
Dating Sim System In Different Worlds[DROPPED]

Joseph Holmes did not know how he died if there is something that he knows is that he is not in his original world anymore. Suddenly a sound ring inside his head. *Ding* [DSS: Welcome to the world of Rising of Shield Hero] [DSS: The four heroes have their weapons as a starter, to be fair you will receive a not so random skill in 3...2...1] [DSS: *Active Skill: Emotion Manipulation Received*] -- Disclaimer: I own nothing...but Joseph.

Mister_Ren · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 6 - Becoming a king?

While flying up in the sky Joseph thought, 'Now that I think about it, I don't need an alias this is not a superhero world.'

Joseph lands in the middle of the town causing surprise to nearby people. Unlike any other protagonists Joseph is not hiding his powers at all, he doesn't care if anybody sees what he can do.

"Where did he come from?" an unknown bearded man asked his friend beside him.

"I've seen him in the sky and landed here, Is he one of the heroes?" the friend of the bearded man replied.

"Hurry up and report to the king!" The knight leader shouted. He is patrolling around to find who beat up the princess and the spear hero, and coincidently the person he is searching lands in front of him.

The Knight leader was a tall, well-built, and middle-aged (or older) man with a blonde mustache and more pronounced facial features.

"Knights! Surround him." The knight leader ordered.

Around twenty knights wearing light armor and equipped with spear and swords surround Joseph.

Joseph just smirk and asked, "Why? did I do something wrong?"

The knight leader comes forward to Joseph and answers, "You are guilty of injuring one of the four cardinal heroes and the princess in this country." while scanning Joseph from head to feet. He had to admit that Joseph looks like a noble, so he didn't answer rudely.

"Where is your proof?" Joseph questioned.

"Many witnesses have seen you talking to the spear hero and the princess, If you can just come with us, this won't have to turn into a fight," The knight leader suggests with fear on his tone and thought, 'He is very dangerous, his eyes there is no light only darkness."

Joseph smile thought that what's more fun than trolling the king and the three heroes.

"Lead the way captain," Joseph said calmly.

"Follow me," The knight leader said and thought, 'I think I am doing some grave mistake here, he didn't even resist."


Joseph was brought inside the palace in front of the king.

Joseph sees the sword hero, Ren Amaki, and the bow hero, Itsuki Kawasumi, but didn't see the spear hero and the princess.

Ren has short black hair that falls flat on his head and kind blue eyes previously looking cold and distant. He was described to suit the role of the protagonist of dimensional-cross stories from bishounen manga and anime.

He primarily wears simple clothing consisting of light clothing underneath and darker clothing on his exterior. When traveling he seems to bring a simple breastplate attached with a blue cape.

Itsuki has short light brown curly hair and dull golden eyes. He appears to primarily wear a sleeveless tunic with light clothing underneath. Additionally, he wears thin leather gloves, leather boots, and a green hood-like cape attached around his neck and right shoulder.

Everyone was silent until the king started to talk, "What is your..." Joseph didn't even let the king finish before he started to walk towards the king. The knights block his path but no avail they died with Joseph single punch, as Joseph keeps walking to the throne slowly.

"Hey! heroes protect me," the king ordered while panicking.

Ren dashes forward to Joseph ready to slash him with his sword, but Joseph was faster, Joseph uses his left hand to holds Ren's neck and lift him above effectively choking him.

"Look I've caught a sword hero," Joseph said while smiling.

Ren is struggling like a fish, desperately trying to breathe, but Josephs's hold on his neck is unbreakable.

Itsuki arrows just bounce on Joseph's body like they're made of rubber, not even causing a scratch.

Joseph keeps walking towards the king until he reaches the shriveling king and said, "That's my seat," pointing to the throne.

"ha...have you gone mad!?" the king shouted at Joseph.

"Move or die, your choice, you have three seconds," Joseph said emotionlessly.

The king hurriedly moves, base on Josephs's action before, he will be killed if he resists.

Joseph then sits on the throne and said, "Now, we can begin this trial." Joseph said while smiling. he then let go of Ren's neck causing Ren to desperately breathe for oxygen.