
Dawn Of Astoria

[Musical Intro] Ohhh how can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core where I’ve become soo numb. Without a soul, my spirits sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home. Wake me up, wake me up inside, I can’t wake up. Wake me up insideee, saveee meee. Call my name and save me from the dark! .... Natalia Valdion, a young soon-to-be queen that was casted away from the Kingdom Of Astoria after she realized her true dream is to be best female Knight there ever was. So like every teenager during troubled times, she ran away and never came back - until many years later of course to revisit her past memories and to hopefully save their land from perishing by darkness. Natalia soon became enlisted in the 34th Knight Regiment and trained along side her new fellow friends. Galanore Urte, a massive body builder who happens to be a great knight. He’s enlisted as well in the 34th Knight Regiment and quickly becomes friends with Natalia after finding something mysterious that brings them closer together. A long-fulfilled journey is ahead of them. Blaine Leighton, an impressively skilled Captain of knights already serving in the 34th Knight Regiment. Quick like the wind and fierce like warriors, he’s an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. He promised himself he’d avenge his mother’s death after she got brutally murdered by flesh eating beasts that lurk in the shadows outside of the safety of the kingdom’s walls. Cole, a young brown-haired who’s timid and introverted. He enlisted enlisted in the 34th Knight Regiment to be a role model for all the other people who feel insecure about themselves; to prove once and for anyone can do what they set their minds do. Being new to the intense action of medieval war, he slowly learned to enjoy it and eventually mastered his craft of swordsmanship. .... Their lives were about to change. The presence of evil was after them. They must fight together to survive and prevail. Destroy the source of darkness. The Book Of Demons.

UNBROKEN · Book&Literature
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A New Life

When she woke up the next day, she had quickly realized that someone had took her somewhere else.

Natalia looked around, noticing she's in some sort of cozy small cabin in the middle of a thickened forest. It was raining hard outside, she was laying down on a bed with comfortable blankets and pillows nested perfectly for her. She tilted her head to the right and could see the faded light of a fireplace nearby on the other side of the wooden cabin.

Couldn't hear or see anyone though.

Natalia decided to stand up and slowly made her way to the other side of the cabin, walking up to what seemed to be the living room, noticing how no one is there so she looked around the corner until she see's a hooded figure of someone standing right outside on the porch, it was the mysterious stranger who saved her - who's quietly watching the rain come down onto the forest, enjoying how mellow it is.

Her heart started to beat faster and faster as she slowly approached him from behind, she carefully opened the door causing him to slightly turn his head towards her direction before looking forward again, saying "It's beautiful don't you think?"

She closed the door behind her and gently leaned up against the back of it, saying "It is.." A moment of silence passed by until he uncovered his hood, letting his stern attractive face and black straight hair be shown to her before saying, "Guessing you were searching for something out there?"

Natalia soon admitted to him that she was looking for a new life to live, wanting to leave behind her previous lifestyle of royalty behind. Hoping that she'd be able to trust him and become friends in the long run. That he won't just toss her away like a piece of useless garbage. After she told him everything, he nodded his head and turned to face her saying, "If you want, you can join me on my journey. Become a knight. Fight along side me."

She thought about it for a minute in silence.

Blaine would then approach her, taking off his black hooded coat and puts it over her shoulders before passing by her as he enters the cabin, saying "Get some rest. Think it over. Give me an answer by sunset." he slightly grinned and laid his sword down onto the table before laying down on the couch in the cozy living room.

All of this was happening so fast..

It was what she wanted but she barely knew this stranger at all and doesn't know anything about where he planned on taking her. It was scary to think about. This what she dreamt about though and she wasn't planning on giving up this chance for a new life so soon. Natalia has this gut feeling that the stranger's intentions are pure and she wants to believe that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her. That he was looking out for her - for some reason.

The next morning came upon them. You could see the sunset slowly rising in the distance away from the tree's that are partially blocking it. Blaine would turn his head at the sleeping woman as he proceeds to prepare himself for the trek ahead to meet up with the rest of the Banished Knights of Kuliac Kingdom.

She would wake up and see Blaine nearby putting on his unique dark knight's armor set, piece by piece. The blonde woman puts her hair in a tight bun after sitting upright, saying "I want you to join you. This journey of yours.."