
Daughters of House Castellan

After acquiring a jade statue from a family gathering, our entire family transmigrated into a fantasy world! Follow our adventures in this new world as we learn new things, meet new people, fight powerful enemies and master our abilities. But first of all, we need to get used to our new names!

HazelRubi · Fantasy
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206 Chs

Chapter 145

The next morning, I was in my office listening to Klent, and Haktor's report. Miss Bloom, Milia, Elaheh, Marionne, Athanasia and Uriel were with us too.

"The when the guests woke up, we told them that they are under arrest for participating in an illegal auction and illegal trafficking. The items they have bought will be confiscated by House Castellan and they should contact the Archduke in regards to it. The necessary taxes shall be required for the buyers who wanted their items." Klent read his report. "We sent them back with some knights after they signed the papers you gave us."

"Good." I nodded. "What about the employees and the guards?"

"For the waiters, we took down all information about them which surprisingly, they were really just employees hired from the Red Street. The Auctioneer, he was one of Karciel's men, same with the guards. The women who were escorts, on the other hand, are ladies that Karciel had kidnapped or sold to him by their family and were thrown into the whorehouse where they are still staying right now, under Miss Bloom." Klent replied.

"Okay." I pursed my lips and thought for a moment. "What do you think Athy?"

Athy tapped her finger on the chair.

"The whorehouses are to be taken down, except for Madam Bloom's." Athy replied. "She can use it as her office, the girls there will be more than enough to take information out of guests and we could train them to be good at it. She's good with that business and it will be a good front for her and a good meeting place for our men."

"Huh?" I looked at my little sister in confusion. "Wait, I don't follow."

"Of course you don't." Athy rolled her eyes sarcastically then turned to Miss Bloom who had a thoughtful look on her face. "What do you think?"

"I think that what you wanted is possible, Lady Athy." Miss Bloom said with a coquettish smile. "But to be able to attain it, we would need a lot of girls we could trust to be the 'mothers' of all those houses. Also, the number of girls with great beauties, intelligence, talents and ability to keep their mouths shut to work for the houses. I don't think we could find ones in a short time."

"We don't have to find new ones." Athy said expressionlessly. "We could just make do with the ones that we have right now, we will just need to train for mothers. At the moment, you can do the checking for the places where we could place the houses. You can do the rest based on that right?"

"Yes, Lady Athanasia." Miss Bloom nodded.

"All the funds you need for the startup will be shouldered by House Castellan, after you can sustain for yourself, right?" Athy glanced at her and Miss Bloom nodded.

"I will send the information to.. "Miss Bloom paused and glanced at me before resuming what she was saying. "you then, Lady Athy?"

Athy gently nodded. "If it is regarding the business, you can come to me or sister Uriel. If it is regarding the safety and security of our people, report directly to eldest sister Mel."

"Or anyone of the other generals." I added. "But I still do not understand about the houses. Are you planning to make a chain of whorehouses all over the kingdom?"

"The kingdom?" Athy snorted coldly and shook her head. "No sister, I'm talking the about the entire continent."

"With a whorehouse in all kingdoms, we could get information about that kingdom and use it for ourselves." Miss Bloom explained. "We could use it as a business, information selling."

"That is indeed good." I said. "An information network that goes on to every kingdom. It is indeed a good plan."

"We would know who bought the information as well as what they do with it." Athy spoke seriously. "And we would know who are buying information and could control the release of information about us."

"Hmmm.." I thought for a moment. "What do you all think?"

The plan included having s3x workers, I do not wish to offend any of my knights and so I asked for their opinions too.

"I have a question, my lady." Marionne, who was keeping quiet the whole time, spoke. "Are we going to use the women Karciel kidnapped to continue working as a prostitute?"

"Not really." Miss Bloom answered her, her face all serious. "We will send home anyone who wishes to go home, but we will erase their memories of the information system. If they are not willing to work or want to stop working, we will give them a separation pay and will not stop them."

"So working there will be by choice?" Uriel asked, also not very fond of the idea of keeping the kidnapped girls working as a prostitute.

"Yes, the ladies who will work will receive the best skin care, the best education and training all for free." Miss Bloom answered. "Since most girls would be getting into this kind of job due to lack of education or being sold by their families, they should at least receive education and training that they could use when the time they leave comes, right?"

"Good idea, Miss Bloom." I nodded. "You can find the proper teachers for them. For this business, everything will be up to you and no connection to House Castellan will be known, unless your safety is in question. Understood?"

"Yes, lady Athanasia." Miss Bloom nodded.

"Is everyone in agreement with this?" I asked and looked at everyone.

Haktor and the other men nodded without complaints.

"As long as there are no women forced to do something they do not want to, I would also agree." Marionne said with determination which Uriel nodded.

"Then it's settled what to do for the information division, now let's get back to the other employees of Karciel." I returned the topic back to where it started.