
Date•A•LIVE Fragment II: Date•A•THRONE

In a alternate universe Shido dies leaving many of the spirits to rampage as an inverse. Five years later Tsumijuichi Seigino meets Tenka, the inverse Spirit who says she wants to find someone important to her. Tsumijuichi decides to help her if only to get back at the person responsible for the calamity of the past five years and the abrupt change of his formerly normal life. "I agree to help you look for this person who is important to you, if only to stop you from destroying my home" "I can accept this" "Good let's begin our search"

pyritenemo000 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Vision in Violet

"Alright here's your order, one venti Grapey Grape & Tea Jelly Frappuccino with two Breakfast Biscuits," the barista said cheerfully as she handed him the bag and cup filled with magenta colored contents. The customer who received it had white hair and cranberry red eyes. He was taller than the barista who blushed ever so slightly upon making eye contact.

"Thanks, have a great day" Tsumijuichi said as he left.

He was on his way to high school, he was actually enjoying life in Tengu City despite the constant threat of Space Quakes. For some reason just thinking about them made him get an unnatural rush of energy. His hair was an ash white gradient with black roots, his eyes a crimson red. He enjoyed his frappuccino sipping from the straw and was staring at his phone reading the News. Not that stuff about stolen cars was that interesting.

After going through all the effort to arrive at school, the first period of the day was made a study hall. Tsumijuichi didn't mind this and went to the park near the school grounds. It wasn't unusual for the first class of a day to be made a study hall, but the unpredictability made it hard to assume when a good time to bring a few extra things like earbuds and his iPod would be nice.

He opened his laptop and turned it on about to begin studying. Of course his peaceful Wonderful morning had to be ruined by a certain alarm. The Spacequake alarm went off and there went his morning break writing up an essay.

"seriously?!" he yelled at no one in particular.

A number of people- a mix of students and teachers from his school ran by. Notably not a single one glanced in his direction. Guess they didn't really care. He was about to follow when he saw something that made him stop.

Before him appeared a beautiful girl clad in dark purple armored clothes with a deep purple translucent skirt. Her stature as she flew was graceful and almost artistic. A sign she'd done it thousands of times.

"A Flying gir..!" he gasped, tripping over his school bag.

"Fuck! I forgot that was there," he cursed. He looked up again and immediately noticed her deep purple hair, cold expression and a really large sword.

Seeing the sword made him gulp. It almost took away from the fact that her skirt was see through, which respectfully he avoided looking at.

'The source of calamity and destruction.' The TV and radio warnings that were broadcast went off in his mind.

'To be avoided at all costs.'

With the Spirit and Subsequently Space quakes increasing for some reason over the last five years the government seemed to have no choice but to tell the public about the severity of the threat.

"But Why?! why is she here now?!" he blurted stupidly.

'A space quake!? Everything was normal a second ago?!'

She swung the sword right as what he assumed were AST members. He recalled them to be mentioned to fight Spirits. But surely that girl wasn't a Spirit. He stayed hidden in the trees and watched as the Violet clad girl had no difficulty picking them apart.

She seemed to scan the area as though looking for something then abruptly decided whatever it was wasn't there.

As a consequence for not having what she wanted she swung her sword and immediately everything to Tsumijuichi's right a few feet away was reduced to a pile of rubble with an ear shattering explosion.

Following this a hole in space opened up and much to Tsumijuichi's terror he fell through it screaming the entire time.

His form disappeared into the void. Falling through he landed unceremoniously on a grass hill overlooking a City. He noticed that next to him was the bag of the two biscuits, no doubt they were crushed now. He gently picked it up wishing he hadn't drunk his frappuccino so quickly.

"oh you came with me...." she said like it was an afterthought. Like he was an afterthought.

He sat up abruptly "where the Hell am I?"

"This is the place I am brought to when I am not in your world." the girl answered simply.

"No way I'm staying in this alternate dimension or whatever! take me back!"

She looked at him oddly before deciding, "I cannot control where or when I will return there odds are you will likely be attacked should you successfully return,"

Tsumijuichi remembered the girls in Mecha suits attacking his surprise kidnapper. He didn't want to die because of a misunderstanding. What if they assumed he was a Spirit and killed him?

"fine then. if we're stuck together at least tell me your name," Tsumijuichi sulked.

"... Tenka. Tenka Yatogami"

"...." Tsumijuichi started at Tenka.

"...." Tenka stared at Tsumijuichi.

At that moment the tense atmosphere, the feeling of deja Vu dissipated because --

A stomach growling.

it was Tenka's.

"Here." Tsumijuichi held out the bag of biscuits he had to her.

"!!?" Tenka's expression morphed to surprise.

"Take it. I won't offer it again," he said holding out the bag to her while looking in the opposite direction. She grabbed the bag, reached in without hesitation and placed a piece of broken biscuit in her mouth.

"I wasn't planning on sharing them, but you can have them" he remarked.

Tenka glared at him. He had his back to her and thus remained unfazed.

'This place.... the layout reminds me of the city I just left.' he thought ignoring Tenka as she ate.

"Before you were looking for something or someone, right?" he asked.

Tenka looked at him coldly as if wondering whether or not she should answer.

"that person... I remember someone... and I know that they are important to me," she voiced still eating. "I'm going to find them again, so I can figure out why," she decided.

"I'll help you look for whoever it is you're trying to find. if only to make them repay me for endangering my life and causing such frustration and distress to someone as powerful as you," Tsumijuichi remarked.

"Are you two going to talk or become interesting by killing each other?" a girl's voice asked.

"Killing each other?! why would we do that?" Tsumijuichi asked, and shuddered at the thought because it undoubtedly would be more like Tenka killing him. Except that 'killing' was an understatement.

The girl stepped forward from behind some trees. Her hair was blonde but the ends were dyed teal green, the bright colors contrasting with her pale skin. Her eyes were teal like her hair and her expression teemed with amusement; as though she were the type to smile often. She carried a large mallet and was leaning on it like it was a cane. Her clothes were yellow and orange with pieces of armor mixed in.

"were you spying on us?" Tsumijuichi asked.

Tenka looked as though she could care less, contradicting Tsumijuichi's surprise.

"I figured you were participants in the killing game and that I should size up my competition," she said as if that reasoning made perfect sense.

"A killing game?" He blurted.

"I see so you aren't part of the Killing game hosted by the Doll Master then," she sounded very disappointed.

However Tsumijuichi grinned. "That's it! we can go into the city and look for clues about your mystery person and you get to kill people just like you want! win-win!"

Tenka stared at him as if what he just said did not compute.

"What do we need to do to get in on this?" he asked the girl.

"we? I haven't said yes yet " Tenka commented.

The other girl, likely also a Spirit tutted as if scolding a child.

"You can't get in you need a special invitation,"

Tsumijuichi flinched "uh--invitation?"

"mmhmm" she nodded her yellow to green curls shaking with her head.

"one of these" she held up hers proudly. It was a thick almost entirely decorative card with a set of numbers, a location perhaps. It probably also had her name on it, though he wasn't given the chance to read it seeing as she waved the card around; flaunting it before them.

Tsumijuichi blanched. No doubt there was a limited number of those that had gone around.

Tenka studied the girl, she didn't see anything remotely remarkable warranting her getting a special invitation for anything.

"a special invitation, then" Tenka said calmly.

"Alright have fun with your killing game," Tsumijuichi responded obviously disappointed they would have to start from scratch and comb the City with very little information. It was going to be an exhausting search and find game they were playing. But it was too late to back out now.

"Do whatever you think is best --" he started.

But apparently Tenka heard those words and acted upon the solution she came to herself.

Within a few seconds she'd summoned her weapon -- that big ass sword that wiped out what he estimated to be a third of the City before. Behind her was a dark colored throne.

"eh? T-tenka?" he blinked. Abruptly and rudely he was shoved out of the way.

The other girl also looked surprised.

"I think you're a little bit confused --" she started.

He fell over about the same time as Tenka sliced, cutting through the girl like she was paper. Watching the girl fall backward seemed to play out in slow motion. An object fell out of her chest. It had a crystal like shape and was a deep purple in color. Almost matching Tenka's hair.

"Don't you think that was a bit much?" he asked standing.

Tenka held the invitation in her other hand. He stared at it "well I guess if it solves the problem..."

"But we should at least give her a proper burial."

Tenka stared at the space the girl was.

"She- she vanished!" Tsumijuichi exclaimed when he looked too. The crystal remained however.

"Do we still have to bury her?" Tenka asked calmly.

"....." he decided not to answer.

it's too bad I didn't learn her name..." he remarked instead.

"I don't have any way to mark her grave." he lamented.

He picked up the crystal about to dig a shallow hole and bury it but much to his horror it began to vanish into his body.


"Silence! if you stop and think for just a --" Tenka blurted.

"The thing that came out of that girl is going inside me!" he interrupted waving his arm as though that would make the crystal come out.

"Surely you know a way to -" he stopped seeing her expression and silence.

Tenka didn't say anything at all, clearly this was beyond her.

He gulped nervously and stared at his hand, the crystal was almost completely gone now.

He didn't seem any different he thought as the last of the crystal completely vanished, presumably somewhere inside him now.

"Since you wanted to go to the Killing game so badly perhaps someone there can have it removed if it bothers you so much" Tenka mused finally.

he paused "Maybe,"

"or Maybe it isn't so simple as I wish," he muttered.

Well I said I'd debut this story after my birthday. Now that that hectic day is done I can shower you all with content.

Apologies in advance for Tenka being out of character.

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