

I own this story , This story is also available on fanfiction. Net under another pen-name of mine.


A scream of pain tore Obrunik from his thoughts , A crushing grip on his hand made him look down to the culprit .

Medical droids rushed around as Nox looked at the blonde haired woman laying on the sterile table Infront of him .

Her hair was damp with sweat , Her wild sulphuric eyes blazing akin to pools of molten lava.

She convulsed once more as a care taker droid slowly made it's way over .

" Deep breaths Lana " Nox rubbed his thumb across the back of the woman's hand as she grit her teeth and glared at him .

" This is ... your fault " Her voice came out horse and low , Eye shadow bleeding down her tan skin in trails of wet tears .

" I'm sorry love " Nox whispered , His own molten eyes contorted to convey the love he felt for the woman .

Lana didn't respond as another contraction rocked her senses , A scream tearing from her mouth which shook the room .

They were in the tenth hour of labour , Having been on Odessan when his loves water broke mid way through a meeting .

Both Nox and Arcann had carried Lana through to the lab of Dr Oggurobb , The hutt had began to panic , Sending scientists and droids around immediately, Clearing a room deeper in the mountain that their base stood for medical procedures .

Arcann stood outside the room they were currently within , Guarding diligently as everyone else prepared for the birth of emperor Nox's and Lana beniko's child .

His musing was cut short as echoes erupted throughout the force , Coming from both Lana and the child wanting out of its mother .

He focussed on the second presence , Leaking formidable power and an absurd connection to the force , Nox could feel his son , His son in turn had his attention on his father , An almost instinctual familial connection between the two .

Nox closed his eyes once more as he sent soothing waves of comfort through the force to both mother and child .

Using his chaotic aura to his advantage to amplify the affect he wished to achieve.

Slowly he watched Lana relax , Accepting the soothing affect her husband sent out .

The rest of the caretaker droids came into the room,. Carrying sanitised and clean equipment along with fresh towels , The head nurse droid coming around to where Lana's legs were spread .

" You appear to be entering the final stages of contractions , Your child is in optimal position to begin crowning " The nurse droid announced as it analysed both Lana and their child .

" You hear that dear , He's almost here " Nox knelt down as he put a hand to Lana's forehead .

A bitter chuckle escaped the woman's pale lips as she sent a half hearted glare at her lover " About damn time "

" I require you to begin pushing lady beniko " The droid announced as yet another contraction brought a world of pain to Lana .

" Push dear " Nox soothed as the woman did as she was told , A scream escaping her as she attempted to crush Nox's hand in her own .

" Push " Nox repeated as his wife tensed once more , Her brow contorting as pain ruptured her .

" I ... am " Lana repeated through clenched teeth as the nurse droid went to work .

" He's crowning " The droid announced as Nox smiled for a second before returning his attention to the woman currently crushing the bones in his hand .

The force ruptured once more , Echoing across the galaxy as his child announced his arrival to every force sensitive within range .

Another pained scream escaped Lana as she continued to push , The nurse droid ordering others of its kind to retrieve blankets and pads .

" Almost there lady beniko " The droid encouraged as it used it's specifically designed intranets to assist in the delivery of their child , Muscle relaxants enabling a safer environment for both mother and child .

Small multi digit fingers entered Lana's nether regions manourvering around the almost ready child as the droid contorted Lana's birth canal , The muscle relaxants making it easier for the droid to assist .

" He's ready your majesty " The nurse droid announced as she was prepared to deliver the baby .

A small nod from Lana was all Nox needed , Ordering the droid to deliver his son .

It took moments , But Lana's screaming and tremors was all Nox needed to know about how painful the entire ordeal was for her .

For Lana it felt like eons of enduring nothing but pain , In reality to took little over half a day , But in the end , It had to be done , And as the wracking pain left her , Her head slammed into the pillow beneath her head , Small shallow breaths leaking from her soft lips .

The wails of their baby drew her attention , Watching the nurse droid finish it's duties , Wrapping their son in a pure white towel and gently hand him to Nox .

Slowly her lover approached , His attention solely on the bundle in his arms , Gently kneeling down beside Lana so she could get a good look .

Shifting his grip slightly , Lana was gifted the sight of a whimpering boy , A full head of pitch black hair , Closed eyes and a tanned complexion .

" He looks ... just like you " Lana smiled , Gazing at her son with nothing but pure affection .

" And you too " Nox chuckled as he was offered a chair courtesy of a nurse droid .

" What have you decided is his name " Lana asked , Nox shaking his head in response .

" I haven't , This is something we should both decide on " Nox retorted , The exhausted woman smiling gently " So do you have any ideas love "

Lana squinted for a few moments , Opening her mouth to reply .

" I was thinking ... "

She never got to finish her sentence as Nox's eyes widened , The man shooting from his chair before pushing their son onto Lana's chest as gently as he could before covering both his son and Lana under himself .

He had time for nothing else as their world's became askew in white light , His skin instantaneously melting from his body as his fat exploded , Muscle eroding away to nothingness before his bones were bleached as they were exposed to nuclear fire .


" Wake up "

Nox awoke with a gaping breath of air , Chest heaving as he lay sprawled on the floor .

Sizzling sounding in his newly regenerated ears as stone boiled below him .

He groaned , Rolling onto his side as muscle stitched itself together over his arms , Frail on their looks as fat stores had yet to regrow . He looked gaunt and frail as he felt the bones within his arms grind together .

" What ... happened " Nox looked up , The room they were previously in had been vaporised , Sunlight beamed down apon him , Obscuring his vision for a few moments before he could see once more .

Scrap metal lay around the room , Pieces of droids and a lone remaining nurse droid sat in the corner of the room deactivated .

" Lana " His voice came out as a mere whisper , The vocal folds in his neck still reforming .

" He's gone " Her voice came to his ears , Causing him to look to his immediate right , Seeing the single person he truly loved sitting with her back against what remained of one of the walls , Beams had punctured her chest and stomach as she struggled to draw breath .

She refused to acknowledge her injuries however as she held their son , unmoving and silent , Laying in her crossed arms as she simply stared at him .

Nox grunted as he forced his body to move , Fingers snapping , Having not yet healed as bones burst through his frail flesh , He cared not however as he dragged himself across the ground .

The stumps of his legs left trails of blood and flesh scattered , He payed no mind to them however as he joined Lana , Hoisting what remained of his earthly body against the wall , Looking down at the bundle of the unified love still in her arms .

" He's gone ... " Lana repeated the single fraise as tears welled in Nox's regenerating eyes .

" He's ... " Nox refused to finish however , struggling to tears his eyes away from his son as he finally registered Lana's state .

A bitter chuckle escaped Lana as she seemed to sag .

" I won't be too far behind will I ... love " Lana's breathing began to slow as blood spurted from one of the hollow beams " I don't ... want to ... go "

Slowly she reached for Nox's shoulder .

" Please love ... I know ... you'll survive this ... take me ... with you , Our time ... isn't ... up yet " Nox shuddered as he reached out to cup her face , Her refusal to pass on customary for any sith , Yet he couldn't fault her .

" Is this ... what you want " Nox asked as his fingers mended themselves together with vicious cracks per finger .

" If I have to go ... I don't want to spend the rest ... of my time in chaos ... I want ... to be one ... with you ... I will have ... a purpose ... even in ... death " Lana whispered as Nox let a single tear drop from his right eye .

" Okay ... I love you " Nox whispered , Leaning close to his lover as he captured her lips with his own .

The two stayed like that for a few moments , Sharing a final heated moment before Lana drew back .

" Do it now " Lana pushed , Feeling her body beginning to shut down " Take it ... all "

Nox raised his right thumb to Lana's forehead , His other to her abdomen before doing something he never wished to ever do .

He watched with sorrowful eyes as he drained her lifeforce from her body , Her skin paling as her own skin became taunt and hung loosely from her body , Her eyes sunken while her hair fell freely from her head .

What remained was an emaciated corpse , The poles still remaining in her chest as her arms fell to her side uselessly .

Nox himself rose from his position , Having used what remained of her lifeforce to accelerate his regeneration.

He stared as her body for a few more moments before the second stage of her request was able to be fullfilled .

Lana appeared in a pale hued see through apparition , Her eyes low as she too stared at what remained of herself .

" Are you ready " Nox's voice was solemn but deep , The blonde woman nodding as he turned to her apparition " Then let us begin "

A purple haze surrounded his arms as the woman closed her eyes , The same purple haze surrounding her body as both their eyes glowed iridescent purple .

She was dragged into the air painlessly as Nox finished the force walking ritual , Her apparition exploding into motes of energy that were absorbed by Nox in streams of energy .

He closed his eyes as he focussed , Subduing her personality, Rendering her comatose within him until he was ready for her to awaken .

" Guard her , Make sure she sleeps well " Nox ordered as Erghast appeared behind him .

Nox popped the joints in his back , Swivelling in place before marching through the doorway of the medical room , Not caring in the slightest that he was in the nude .

Explosions echoed and shook the ground from up ahead , The stone tunnel around him cracking as rubble fell from ahead .

The flash of a grenade registered in his eyes as a vibrant blue flash .

Nox squinted as he came into the lab of Dr Oggurobb , A wince coming to his face at what he saw .

Arcann stood beside Khem Val and his rival deshade Ak'ghal , The servant of Tulak horde heaving his vibro-blade and cutting a republic soldier in half with one fell swoop .

Ak-ghal howled as he grabbed a Jedi sentinal by the shoulders , Heaving the screaming woman into the air before tearing her in half at the waist , Tossing what remained to the side .

The vengeful Ak seemed to reach his limit as Nox slowly came closer , Dropping to one knee as his eyes scanned their surroundings .

Infact from what Nox could see , All three of his companions seems to be on their last legs , Arcann only having one arm , Shirtless while he had his lower right leg completely removed from his body , A steel pole wedged into his flesh to serve as a crude replacement .

Khem Val had a gaping hole in the side of his body and one eye remaining in his skull,. His flesh burnt and peeling from his body , No doubt from the nuclear explosion that tore through the hallways of their building .

Ak fell to the side as his chest heaved up and down , Looking over to Khem with a an amused chuckle .

{ It seems this time ... you're the better hunter } Ak spoke in the deshade language , Khem solemnly hobbling over as republic troopers continued to pour into the lab .

Ak didn't give any further resistance , Passing on as a Jedi took his chance and cleaved Ak'Ghals head from his body .

This enraged Khem as the assassin tossed his vibro-blade through the chest of the smug Jedi , Tearing the Jedis head from his body with his segmented jaw before back handing a republic soldier into a nearby wall .

Arcann weaved his yellow lightsaber masterfully around himself , Redirecting blaster fire that rained down apon him from afar .

The new members of havoc squad tossed several grenades at both Arcann and Khem , The ex Zakuulan emperor hurling the ones thrown at him back at their sender's while he locked blades with a Jedi battle master .

Khem Val however was unable to redirect the grenades thrown at him as the plasma erupted over his body Ina. fiery explosion , Singeing his flesh as he released a bellow and made a dead sprint for the arriving havoc squad .

Seeing the danger they were in , The squad aimed everything they had at Khem , Three gattling cannons firing continuously at the deshade .

The deshade made it halfway through the room as the new havoc squad leader hefted a rocket launcher onto his shoulder and immediately fired apon the enraged monster .

Nox stumbled back as the rocket impacted the deshade , Sending the hunter killer sprawling as havoc squad riddled him with blaster fire.

Arcann was unable to help as he was forced to hold off two more Jedi alongside the Battle-master .

Nox wearily found himself back on his feet , Ears ringing as he refused to look away from the fallen Khem , The deshade seemingly sensing him as the hunter killer looked towards him .

" You bring honour to both me and hord Khem ... You did well " Nox mouthed to the hunter killer , Knowing the deshade could understand .

Khem gave a small chuckle , Slumping over as the life died in his eyes .

Nox closed his eyes as Arcann to seemed to reach his limit , The Jedi Battle-master sweeping his crude replacement for a leg out from under him .

Arcann grunted as the Battle-master wasted no time , Plunging his weapon into Arcann's chest as the man severed at the Jedi .

Everything was a daze for Nox as he watched , The Zakuulan man snarling as a torrent of yellow coloured lightning exploded off of him , Scorching the Jedi around him as they were consumed .

Stumbling into the room , Nox looked at the Zakuulan man as he knelt down to the man's side .

" Brother ... you're alive " Arcann looked up to meet Nox's sombre gaze " Mother is already ... "

" I know , Xalek is close too , I can feel him on the surface , There's nobody else " Nox sat down next to Arcann as the alliance base around them continued to shake in explosions .

" What of Lana and .. " Arcann wheezed , Using the force to keep himself alive for a few more precious moments .

" Gone , Lana is sleeping within ... And my son never got to open his eyes " Nox replied as the scarred man looked down .

" A son ... I had a nephew ... " Arcann chuckled lightly , Blood spraying from his lips " may I join ... as Lana has done , I know what awaits me ... and I'm not too keen on eternal damnation ... will you allow me to serve you in death as I did in life , To truly atone "

" I have already added one I hold dear to me already today , I am prepared to add more , I will allow you to do so " Nox replied as he swept his eyes to peer at Arcann once more , A small smile beginning to play on the Zakuulan man's face .

" Thank you ... I am ready .. take it ... my brother " Arcann closed his eyes and awaited his brother's ritual .

" Very well " Once more , Nox reached out with his right arm , Drawing apon dark practices of the force to syphon arcanns remaining life from his body .

Moments later , Nox lowered his arm as the husk of Arcann fell to the side lifelessly , Crumbling to dust moments later as a strong wind blew in .

" It's ... not what I expected " Arcann's ethereal voice echoed as Nox slowly rose to his feet , Now fully healed from his previously sustained damage .

" No I don't think anybody would truly know until it happens " Nox turned to Arcann's form and raised his arms to the apparition , Once more the two of them becoming surrounded by swirling whirlwinds of malevolent energy .

Arcann's ghost exploded into torrents of energy , Bleeding and Snaking through the air as Nox absorbed and bound the man , Adding the man's power to himself .

Silence reigned within the lab as the last motes of energy from Arcann's ghost settled within him , Obrunik simply staring forward as he clenched his knuckles , Pulling Arcann's lightsaber into his grip with the force .

His head snapped to the side as the hurried footsteps sounded at the entrance , An arc of lightning erupting from his fingers despite his hand facing the ground .

Rebounding off the ground and careening towards the entryway , The lightning slammed into the republic troopers , Melting them within their own armours as their hearts exploded in their chests .

Nox steered his determination, Eyes beginning to shimmer purple as a haze of energy began to encircle around him , His hate manifesting ina visual cloud of shimmering red and purple .

A ring of purple formed Infront of him as he made use of thundering blast , Annihilating an arriving Jedi master where he stood .

Continuing unimpeded , Nox stepped over the dead republic troopers without care , Crushing the head of the Jedi master underfoot for good measure before taking a left into the main chamber of the alliance building .

In the hallway leading to the main chamber , Nox found Xalek , Attempting to stand as his bone white mask was caked in his own blood , Patches of blaster fire scorched his outfit as the kaleesh growled in an attempt to keep moving .

" Xalek " Nox's deep voice announced his presence as the kaleesh looked over his shoulder " You're dying "

" Master " Xalek's voice came out as a croak , Stopping and leaning against the wall " I am sorry "

Nox studied his apprentice with a hard gaze , The kaleesh's legs shaking from the strain of forcing himself to stand .

" Will you join with me , I'm not ready to let you go to chaos , But your body is failing ... And I fear without my interference... you would be sent to chaos regardless " Nox asked as the kaleesh seemed to consider his words deeply .

" I will serve in your shadow , My lord " Xalek's legs gave out from under him .

" I accept your servitude my apprentice " Nox's voice came out as a sickening whisper , The voice of a snake whilst he sucked the life out of his own apprentice .

Nox repeated the ritual without issue before continuing onwards through the base , He could feel the radiation from the thermo nuclear bomb assaulting his cellular structure , Stepping into the main chamber he saw a hole was blown in the side of the mountain from the direction of the hanger , The smuggling den had been atomised alongside the entire left southern portion of the mountain , The only surviving structure had been the lab and half of the alliance building up above , they however had been subject to the remaining blast of radiation that tore through the hallways of the building , Annihilating anything within except for those who had the ability to shield themselves .

To his immediate left , The elevator to the surface , He could see Ashara , The dark Jedi had a small smile on her face as she slumped .

' Atleast you got what you wished Ashara ' Beside her was both Talos and andronikos , The three having stood side by side , Ashara shielding them from the nuclear explosion and standing together when the republic had descended apon them ' None of you shall every be forgotten '

He could hear the descent of several capital ships above , The telltale sound of shuttles and the deployment of troops .

" They're coming " Erghast announced , Appearing beside Nox as the man looked upwards .

" An I will give them what they deserve " Nox replied as Kalatosh appeared alongside Arcann and Xalek .

" They ... shall pay for their war mongering ways " Acrann added .

" It is my gods will , they will die " Xalek said as he came to stand beside the others .

" Yes they shall " Nox said as he unclipped his lightsaber and Arcann's own before Leaping up through the elevator shaft.


Dark clouds hung low in the sky as Jedi commander Salem stood tall with her deployed unit . She was a pale green skinned twilek wearing regular brown Jedi robes with battle armour underneath .

Several republic shuttles rapidly descended from their cruisers up above , Soldiers dropped to the ground with several more full of Jedi battle master's , Sentinals , Apprentices and masters .

" Master the alliance has fallen , why do we stand here and wait " Her apprentice said as he came to stand beside her . His name was kat'thor , He also was the classic robes , he was a Zabrak male who stood nearly at the same height as his master even though he was but a teen .

" Even without his alliance , Nox is still a threat , If I don't see his body we will remain until we find it " Salem said as she looked back at the base .

" It's only one person master , If he didn't die in our opening assault then he has surely fled , it would be suicide to face us " The apprentice said arrogantly .

" I'm afraid you may not completely comprehend our situation at the moment my young apprentice " Salem explained to her apprentice as she glared at what remained of the alliance building .

Their conversation was halted however as lightning flashed above them , Red in colour as it's snaked across the horizon ominously.

" So I was right , Ready yourself my apprentice ... this is going to be difficult " Salem watched a lone figure step through the doorway of the alliance base , red lightsaber in his right hand while a yellow lightsaber was clasped in his left .

" You've taken everything from me ... let me do unto you as you have done to me " Nox sneered as the first lien for republic soldiers acknowledged him , Raising their blasters and opening fire .

Arcann's lightsaber flashed upwards as he deflected the first bold , Left for the second and right for the third and fourth . Those four was all they got out as a terrible scream tore from Nox's mouth , Beastial in nature as the ground around him quaked .

The republic units surrounding him were subjected to tormenting illusions as an instinctive fear overcame their rational senses .

While the soldiers cowered , Nox outstretched his arms in opposite directions , Hands facing away .

Both hands made a grasping with his fingers around the hilts of the lightsabers , Nox made a dragging motions towards his chest .

Wails sounded around him as he used a mass drain life technique , Mists of energy bled form the surrounding soldiers , The first fell to the ground and spasmed , The second reached out but met the same fate .

All around him men crumbled , Their lifeforce being added to his own before he arched and spasmed with a groan of ecstacy .

His eyes widened as his pupils left trails of red glowing energy , The hate filled gaze blaring at the nearest Jedi who made eye contact with him , Said Jedi happened to be standing atop one of the two landing platforms on the alliance surface , Their deployment shuttle landed behind them .

" You thought you could win " Nox growled as he raised his left hand to the Jedi apprentice , The girl Quaking as he sneered at her entire battalion .

The girl knew nothing else as a cone of superheated malevolent hatred manifest slammed into her and her soldiers . The red lightning flaked the flesh from her body , Melted the armour of her support units and cooked the very air around them .

The shuttle they came on exploded soon after , Sending shrapnel into the sky and leaving a smoulder crater .

With nothing else on the landing platform , Nox lowered his arm as ozone assaulted his senses , occasional bursts of red lighting arcing across the steel platform .

Other present watched in horror as where the Jedi apprentice stood , She appeared once more as an apparition , She looked at herself in wander , Checking over her arms in curiosity.

" And you shall be the first " Nox outstretched his hand to the newly formed apparition, Dragging her to himself as she rose from the ground and flew towards him .

She stopped mid air as Nox immediately bound her , The girl screaming as she exploded into trails of light and energy .

Looking around , Nox looked up towards the mountain where Jedi and troopers looked down apon him , He looked across the canyon to where there were more opponents and straight across from himself where the rest of the alliance base was full of republic units .

" You can feel it can't you " Nox said as he searched the crowd , Looking over every individual present with a pinning gaze , Before settling on a lone green skinned twilek .

He smirked as he watched her spasm under his gaze , Her apprentice at her side looking uncomfortable.

" The force is not with you here . It is against you , crying for penance and retribution for your actions . You jedi have disobeyed the will of the force, I will be it's instrument to show you your faults before tearing you from this plane of existence " Nox said as the jedi felt his presence in the force for the first time as he removed the haze that hid him .

" What is this " Salem's apprentice said as he threw up what he had in his stomach , Dropping to his knees as chaos erupted throughout their ranks .

" A monster " Salem said as she felt the force around her . It felt warped and twisted , Wrong and corrupted . As she connected with the force she physically recoiled as it attacked her senses , Striking her very soul as the thing she relied on her whole life was used against her .

' I'm gonna die , I'm gonna die , I'm gonna die ' salem's apprentice thought as he fell into despair .

" Now ... for the culling " Nox said as he reignited his lightsaber , coating it in lightning before throwing it at the nearest trooper , shocking those around the trooper with a blast of lightning in the process , calling his blade back from the chest of the first soldier and cutting down another soldier after the first had collapsed.

Nox stopped as he levitated off of the ground , his forearms becoming coated in lightning as he held them out on opposite sides of his body , his eyes glowing purple as he used the power inside of him and the perfect unification of the force around him as it threw itself to his aid , the Nexus's of both the light and dark sides of the force working together with a singular goal as they granted Nox access to the nexus that now fuelled him .

The republic forces were forced to look up at the sky as the gathered clouds darkened , becoming black as lightning sparked across the horizon , terror forming on their faces as they watched the clouds spread over the horizon .

The jedi commander looked up in horror before the screams of her men were heard around the battlefield as bolts of supercharged lightning struck the men , killing them apon impact , some being turned to ash in the process while others burst into flames as their gear melted to their body .

The republic ships that had been circling fell from the skies onto their forces as their electronics failed and short circuited , crashing and combusting apon impact .

" What have we done " An unnamed trooper said before being crushed by falling debris along with his squad .

Salem stood amoungst the chaos , Any form of order having long been lost as fire erupted around her .

She spied her apprentice , The boy reaching for her as his skin melted from his body , Courtesy of the fire currently roaring over his body .

His struggles soon stopped , His skin coagulating below him in a sludge .

An explosion shook the cliffside which she stood , Raising her gaze to see the cruiser she arrived on slam into the mountainside , Bolts of lightning from the sky impacting it over and over as it carved its way across the land .

Meteors fell from the clouds , Slamming into the ground as the sent out shockwaves of debris .

The whole situation was akin to the apocalypse , Rovers of fire dripped down the mountainside thanks to sprayed fuel , Trees burned and crumbled , Falling on men and woman .

All the while the culprit stood across from her , Staring at her with dead eyes that swam with hatred .

" It's amazing isn't it , How quickly one can go from being confident , To having no hope at all " Nox mocked as he stood in the nude , Uncaring of his attire as he motioned to where her apprentice lay dead .

Salem didn't look however , Well aware of her apprentice reappearance as a force ghost .

" You didn't give us a choice " Salem replied as she fumbled with her lightsaber .

" Everyone has a choice , You had a choice to just let it be , The galaxy was thriving under my rule , Yet because it wasn't that gutless , Useless senate ruling , You Jedi had a problem , Despite how happy every system is , Every citizen was happy , Because I don't fit into your ideals , You retaliated , And now ... you try to plead your case , Saying I'm a monster , A tyrant . But tell me , In a single year , I performed miracles that the republic senate and the empire couldnt perform in fifty , Tell me , Am I the monster your order think I am " Nox growled as the force drew around him , A weight settling on Salem's shoulders as it threatened to drag her to her knees .

" Your rule wasn't right , It should be up to the free people's to decide how they live " Salem retorted as Nox gave her an unamused glare .

" It's as I suspected , You don't actually know why they ordered you to stage this siege , Oh well , It's no use explaining anything to the damned anyway . What we will talk about now ..m is you and your men " Nox sneered , Salem igniting her lightsaber at the ready " No , I don't think you'll be needing that "

Her lightsaber was torn from her grip and flew into Nox's awaiting fingers before being crushed into shrapnel and shards in his grasp .

" You see , This was a very important day for me , My son was born , Moments before your men killed him in a blaze of nuclear fire . You killed my wife , My friends and my family , The only people I every truly cared for have now been torn from me . And for that I loathe you , I will force you to live for eternity within me , Every single Jedi present will spend eternity in agony , You will never know peace , You will never be happy , You will never pass on or be one with the force , This is your punishment ... I hope you're ready "

Salem crumbled to her knees as Nox forced her down with a mere wave of his hand , Approaching the twilek with an apathetic gaze ..

She struggled to look up at her to be killer . He hadn't even moved his head to look at her , Simply staring down with his eyes with a look of superiority.

" Now ... you die " His words registered before her vision went white , Her death came instantaneously thanks to a burst of red lightning to the skull that sent brain matter and pieces of skull splattering in all directions .

" Let us begin " Nox said as eight ghost materialised behind him , Each one moving to spread throughout the battle field . Salem herself appeared before Nox with a bewildered look on her face .

" Hello again " Nox said from behind his mask as he thrust his hands forwards , grasping the woman's ghost as he enacted the ritual on her .

" Atleast I won't be the only jedi inhibiting your head now " Kalatosh said as he walked up to the now bound Salem .

" Now for the rest of your jedi " Nox said before moving onto the next slain jedi to bind to himself .

2 hours later .

" It is finished " Nox said as he looked over the corpses , the force being stripped from the jedi and the troopers laying facedown on the ground as useless as they were in life .

" Indeed it is " Came the familiar voice of Darth Marr " But you have another purpose . The force has decided to put you on another journey . One of far more importance than here . With your gift of newfound immortality, the force has a task for you in return " The mask man said as he stood beside Nox .

" And what is that " Nox said as he stared at one of the only beings to still hold his respect .

" That is not for me to tell, but for you to find out " Marr said cryptically as he turned to Nox .

Unexpectedly Nox felt something wrong within him and around him . The nexus around him fluctuating as the force gathered , an ethereal glow of white light forming around the man .

" What ... are you ... doing ... marr " Nox said as he was brought to his knees .

" It is the will of the force . For you gaining the immortality that you sought , you must repay for what was given to you " Marr said as he stared at the force cocooning around Nox .

" MARRRRR " Nox screamed as the energy fluctuated once more before a crack was heard as a shockwave rose over the location , complete silence followed as Marr was the only one left on the planet .

" Maybe one day you'll forgive me " Marr said before disappearing .

And just like that , Nox was presumed dead as his legacy faded into legends . His rule nothing but a rumour as his name became a whisper for historians , the only ones knowing the significance of his name being the jedi and few Sith fortunate enough to find something of his possession .

As time went on so did the war , with the eternal fleet being gone , the sith dying off during their last stand before the republic took control of the galaxy .

It would be roughly 4000 years before the significance of his disappearance would be realised .