

Gripping both lightsabers in his hands , The other two crunching Their knuckles across his chest .

" The holocron given to me by Master Nox depicts this ' Emperor's wrath ' as some unstoppable force , Fueled by rage . He excelled in two subjects , The marauder and the juggernaut. And from the looks of it ... I'll excell in much the same " Athla murmured

" My name is Tal'eriel , I was once brought before the emperor and selected to be his wrath , A unique position given to me because of my undeniable power , My knowledge and use of the Darkside of the force . Now , I serve along the eternal alliance and the empire as an enforcer and a voice amongst the crowd who decides the fate of many . I am not naive , I know my time draws near ,The next few years will be my last . And with no spouse or apprentice , I choose to leave all my knowledge in these sets of holocron's " The hulking pureblood explained as the first of his holocron's explained and continued on with his life story which took place through the halls of korriban .

Athla'giroth itself took the knowledge given by the holocrons with a deep seeded hunger for the knowledge it had within.


Shmi , Anakin , Kanya along with Qui-gon and Padme sat around the estate as the staff walked throughout the house and often went up to everyone throughout the house to ask if they needed anything .

" While we wait , Tell me Kanya , What trouble brings you here " Shmi asked from the living room as she and Kanya sat on a comfily on a large couch .

" Well from why I have heard and gather ... "


Sitting within the council room on theed , The Queen along with Kanya , Captain typho and the other hand maidens sat and stood opposite of Nute gunray and other members of the Trade Federation ." Gunray , why have you called for this meeting between us , And why do you occupy our system unjustly " The Queen asked stoicly glared at the green skinned alien ." Your majesty , Over the years we have graciously allowed your system to syphon off resources and man power from my fellow company men , It pains me to admit that my people have come into hard times , We ask you to sign this treaty to allow us to have back a meager portion and faith from your systems to keep us on our feet and survive " Gunray paced as the queen looked over the data pad before a worse scowl made its way onto her face ." You ... want a work force of nabuian's to work apon your ships and mines , To use our resources and you expect us to just allow you to roll us over and take us from behind " The Queen growled out as she looked at the steep costs being requested by the Trade Federation ." Your majesty , I believe you are being unreasonable , My company has been more than generous to you , All we ask is for this small amount in return " Gunray reasoned as his holo unit pinged ." Please ... give it some thought " Gunray asked before turning and shuffling off to answer the call .

With Gunray leaving the room , Typho and the councilers started arguing amoungst each other , The Queen herself remaining silent as the white paint apon her young face , A troubled expression marring her face ." Your majesty , I am of the belief we should wait until the Jedi sent by the republic , We should wait until they sooth over the federations demands " Sio bibble reasoned as The Queen slowly nodded .Kanya herself , The most well informed person other than the queen herself in the room stepped forward and whispered into the young queen's ear ." The Jedi representatives have been brought into their meeting room several rooms and a floor above us , Nute gunray should be speaking with them soon " Kanya relayed as the cybernetics hidden beneath her creamy skin kept her up to date on all events within the city of theed .The Queen nodded slowly as Kanya's right pupil dialated as the security feed within theed came into view and she started sifting through camera theeds along with the audio playing within her mind ." What am I to do , I do not believe she will sign the treaty , Give me guidance " Gunray asked as he appeared apon screen , talking to a hooded figure shown apon a spider like holo ." Have faith , The Queen is not naive or stupid enough not to sign it , She is aware of her position and the toll her people have taken apon your own , Have faith and all shall be right " The hooded figure stated before cutting transmission , Gunray himself standing silent for minutes as he contemplated .

" Master ... something isn't right here " Obi Wan Kenobi stated as the robed man sat together and waited , The younger man looked to his master for guidance ." Have more faith in the force my young apprentice , The force will guide us and show us what it requires us to do , Through it we are safe . And unless told otherwise , We remain " Qui-gon stated as the remained seated , Them unable to but Kanya's own hearing picking up on multiple audio anomalies from within both the throne room , and the rooms holding the three other people .

Almost on que , Kanya leapt forward , Shocking many within the room as she slid under the front of the queen's chair , Dragging her fingers under the rim of the seat . She pulled out what appeared to be a rapidly flashing red dome like contraption , The hand maiden rushing to the nearest window , Using all her might as she lobbed it into the sky .

Qui-gon's eyes widened as he dragged Obi-Wan towards him , Holding his arms up and releasing a force push , The table at which they sat hurling at the wall across from them , The explosive connected to it flying through the window along with the table .

Nute Gunray , In his almost infinite luck had closed the door to the room behind him and made to speak to the Jedi , Only to have the door behind him blast off of its hinges , Burning his robes in the process as he was left on the floor in pain .The droids around him rushing to his side as he made his way from the room to get to his reinforcements .

Kanya sighed in relief as the handmaidens , The guards and even the councellers picking themselves up from the ground as Kanya lowered her arms from the side of the throne , Having placed herself between the queen and the explosion which blasted the side of the building ." What is the meaning of this " Sio bibble growled out as he came to stand , Glaring around the room as Typho ran to the queen , Looking greatfully towards Kanya whom nodded and moved to protect the queen further .

Across the city , The citizens and official body thought the droids had attacked their home , Whilst the droids moved to subdue any threat to their creators . A skirmish taking place throughout the city as confusion was at an all time high , The massive ship in orbit deploying it's droids with haste .

Droids bursting into the throne room as Gunray proudly marched into the room , Head held high as he surrounded everyone within with atleast three droids per person ." Your majesty , Calm your people , We must find the perpetrator behind this attack , Fighting is not necessary " Gunray reasoned as the Queen grew alarmed and opened a city wide holo , Requesting her people to lower their weapons and stay calm .

" Master ... are you okay " Obi-Wan asked as he helped his master too his feet ." The Queen , She's in danger . We need to get her to safety " Qui-gon stated as he took out his lightsaber and slowly made his way out of the room , Followed by Obi-Wan who took out his own and followed quietly .

Nute Gunray quickly left the room to head towards his shuttle to maintain the orbital ship .The Jedi avoiding detection as they slipped between new droid patrols and made their way towards the queen .Kanya eyed each of the droids within the room , Faint sparks appearing within her pointer fingers and thumbs , However she calmed herself and reigned in her emotions , Appearing invisible in the force as she had been for years as the Jedi neared .Hearing the snap hiss of two lightsabers , All the occupants of the room looked at the entrance as Qui-gon and and Obi-Wan rushed in and started dismantling the droids , The guards grabbing their weapons and unloading thier clips into what droids weren't currently being dismembered .As the last droid hit the floor , Qui-gon surveyed the room before deactivating his and clipping it to his belt .


" And then , There was this weird kinda let down of a space skirmish , I took down three of their ships but we were damaged in the process of trying to get through the blockade and the damaged hyperdrive made a blind jump , Next thing you know ... we're tumbling through the atmosphere , trying to regain control and land a fair bit away from Mos Eisley "

Shmi herself listened with rapt attention as Kanya explained , A sad look apon her face as she grew worried for her adoptive daughter .

" My Kanya, that sounds worrying , if you need any assistance , please ask . I may not be capable of much , but me , ani and cliegg are more than happy to help " Shmi said as Kanya raised an eyebrow .

" cliegg, who is cliegg " Kanya asked , but before Shmi could answer , A maid walked into the room , Notifying them that dinner was ready and served .

" Master cliegg has also returned from the farms " The maid stated as Kanya maintained a neutral look before side glancing Shmi and making to go to the dining room and meet this cliegg , Several thoughts and plans coming into her head .