

Anne is gonna be the villain in this story her jealousy and love for Luke will ruin her family and her life . The fact that she's always been starved for love all her life will only build her resentment. Everything's fair in love and war right? Even killing your elder step-sister who plans on stealing the man of your dreams ...again!

SuvCestLaVie · Urban
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10 Chs


"How is Anne?" He had taken off his suit jacket, his shirt did little to nothing to hide his muscles and he was freaking hot. Get a hold of yourself Sandra, this man frolicked with your daughters. In her defense, there was no law that said she couldn't admire a good thing when she saw one right? Even if the 'good thing' once belonged to her daughter.

"She's surviving." I gritted. Then Femi chuckled, he sure must find this funny.

"Femi what exactly do you want?" He stood up then he walked up to me.

"How is Stella?"

"Oh for the love of God! Stop asking about my daughters, they don't want to have anything to do with you and neither do I. So it's best we stop this nonsense and get to work." My breathing became heavier and my robe was loosely tied. I could feel it slipping but I was past caring now because I was so angry. I had been having a bad day and now this?

Femi just kept looking at me and saying nothing. He kept looking at me and I followed where his eyes were and I found out he was looking at the slit of the robe between my legs. Femi was definitely tripping.

He knew I knew and didn't care so he walked closer to me. I didn't know why I moved backwards so he took a step forward and I took another one backwards. What was he up to? This went on till my back was against the wall and I found my hands on his chest, so i pushed him away from me.

"What do you want Femi?" His eyes were staring into mine, I could see that he was as confused as I was, acting purely on instincts.

His breath was uneven and he swallowed loudly. Did I still have the power to do this to a man? A younger one for that matter? If not what the hell was wrong with this one?

"Sandra, I ...I came here to ask about Anne, it's been so long since I've heard from her." His lips were very close to mine as he spoke. Wait...did he just call me by first name?

"I heard she had an accident. I wanted to call but no one would give me her number." he kept staring at my lips and my body began to react. The attention he was giving was intense and I'm human, my body needed that too.

"Anne's fine, she's better...it wasn't something serious. Now that you know please leave." My body was screaming for me to pull him closer but my head refused. No matter how horny I was, this was man that broke my daughter's heart and caused a drift between siblings. I pushed him away. He walked to where he kept his suit jacket, picked it up and made for the door. He said nothing, he just went on walking then he opened the door....arghhhhh!!! I must be going mad but I couldn't let him go like that .

"Femi, wait!" He turned around almost immediately, as if waiting for me to call his name. His lips curved upwards in a sexy smile then he shut the door, reached me in three long strides and began kissing me. His lips demanded I open up and I did, his tongue swept in he began sucking on my lower lip and I couldn't help but moan.

** Femi's POV**

Finally, I was kissing this woman. I felt like screaming out my happiness to the whole world. I never understood my craving for this woman, since the first day i had seen her with Stella I wanted her. She was so beautiful and graceful in every inch.

I kissed her deeply, driving my tongue against hers, leaving her no choice than to respond. She had these breathy moans that were making me lose my mind. I had always imagined this moment and I have always prayed it would happen so soon. I just didn't know how to approach the matter.

I mean how would I have been able to tell Anne I was interested in her mother? Anne didn't want her mother around and Sandra was always with Stella, so I decided to woo Stella instead. With Stella around, I could easily get to see Sandra whenever I wanted to. Who knew Stella would have a big mouth and tell Anne.

Well that didn't matter now, I was with Sandra and I was going to make the most of it . My hands began roaming her body, caressing, pressing, squeezing. She was so soft and I wanted to bite her skin.

I leaned in to bite her neck, Sandra held my upper arms as she leaned backwards giving me better access to her neck then I untied the belt of her robe with my left hand so she was naked underneath then I leaned back to take a good look at her. I was speechless, how was it possible that she looked so good at that age?

My eyes raked over her body, taking in every detail. She had a tattoo of a flower on her right shoulder so I kissed it then I bit it lightly. I carried her to the bed and threw her into it. I had no notion of being gentle, I had craved this moment for a long time to be a gentleman. I was going to do whatever I wanted. I loosened my neck tie then I bent her arms towards her back and tied her hands together. Sandra's eyes darkened and I could tell she liked being tied.

I took off my clothes quickly then Sandra's eyes were drawn to my cock, her eyes went wide when I turn to face her, then I let out a soft chuckle. I had always been told that I was very endowed.

I walk to the bed and Sandra was seated at the edge with her hands tied to the back. I put my cock into her mouth then Sandra tried to take it all in but she couldn't so she slobbered all over it, licking and making slurpy noises. I held her by her hair and forced my cock into her mouth. I was barely half in when she began to choke. Her eyes were red from choking so I pull out whilst watching her reaction.

Then she licked her lips while looking up at me with dark under eyelids. She liked it rough, exactly how I wanted it. I smiled and forced my cock into her mouth again whilst holding her hair then I made her head bob on my dick repeatedly. Her eyes began to tear up and her skin was flushed scarlett.

"Are you wet Sandra?" I asked her then she nodded her head with my large cock in her mouth. She kept sucking it or at least tried to and she could hardly do anything with her mouth full. Her mouth made a pop sound as I pulled my cock out then she looked at me, she was hurt.

Then I chuckled because she was so pretty. I leaned in to kiss her and she responded quickly by biting my lower lip and drawing blood for some reason I did not mind. My fingers found their way into her pussy then i slipped two fingers in easily. She was so wet that her juices ran down my arms, fuck!

Then I moved my fingers slowly leaving Sandra to moan inside my mouth. I finger-fucked her faster then I gradually began adding other fingers. Her head fell back and her eyes were closed. She bit her lower lip to cease her from moaning out loud. Then I bent my head to lick her clit. I flicked my tongue over it slowly then Sandra head fell on the bed.

She arched her back like a strung bow. She was so flexible that one of her legs came up and was wrapped around my neck, pulling me deeper into her cunt. My fingers kept moving up and down and very fast this time. Shortly, I took her clit into my mouth, sucking it like my life depended on it. Soon, Sandra began quivering, moaning a little bit louder now. Then she cried out, shudders and then went limp.