
Darkhound: Enthroned in Shadows

In an underworld hidden beneath normality, evolved humans with extraordinary abilities live among regular people without being noticed. Some use their powers for good, while others give in to darker desires. Led by an ancient council, these evolved beings maintain a delicate balance between their responsibilities and blending in with human society. Meet Lee Ju-hee, once a promising medical student who becomes entangled in a violent conflict with dangerous gangs. Betrayed and left for dead, she hides for four years in the countryside. When her cousin, Park Min-ho, moves to the city, her thirst for revenge reignites. Lee Ju-hee embarks on a dangerous journey to confront those who harmed her. Entering this world of crime bosses and powerful individuals, she faces challenges and a very conservative council that wants her, a disruptor of the established order, eliminated. As she delves deeper, she must face her own darkness to achieve her goals, and adopts the moniker Darkhound, a name that symbolizes her cunning and menacing presence. Now thrust into a heart-pounding tale of battling insurmountable foes, including one who blurs the line between love and vengeance, Lee Ju-hee's survival and rise to power depend on navigating this unfamiliar realm — one that far surpasses her natural abilities. Prepare to be enraptured by an irresistible maelstrom of intrigue, as Lee Ju-hee's electrifying journey propels you into a realm where secrets, shadows, and extraordinary powers converge, where the line between light and darkness is blurred, and where the fate of one remarkable woman holds the key to it all. *** The wheels of karma were set in motion the moment the table flipped. *** [Mature Content: R-18+] Warning: This book contains explicit content, including violence, sexual situations, and strong language. Readers’ discretion is advised. *** Cover Credit: @Nowaii Ai

Aramis_Queen · Fantasy
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46 Chs

. Second Collision

[L]ee Ju-hee's heart raced as she hurried through the bustling streets. As, she reached the entrance of the club, she took a deep breath, bracing herself before pushing open the heavy doors and stepping inside.

The dim lighting, pulsating music, and heavy stench of liquor assaulted her senses, triggering painful memories of the night she had been abducted.

With a fierce gaze, she scanned the room, desperately searching for Shin Ha-eun. Her eyes widened when she spotted her trainee sitting at a corner table, surrounded by empty glasses and bottles.

Shin Ha-eun looked disheveled, her tear-soaked face revealing that she had been through a tough time. Though Lee Ju-hee's attention momentarily flickered to the guy in her company, she didn't dwell on it, her focus solely on her friend's well-being.

"Ha-eun!" Lee Ju-hee's voice rang out firmly as she rushed to her friend's side.

Shin Ha-eun looked up with bleary eyes and managed a weak smile. "U-unnie? Hehe… You came?"

Lee Ju-hee's expression turned serious as she leaned in, inspecting her trainee carefully. She noticed a couple of marks on Shin Ha-eun's neck that looked like hickeys, and some scratches that raised concern.

"What happened, Ha-eun? Why did you even come here?" Lee Ju-hee asked.

In her drunken state, Shin Ha-eun hugged onto Lee Ju-hee's waist for comfort. "I… I wanted to forget… forget him! Unnie? Why can't I?"

"Who are you talking about?" Lee Ju-hee's gaze shifted to the guy sitting on the other side of the table.

It was then that realization hit her. He was the same stranger from the other night, though he looked slightly different with the makeup and his hair pushed back messily. Yet, he exuded the same deadly attractiveness that had drawn her in before.

From the sight of it, Yoo Jin-ho seemed to have come to the same realization, his face mirroring Lee Ju-hee's own thoughts.

"J-Jo Kwang!" Shin Ha-eun's voice cracked as she interrupted the chaotic thoughts assaulting Lee Ju-hee's mind. She whined harder, seeking solace in her unnie's arms, "He broke up with me…."

Lee Ju-hee's eyes narrowed with bitterness as she assumed the stranger from the other night was probably 'Jo Kwang'.

She directed her attention to him, demanding answers, "What did you do to her?"

Yoo Jin-ho, who had just snapped out of his daze, responded firmly, "Nothing!"

His gaze met Lee Ju-hee's with a hint of defensiveness, but there seemed to be sincerity in his denial.

Yoo Jin-ho had been captivated by her presence the moment she walked in.

As she'd approached their booth, intending to help her friend, he caught a whiff of her refreshing scent mingled with the strong aroma of dye and shampoo. But what truly made him recognize her was the mole on the left corner of her lower lip and her pair of deep blue eyes, accentuated by dark circles.

She was the same woman he had encountered that other night.

Back then, he had no doubt that she looked attractive underneath that mask. But now, with the added touch of white hair-dye, she looked dangerously mesmerizing.

Like an idol or an immortal descended from heaven.

"She solicited my service for tonight!" Yoo Jin-ho asserted, trying to regain his composure after a brief pause. His eyes involuntarily flickered down to her lips for a moment before he forced himself to meet her gaze again. "It would seem that she's been through a tough breakup!"

"Hah! I see!" Lee Ju-hee's tone carried harshness as she glared at Yoo Jin-ho. However, she quickly shifted her focus back to Shin Ha-eun, gently stroking her hair and speaking soothingly, "It's okay, we all go through this… let me take you home, alright?"

"…hmm!" Shin Ha-eun simply hummed, tightening her grip around Lee Ju-hee's waist. Her eyes were closed, and she seemed to be drifting into a state of sleepiness.

"Hey? Need some help in here?" Another guy with red-dyed hair, accompanied by a black-haired man with a bruised face, walked in on them.

"No need!" Lee Ju-hee declined their offer, placing an envelope on the table. "This should be enough to settle the bill."

The red-haired guy, introduced himself and his friend, eagerly reaching for the envelope. "The host's name is Flame and this is Scarlet, at your service! I'm guessing you already met Poison!"

He flashed Lee Ju-hee a flirty grin after inspecting the money, but her response was one of visible disgust. Her face contorted with severity, and her brows twitched slightly.

Then nodding in acknowledgment, she responded, "Yes, we've met."

Scarlet, the black-haired guy, gave her a small nod of respect, recognizing her as one of Poison's potential client.

"I'll be taking my leave if there's no…"

An unexpected grip on her left wrist interrupted her midway, his thoughts and emotions flooding her.

'How unexpected… didn't think I would see her again!' Yoo Jin-ho's thoughts carried a hint of astonishment and amusement.

"Hey, man? What are you doing?" Scarlet asked, his expression showing clear surprise, and Flame seemed equally taken aback by Jin-ho's unexpected grip on her wrist.

Ignoring his friends' reactions, Jin-ho's gaze fixed on Lee Ju-hee, a sexy smirk playing on his lips. "What did you do to your hair?" he asked, trying to hold onto her as best as he could.

At this point, Lee Ju-hee had already reached a conclusion about his situation. He was probably a host working at this club, eyeing her as his next target, just like he did a week back.

Gritting her teeth, she slapped his hand away, shocking all three men. "Filthy! Don't touch me!"

"W-what's that…"

"I'm saying, keep your filthy hand to yourself!" She spat with such bitterness that even the drowsy Shin Ha-eun woke up, staring wide-eyed at her unnie's outburst.

"U-unnie? W-why would you…" Shin Ha-eun stammered, not understanding the full situation.

"Ha-eun, can you walk?" Lee Ju-hee questioned sternly, and Shin Ha-eun felt somewhat intimidated.

She had never seen or felt such hostility from her unnie before. She nodded hesitantly, replying, "Yes."

"Then let's go!"

"W-wait!" Jin-ho attempted again, trying to catch onto her sleeve. He knew how much she hated skin contact, so perhaps that was why she had reacted that way.

Lee Ju-hee casted a dark glare his way and hissed, "I asked you not to touch me!"

"I… yes! My apologies!" Jin-ho sincerely apologized.

Han-sol and Flame both exchange a few awkward glances among themselves.

Jin-ho knew how to apologize?

His gaze softened as he again attempted patiently, "can we talk?!"

"What for? Are you trying to make me one of your many conquests or something?"


"I knew you were scum already for trying to take advantage of me the other night! But right now, whatever you're trying to do won't work on me!"

"I… I wasn't…" Jin-ho stammered, clearly caught off guard by Lee Ju-hee's aggressive response.

"I don't need an explanation! Tsk… your kind disgusts me! Filth at its finest!" Lee Ju-hee's words cut through him, shattering whatever remained of his pride.

Scarlet, wanting to defend his friend, was stopped by Jin-ho, who gestured for him to stay silent.

"I wasn't trying to turn you into one of my… clients! I was just…" There was a slight pause as Jin-ho struggled to find the right words. Eventually, he sighed in resignation and continued, "I apologize for the other night! It was nice seeing you again!"

His apology seemed sincere, but Lee Ju-hee wasn't ready to let go so easily. Her eyes still held a mix of irritation and distrust, and she simply turned away from him, focusing on supporting Shin Ha-eun, who was struggling to stand on her own.

Without another word, Lee Ju-hee guided Shin Ha-eun toward the exit, leaving Jin-ho behind with a lot to contemplate.

"I'll escort them out," Flame suggested before following behind them.

As Jin-ho watched 'her' and Shin Ha-eun walk away, escorted by Flame, a sense of regret gnawed at him.

He knew that someone like him, working as a host, would never be worthy of someone as strong and principled as her. He had desired something he could never have, and it was time to come to terms with that.

Scarlet, seeing the mix of emotions in his friend's eyes, approached him with concern. "Jin-ho, man? You alright?"

Jin-ho nodded, trying to compose himself. "Yeah, I'll be fine."

"What was that all about? Did you know her?" Scarlet inquired.

"It's a long story," Jin-ho replied simply, his gaze still fixed on Lee Ju-hee as she disappeared from sight, slipping through his fingers once again.


A/N: Officially Introducing Lee Ju-hee's new look: