
Darkly Devoted

The world had gone to hell long before I was born, it had been taken over by the vampire race. To keep some sort of peace in our land, the Vampire Lords made a consecutive agreement. The rich and powerful humans could survive just as they had been, untouched by the vampires save for the occasional blood collections, or so they were led to believe. In reality, we are all under their control. Castles spread out throughout our land, one landing in each city. Each castle varied in the number of vampires residing there, but all of them carried a Lord. The Lords were the ones in charge of every city, whether we liked it or not. The vampires often roam through the city, making sure that everyone was in order and no one stepped out of line. If you stepped out of line, you die, end of story. The men were to be put to work as slaves, whether that meant serving a specific vampire, or just building their castles, they were slaves. The women were to be pets. Pets were the lowest rank you could have. Pets were treated like animals, trained into what their master wanted, and punished if they misbehaved. Those who were lucky enough to live through that, were to be slaughtered for their blood at age twenty-five in an act to make sure that our population would stay under control. I was born into this world. Born into this world full of blood-sucking monsters. Except, i was one of the lucky ones. It all ended for me when I was 14. Ever since then, I've lived in a cage, just rotting away, waiting, dreading for the day that some creature of the night would make me his. This is my life. I am a pet. This is my story.

Amelia_Blackmore · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter five

I didn't even know what to say.

"Name?" He finally spoke.

Pets were never really given names, it has always been up to their master to decide.

"Whatever you want it to be, Ma-"

"No." He cut me off harshly, making me flinch.

He sighed in frustration.

"You were a rogue, right?" He asked.

"I was," I replied shamefully.

It was my dad's idea to leave the city in the first place. I didn't even want to leave.

"So what was your name before you got captured?"

I blinked at him. It had been so long that I had to think about it for a second.

"Ember," I said.

He thought my answer over.

"Ember." He repeated, like he was tasting it on his tongue, "I like it."

I didn't know whether I should be happy about that or not. Master glanced out the window as the car slowed to a stop, his hands reaching inside of the bag.

I also shifted my gaze to the window, gawking as I laid eyes on the castle before me. The sun reflected ever so slightly against its many windows and dark bricks.

It was just so big.

Much bigger then I remember it being as a

little girl. I guess, a big city to run causes for a big castle full of bloodsuckers to run it.

I froze as I turned back around, laying eyes on what Master has in his hands.

A collar and a leash to match.

They looked like a matching set, both being icy blue with a golden buckle or clasp.

I swallowed hard as his hands began to move closer, shutting my eyes in anticipation. I stayed as still as possible as he wrapped it around my neck, only tightening it to the second hole.

"Is that loose enough?" He asked, causing me to open my eyes.

That's it? That was all he was going to tighten it to? I'm pretty sure I could actually fit two of my fingers in all the extra space.

"U-uh yea." I stuttered out.

He nodded, clipping the leash onto the clasp before opening the door. I followed him out of the car before he could yank me out. My eyes widened once again as they laid on the very impressive gate that surrounded the castle, and the Vampire and slave boy that was guarding it.

The slave didn't look any younger than me.

Master stopped in front of the gate, meeting eyes with the guard.

"New pet?" The guard asked, looking towards me.

Master only nodded.

The guard smirked as the slave began to open the large gate.

"She's a pretty little one." He sneered, making my stomach turn.

I swallow the lump in my throat before following Master through the gates.

The slave boy bowed his head as we passed.

"Welcome home, Sir Nicolas."