
Date Fight ~~

HolyCaramelGirl777 · Teen
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16 Chs


Crypto and Flame decided that today was the day they were going to remove their False Identity Files that the Syndicate has used for years. They were tired of living a life in fear, pain and agony. They wanted to be free, They wanted to start a marriage together, They wanted to be happy. But They can't do any of these things when the Syndicate is always on your ass.

-In The UHB-

The Crew decided to stop slacking and start hacking. But before all of that, Crypto and Flame decided to tell all the Legends their exciting news (About their relationship). Almost Every Legend was happy for them, Some didn't understand and Some just didn't accept it at all, But That was the least of Crypto and Flame's concern. All that mattered to them was... Love, Freedom and Passion.

Flame was hacking on her computer when she actually found some source code that led directly towards the Syndicate's hidden base or SHB for short. As it turns out, The Syndicate also had a hidden base. If The crew could find a way into the base then maybe they could erase all the false information the Syndicate has on them. If the crew was going to do it, They needed a plan and they needed one fast.

"I know, Why don't we set off 100,000 bombs so then they'll have no choice but to try and stop the noise while we sneak into their base, Boom." Octane just kept blabbering about oh who knows what. "Sounds like a good Idea but what if that doesn't work?" Mirage was just making sure that Octane knew what he was getting them into. "Where are the bombs going to be located exactly?" Crypto just had to ask (He wouldn't be surprised if Octane had planned to blow them all up). "In the Base... Duh" Octane started laughing until he realized no one else was laughing instead they were rather more serious than goofy. "Why would we blow up the base we're trying to go into, Tavi!?" Vivica obviously wasn't joking at all. "Ayy, Calm down, Chica." Octane said poking her which didn't last long because Crypto pulled her away from him.

"Ey, Amigo Don't worry, I'm not so interested in your Chica." Octane jokingly poked at Crypto who obviously wasn't joking at all. Octane noticed that Crypto's facial expression wasn't changing at all so he just rolled his eyes and kept it pushing. Octane obviously knew Crypto would be the overprotective boyfriend type, I mean look at him... This is coming from Octane after all, Everything Octane says is right (At least to him)

The Crew stayed up all night deciding on a "Perfect Plan." They weren't really tired though so they could last a couple more hours or so. Octane's plan was with bombs, Mirage's plan was with Decoys, Crypto couldn't really think of one other than anonymously hacking into their security system so they could find a way in without setting anything off. Flame had an Idea, One that could actually work, One that Crypto definitely liked, Flame thought of a plan where They could go into the Syndicate's hidden base but before hand, They would disable all Camera, Security traps and Alarms. The Crew would then go into the Base eliminate any remaining guards and then start hacking their way into the computers, After deleting the files they would find the false paper evidence, remove their Identities and then they would be good to go. (Or they could always just move somewhere else... JK)

She also mentioned how she could always just self-destruct and basically restart her and The crew's lives from the beginning... "That's a great Idea, But isn't it risky though?" Mirage asked then everyone went silent... "You know that's not going to happen, Don't be an Idiot..." Crypto tried to sound as caring as possible (which didn't really matter because he knew he could never be mad at her) He put his hand on her cheek and gave her a small peck on her lips...

Crypto wasn't so sure as to why he did that but, He loved it... I mean he was more redder than a tomato! (My mans about to get laid... Finally) Crypto grabbed Flame's hand but quickly let go because she was heating up so bad that fire was a rising from her skin. "Heh, You ok? Did I catch you off guard?" Crypto tried to play off his embarrassment. Flame started to cool down a bit and decided to grab Crypto's hand and they started walking outside the HQ, Mirage and Octane followed Them. They were gonna end this once and for all.