
Darkly Devoted

The world had gone to hell long before I was born, it had been taken over by the vampire race. To keep some sort of peace in our land, the Vampire Lords made a consecutive agreement. The rich and powerful humans could survive just as they had been, untouched by the vampires save for the occasional blood collections, or so they were led to believe. In reality, we are all under their control. Castles spread out throughout our land, one landing in each city. Each castle varied in the number of vampires residing there, but all of them carried a Lord. The Lords were the ones in charge of every city, whether we liked it or not. The vampires often roam through the city, making sure that everyone was in order and no one stepped out of line. If you stepped out of line, you die, end of story. The men were to be put to work as slaves, whether that meant serving a specific vampire, or just building their castles, they were slaves. The women were to be pets. Pets were the lowest rank you could have. Pets were treated like animals, trained into what their master wanted, and punished if they misbehaved. Those who were lucky enough to live through that, were to be slaughtered for their blood at age twenty-five in an act to make sure that our population would stay under control. I was born into this world. Born into this world full of blood-sucking monsters. Except, i was one of the lucky ones. It all ended for me when I was 14. Ever since then, I've lived in a cage, just rotting away, waiting, dreading for the day that some creature of the night would make me his. This is my life. I am a pet. This is my story.

Amelia_Blackmore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Chapter six

I couldn't keep my eyes from wandering once we entered the castle. It was so much bigger on the inside, large chandeliers here and there, golden window frames with large red curtains, and a high ceiling.

We passed a gigantic room with a large table, which I'm guessing would be the dining room.

There were bloodsuckers in every direction, some with pets, some with slaves, some with both. I met eyes with a couple of pets as we made our way down the corridor. They were all dressed so differently. Some had a total set of clothes, while some were practically naked.

Master didn't seem to care at all about the other Vampires glancing his direction, and then at me. It made me nervous. I kept my head down for the rest of the walk, figuring I could look around later.

Or maybe I'd be dead by then.

After a few turns and a couple of sets of spiral stairs later, Master stopped in front of a very tall door. This hallway was, with other hallways branching off horizontally every 100 or so feet, giving each room it's individual space.

He placed his thumb on the little black box above the door handle before a small click was heard, and he opened the door.

I gawked as soon as I stepped foot into the room. It was huge.

A very spacious bed stood pressed against the wall, its sheets a dark shade of maroon. On the left was a large window with the same color curtains, following a set of fancy, light gray couches surrounding a glass coffee table.

To the right was a wide desk, with tons of organized files and papers, and next to that was a very tall bookshelf.

There were two other doors, smaller than the first one. One, I'm guessing, would be the bathroom, and the other one… Maybe a closet?

I turned my head to the left again and paused as I saw the thing sitting in the corner. A cage. It didn't look that much bigger than the one I've lived in for the past five years. I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat as I spotted the whip, muzzle, and a couple of other things that were usually used on pets sitting on top of it.

I jumped out of my thoughts as I felt his fingers graze against my neck. My head turned to see him lean down a bit, so he could get a better look.

I just watched in a nervous confusion as he slipped the collar from around my neck.

My muscles tensed as his fingers began to trace where my old collar used to be, a slight pain radiating from it.

"We'll have to fix this." His husky voice said, still looking at my neck.

I just continued to stare, not knowing what else to do, or what I should do.

Fix what? The mark on my neck, or the fact that it hasn't had a set of fangs buried into it before?

The later one seemed more logical.

He removed his hand from my neck and leaned up, making his way over to the desk. I just stood there, unsure of what to do.

"Dinner is in 30 minutes, so go ahead and take a shower," He said, setting my collar and leash on the desk, "I'll have some clothes ready for you by the time you get out, just set the ones you have on now on the sink."

My eyes went wide. I didn't think Masters let their pets shower, at least, a lot of the pets here didn't look like they had.

"You remember how to work a shower, right?" He asked, turning his head towards me.

I only nodded. It had been a while, but I was confident that I could figure it out.

I cautiously made my way towards the bathroom. Master opened the door, gesturing me in.

"There's a box in their full of things you can use. Come on out when you're done."

My eyes furrowed in confusion. He was oddly nicer then he was earlier.

Maybe not nicer, but just… Calmer, I guess.