market being part of a small village known as Aviane Town. They both hopped off the horse and proceeded to head towards the armory store.

Once at the merchants table, Blaine pulls out a small black pouch of gold coins, slamming two coins onto the table and sternly points to the feminine golden armor set. A perfect fit for a blonde like herself. "That one.." he told the merchant. The strange merchant nods and takes the coins for himself.

Blaine would help her put on the golden knight's armor and gives her the sword before heading out once again, getting back on the horse. Blaine would suddenly gallop the horse a lot faster than before, taking off from this deserted village into the Northern direction again. She almost fell off, not being prepared to go so quick.

The two would been swiftly making their way past the desert after two hours and going into the tree-line of the misty forest. Soft green grass below them now while passing up trees every second until slowly stopping in their tracks in an opening where the tree's are not that close after Blaine hears a group of men on horses coming from behind them.

"They're here. Get ready to fight." he says.