
Dawn of a new world

follow Allen walker and daemon as they journey toward the four corners of the earth in search of his father,and the staff of Moses said to have great powers is it true or false, he later unveils the curtain shrouding the entire world

Daniel_Bello_8319 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter eight— Heaven descent

TWhat the hell?"

The sudden appearance of the tiger startled Allen he looked at daemon and Daniel with a ghostly expression

"Don't tell me you guys are going to fight that?

"Now is not the time to worry about that pick up that gun and move behind me now"

The inhuman vertical pupils of the beast suddenly shrank, it slowly bent its legs and muscles tense. a sense of oppressive power erupted from the tigers body,

"A ray of light quickly condensed forming a sword and a shield on daemon hand !"

Allen glanced at Daniel with contempt?

What are you looking at kid am also a tier three gifted,after speaking Daniel ignored him and looked at the Tiger, with piecing eyes

"Wind armour"

Layers of of light green light that looked like an "aurora",with shocking special effect slowly form an exquisite armour on his body

"Daniel clenched his other hand, blazing flames suddenly appeared, forming a flaming red sword!"

Allen was dumbfounded huh"…..you…you

Both of you stop joking around daemon looked at the tiger solemnly while shouting

"A terrifying coercion suddenly emanated from the tiger it stare at us with a fierce expression"

Daemon took the initiative to attack'


his figure suddenly disappears"

He suddenly appears at the back of the back of the lion


He swung his golden sword frantically bringing afterimages

Only a vague figure could be seen


"The tiger slowly shook his head and let out a terrifying roar shocking the air, the ground trembles slightly the air shook,"

Daemon figure quickly disappear,he reappear beside allen,at the moments his face was ugly and dignified, he said in a deep voice

Daniel take allen, away from here, am getting serious

The tiger looked at daemon ferociously


In an instant,the terrifying power in tiger body was released from it muscles and concentrated on it legs


The ground shattered within a few meters, and countless soil and vegetation were flying

Under the powerful anti shock force, the tiger instantly turns into a black shadow. Rushing to daemon in an instant.


Daemon quickly uses is shield to block the impact of the beast, He quickly uses the force of the attack to jump back gaining distance from the enemy,pointing his fingers to the sky he slowly said in a majestic and heavy voice

"Heaven decent"

A golden pillar pierce through the night sky illuminating the night as bright as day,

Turning his head suddenly, the ferocious tiger head pupils shrunk and his vertical pupil was attracted by the golden light.

Terrified, it froze and hurriedly tried to dodge.

Unfortunately, that golden light was so fast that even if it reacted quickly it won't have time to dodge it all


With a scream a ominous black shadow suddenly drill out of the tigers body forming a cocoon covering


Next second the golden light hit the tiger, the shockwave shook the air the ground tremble and crack,a burst of smoke came out covering the tiger

Squirting his eyes daemon looked at the smoke screen

Is it dead yet, Allen asked?

"Stay back am sure that won't kill it"

Daniel quickly carried allen and hung on a tree 500 meters away from them

At least we are safe here he lit a cigarette and pretended to be casual


After a few minute the smoke screen was clear revealing the tiger with a dark wound on it side of it belly it stared at daemon indifferently


The tiger suddenly roar towards the sky, dark red line filled the it entire body wrapping it and forming a cocoon the shell quickly broke as the tiger came out, it recover and it sense if oppression was stronger

Daemon looked at the tiger with a gloomy expression

Sighed I hate during this he slowly stab his sword into the ground and clenched his fist, rays of light visible to the naked eyes suddenly gathers in the air forming a golden battle suit,

The armour as a golden wings on his back with face of the armour covered and the eyes are inlaid with red crystal,daemon suddenly wave his sword in a circular motion, nine golden obes of light slowly formed at the back of daemon looking like little suns

"Holy armoires"

He took the initiative to attack grabbing one of the obs it shape suddenly change turning into a sword in the blink of an eye

The tiger shot at daemon like a sharp arrow leaving after images in the air


Daemon figure disappear leaving after images


The attack of the two collided, a deafening sound resounded through the sky and the energy aftermath made allen and Daniel hiding behind tremble

The tiger moved slashing his claw at daemon

But daemon was one step ahead without wasting a single time he jumped sideways and slashed at the tiger causing the tiger to feel a burst of pain in his abdomen

Daemon quickly tiptoe away from the tiger


The tiger roar as he disappears and appears behind daemon back before he could react and slam it iron claw at the armour of daemon,he flew out seven meters in a row and hit a rock so hard it crack


Bright red blood flowed out from his mouth

It's scarlet eyes stares at him, opening it force mouth it pounce on daemon, trying to swallow the latter in one breath

Looking at the tiger rushing, toward him daemon quickly dodge sideways,

He quickly move back,covering the injured part of his body with his palm soft golden light bath the wound it slowly starts to heal

Daemon eyes narrow as he stares at the tiger,he glanced at the ball flowing behind him

Looks like I have to use that technique to gain an upper hand

Stretching out his right hand, light enveloped the palm. As his though move the orbs began to fuse together and the light of his palm pour In continuously into the ball, and the mana in his body was also consumed rapidly

The golden fist light ball gradually began to change colour as more and more mana was injected into it.

White colour gradually dyed the ball of light.

The ball slowly falls on demon's right hand.

Daemon raised his palm, lowered his head and took one last look at the white ball, then with a thought, he opened a gap in front of the ball aimed at the tiger

Suddenly the white ball that was almost squeezed to the extreme deformed slightly.

Almost when the gal was open ,the ball exploded


A clear piercing whistle came from the white ball

A white beam shot out of the ball at such a speed people could not react


It hit the tiger, bringing destruction along it path several muffled sounds was heard a smoke screen covers the entire area