
Date Fight ~~

HolyCaramelGirl777 · Teen
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16 Chs


The Crew arrived at the Bunker, They already finished plan A but now the problem was far worse than any typical Syndicate move, It was Mr. Silva and he definitely wasn't going to let any of them get away!

Crypto Pov

Octane approached his Father with an angry look on his face (Yes he took his mask off), I can't help but to hold onto Vivica, even though we're surrounded, I would rather die instead of letting her risk her own life for me. She's in this mess because of Me anyways, She told me it was risky but What's risky to someone who begs for Freedom?! I used to always think it's worth dying for if it means the world to you and Vivica means... (No, Why am I thinking like this?! We'll get out of this Alive... I promised her that)

Mirage Pov

We've been fighting (For almost 2 hours) While Octane has been arguing with his father, I felt kind of Dizzy, I could've sworn I fainted... I could only hear the  screaming of my fellow companions, I couldn't give up on them, They helped me so I have to repay them. I slowly started regaining my consciousness, I slowly got on my feet, but everything was blurry.

Flame Pov

It was no use, My friends, My Family, My Life were all in danger... My Friends kept fighting and fighting, The Syndicate wasn't going to be an easy battle, We needed Back up... So I called the one and only, My Sister... I couldn't help but notice Crypto was starting to lose focus. I had to help him (and Mirage too). I care about Him (And Mirage and Octane too) I blushed at the thought of Crypto caring about me as well... But Me getting emotional and lovely was at the least of My Priority, I needed to help them ASAP!

-After like 5 Rounds of Fighting-

Glacier been arrived to help the Crew, If Flame and Glacier combined their powers, They would be able to kill off the Majority of the Syndicate... Which They did. "Come on Vivica, Let's kill these Sons Of Bitches!" Glacier didn't mind Murder as long as it was necessary. Although Flame wasn't exactly a murder, Glacier convinced her that this was self defense, After all the syndicate are trying to kill them. "Hey you guys, Get out of here, If you get caught in this you'll die!" Glacier was telling Crypto, Mirage and Octane to at least stay 100 miles away from the explosion.

Octane Pov

That Explosion was Insanely Huge plus not to mention AWESOME. I couldn't hold back, I Just had to get into that explosion!

But Unfortunately some people just won't let me and Then Che would just ramble on and on about how I shouldn't have done that and Blah Blah. We got to go back though, After the explosion was done, WHICH WAS NO FUN! (Angry Face)

After some time Octane got a call from Lifeline, She was asking Them if they were aware that Flame and Glacier where at the HQ? Without hesitation The boys decided to head towards the HQ. "How did They get there?!" Mirage asked Nervously. "When The Explosion happened, They must have self-destructed... It's possible that they could've respawned at the HQ." Crypto assured Mirage and Octane that this definitely wasn't the first time this has happened.

The Boys are on their way to the HQ, But Little do They know that there's a surprise waiting for Them there. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)